Hearthstone is now one of the most played titles on the PC and Mobile market for several years. The videogame developed by Blizzard, several years after its release, it continues to be supported by the software house with various updates on a regular basis. Although present in its gameplay of simple and intuitive mechanics, easier to master than those of other works, there are many unclear factors present within the game. Different mechanics are not explained in the best way, which we will take care of clarifying in the simplest and most possible way within our guides. Sit comfortably around the fireplace, we will show you all the secrets to get the most out of the experience, and we will give you important advice on how to best proceed inside the inn.
This guide is dedicated to sachets, iconic symbol of every self-respecting collectible card game. We will explain all the secrets of the Hearthstone, also directing you on which packages to buy and when, to ensure that you can use your gold in the best way.
What are the Hearthstone packages?
Well the card packs are different, and with each expansion a new dedicated one is obviously released, but they can be easily divided into three very simple categories.
- Classic packages
They contain only and exclusively cards from the classic expansion, the one that allowed the debut of Hearthstone and is always available in the standard format. Often some classic cards are placed in the Hall of Fame category and only become available for the wild mode. These can no longer be found, but on time Blizzard deals with replenishing them with new cards in order to reach 135.
- Expansion packs
Every 4 months on Hearthstone comes a new expansion. Generally at the beginning of the months of April, August and December. Unlike some expansions-adventures of the past, which we covered in the guide cited at the top of the article, those coming out always feature 135 new cards that can be found in packs. Each expansion has therefore, as already mentioned, a dedicated package, with new animations and the exclusivity of all the cards present inside.
- Golden packages
Similar to the classic packs, these cannot be purchased regularly in the store, but obtained under certain extraordinary circumstances. They also contain only cards from the classic set, but everything inside magically turns gold, be it common or legendary. There was an adventure through which one of them was obtainable, there was a chance to get another one through Twitch Prime, but no one knows when the next golden pack will be redeemable ... except Blizzard, they know it.
What do the Hearthstone packs contain?
Well this might seem like Pulcinella's secret, because the answer is written in large letters within the game. Each pack always contains 5 cards, of which at least one is rare, epic or legendary. But contrary to what one might think, that's not all. There are other rules that can anticipate the contents of the mysterious envelopes, some of which are not openly declared by the software house. Many wonder why unlike some games where getting cards of maximum rarity is very difficult, the legendary ones of Hearthstone they are not that difficult to obtain. The answer is quite simple but not clear, let's see it together. There are 4 constant conditions that are always respected, which despite having been modified over the years, are currently a fixed point of the card game.
- Epic Cards
The first constant rule is as follows: within 10 packs of a single set that are open, you will necessarily find a card of epic rarity. This means that if you open 9 packs, whether classic or not, in a row and don't find even one epic card, you can rest easy because the next one will contain at least one. You don't have to get to 9 though, if after two packs you find an epic, the timer will reset from the last one. This mechanic is very interesting and also allows those who consider themselves more unfortunate to get good rewards in any case, sooner or later.
- Legendary Cards
The rule we have for epic cards also applies to legendary ones. But obviously they go to change the numbers, unfortunately. If to have a guaranteed epic you need to open 10 packs of the same expansion, for those of legendary rarity the number rises to 40. So the same is true, after 39 packs with no particular surprises, the next is for sure the winning one. We also remember that although it is rather difficult, you do not necessarily have to find a single legendary when you find one, you can also get to find an entirely legendary package even if it is almost impossible. The secrets related to the maximum card rarity of Hearthstone however, they do not end here ...
- Mandatory Legendary Card
That's right, starting with the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion, two new constants have been added to the game. When you start opening expansion packs, there will be a welcome surprise right away. In the first 10 packs discarded, as well as obviously at least one epic card, There will also be a legendary card from the expansion in question. This mechanic benefits all new players, who can start their adventure with their first unpacking. But when a certain expansion is released, all players who are novice or novice or experienced will immediately find a legendary of the latter. After finding the card in question, the aforementioned timer obviously restarts from 0.
- No legendary doubles
The second mechanic added in the Lich King expansion is also quite interesting, and certainly not only benefits novices. When you find a legendary, unless you disenchant it and then lose it, it is no longer possible to find it again until you have all the other cards of the same rarity. There is therefore no risk of finding the legendary that doesn't interest us several times, and avoiding disenchanting it can work as the perfect amulet to keep a new copy away from your collection. Also, if you have all but one legendary card, that will be the next highest rarity card. This mechanic in particular also allows collectors of gold cards to choose which legendary gold to find more easily, making it the only one they don't have when they open packs.
Having defined the various packages, their contents and their constant rules, let's now move on to the next step together.
What packages should I open, and when?
Let's be clear, the question is rather difficult and every situation, and every collection of cards, should be analyzed to give a precise and correct answer. With these general tips, however, you could figure out which ones are right for you. Let's start immediately from an assumption that we have already explored in another guide, completing the standard card collection without resorting to vile money is practically impossible, and in any case it requires a lot of friends ready to give up their missions and an immensity of time to devote to the game. Once that is clear, let's see how you can optimize your card packs. If you are a novice, there is no story, you have to open the classic packages. We explored this in the arcane dust guide, but we reiterate that having classic cards always present in your collection, is the first step to get the best out of each new expansion. Then you have to consider arenas, because spending all of your gold on packs can be inconvenient. If you become a strong arena player you can basically play them indefinitely, earning various rewards, which is much better than buying single packs. But if you don't like the arena mode or it's not for you, and you decide to buy packs individually, keep this in mind: It is not always correct to purchase the packs of the latest expansion. Every April the 3 oldest expansions are sent in wild mode and removed from the standard, so if the fourth month of the year is approaching it is certainly inconvenient to open older packages. Despite this, to open the packages of the expansions of the current year, you should look at the strongest decks, defined top tier. Choose the one that interests you the most and once you bet on it, look at what cards you are missing, adjusting accordingly when opening the packets. However, it is also not fair to spend all of your gold, whether it is in arenas or in individual packages. For those who decide to play Hearthstone without spending real money, hoarding can indeed be a good tactic. If you decide to buy the singleplayer adventures, also covered in another guide, or if you want to wait for the packs of the next expansion, cramming some gold is always convenient and often useful. Once the new update is released you can thus have a bit of an advantage over the others, even without resorting to pecuniary money.
If you still have doubts about the packages, or can't decide which ones to buy, ask us for more information in the comments and we will be happy to answer you. We also refer you to the guides section of our site, where you can find content on many other games.