The highlight of the GO Beyond update is theincrease of the maximum level cap. Many players have now reached the old cap for a while, also accumulating vast amounts of experience over the 20 million needed to reach the top. It was evidently necessary to think of a different system for the subsequent levels.
From November 30th the level 40 cap will be unlocked for the whole world, and after a couple of weeks of testing in Australia we can all go further. Reach level 50 it will be a long and even tiring undertaking at times, which will require commitment even if you have already obtained the amount of experience points required. Let's see why.
- Requirements new levels
- Advice
Levels 41 to 50 (requirements)
Crossing the limit will require a large amount of XP as well the overcoming of particular missions. You will find them in your profile once the functionality is unlocked. Click on the avatar thumbnail and then on the arrow next to the level bar. But what will be the missions to be overcome?
Some notes
Reaching the new cap will be a long undertaking, if only for having to walk at least 25km a week for a total of two months. But by that point you will have already overcome the real worst nightmare: taking a photo of any of your Pokémon for 7 days. This is without a doubt the most difficult task of missions. We might recommend setting an alarm for a week, and choosing different Pokémon to vary - but none of this will help you get over the trauma.
A new item is also part of the various rewards, candy XL. This is a special type of rare candy that will also allow your Pokémon to exceed their maximum level (until now 40 for them too). Alternative ways to get it will be trading - but getting it random - and trading that Pokémon's specific candy for an XL of its kind. For the latter method, large quantities of normal candies will be required.
Update: The Promise Challenge 40
For those who have reached level 40 by 31 December 2020, a special title will be assigned, that of "Promessa 40". To obtain it, it would also seem necessary to pass a certain timed mission, by the same date, which includes 4 steps. Let's see them together.