Persona 5 Strikers has also arrived at us, at the moment only in the Digital Deluxe version. As always, the problem arises of having enough money (yen) to do everything. Not that it is very difficult to have money, but having a good amount of it and in a short time is certainly one of your priorities.
In this guide, we will look at the best strategies for making money in the game. For more information on the title, check out ours Complete Persona 5 Strikers guide.
- Exchange objects
- Treasure demons
- How to save
- Money in the postgame
Tips for farming
In this first part of the guide we will examine various methods to make money faster.
Look for trade items carefully
In Persona 5 you will often find various items while on a mission. These items will have no particular use other than to be sold, so have no doubts and sell them immediately, they will earn you a nice booty.
As well as in the various missions you can also find exchange items in the main story (Prisons). In this case you will have the opportunity to find them inside the various floating cubes around the map.
Defeat the Treasure Demons
As in Persona 5 also in Strikers they make their return i Treasure demons again with a succulent booty as a reward for their defeat.
As in Persona 5, Treasure Demons will have a tendency to flee easily, so it is recommended that you kill them quickly to avoid seeing your reward fade.
An excellent band skill to take to increase the chances of finding demons is "Treasure hunter". It is also advisable to upgrade it to the maximum to make them appear more often inside the Prisons.
Tips for saving
Just as it is important to have various methods to improve farming, saving will also allow you to always have your pockets full, let's see how to do it best in this part of the guide dedicated to saving.
Purchase the "Shopping Expert" skill
One of the unlockable skills in Band menu is the skill "Conscious buyer“, Buy it as soon as possible to have more discounted products appear in the Sophia's shop.
Tips for making money in endgame and postgame
Getting rich in the endgame will be easy thanks to the advice given earlier and the greater rewards that the enemies will give following their defeat. So let's see what are the best methods to speed up the process.
Farm the final dungeon with an alarm above 70%
A high alarm will allow you to be attacked by continuous hordes of enemies among which obviously there will be the Treasure Demons (remember to have the skill "Treasure hunter“) With a dowry of 200.000 yen and rare items.
Never exit the final dungeon while farming
Exiting the final dungeon at the end of the exploration will be totally useless and will slow down the process since a high alarm will allow an infinite spawn of enemies, so you will not need to go out to make them respawn.
Accept the request "Sweeper 9"
One of the requests repeatable of Ichinosis is "Street sweeper 9", Accept it before starting the farming process to further increase your earnings as it will yield 120.000 yen every 15"Unnatural Champion”That you will bring him.
Use the Person "Alice"
Alice will be very useful to easily overcome your enemies thanks to her skills "Die for me!"And"Mamudoon”Capable of killing enemies in one shot.
Collect Person Points
One of the most useful ways to use the money earned is certainly to use it to quickly farm the very useful Persona points.
The best way to do this is to sacrifice your Personas to get PP and then resurrect them from register of Lavenza using the money earned. For more information, you can consult ours guide to the Compendium or guide to mergers to understand who and what to merge.
It is good to point out that the PP earned will be proportional to the Person sacrificed, so try to use well-leveled People with high values for a greater bonus.