Welcome to the complete guide to the missions set in Company formation in Dubai in Hitman 3, the last chapter of the series created and developed by IO Interactive (here our review). There are 3 main missions that Agent 47 will be called to carry out in Dubai: (Insecurity, Predatory Bird e The Fall of the Giants. This guide will also help you discover all the shortcuts present in Dubai and the ways to access hidden areas.
Before leaving you to guide, we remind you that in the following text you could read some major or minor spoilers related to Hitman 3, regarding various playful sections and different details on the story created by IO Interactive. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution before completing the game's campaign in its entirety.
Stories of the Mission
Hitman 3 - Dubai - "(In) Security"
Infiltrate the staff area of the facility. On the 2nd floor, in the security room, you can hear two guards talking about the recent arrival of a new member of the security team. Nobody knows him yet, so he's the ideal subject to hit.
Our victim is wandering around the kitchen or in the locker room on floor 0. Inside the locker rooms there are some documents that need to be obtained. Once you have lured the victim to a secluded area, steal her clothes to take her place. Once this is done, report to the security office by going back up the stairs and wait for Marcus. Deliver your paperwork to Stuyvesant and follow him through the corridors, listening to everything he has to say. You will come to a balcony where you will be asked to demonstrate your skills as a knife thrower. Once the targets are hit, Stuyvesant will send his bodyguard away and that's when you can push him over the edge of the roof for a clean (and optional) kill. This way he ends the (In) Security mission.
Hitman 3 - Dubai - "Predatory Bird"
To start this mission you will have to dress up as Zana "the Vulture" Kazem. The interested man wanders around the garden area on floor 01. You will have to distract him by turning on the sound system in the garden, or throwing something into a corner, while not being seen by the people around you. Knock out Zana and take her clothes.
Now it will be necessary to speak to Omar al-Ghazali's personal assistant: as you approach the search area, get rid of all illegal objects. After successfully passing the checks, go up the stairs and talk to a woman dressed in yellow. Follow the assistant into the meeting room and wait for Ingram (your target), who will arrive within a minute. Sit back and listen to what Ingram has to say. You will be asked to deal with an unwelcome nosy reporter who is in the crowd. Find Hans Lucht (wandering between the Black Gold Bar and the speech box). You can easily recognize him thanks to his purple blazer (a sports jacket). Now take a picture of Hans and talk to him. Take him to a secluded place, knock him out, grab your camera and take a picture of his dead body. Now hand over the image you have just taken to the assistant, who will now allow you to meet Ingram.
Talk to Ingram to get another assassination contract, which is required to unlock a Trophy. Hit Ingram with a miniature model of an oil rig that sits on a desk in the room. A guard will try to sound the alarm but you can avoid it if you are quick enough to kill him before that happens. In this way the “Predatory Bird” mission will be over.
Hitman 3 - Dubai - "The Fall of the Giants"
Infiltrate the staff area (one level above the mission starting point) and use code 4706 to unlock the door. To wander around the corridors you will need to wear a disguise, which you can find inside a nearby locker. After crossing the corridor, go to the storage area that overlooks the outside of the tower. Inside there will be two people: the choice is yours whether to distract them or put them out of action. Scan the window sensor with the camera to allow Gray to unlock access remotely. Exit the window and keep to the right side, then up the pipe. Scan the window at the end of the passage and enter the next area.
Now your task will be to find the server room - an additional disguise will be required. Then enter the warehouse (second door on the left). A maintenance worker wears what might be comfortable for you. In this room you can also find quick access to the server room: interact with the console in the center of the room and activate the manual override procedure. The alarm will go off in any case and you will need to hide behind one of the servers so as not to be detected by the guards who will rush in in a short time.
Leave the room and knock out another staff member to get his key card. Go back and use the Keycard on the small column that appears right next to the main console. The server rack to be extracted is indicated in yellow (the green one will cause a new alarm). Now use the console to schedule a new meeting with your two goals. Disguise yourself as a guard at the attic, near the vending machine for drinks and go up two floors, infiltrating the attic. You will now need to find the lounge, which is located in the center of the Penthouse area.
Interact with the panel behind the counter to seal the room after the targets command the guards out. Hide their bodies and interact with the same console again to open the room and walk away. The mission "The Fall of the Giants" will now be over.
Dubai - All Shortcuts
In Dubai, there are a total of 4 shortcuts to discover. Each of them will grant you an extra 1.000 experience points.
- Lobby Door into Atrium: From the lobby on Level 1 up the stairs, at the bathroom turn right through the maintenance room and down the stairs
- Attic Terrace Stairway: In the outdoor area, Level 4, turn left into the atrium. You will need a crowbar to break the lock
- Ventilation area ladder: in the ventilation area, bottom right of the study, on Level 4. Here, too, you will need to have a crowbar to access the hidden area.
- Stairway to the heliport: Just outside the door, after the corridor leading to the security room on Level 3, near the heliport. A crowbar will be needed to proceed.
Dubai - The hidden areas
The map of Dubai in Hitman 3 boasts a total of 33 hidden areas that need to be found in order to obtain the relative Trophy ("Dune Raider").
Level 1
- Lobby (building entrance)
- Storage Room (in the Lobby area, a disguise is required to enter)
Level 0
- Lobby: main area, where many guests are located
- Kitchen, south side (disguise necessary)
- Personal area: south side (disguise required)
- Meeting room, south side (disguise required)
Level 1
- Black Gold Bar, south side: public
- Private bar, south side (disguise required)
- Warehouse, south side (disguise required)
- Garden, north side: public
- Art installation: north side (disguise required)
Level 2
- Security room (disguise necessary)
- Staff corridors (disguise required)
- Security room (2) (disguise required)
- Art gallery: public
- Bar with balcony: public
Level 3
- Helipad (disguise required)
- Control room (disguise required)
- Security room (disguise necessary). Electronic evacuation key in safe (code: 6927)
- Server room (disguise necessary)
- Conference room (disguise necessary)
- Reception of the attic (necessary disguise, guard of the attic)
- Frisk Zone (necessary disguise, attic guard)
Level 4
- Dining room (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Storage (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Lounge (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Study (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Ventilation area (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Courtyard (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- External area (necessary disguise, attic guard)
Level 5
- Master Suite (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Terrace (necessary disguise, attic guard)
- Guest bedroom (necessary disguise, attic guard). Locked by default, requires key, pick or crowbar.
Dubai - The challenges
If you are interested in concluding all the challenges related to the Dubai map, you can follow our Guide to the Challenges by continuing on this link.
Dubai – The Escalation
Work in Progress