PlayStation 2
The Secret Revealed
Vincere in Spartan mode
Additional clothes
Winning the challenges of God of War
Birth of the beast
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Challenge of the Gods
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Character Graveyard
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Levels deleted
Win the game once (every difficulty)
God Mode
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Heroic possibilities
Win the game once (every difficulty)
In-Game Movies
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Making of GoW
Unlocked from the start
Monsters of the Myth
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Secret Message 1
Vincere in Spartan mode
Secret Message 2
Win the GoW challenges
The fate of Titan
Vincere in Spartan mode
Trailers (Teaser e Magic Teaser)
Unlocked from the start
Visions of Ancient Greece
Win the game once (every difficulty)
Challenges of the simplest gods
To complete the challenges of the Gods, never lose your cool in the challenges, even if they seem impossible, they are all quite easy. Another tip is to use the explosive attack as much as you can. The most difficult challenge is the ninth, that of the giants, in which I advise you to use the wrath of the Gods after killing the first or second cyclops. Remember not to use anger in the challenge against the gorgons and soldiers, although it is very stressful, with the explosive attack it is one of the simplest, just drop your enemies into the void to eliminate them.
To have sex
To have sex with the two girls in the port in the first level of Athens, talk to them by pressing R2, then get on the bed and press Square, then press the combinations of buttons it indicates.
At the beginning of Act 2 you will find yourself in a room with two WOMEN. When jumping onto the bed, a circle should appear, indicating that a minigame is present. Press Circle and you will start playing. Only a vase that starts shaking will be displayed, when it falls and breaks the minigame will start and you just have to click the buttons that will come up on the screen. You will win many red orbs; with each subsequent victory you will get another 5
Fast movements
You can make Kratos move quickly by rolling forward (press the right analog stick forward) and block the end of the pirouette with a Hermes Rush shoulder charge (press when you have raised the level of your Blades of Chaos). Repeat these actions over and over to move forward much faster than Kratos' normal speed.
Endless red spheres
In the Temple of Pandora, during the Challenge of Atlas, after crossing the bridge after the room with the electric saws on the floor, at the foot of the large tower there will be a harpy and a ladder leading to the climbing on the wall. There are two ways to unlock the trick: 1) When the harpy is about to attack you with the attack pulling back a little, parry, and when the harpy is between you and the ladder, use the Feather of Prometheus ( square square triangle) and the enemy will fly through the air. At that moment (you have to hurry) go up the ladder and attack with square up, hitting the enemy and making him fall on your head. If you did it right the trick will start and the enemy will keep bouncing on your head without ever dying releasing endless red orbs. Wait about ten minutes and you will reach the maximum of the red spheres (199 bars).
At that point, go down the ladder and the red orbs will finish coming out. 2) If your swords are at a high level (level 4) or you are playing in easy mode or with a character with high strength, use this other method. When the harpy is about to attack you with the attack that pulls back a little, parry, and when the harpy is between you and the ladder, attack it with a single stroke of the square and then (you have to do very quickly) push it. immediately towards the ladder running towards it, immediately go up the ladder and hit it immediately with square up, hitting the enemy and making him fall on your head. If you did it right the trick will start and the enemy will keep bouncing on your head without ever dying releasing endless red orbs. Wait about ten minutes and you will reach the maximum of the red spheres (199 bars). At that point, go down the ladder and the red orbs will finish coming out.
Apparently dead-end room
If you find yourself in a room, in the pandora temple, half flooded with platforms that rise from underwater, here's how to get out: pull the lever that is in the walkable part of the room, and instead of getting on the platforms, jump into it. quickly in the water and swim to the last column. As you walk around it, you will find a recess: enter it and wait for the column to lower.
Find the key to the captain's cabin
After killing the hydra, enter his mouth, there will be the captain and the key.
Keys of the muse
1st: You will find it by climbing a wall of the temple of pandora (do not go straight to the end but search all the ledges, on the right side).
2nd: you will find it during the challenge of Poseidon. After the dive you will find yourself in front of an underwater fork, turn left first, resurface and retrieve the key.
Go back to the main hall of the temple where there are the rings that turn, spin the rings until a corridor appears where you can insert the keys.
You'll find a life boost, (equivalent to 6 gorgon eyes), a magic boost (equivalent to 6 phoenix feathers), and some orbs

- ps2
Exit date: June 22 2005