Your two month trip to Allansia is finally over, you have crossed the stormy sea of the western ocean en route to Port Blacksand, a city famous for thieves. From there you moved to a lifeboat and ended up in a small but well fortified fishing village along the river called Stonebridge. This village serves as your base camp for this adventure. You traveled to Allansia for a reason, to plunder the dark caves of Firetop Mountain. And, if luck is with you, you will discover the fabulous wealth of the sorcerer Zagor in Firetop Mountain. Zagor's wealth is legendary. Although many adventurers have tried to get hold of it, no one has ever managed to separate the treasure from its master and it's no wonder. Some describe Zagor as an elder, others see him as much younger. The sorcerer's treasure is also said to be locked in a chest with two locks. The path is guarded by a pack of Zagor's servants: orcs, dwarves, minotaurs and the like. It won't be an easy search!
When you start the game you are on a quay, follow the path to the left to be stopped by a dwarf, it is Thelonius Manintown and he will tell you to find his friend Mizar who lives in the mountains. This is your first mission, but for now, turn right and go to town. You should see another dwarf in front of you, this is Weaeselnose, if you need armor you can get it from him. On the left is a woman, she is one of the Tweedles and sells food and potions. When you have finished looking around, resume your walk towards the far northwestern part of the city, there should be a door to enter.
The Barracks
In front of you is Wilkins, talk to him, he will give you a rusty dagger and he will tell you to kill Mr. Strawman who is on the left. Talk to Mr. Strawman, then kill him, you will get a new level. When you finish talking to Wilkins, he will send you to find the monk at the temple, leave the barracks the way you entered.
Village Temple
From the door of the barracks go straight until you reach an alley, to the right and up the stairs to get to the temple. Once inside, go straight up to the altar to find the monk, he will tell you to save the shining ball. When you're done talking, go back to Wilkins for the last time.

The Barracks
Talk to Wilkins, he will tell you to look at the manual by the door, it's a shiny thing. You won't have to read it, just open it and then talk to Wilkins again. You will be able to read it whenever you want by opening the game menu. You've done everything Wilkins wanted, talk to him again to get the city key. Now that you have the key, leave the barracks.
From the barracks go straight, then left to the big door, unlock it and go through. Follow the path on the opposite side until you end up in a cave, inside you will find yourself at a crossroads. In the cave there will be two ways where you can go. Take the left path to find an orc in a bed that will wake up to attack you. If you kill him you will get a key that will open a door to go to the mountains. If you go right you will go down and fall into a hole. Take the path to the left, so you can go and wake sleeping beauty ...
Guard Room
Once the orc is dead you will get the gate key, use it to open the door around the corner. This is the guard room, but there are no guards at this time, just a dwarf. In front of you is Bartholomew who is looking for some minerals, so if you find some, they will be needed for him. When you're done talking, head down a spiral corridor, there might be an ogre towards the end. Eventually there will be two doors, go to the right one (right).
This is the laboratory where Mizar lives, he is the dwarf that Thelonius Manintown told you to find. Talk to him (no matter what you say) and he will ask you to find him a new hammer in exchange for a piece of ore. It will be possible to find one in the ogre tavern near where Bartholomew lives, so leave the laboratory for now.

Traveling - part 2
Out of the lab, go to the door on the right. Go down the corridor until you come to a door on your left. Inside you will find three enemies. Kill them and look at the far left part of the room. There should be several minerals here, grab them and go back to the corridor. Once in the corridor go left to the nearest door which will be on your right. Now you will be inside the ogre tavern, go down the stairs to find a dwarf and kill him to get the hammer. When you are done here, go back to Mizar who will give you the hammer for the ore. You will now have two pieces, but you will need three. The last one is found going up the corridor of the shop at the top right, not the back door of the cave. Once inside go down the corridor until you come to a door on the right and left, the door on your left is blue and is used to save the game, as well as being a shop. When you are ready, go out and go to the other door. Follow the path and go through the first door on the right. Two dwarves will attack you immediately, as well as a third who is in the back area. When they are all dead, go to the back room to find the last piece of ore and a pickaxe. Leave the room when you are done. Once back in the corridor go to the door on the right. There will be two "elementals" in here, one of fire and one of ice. If you can't fight them, run to the chest on your right. In it there is a book and a treasure, take them and run away. Now that you have all the ore, you will need to find Bartholomew.
