Also this week on Destiny 2 the seller of exotic weapons, armor and engrams has arrived: Xur, let's see together what he offers us
And also this week the most anticipated seller of Destiny 2: xur, that will sell the famous exotic items from September 28th to October 1st, day of the weekly reset, in the Tower Hangar (image of the exact location below).
The items on sale by Xur for this final week of September are as follows:
- Dirty Business (Exotic Auto Rifle - 29 Legendary Shards)
- Aeonic surge (Exotic Hunter Gauntlets - 23 Legendary Shards)
- Heart of the Sacred Fire (Titan Exotic Chest - 23 Legendary Shards)
- Cunning of Winter (Exotic Gauntlets for the Warlock - 23 Legendary Shards)
- Exotic Engram (97 legendary fragments)
Here where exactly is Xur.
Destiny 2: all the perks of the weapons and armor on sale by Xur from September 28th
Dirty Business
This weapon is a minigun and is great in both PvP and PvE for grinding enemies, one after the other, here is the list of Perks:
- Pay day: Larger magazine. Increase accuracy when not looking through the viewfinder.
- Polygonal ruling: Barrel optimized to reduce recoil. • Increases stability
- High caliber bullets: Shots from this weapon cause enemies to stagger more. • Slightly increases range
- Business in progress: Holding the trigger increases range and rate of fire and automatically loads ammo collected in the magazine.
- Composite football: This weapon has a versatile dual-purpose stock. • Slightly increases stability. • Slightly increases handling

Dirty Affair
Aeonic surge
These Hunter Gloves can be obtained at the end of the “Curse of Osiris” expansion campaign. It's not one of the best items in itself, plus you can get it for free through the expansion, so don't get it from Xur. Here is the list of Perks:
- Eonic energy: Dodging grants the following abilities to nearby Aeonic Cult allies. Grenade Energy to Warlocks - Barricade Energy to Titans - Dodge Energy to Hunters - other allies receive a share of the shared energy.
- Mobility improvement change: Increased mobility.
- Modification of plastic steel reinforcement: Increased resilience.
- Fast ball: Increases the throwing distance of grenades.
- Special Ammo Seeker: Increases the chances of finding special ammo after each kill.

Heart of the Sacred Fire
This exotic chest for the Titan offers quite relative advantages, such as Solar Furnace which increases the recharge speed of the Super Charged, it is up to you to decide whether to take it to complete your collection or not, the game is not worth much the candle. Here is the list of Perks:
- Solar furnace: Improves the reload speed of your solar abilities. Greatly increases reload speed with super charge.
- Modification of plastic steel reinforcement: Increased resilience.
- Restoration change: Increased health recovery.
- Shockproof for Scout Rifles: Reduces enemy fire stagger when aiming with a Scout Rifle.
- Primary Ammo Seeker: Increases the chances of finding primary ammo after each kill.

Cunning of Winter
These Exotic Warlock Long Gloves are pretty good and we recommend getting them, especially if you're looking for a pair for PvE. Here is the list of Perks:
- Warmongering seal: Eliminating enemies with melee increases their damage dealt.
- Mobility improvement change: Increased mobility.
- Modification of plastic steel reinforcement: Increased resilience.
- Impact induction: Dealing damage with a melee attack reduces grenade recovery.
- Special Ammo Seeker: Increases the chances of finding special ammo after each kill.

Destiny 2: items on sale by Xur from September 28th
What do you think of the armament Xur sold this week? We remind you that it is available on our site an updated guide to all the best weapons in Destiny 2, just click here. For more guides on Destiny 2 and other games keep following Holygamerz!