Pokémon GO Season XNUMX begins today - Season of Celebration. The novelty is part of a big update, which brings some changes to all areas of the game and which promises new and fresh ones in the future.
Season 1 will run from December 1 to March XNUMX, offering a rotation of wild, raid and egg Pokémon always based on the winter / holiday theme. In short, an evolution of the weather system, but more on a large scale and which will also affect the game based on the hemisphere. Let's see what it consists of.
- Contents
- Ranks and Battle League
- More news
What it has to offer (content)
The main course of the first season of Pokémon GO will be a series of events focusing on the various regions. With the short arrival of the Pokémon discovered in Kalos (from the morning of 2 December until 22 of 8), the relative event opens. Others will succeed him for Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova, all characterized by spawns, missions and themed events.
As for the Pokémon discovered in Kalos, the following will initially be available:
- Chespin, Fennekin, Froaki, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Litleo and Noibat in the wild (Klefki only available in France)
- Espurr and Litleo nei level 1 raid
- In eggs: Bunnelby, Fletchling, Litleo (2km), Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie (5km), Espurr and Noibat (10km)
A timed mission has also been activated, obviously dedicated to Kalos Pokémon. Here are the steps to complete it.
The "weather" season (to differentiate it from the Battle League season) it will affect spawns based on hemisphere - characterizing the map and its Pokémon with the colors of winter or summer depending on the geographical location. In our hemisphere in particular, for example, wild Deerling will appear with its winter coat, and Wingull (2km) and Ducklett (5km) will be born from the eggs. In the wild, the Alolan forms of Vulpix and Sandshrew, along with Pokémon such as Seel, Lapras, and Teddiursa, will be much more frequent. Surprise, the change of season also makes Durant migrate elsewhere - previously available in our geographical area, which now gives way to Heatmor.
The Megaraid they will host Mega Charizard X, MegaGengar and the rookie instead MegaAbomasnow, abandoning the other form of Charizard, MegaBlastoise, MegaHoundoom, and MegaPidgeot for a time. For the first half of December MegaCharizard X will receive a PL boost when used in raids or battles against the GO Rocket.
Ranks and GO Battle League of Season 6
As anticipated, the Battle League will also be influenced by the season, with themed Cups and rewards and much more. Season 6 it will last 3 months - it will therefore end with the opening of the next “weather” season. At the moment, only the events of the first half have been announced.
The first substantial change is made to player levels / ranks system. From this season we will have 24.
Reach the highest ranks it will be an undertaking accessible to anyone, with a little patience and commitment. The last four, which will each have their own title, will be a bit more complicated - the requirements are virtually the same as for ranks 8, 9 and 10 so far. The dates scheduled for the Cups this season are instead as follows.
Other news on Leagues and Cups
In addition to the disappearance of the Mega Premier League, there are a couple of other important innovations. The Master League will first of all have, in addition to the normal and Premier version, a Classic version. Here you can always use Pokémon of any type and CP limit, as long as you have not upgraded it beyond level 40 with L candies. During the Master League / Holiday Cup, you will also get twice as much stardust by winning fights, rising through the ranks and completing fight sets.
The protagonist of December is also another themed Cup, the Holiday Cup. This is also played in the Mega League. This means that Pokémon with no more than 1500 CP are allowed, and that they also have at least one of the following types: Normal, Grass, Electric, Flying, Ice, Ghost. It is likely that many of the usable Pokémon (or their non-evolved forms) will be easily encountered during the holiday season.
They also change the rewards. In addition to Pokémon encounters scattered throughout the various ranks, there will also be poses and avatar items at the top. Some ranks, on the other hand, will reward mysterious objects or stardust (presumably more than normal). For details, we refer you to the mega guide to the GO Battle League.