Fortnite update 13.20 has finally been made available today. Additionally, Epic Games has announced that the game is no longer in Early Access (here's what changes). Finally, the new one was introduced Secret Challenge in the Royal Battle! Let's talk about Coral Companions, the age of wood. Let's see the details on how to complete it in our guide.
Fortnite | Secret Challenge
The secret challenge Fortnite's “Companions of Corals, The Age of Wood”, introduced with the latest update, asks us to reach an island north-west of the map. This is a new location that appeared today after the water level dropped. It can be found precisely in the B1 area of the grid. You can help yourself with the map below.

What you need to complete the challenge
First of all, you need to know though that to complete the challenge you need to have it with you at least 100 wood units. Wood is one of the construction materials, precisely the one of lesser value and therefore the easiest to obtain: on the island that you have to reach to complete the challenge "Corals Companions, The Age of Wood" you will find several trees, so you can exploit them to have the necessary material.
How to complete the challenge
To complete the challenge you simply have to reach the northernmost point of the island where you will find a small wooden fence where the Corals are. By interacting, you can give them the 100 units of wood you have collected. Soon after, their new home will appear, a kind of miniature fort with observation towers as well.
The rewards of the Challenge
Like any other secret challenge, completing "Corals Companions, Age of Wood" will give you access to 25.000 experience points. You will also get the Goal "From the Primordial Broth".
Time limit for completion
Unlike the previous season, moreover, there appears to be no weekly limit for completion: You will be able to face this challenge at any time by the end of Season 3.
Fortnite | Helpful guides and articles
We remind you that a series of guides and useful articles dedicated to Fortnite Season 3 are available on our site:
- How to get the Aquaman skin
- How to get all Kit skins
- Where to land to win easily
- Fortnite goes on vacation: the dates of the summer break
You can get some free V-Bucks via console wallet refills, available on Amazon.