God of War Ragnarok has been raging on our screens for just over twenty-four hours and many are already wondering: How do I find all 9 flowers in the game? The named Favor The Nine Kingdoms in Bloom which will allow you, once completed, to unlock the Florist trophy. Flowers can also be found at the end of the game, as you roam the world freely, you don't need to find them during the main quest.
Glycinereus Muspelheim
Is situated at the Crucible, right next to Brok's shop. Before you can enter Muspelheim you will need to acquire both pieces of the suit of muspelheim, which can be found at Modvitnir Plant and Alberich's Pit, both in Svartalfheim.
Fiordalba Alfheim
It is found at The Forbidden Sands, in the far west. It can be placed between some rocks and an upper platform that you can climb up with a troll.
Girasogno Niflheim
It is found in the Aesir Prison Ruins, in a cell in the dungeon on the lower level. It can be found inside one of the prison cells on the lower level. To access the dungeon, you must first complete the game. You can then access it from the path to the left of the Tree of Ravens region.
Glacifoglio Niflheim
It is found at Fields of Fog, right next to the Mystical Portal. To access it, you will need to complete the game, then speak to Ratatoskr at Sindri's House to receive the Yggdrasil Seed.
Argentrilla Jotunheim
It is found in Angrboda Tree-house, along a path. To access the Mystical Portal you will need to complete the game, then speak to Ratatoskr to receive the Yggdrasil Seed.
Edenera Midgard
It is located in Boschetto del Santuario, next to the house of Freya. To access the Mystical Portal you will need to complete the game, then speak to Ratatoskr to receive the Yggdrasil Seed.
Animated Helheim
It is found at Hel's perch, near where you fought Garm. After the second fight with Garm, before scaling the wall there will be a spot where you can throw yours Lancia Drops To the right. Go through that gap to find the flower.
Lampospino Svartalfheim
It is found at Nidavellir, near the tavern. Usa la Lancia di Draupnir to cross the gap and he will be on the ground.
Scarlastro Vanaheim
It is located south of Mystical Portal at Le Voragini. To access it, you will first need to complete the Return of the River Boon to get the river flowing.
For all other guides on the game, follow this page.