Orc Den
Bartholomew lives in the orc lair near the destroyed temple and the orc tavern. If you can't find it, just follow the green dot on your compass. Inside you will find three rats, kill them and talk to Bartholomew. If you have the ore, he will tell you about an ogre who has a key and you will need it to get into the mountain. He will also give you a steel shield. The orc is in the cell block.
Cell Block
From Bartholomew's lair, follow the corridor behind the guard room, then go up the corridor and go to the first floor in the door on the right. Follow the corridor until you come in front of two doors, go to the door on the right. Now you will be in the corridor of the prison, go forward until you find a door in a dead end and enter it. Inside you can go left or right, if you go right you will see an orc, but it is stationary. It will be possible to speak with him if you wish. Talk to the dwarf in the cell behind him. The ogre is Max Pain and the dwarf is Hobbler. If you are going to talk to Hobbler, choose the following phrases: "What can I do?", "What is the message?", "How can I get to the bastion you speak of?" and "I will". When he has finished speaking, turn to Max Pain, but he will try to kill you. Face it and take it down, then go back to the place you entered, but don't go to that door, but in another, you will find a block cell. Inside there will be five orcs, one of which is stationary. This is Klugg, the one who has the key you need. Walk over to him to start a conversation. Now, if you think you are strong enough to kill five orcs and Klugg, who is as strong as a normal orc but has twice the health and poison, you can select: "Give me the key to the door upstairs. There will be no need for it. a fight ". If you don't think you can kill them all, then choose this sentence: "No, if I kill you first!", He will give you the key. Klugg is one of the bosses of the game and even if it is not necessary to face him, if he wins you will get a lot of experience points. When you're done, save your game. When you are back in front of the blue door, go right to the door at the end; unlock it and enter.
Ring Square
Here you will be attacked by four orcs, one orc and one "elemental" or three orcs. The ring itself has seven doors to explore, but for now, go to the one in front of you. You should now be in Chieftain's Room, where Zhug, the leader of the orcs, can be found. He stands in the middle of the room. You can't avoid this fight, so make sure you're ready before you talk to him. You will need to have a lot of healing potions, the best weapons and armor. Don't even think about fighting him if your level is below 10. When you think you're ready, walk over to him to start the battle.

Boss: Orc Chieftain Zhug
As we said earlier, Zhug is the leader of the orcs, so obviously he will be the strongest enemy in his class. He has a lot of health, his attacks are long-range and are poisonous; if it hits you closely it will do you a lot of damage. In the middle of the room is a large chair where you can hide when your health starts to run out. As for the fight, it all depends on the skills you have. Magic is your best bet and the bow is great for hitting it while hiding safely. If you use a melee weapon it will be a bit more problematic, you have to move constantly ... When the enemy is downed, you will receive a lot of experience points. Specifically you will receive the Crown which is one of the best elements of the mask that you can get. You will also get the gate key if you don't already have it.
