The Infernal Swordsman we could get it by going further in the plot, reaching Chapter 4. By completing the game you can then reach the Portal of the Ordalia VI, necessary to unlock levels after 12. It is a class able to sacrifice its HP to carry out periodic damage to enemies, able to give the best of himself with weapons such as Swords.
For more information on the title, check out ours guide and solution.
- Class summary
- How to unlock
- Skill List
- Better skills
- Specialties / Special Skills
- Equipment
- Best secondary class
Class summary
A very interesting class that takes ideas of the Dark Knight and Bravely Default's Fencer. Very useful for elemental versatility as a physics class.
- Elemental damage
- Good physical class
How to unlock it?
At the end of Chapter 4, you'll get the Asterisk of the class by defeating Adam, so it's not a jump event.
Recommended skills
The recommended skills vary based on the enemy you face, but there are a few that are worth mentioning:
- Pangs of death
- Supreme power
specialty-and-special-skill">Specialty and Special Skill
Each class has two specialties and a special ability. The first specialty is acquired based on when you unlock the class while the second is obtained by reaching level 12. This type of specialty offers bonuses that are often passive while the special ability, in addition to being active, allows (at times) to do damage to the enemy.
Special skill
Mastery of weapons
Able to wield both Swords and Staves well, the advice remains to use it mainly with the former.
Best secondary class
Since it is a physical class, you might consider pairing it with other similar ones that you have previously unlocked. We will tell you later which ones for example because we still need a little testing.
For more information you can consult ours class guide or see them individually below: