La 6 Season of Chapter 2 of Fortnite Royal Battle has finally arrived and has brought with it many novelties including new costumes, a new one Pass Battle, new weapons and many new mechanics. Obviously, the structure of the title has not changed Battle Royale par excellence: 100 players who compete within a large map, also revisited for the new Season, to be able to survive and obtain the coveted Royal Victory. Furthermore, every week epic Games adds new secondary tasks, characterized by the presence of some objectives unrelated to the rest of the game. In this guide we will therefore explain how to complete one of these tasks, in particular theepic assignment area of Week 1 who asks to create a Hunter's Cloak, one of the newest objects introduced in Fortnite Season 6.
How to make a Hunter's Cloak in Fortnite
One of the most important mechanics of Fortnite Season 6 is undoubtedly the crafting. With the advent of this new Season, in fact, Epic Games has made available a feature that allows players to build objects and upgrade weapons, using some of the resources that can be collected during the game. But be careful, the resources collected during a game, just like weapons and unlike ingots, cannot be used in subsequent games.
To complete the epic assignment "Create a Hunter's Cloak"You will need two basic items: Beef e Animal bones. Both resources can be found by killing wild animals, such as wolves or wild boars. We therefore advise you to reach Frignante Forest, where you can easily meet wild animals. Once you have obtained 1 of Meat and 2 of Animal Bones, open the inventory and from the card Creation select the Meat. At this point, all you have to do is press the button displayed on the screen to build, in a few seconds, the Hunter's Cloak and complete this epic assignment of Week 1 of Fortnite Season 6.