Traveling - part 3
After the orc leader is killed, talk to Peon. He needs some mushrooms found in a cave, in return he will tell you information on how to continue the story. To get the mushrooms, leave the Chieftain's Room and go to the first door on the right. There will be a series of six chambers in front of you, three on each side. Go up to the second one, there should be a path going down to the right, follow it. You should be in a room with a man named Orlinn. Talk to him to find out that a group of orcs have stolen his lucky dice and if you get them back, he will tell you about the fortress. For now, continue along the path until you reach a ladder to go down and reach the cave. Once you get to the cave you will be attacked by giant rats, they are stronger than normal and their attacks are poisonous. When you've defeated the rats, follow the wall to the right until you find Thelonius Manintown. Talk to him a couple of times. Give him the pickaxe, he will remember your kindness and you will get several experience points. Now that you are done with Thelonius, follow the path until you come to a giant hole in the ground with a cave along the wall; enter the cave. In this new part of the cave you will be attacked by two spiders, kill them and follow the path until you reach a door, enter and in this new area you can go straight or to the right. If you go right you will find a room to save the game, while if you go straight you will come to another door. Go through this door to get the mushrooms. This door takes you back to the first cave with the mice, the mushrooms are to the right of the door. After this, you will see a cliff outside, follow the wall to the right to see some stairs going up. Now go back to Peon and give him the mushrooms. Now he wants you to kill the three orcs who attacked him. These can be found by leaving the Chieftain's Room and going to the first room on the right, the one you were in before. Once you are there you will see none other than Zagor! What are you doing here? Not even the time to get close, which immediately moves away. Go to the end of the room and into the door on the left. There will be four doors, for now go to the one on the far right. Inside you will find those orcs who attacked Peon, so kill them! Save the game and return to Peon. This time the rat wants a dagger that has been stolen from him. The ogre in charge is in the dining room. To get there, just leave the room and enter the third door on the left. The ogre is to the left of the door, talk to him and he will tell you he needs wine so he can give you the dagger. But where is the wine found? In the ogre's tavern of course! This is the tavern where you found the hammer for Mizar. Once there, go to the back in the tavern, the wine can be found in a lighted barrel on the wall. After you get it, take it to the drunken orc. You will have to kill him to get the dagger; the latter bring him back to Peon and he will finally tell you how to get past the guard.
Orc Den - Part 2
From the Chieftain's Room go to the second door on the right. You will find yourself in a corridor, follow the wall on your left until you reach a door in a dead end, then enter. Kill the enemies, then go to the right corner at the back of the room. There should be a light box, take it and bring it back to him. After giving it to him, he will tell you that you will need a handle to open the portcullis and enter the fortress. You will need to go to the dining room and check behind the waterfall (!) To notice a secret door. The latter will take you to a cave, then follow the path until you reach an elevator. You will be taken to the boiler room. Take a look to your left to find the handle.
Outer Ring
Now that you have the handle, go back to the cave and go right to return to the dining room. Go through the door in front of you. Go to the back of the room and go to the door on the left. You should now have reached the Outer Ring, which has only one ogre inside, named RubbleRat. Go talk to him and he will attack you. Kill him and go to the door. There will be three orcs and two "elementals" here, kill them and go to the back of the room to find the portcullis. To the right of this, there will be a crank, so use the handle to open the shutter and go through the door.

Keep Entrance
You have passed another milestone. There will be two new enemies for you, kill them now, they are Undead Dwarves and Eyestingers. For Undead Dwarves use melee attacks and for Eyestingers use magic. You will now find yourself in front of the closed gate. If you have the perception skill you can find a lot of treasure along the walls, but for now follow the path and go through the door at the end. This is the entrance where you will find numerous enemies, kill them and go through the corridor to find another door. Go to the door on the other side. Now you are in the Nexus, think of the Ring Square area, but bigger. Go to your left in front of a corridor door and enter. This is the bookstore, go around the corner to find an old man, talk to him to find out he is Giles the librarian. If you give him the book that is in the jailer's quarters, he'll show you things and send you out to kill some orcs. Orcs can be found in the orc barracks or at the entrance; kill them and go back to Giles. Giles will tell you that the book is one of Di Maggio's and that there is a second part of the book somewhere upstairs; that's all it will tell you. If you want his help you will need to give him a limb from one of the Undead in Blocked Gate. So go back to that place, kill the Undead and go back to Giles. He will tell you about a secret door in the Portrait Room and ask you to bring him the portrait of Zagor. To get to that room go left along a corridor with a door at the end. Go through this area. Once inside, go left to find the portrait. There will be a secret door behind it, but a key is required to open it. Once you have the portrait, go back to Giles and he will give you the key to the door. The latter will take you back to the cell block. He will also tell you that you need a blue candle to go further and if you bring him some wax, he will know how to reward you. To find the wax you will need to find a temple.
