As per tradition Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 introduced a number of new and old weaponry in Battle Royale matches, including some guns from mythical and exotic rarity particularly powerful. If you want to get the upper hand in matches it is good to keep in mind what they are and where you can find them, in order to gain an advantage over your opponents.
The stolen exotic weapons

Le exotic weapons They are obtained from locked chests that require keys. The good news is that keys are fairly common items and can be found among floor loot or inside standard chests. The bad news is that the chests of these peculiar firearms do not have fixed spawns, so obtaining them also requires a bit of luck. Here are the ones available this season:
- Run and Shoot Submachine Gun Stolen
- Stolen Explosive Assault Rifle
- Stolen Accelerating Heavy Rifle
- Stolen Heavy Breach Rifle
- Shifted magazine submachine gun Stolen
Mythic Marasma Silenced Assault Rifle

You can get the Marasma Assault Rifle from the loot left on the ground by the Carta Alta mini-boss. You will meet him near the three Vaults of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 that we talked about in this guide, accompanied by two minions.
It's not a particularly challenging fight, as long as you have decent weapons and maximum shields. If you want to make your life easier, take down the two High Card allies first before focusing your fire on this boss.
Mythical Marasma Shotgun

Closely related to the previous weapon, you will get the mythic variant of the Marasma Shotgun by getting your hands on the loot located inside the Vaults of Season 2 of Chapter 4 of Fortnite. To open them, however, you need electronic keys which you can obtain only by eliminating the Carta Alta mini-boss.
Mythic Enhanced Pulse Rifle

Il Enhanced Pulse Rifle Mythic is probably the weapon that is most difficult to get your hands on during Season 2 of Chapter 4 of Fortnite. In fact, in each game only the player or group who is the first to conquer the capture point on the island of floating loot will be able to obtain it. This appears at random points on the map starting from the fourth circle of the storm, so we cannot tell you its location or particularly effective strategies: a lot depends on your skill, speed and luck.
It may not be a mythical or exotic weapon, but we suggest you not underestimate the Kinetic Blade, the katana introduced in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2, here's where to find it and how it works. If you don't know where to look, here are also the locations of all 12 NPCs from this season.