In Animal Crossing there are many ways to do this earn money, some that will require time and effort, others that will be immediate. There are two types of currency in the game: the Nook Miles and the Stars. The first are points that can be obtained thanks to the objectives that you will reach during the game. To find out what goals there are and how many points they will give, just open the Nook Phone (pressing ZL) and go to the screen Nook miles.
Le Stelline, instead, they are the money that goes around the island. At the beginning you will not have much money and you will have to arm yourself with patience and commitment to be able to reach a large sum to keep with you. For more information you can consult ours Complete guide to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
- What is the money for
- Generic methods to earn many
- Who to sell to
- Time jump technique
- The sale of the blue garlands
What is the money for?
Both will initially be needed for repay the debts incurred with Tim Nook, and only then will you be able to use them to build the house of your dreams, mainly in the Nook Shop or from the Nook Catalog. In order to know how many Little stars you have available, just open the inventory and see the numerical value next to the bag with the star above.
How to earn Stelline quickly
To be able to earn quickly starlets in Animal Crossing first of all you will need a fundamental factor: la patience. In the beginning, many earning options are not unlocked and this could make your heavenly life hell for you. But by taking it slow, you can get your first sources of income. The advice I can give you at the beginning is to clean up the island of herbaceous plants.

In addition to making your island more beautiful, they will be yours first source of income. Then as you progress through the game, you will unlock methods to be able to earn faster.
In detail, there are the following methods to be able to increase your capital:
- Collect fruit: thanks to the sale of fruit, you can make a great profit. There is a trick to be able to maximize the sale of these delicacies, namely of sell exotic fruit or fruit that is not on your island. A simple example, if your island produces pear fruit, if you sell a peach this will be quoted more.
In order to find other types, simply visit another island, pick the fruit that suits you best, return to your island and sell or plant a tree with the fruit just picked, so that you don't always have to move from your island to that of a friend. - Nook Miles: thanks to them, at the cost of 500 points, you can buy a bag of 3.000 stars, even if personally I do not recommend with all my heart to make a similar exchange.
- Plant the stars: Yes, you read that right, in order to have money quickly, you can plant the stars in the ground. To do this, you'll need to find a bright spot, extract the contents with the shovel and then, without closing it, bury inside it from 1.000 to 99.000 Stars. After a few days you can get a tree with money bags on it, the value of which will depend on the amount buried.
From 100 to 1.000, in fact, you will be given 3 bags of 1.000 Stelline, from 2.000 to 9.000 you will have 70% 3 bags of 1.000 and 30% 3 bags with the buried amount and from 10.000 to 99.000 to 70% 3 bags of 10.000 and 30% 3 bags with the amount buried. - Catch Fish and Collect Insects: in addition to giving the specimens to the museum to make it expand, you can sell excess quantities to earn money.
- Sell the turnips: thanks to the sale of turnips you can raise a nice nest egg in a short time, and it is probably the best way to make money without resorting to constant construction of objects or sudden changes in time.
- Sell the fossils: excess fossils can be sold to the museum.
- Construct the items: objects are also an excellent source of income.
- The bank: thanks to the bank it is possible to deposit money inside the Nook bank. This money will increase over time thanks to the interest rates on your account. Easy money without lifting a finger!
Who can I sell to?
Be careful who you sell what. For each object there is a special dealer who will give you the right compensation. To tell you, if you sell a fossil in Nook's shop you will earn less than if you would sell to the museum. So you have to keep this scheme in mind to maximize your profit.
For fruit, flowers and furniture you can contact Mirco and Marco who will accept these gifts by giving you a sum of money. The same goes for fossils, but you will first need to contact the museum to find out exactly which finds you have unearthed specifically. For fish and insects there are two special characters with whom you will want to bargain.

Beaver he is a lover of fish, selling him fish products will guarantee you 50% more in earnings, compared to Nook's shop. Ivano, on the contrary, will be fond of insects and you can do the same reasoning with him.
Last, but not least, are Brunella and Florindo, the first who will want the turnips you bought the week before, while the second will be able to sell your weeds for double the price than normal.
Time travel trick
For the experienced Trunks, there is a trick to have immediately unlimited money which consists of change the date of the Switch. Obviously this device ruins the gaming experience, so don't overuse it too much. First go to your Switch settings. Scroll to System move to the right column and select Date and Time, find the option “Synchronize clock via internet” and set it to No.

Now move down and insert as the date "2020", day and month do not matter. Exit the settings and start the game. To understand if you are transported in 2020, just see if Tom Nook will say the exact date. If everything went well, go to the nearest one Stellomat, otherwise repeat the process.
Deposit all the money you have in your pocket into your account. The reason for this is simple, thanks to the interest rates which allow you to accrue the money in your account. This means that effortlessly you will receive money. Well now that you have deposited the money, go out and save the game, go back to the date settings and change it to the year 2060.
After doing this, start the game again, leave the house and into your mailbox you will find the beauty of 99.999 Little stars. The trick is obviously repeatable an infinite number of times, but there are some contraindications.
Once back in the game in the year 2060, you will find the house full of cockroaches and also some inhabitants may have left because they have been neglected for all these years spent in solitude. For this reason, we also recommend another method that may come in handy, namely that of the Blue Rose Garlands.
How to build Blue Rose Wreaths and why it is worth selling them
Yes, thanks to this easily buildable object you can earn the beauty of 20.000 stars per piece. Of course, in order to get the blue rose, you will need to plant various other types of roses. First place a red and a yellow rose in an imaginary 3 × 3 grid (more simply arrange them in such a way as to form a square). This way you will get the pink orange, a form of hybrid flower.

Now you will need one purple pink. To create it, you will need or two white roses or one white and one yellow. Arrange them as we said before and you can get the desired flower very easily. Once these two species have been obtained, place them side by side and water them for two days. On the third day you will have the much desired blue rose.
Now you just have to build the garland of blue roses and sell it to Mirco and Marco.