Traveling - part 4
You can get wax from one of the temples, but the closest is far enough away. To get there, exit the room and return to the Portrait Room through the secret door so that you are in the cell block. Go through the torture chamber, down the corridors of the guard room, into the spiral corridor and through the door on the left and follow the corridor, finally towards the giant door. Through the door is the destroyed temple; when you are inside go left until you come to a stand with candles on it. Now that you have the wax you need to go back to Giles. Use the secret door in the cell block to return. After you wax Giles, you will need a candle. Waxenwicks in Stonebridge can do it, but it's a bit of a long journey back there. Don't worry, there is a link. Leave the library and ... Zagor will appear again! This time we will be able to talk to each other a little, but he will run away again. After this skit, from the library go right, down the hall and through the door at the end. Cut the room through the other door and enter. You should now be in the dock. Look around and you should see a skeleton. This is the engineer and he needs your help. He wants to kill the dwarves in the next room. These dwarves are still alive and are stronger than the Undead. Then talk to the engineer, then kill the dwarves. However, these dwarves are weaker than normal dwarves and it won't be difficult to take them down. When they are dead, look around the room for a lever, when you see it pull it to raise the water level. Now go back to the engineer to receive your reward. If the water still rises, there should be a boat next to the engineer, get on it to go to Stonebridge.
Now that you are back in Stonebridge, go to the Waxenwicks house which is near the gate. Once there, talk to Waxenwicks and he will give you a blue candle in exchange for the blue wax. When you have the wax and that's it, leave the city through the door, but don't go into the boat. Your destination will be Ring Square. Then go to the Boiler Room. Once inside go to the back of the room, there should be a secret door here, go through it to reach the Dwarf Fortress.
Dwarf Stronghold
Now that you are in the stronghold, go right and onto the golden door. You will now be in the new temple, in front of you is a dwarf named Livingstone who is quite bizarre. Talk to him and he will ask you to retrieve a sacred horn and blow it at the altar in the catacomb. To get the horn you need to go back to the destroyed temple, it is located near where Bartholomew lives. Once there, go to the center of the room and check the small bell tower which is between the seats. A secret door has to be opened in the back of the room, go there. This room is called the Temple of Secrets, go down the stairs, then go right. There should be a burning altar, look for the Horn. Once you find the horn, leave the room and exit the temple. Now you will need to find the catacomb which is next to the library. The fastest way to get to Nexus from the temple is to use the secret door in the cell block; head there and go through the door, through the Portrait Room and the corridor until you are in Nexus. From outside the Portrait Room go to the first door on the left, it is inside the small temple. When you are inside, go straight, down a few steps and then into another door. You will now find yourself in the catacomb. Go to the back of the room to find the altar. Now that this is done, it's time to go back to Livingstone. You can go back to the secret door in the Boiler Room or find some other way to go there. When you are back in front of Livingstone talk to him, he will thank you for your help and tell you how to proceed. But, now to continue it is necessary to find the scepter.

Poisonous Lake
The scepter can be found in the poisonous lake, but to get there you need to go through the old kitchen located in Nexus next to the Library. Once you are in the old kitchen, go left from the entrance and you will find a locked door. If you have talked to Livingstone then you should be able to open it. Go through the door to get to the poisonous lake; once inside go straight and take the left. Here there should be a fountain in front of you with a walkway around it, go left around the fountain to find the scepter. Once you have the scepter it will be time to go up, get ready for a battle, then go to the Portrait Room. When you arrive, go through the corridor towards the door, now that you have the blue candle it should be open and when you think you are ready go inside.
Boss: Cyclops
Like all boss fights, you find yourself locked in the room. Cyclops is a giant pink Golem, has great energy and attacks by shooting a fireball; if the fireball hits you you won't be able to run and the magic cuts your armor. He also has a melee attack that can be deadly if he gets too close. If you have a level below 20, you will have no chance to defeat him, on the contrary with level 30 you will kill him without problems. If you have trouble fighting him, go around the two pillars from the door you came in, they should block some of his attacks and give you a chance to heal. Alternatively, you can use the Bow Skillshot which has a good chance to petrify him so he won't be able to move or attack you. When you kill him you will get a lot of experience. You will also see a treasure and the room will be unlocked, so you are ready to go through the new door.
