In DOOM Eternal, the DOOM Slayer is protected by armor that can be upgraded with i points for the Praetor Suit in order to better deal with the various threats in the game. Points are needed to increase your chances of survival by boosting resistance to environmental damage, armor, health, equipment capacity, and mobility. However, the ability to upgrade the suit is only obtained once finished mission 2. After the mission, in fact, you will be sent to the Fortress of Doom, where you will be instructed by a tutorial on how to use the points you will get. However, not all upgrades cost a single point, there are several that can evolve, requiring a greater number of points to do so.
get Praetor Suit points you will have to complete the challenges of history in the various levels of DOOM Eternal. Most of them will force you to eliminate enemies in specific ways. You can also get them by reaching some secret areas, look for them in each level to have a chance to find some points. The final way to earn Praetor Suit points is to open the doors of the Fortress of Doom with the Sentinel Batteries, which can in turn be found by completing 3 challenges in a single level or simply by exploring throughout the game.
List of Praetor Suit Perks

Environmental perks
Perk | Points needed | Effect |
Hazard Protection | 1 | The RAD Suit takes less damage from toxic puddles and toxic water |
Thicker Skin | 2 | Immunity to damage from barrel explosions |
Regenerating Barrels | 2 | Exploded barrels regenerate after a short time |
Explosive Piñatas | 2 | Barrels leave some ammo once they have exploded |

Perk of Frag grenades
Perk | Points needed | Effect |
Faster Frag Cooldown | 3 | Reduction of loading time after use |
Combustion Concussion | 3 | The grenade emits a second and larger explosion that does not damage enemies but stuns them |
Scatter Bombs | 4 | Each enemy killed with grenades spawns scatter bombs |
Frag Stock Up | 5 | Throwing a second grenade before reloading |

Ice Bomb Perk
Perk | Points needed | Effect |
Faster Ice Cooldown | 3 | Reduction of loading time after use |
Permafrost | 3 | Demons get stuck for longer |
Ice drops | 4 | Damaging and killing frozen enemies will grant energy |
Frost Bite | 5 | Damage increased against frozen enemies |

Fundamental Perks
Perk | Points needed | Effect |
Grappler | 1 | Faster Monkey Bar and Ledge Grab |
Hot Swapper | 2 | Faster mode and weapon switching |
Faster Dasher | 4 | The shot recovers faster |
Frost Bite | 4 | Shot reloaded by Glory Kills |

Exploratory perks
Perk | Points needed | Effect |
Slayer Atlas | 1 | Reveals the Automap Stations on the Automap |
Item Classifier | 1 | Reveal all progression items in the Dossier |
Bigger fog lights | 2 | Increased range of the Automap |
Item Finder | 3 | Reveal the position of all progression objects on the Automap |
Recommended upgrades
Hot Swapper and Faster Dasher are both in the category of must-have power-ups. Hot swapper increases the speed of the weapon and that of the mod change, while Faster Dasher speeds up shot recovery. Get them as soon as possible as they help tremendously in countering threats especially in the final part of the game.
Getting all the perks for the Ice Bombs is also a great way to power up. Ice Bomb helps freeze enemies in place, allowing you to attack or escape to a more comfortable position. So be sure to recover them all to surely have an easier life. Another fundamental perk is theHazard Protection, although it may seem useless to many. In fact, it is extremely useful for being able to cross toxic pools and water from the middle of the game onwards. You will find him once you reach mission 5, which will be the first that will ask you to wear the Rad Suit.

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Exit date: March 20 2020