While not configuring itself in a single genre, Dreams, the latest branded creation Media Molecule, can certainly look out for the genre of multiplayer titles. The whole experience, whether you decide to give yourself to the creation of your own Dreams or to the exploration of the creatures of others, is fundamentally based on the concept of online sharing. So how do all Dreams multiplayer features work? Here it is explained below.
First of all, it should be noted that nowadays the PlayStation Plus, a subscription required to take advantage of the online infrastructure on PlayStation 4, is in no way necessary to play Dreams. The Dreams with the implementation of online multiplayer are not yet enabled by the developer, who, however, will remedy the problem as soon as possible according to the current premises. However, it must be considered that when the online games are enabled the Plus will become necessary to use them, and it is possible to create Dreams that present a local multiplayer mode.
Also all the works addressed to the singleplayer are obviously brought into the Sogniverso, and in the moment of the share three different possibilities are given to the creator. All the Dreams of the universe of Dreams are currently enclosed in three macro-categories, here they are listed below:
- Public - Anyone can modify the creation, without obviously becoming the original author
- Playable - Playable creations are and can be used through research, but cannot be modified by other dreamers
- private - If private, creations cannot be found by others, but only shared by the creator
The developer has also implemented the possibility for dreamers to cooperate on the same Dream, and it is also possible to visit the Dream Bases.