There we are, like every week we have arrived at the time dedicated to Fortnite Week 6 Challenges. After being unveiled in advance by the usual dataminers, the new weekly challenges have been inserted by Epic Games today. As is often the case, most of these new challenges are fairly easy to complete, but despite this we are ready again this Thursday to give you some more clues to make your life even easier.

In recent days we have already proposed the list not only of the Fortnite Week 6 Challenges, but also of the following one. But let's go in order, and let's see in detail how to complete the Challenges of Week 6 recently added within the successful Epic Games title. Remove the two challenges they ask you to search for 10 and then 100 chests, let's see together the rest of this week's Challenges.
- Deal 500 damage to Shaky Well: This first challenge asks players to collect Wobbly Well and deal a whopping 500 damage to enemies.
- Eliminations at Pacific Park: this time you need to go to the Pacific Park area and eliminate 3 enemies with any weapon.
- Land on the Authority and finish in the top 25: a classic returns, land on the Authority and finish the game by finishing among the last 25 players. The best way to complete this challenge is to land and find a helicopter to survive more easily.
- Refuel a vehicle in Gattogrill: Although the cars have not yet been entered, this challenge makes us understand that the arrival of the cars is imminent. Just add the Petrol Station to Gattogrill and refuel a car.
- Grab a weapon at Stack Hut: simple and intuitive; Go to the Stack Hut and pick up a weapon.
- Look for the ammunition boxes in Borgo Bislacco: again, the solution lies in the title. Just look for the ammunition found in Borgo Bislacco.
Fortnite | Helpful guides and articles
If you want to be always up to date on the universe of the Epic title, these articles will help you for sure:
- Speed, damage and new car details
- Prize pool stolen from two pro players
- Is Atlantis about to emerge from the water?
- What happened to the cars on the map?
If you can't get enough of Fortnite, you can buy this special version of Jenga on Amazon at this address.