Fortnite is clearly in a moment of transition, with the development team that for the second week has proposed an update solely dedicated to content (but not lacking in news). Fortunately, to fill the desire for novelty there are the classic weekly challenges. Today we will have to for example destroy the Teddy Bears in Holly Hedges. Where to do it? We explain it to you in our guide.
First of all, it is important to know that this challenge is divided into several steps:
- Destroy 1 teddy bear in Holly Hedges (10.000 XP)
- Destroy 3 teddy bear in Holly Hedges (25.000 XP)
- Destroy 7 teddy bear in Holly Hedges (55.000 XP)
What you have to do, of course, is first of all to reach the Holly Hedges location: it is a place indicated on the Fortnite map, with the name, so you can't go wrong. It is located in the west of the island. Once in that area, you have to find and interact with the number of Teddy Bears indicated. To help you, we include a video showing the location of various objects.
As you can see, this is not a complex challenge and the fact that the Teddy Bears are contained in one place allows you not to take too many risks to which you would expose yourself if you were to move from one part of the island to the other. If you want to see thecomplete list of challenges of the week, all you have to do is reach our dedicated article.
If you prefer some help with pictures, here is a map with the locations of the Teddy Bears in Holly Hedges that we have made for you.

Fortnite has recently been the focus of players' attention for other reasons as well, not just its challenges or updates. In fact, on two occasions, the battle royale has become a pay to win by mistake: in the first case due to the dragocorn hang glider, in the second case due to the Star Wars riot control stick.
If you are a big fan of Fortnite, you might be interested in the possibility of getting some free v-buck by reloading your console wallet: here is the offer on Amazon.