A few days after the release of the feature, Niantic dedicates an entire event to the integration of GO with Pokémon Home. For the uninitiated, it's a sort of central hub where you can ship and save your Pokémon forever - not without its limitations.
The event brings with it the usual bonuses and also a timed quest, all centered on little Meltan. Remember that this mythological Pokémon can only be obtained by exchanging a copy of Let's GO or (in fact) by transferring Pokémon to Home. It can also only be evolved on Pokémon GO.
- Bonus
- Time search
Until 22 pm on November 23rd the map it is particularly populated with some Pokémon. These are Sandshrew (Alola form), Zubat, Diglett (Alola form), Slowpoke, Magnemite, Ditto, Porygon, Hoothoot, Remoraid, Whismur, Lileep, Anorith, Cottonee and Fungus. The chromatic form of Slowpoke makes her debut, and you may encounter her both in the wild and in eggs and quests.
About eggs their pool is also renewed. Male and female Nidoran, Slowpoke, Kabuto, Omanyte, Lileep and Anorith will be more frequent in 5km eggs. In raids, however, there are more frequent encounters with these Pokémon: Vulpix (Alola form), Slowpoke, Magnemite, Shinx, Timburr, Klink and others. Then remember that until November 24th the level 5 bosses will be the three legendary swordsmen Terrakion, Cobalion and Virizion.
At the center of the event also a mega-evolved Pokémon in particular. It is about Mega Pidgeot: the timed research that we will talk about shortly will reward you with mega-energy for this Pokémon, which will also receive a PL boost if you were to use it in battle.
We now come to the clue of the event, the surprise package. This box can be obtained by transferring to Home, and for half an hour - as an Aroma - it only attracts Meltan if activated. Activate it during the week, because only during the event could you encounter a Shiny Meltan. Once you have used the package you will have to wait three days to open another one (and you will have to transfer at least one other Pokémon to Home for it to recharge).
Finally, if you are a fan of avatar items, check out the shop. You can now purchase new Meltan themed items.
Time Search
The time search dedicated to Pokémon Home is already available in the Today bar of the research menu, and will remain so until the end of the event. It consists of four steps.
The mission will then reward you with ben 130 Mega Energy for Pidgeot - more than enough to make the first evolution for one of your birds. By reaching the last stage you will also get a very rare Gible, whose evolution Garchomp is a formidable opponent in the Battle League.
Also watch out for the following three field research ad-hoc for the event:
- Catch two different Pokémon species - Encounter: Nidoran M
- Give your partner 3 snacks - Match: Slowpoke
- Win 2 raids - Encounter: Dratini
New Levels, Seasons, Kalos Pokémon Guide to Victini Guide to Giovanni Team Rocket Leaders Guide Guide to Mega Evolutions How to catch Ditto Raid Guide Guide to Eggs Guide Eevee evolutions Community Day Guide Guide to exchanges and evolutions Unusual Eggs Guide November 2020 Battle League Guide Pokémon GO Transfer - Home