Find all Lost Lindwyrms it is part of a Boon Ratatoskr asks Kratos in God of war ragnarok. In this guide we will show you all the places you need to reach to complete this side quest. Before you can start hunting for the lost Lindwyrms, you need to complete the ninth main quest of the game. After that, go to Sindri's house and talk to Ratatoskr.
The first step to progress in God of War Ragnarok Favor is very simple, you have to get the trap with which Kratos will take the Lindwyrms. He gets it by talking to Ratatoskr. From here on she will have to go to the capture: know that the Lindwyrm can be found in the Fissures of the Yggdrasil, between Svartalfheim and Vanaheim. They will start appearing before the Boon, but you can only interact with it after taking the quest.
Without further ado, here's where to find them:
- The Forge Svartalfheim: Can be found on an edge after receiving and learning to use the Draupnir Spear for traversal.
- Fossa di Alberic, Svartalfheim: On an edge after completing the boss fight with Ormstunga
- Isola di Alberich, Svartalfheim: on the platform between the two islands
- Core, Svartalfheim: next to the Mystic Portal, which can be reached after climbing with the Draupnir Spear
- Pianure, Vanaheim: In the corner of the area where you fight the Crimson Dread Dragon
- The Plains, Vanaheim: near the Celestial Altar in the Eastern Plains
Once you have all 6 Lindwyrms you simply need to go back to Sindri's house and talk to Ratatoskr twice. The first time Kratos will give all the Lindwyrms and the second time will end the God of War Ragnarok quest.