Upper Keep
There will be two new enemies in the Upper Keep, these are the Green Eyestingers who are the same as before, but stronger and will attack with poison; then there will be the Golem which is similar to the Cyclops, but smaller and a little weaker. The beauty is that they will give you more experience than all the enemies. Across the hall, on the right, you will find a door where you can save your game. There will also be two Golems here, one brown and one blue. The brown Golem will fight hand-to-hand, while the blue one will use magic. If you don't need to save, go through the door on the right. This room is the trophy room. There will be two Golems beyond, one brown and one turquoise. The Turquoise Golem is stronger. Kill the Golems and search the wall for a secret door. It is located in a corner next to the rhino's head; go through it once you find it. Inside you will find a long corridor that ends in a room with a dwarf inside. The dwarf is Oliphant, talk to him and he will tell you to get Book Of Right from the room of the Three.
Room Of The Three
To get to the Hall of Three, go back to the Trophy Room, then go to the door in front of you. You are now in the reading room. There are two Golems, kill them and go to the back of the room where all the rubble is. Look along the wall to find a secret door, go through it to reach the Chamber of Three. There are two turquoise Golems and a Green Eyestinger in this room. If you can't kill them, run down the stairs near the statue and get the book, but instead of a book you'll get a page. Just go back to Oliphant and give him that page. Leave the room of the Three and you will see a familiar face: Zagor! This time, instead of running away, he will talk to you and even ask you to kill the dragon for him. Then it will run away. When Zagor comes out, go back to Oliphant and give him the page. He will tell you about something about a maze toy in one of the temples. The exact location of this object will be marked on the compass. When you get to the temple, check in the center of the room and you will see a lit point. Check to find the Scrying Ball, with this you can go to the top of the fortress, but for now, go back to Upper Keep.

Upper Keep - 2° parte
Now that you have the Scrying Ball it will be time to go to the maze. To get there go upstairs into the door on the side towards the trophy room, cut here to access the reading room. When you are in the reading room go to the door on the left. This room will be the Reception Hallway, much like the Upper Keep Hallway. From here, go right and down the hall into a door. You will find three Green Eyestingers in this room and there will also be two doors. To the left you will find a save point and the other door will take you into the maze. Save and stock up on supplies, the maze will be the next stop and you might get lost.
Maze Of Zagor
Zagor's labyrinth is one of the most difficult parts of this game; it is a square room with a door on each side. You start from the east door and your destination is the west door. There is a trick to this maze ... if you look at the walls you will see that some of them have swords and others have axes. If you follow the path with the axes on the walls, you will be taken to the west door. Go straight, then left, follow the path to the right and then straight once more; the path will go left again, then right and immediately right again, don't go down to the first but down to the second path. The path will go straight then to the right, ignore the path on the left and then continue to the left; follow this path until you come to a large room with a fountain in the middle. From here to the left until you see a path with axes; follow this path to the left, then to the right until you reach a crossroads. There might be a minotaur, so be careful. Go left at the fork and then straight, ignore the path on the right and follow this road which will take you to the door. There will be another boss inside, so make sure you're ready and then head inside.
Boss: Minotaur
When you enter the room, the first thing you will see is the minotaur. Walk over to him to start a conversation, no matter what you say, he will try to eat you anyway. When the conversation is over, get ready to fight. This minotaur has more health than its peers and is much stronger. This will be a one-on-one fight, but the room is small and there is no place to hide. Fortunately, he won't be able to use magic against you. If it hits you there is a chance that you will be unable to run and lose your armor. It is difficult to face this fight with an experience level of 30, while the fight will be smooth with a level of at least 40. When he is dead you will get a key, a treasure and a lot of experience. When you are done, go to the opposite door you came from.
