L'Enchanter / Enchantress is one of the favorite classes among players of Diablo 4 thanks to its great offensive potential based on ice, fire and electricity magic, with each element offering different advantages. For example, fire causes damage over time, ice slows down enemies and lightning-based spells can stun the unfortunate ones.
However, we are talking about a class that we can define in jargon as "cannon glass", that is, it is capable of laying waste to enemy ranks, unleashing the fury of the elements, but at the same time it is decidedly more fragile than a Barbarian or a Druid, which must be compensated for by playing cunning, positioning yourself well on the field and expertly managing mana and skill cooldowns. All things that you will learn with experience, but on the other hand we can give you some tips regarding builds.
Although the possibilities in terms of combinations are numerous, we will try to suggest what we currently consider to be some of the best better builds for this class to tackle the campaign easily and which we think could be a basis from which to start also from an endgame perspective with the right changes.
As also explained in our guides to the Barbarian and the Cutthroat, our advice is to try experiment freely, given that in our opinion testing various builds, perhaps even making mistakes, is part of the fun, even more so if we consider that in the first levels the cost of resetting skill points is negligible.
Build based on Arc Lash

- Basic skills: Arc Lash (5/5) → Reinforced Arc Lash → Sparkling Arc Lash
- Primary skill: Electrical Discharges (1/5) → Reinforced Electrical Discharges → Destructive Electrical Discharges (once you unlock the Ultra you will no longer use it, but you still need it for passive activations)
- Enable primary: Fireball (1/5) (you won't use it, you just need one point for Enchanting)
- Defense skills: Ice Armor (1/5)
- Defense skills: Teleport (5/5) → Strengthened Teleport → Shining Teleport
- Defense skills: Nova Gelida (5/5) → Nova Gelida Rinahorata → Nova Gelida Mistica
- Invocation: Hydra (5/5) → Reinforced Hydra → Invoked Hydra
- Ultra Skill: Unstable Currents → Unstable Currents Precious
- Passive key: Maestria di Vyr
- Passive defensive branch: Glass Cannon (3/3) - Elemental Harmony (1/3)
- Passive invocation branch: Alignment of the Elements (1/3) - Protection (3/3) - Mastery of Invocations (3/3)
- Passive Ultra branch: Current Flows (1/3) - Electrocution (3/3)
- Enchantment Slot 1: Fire ball
- Enchantment Slot 2: Bow Lash
- Recommended Codex Aspects of Power: Aspect of Control (Sunken Library - Kehjistan), Aspect of Swiftness (Buried Halls - Dry Steppes), Aspect of Power (Dry Steppes, unlocked by progressing through the campaign), Aspect of the Bound Driver (Temple of Komdor - Dry Steppes).
- Weapons: Wand + Focus
The one proposed above is a balanced build between attack and defense, which uses a mixture of lightning-based abilities, accompanied by fire and ice-based spells. It is designed to deliver mobility, damage resistance and excellent offensive output when aiming at single targets, and in all this it is not linked to the mechanics of mana management, since you will practically never use the primary and domain skills. On the other hand, it requires you to fight enemies at close range and expertly manage Ultra cooldowns and defensive abilities.
Mainly what you will have to do is attack the enemies with the Arc Lash to inflict damage and stun the enemies, adding the Hydra (which automatically attacks the opponents) to the offensive, while the Ultra Unstable Currents it must be used wisely (the cooldown is 70) when you need a lot of damage in a short time, given that it automatically casts your lightning-based skills (in this case Repeated Electrical Discharges). Then we have the Frost Nova, very useful for freezing nearby targets, making them vulnerable and reducing the recharge times of abilities if you kill them while they are under its effect.
The main defensive option is Ice Armor, which absorbs incoming hits for six seconds while Teleport it is an all-round skill that you can exploit in various ways: you can use it to quickly throw yourself among enemies by taking advantage of the resistance bonus offered, to run away if you find yourself cornered or even simply to move quickly within the dungeons .
For weapons we recommend the wand and Focus combination, given that the latter can include skill recharge bonuses which are certainly very useful. In general, for equipment we suggest, to the extent possible, to focus on weapons and armor with bonuses that reduce cooldowns, increase mobility and armor to increase the chances of surviving monster attacks while unleashing your magic spells. lightning and ice.
Ice-based build

- Basic Skill: Frost Bolt (5/5) → Reinforced Frost Bolt → Glittering Frost Bolt
- Primary Skill: Ice Shards (5/5) → Strengthened Ice Shards → Destructive Ice Shards
- Defense Skill: Teleport (1/5) → Strengthened Teleport → Shining Teleport
- Defense Skill: Ice Armor (1/5) → Reinforced Ice Armor → Mystical Ice Armor
- Defense Skill: Nova Gelida (1/5) → Nova Gelida Rinahorata → Nova Gelida Mistica
- Domination Skills: Blizzard (1/5) → Reinforced Blizzard → Wizard's Blizzard
- Passive key: Avalanche
- Passive primary skill branch: Devastation (1/3) - Elemental Domination (1/3)
- Passive defensive branch: Glass Cannon (3/3)
- Passive branch invocations: Precision Magic (3/3) - Alignment of the Elements (3/3) - Protection (2/3)
- Passive domain branch: Frost Veil (1/3) - Rapid Freeze (3/3)
- Passive ultra branch: Permafrost (3/3) - Calaverna (3/3) - Frost Breeze (3/3)
- Enchantment Slot: Ice Shards and Fireball / Frost Orb
- Suggested Aspects of the Codex of Power: Aspect of the Penetrating Cold (Deadman's Dredge - Shattered Peaks), Aspect of the Biting Freedo (Arid Steppes continuing the campaign), Aspect of Control (Sunken Library - Kehjistan), Aspect of the Snow Veil (Sarat's Lair - Scosglen), Aspect of the Bound Conductor (Temple of Komdor - Dry Steppes), Aspect of the Master of the Edges (Ancestral Stones - Scosglen).
- Arma: Wand + Focus
Easier to use than the previous one but still very effective, this build revolves around the use of Ice Shards in combination with the Aspect of Penetrating Cold (which penetrates targets and also hits enemies behind them), as well as making enemies vulnerable, freezing them and freezing them in a short time, thus allowing you to control the battlefield with a certain ease.
Frost Nova, Frostbolt and Blizzard also help in all this, with the latter two also making you recover and save mana, so as to continue the offensive without ever stopping.
For defensive options, also in this case we find the very useful Ice Armor and the versatile Teleport which, as previously mentioned, you can exploit both offensively and defensively depending on the situation.
Finally, as regards the paraphernalia, we also recommend the wand + Focus combination in this case, while for equipment in general anything that increases damage against vulnerable and frozen enemies or that enhances the damage of primary skills is always useful .