The latest DLC for Destiny 2: Forsaken has just been released, here's the list of exotic weapons, armor and ghosts, their perks and how to get them!
Il September 4th the new DLC of Destiny 2 which we remember being among the games given for free this month to season ticket holders PlayStation Plus, so we advise you to redeem it. The Renegades along with new modes, new explorable places, new raids, subclasses and so on, adds to the beautiful universe created by Bungie different weaponry ed armature exotic, along with new ghosts, we see together what they are and how to get them!

the Devil of the Trinity
Exotic Weapons - Destiny 2: Forsaken
Combat Bows
There are two exotic fighting bows in this DLC:
Trinity Demon: this very powerful weapon arc energy that exploits primary ammunition creating electric storm arrows every time you make an accurate shot, this makes her deadly against bosses.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Split Electron: the arrow splits after being fired.
Dragon Slayer: this bow is a kinetic weapon that allows you to see through walls which means it is perfect for PVP.
- How to get it: it will be obtainable through an exotic search in the Raid.
- Special skill, Wrath of the Queen: allows you to see enemies through walls if stretched to the maximum.

Ace of Spades
Portable Cannons
Also the portable cannons present in "Forsaken" are two:
Ace of Spades: this hand cannon is the weapon kinetics used by Cayde-6 and exploits primary ammunition. One of the special features is the fact that the radar remain active even when aiming.
- How to get it: through afirm provided by Banshee-44.
- Special skill, Memento Mori: if it is reloaded after a kill, more powerful than normal ammo will be placed in the magazine.
Bad behavior: weapon kinetics that uses ammunition primary.
- How to get it: through afirm mode Venture, obtainable from Ramingo.
- Special skill, Explosive Shadow: if you can, he has to place 5 accurate shots in a row will fire a shot which will generate a massive explosion.
Cerberus + 1
Cerberus +1: quest’kinetic weapon it's a automatic rifle that exploits primary ammunition.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Four-headed dog: It allows shoot bullets from all four rods of the weapon.
Fendi-where: this laser rifle it's a'energy weapon performing vacuum damage and exploits special ammunition.
- How to get it: This shotgun is only obtainable on PS4 through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special Ability, Harmonic Laser: Laser damage is divided into three different levels of power, however, it manages to do a lot of damage even at the lowest level.

Lord of the Wolves
Here are the shotguns featured in the expansion:
Lord of the Wolves: this is a energy weapon performing sun damage is uses special ammunition.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Launch shrapnel: Solar damage booster that allows you to inflict massive damage with a series of rapt short-range hits.
Companion: weapon kinetics that consumes special ammunition.
- How to get it: through aexotic enterprise da Amanda holliday.
- Special skill, Precision Slug: shoot one single precision slug.

Black Claw
Destructive Weapons
Black Claw: this sword it's a'destructive weapon what causes vacuum damage and uses heavy ammunition, in addition to inflicting melee damage, it has a gem: it can unleash a killing blow of arc energy on a nearby target.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Wings of the Raven: free a kill shot on a nearby target.
Volpe a Due Code: this rocket launcher it's a'destructive weapon that inflicts vacuum damage and uses heavy ammunition. The name is given by its special ability.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Twin tails: launches two rockets at the same time, generating a wider blast radius than usual.
Thousand Voices: this fusion rifle it's a'solar destructive weapon which uses heavy ammunition.
- How to get it: through afirm by“Last Wish” raid.
- Special skill, Eye of the Ahamkara: emits a explosive ray of solar energy, devastating any enemy that meets its path.
Breaker: this rifle a linear fusion it's a'destructive weapon that inflicts arc damage and uses heavy ammunition.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Conductor rifle: is capable of firing a accurate shot, long-range capable of blind your enemies.
Exotic Armor for the Titan - Destiny 2: Forsaken
One-eye mask: helmet exotic for the Titan.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special Ability, Revenge: When an enemy damages a Titan wearing this mask, the enemy comes marked and if defeated, the Titan gets a increased damage and an additional shield.

One-eye mask
Ursa Furiosa: exotic gloves for the Titan.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Orsina Guard: allow Titans to move faster while even with Sentinel's Shield. Damage taken turns into superenergy.

Ursa Furiosa
Heart of the Inner Light: exotic chest for the Titan.
- How to get it: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Overflowing light: use grenade, melee or barricade skills increases damage and stamina. During the buff, the next skill used has a faster regeneration time.

Heart of the Inner Light
Guards of Antaeus: exotic boots for the Titan.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Reflective fans: allow the Titans to reflect bullets coming when they slip. Any reflected projectile turns into superenergy.

Guards of Antaeus
Exotic Warlock Armor - Destiny 2: Forsaken
Rocca Controversa: exotic gloves for the Sorcerer.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Chaotic Exchanger: With these gloves, using one of the grenade abilities (Accelerating Chaos, Manual Supernova, or Power the Void) will grant damage resistance and charged grenade shots will return a random amount of grenade energy.

Rocca Controversa
Chromatic Fire: exotic chest for the Sorcerer.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Crystalline transistorKinetic precision kills will cause player subclass element explosions.

Chromatic Fire
Protocol of the Phoenix: exotic chest for the Sorcerer.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Hearth of Battle: Grants Super Energy based on any kill or assist done in the Source of Radiance.

Protocol of the Phoenix
Geomagnetic stabilizers: exotic boots for the Sorcerer.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Close enough: se la super Wave of Chaos is almost full, these boots will help to finish filling it if you sprint, plus if you damage enemies with this super its duration increases.

Geomagnetic stabilizers
Exotic Hunter armor - Destiny 2: Forsaken
Fragments of Galanor: exotic gloves for the Hunter.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Sharp Cuts: Exotic Gloves are all focused on the new subclass of the Gunman, Sharp barrage. Any hit or kill with Sharp Barrage will return Super Energy after using it.

Fragments of Galanor
Oath: exotic gloves for the Hunter.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Adamantine Sicura: makes the arches load faster, and the arches can be stretched indefinitely.

Tunic of the Gwishin: exotic chest for the Hunter.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Wandering Assassin: Grants great super energy after every kill with Spectral blades before returning to stealth mode.

Tunic of the Gwishin
The sixth Coyote: exotic chest for the Hunter.
- How to get them: through the Exotic Engrams.
- Special skill, Double Dodge: allows you to perform a double dodge.

The Sixth Coyote
Destiny 2: Forsaken Exotic Specters
The spectra present in this DLC are 4, all obtainable through the Luminous Engrams seasonalOverturned and are:
- Shroud of Sanctified Watch;
- Shell of the Tyrant;
- Involucro S.T.I.L.E.T.T.O;
- Casing of Unmatched Precision.
These are all the exotic weapons, armor and specters featured in Destiny 2: The Renegades, have you already managed to find any of these objects? We remind you that Destiny 2 is available for: Ps4, PC and Xbox ONE. For more guides or news about Destiny 2 and other video games keep an eye on Holygamerz!