Maze Of Zagor - 2° parte
Go through the corridor to get to the second part of the maze. Follow the axes to get to the end. You will be at the east door and you need to go to the west door. To get there, follow the four-way path, go right and follow the path until you come to a large room with pillars. Directly in front of you will be another path, go down the path to the left of this one. Keep following it ignoring the paths to the left and right until you meet a path on the right. Go right at the fork to reach the door and go through it. It will now be possible to go straight or to the right. To the right you will find a fountain and behind it will be the last save room of the game. Save the game. When you are ready, go through the other door.

Dragon Tower
To enter the hall you have to climb a giant ladder. Start climbing. About halfway you will find a door. It will be blocked and it will not be possible to continue until you reach the top. At the top there will be a door, enter and go up again. You will meet another boss. Heal, prepare yourself mentally for this battle and go through the door.
Boss: Dragon
This is probably the toughest boss in the game. You have to fight a dragon this time. When entering the room, climb high up on the tower. The dragon can be found flying around the tower and while he is up there it will be impossible to harm him, unlike him who will shoot fireballs at you. It only takes one blow to die prematurely. After a while, it will begin to fly low and put its head off the ledge. It will always appear in the same place. This is the right time to attack! Beware of the usual fireballs and the mouth that will try to bite you. Its bites are not as strong as its fireballs, but they are poisonous. After a few attacks it will return to the sky. While he's in the sky, use the pillars as cover until he returns to his usual spot, then shoot him with a bow or cast a spell. If you use a melee weapon then you will have a hard time defeating him. It doesn't matter what level of experience you have, but if you've reached level 50, this fight should be quite doable. When the dragon is dead you will get the Essence of the Dragon and a lot of experience. There will be nothing else to do here, so go out the door you came in.
Dragon Tower - 2° parte
Well that's it, you killed the dragon, time to go home then? Wait a minute, didn't we come here for a warlock? If so, why are we killing dragons? Now that the dragon is dead, go back up that long staircase and the door that was locked will now be unlocked so you can go through it. In front of you a bridge with a door at the end, go along it. Now, crossing this door there will be the final battle against ... Zagor of course! Buy the best weapons and armor you can get, as well as food and potions. When you think you are ready, enter through the door.
Boss: Zagor, the sorcerer of Firetop Mountain
Zagor is standing in the middle of the room, go to him to start a conversation. He wants the Essence of the Dragon. After the conversation, the battle begins. Zagor is a sorcerer and will obviously use magic. If you get hit by his attacks there is a huge chance that your status will be altered. Zagor has a lot of health and of course he has the best weapons. Once his health has dropped, he will transform into one of the enemies he has fought so far. When he transforms you will have to kill this enemy. Zagor cannot be influenced by changes in status, but when he transforms, he can be subject to them. The enemies he turns into are: Ogre, Minotaur, Golem and Wisp. If you have trouble fighting, go around the pillars. If you're lucky, he might bump into him and you can shoot him with a magic bow. If you have a level below 50 it will be difficult to get out of the fight alive, while if you have a higher level, Zagor will have no way out! When he is finally about to die, he will scream and a white flash will appear and then disappear, you will get a treasure and a lot of experience.

Zagor's treasure
Now that Zagor is dead, the treasure is all yours! Walk to the end of the room where the treasure is. What you say doesn't matter, it's just for fun, but what you say will change the ending. Here are the various endings.
Seeing all of this, there is nothing for me but retirement. After one last long haul, of course ... Some burdens are easy to bear ... When you think of them from your castle, you look at this beautiful boat. Life is Beautiful! <- "Normal" ending.
The treasure is here, but there is a lot inside! ... All the evil that has been done, all the suffering from the people ... this is not the way it should have been! ... I'll do everything right! Peace in the world is an ambition, a strong will and hard work are required ... Look how everyone lives in peace and harmony! <- "Good" ending.
The treasure is here, but there is a lot inside! ... Carrying the loot would take too long ... It takes some cleaning, but now everything is working fine. Except ... The villagers refused to pay their respects once again. The challenge shouldn't encourage <- "Bad" ending.
Congratulations! You have survived the vicissitudes and danger of Firetop Mountain!
Now the New Game + begins, but that's another story ...

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Exit date: November 23, 2009