Among the many extracurricular activities you can try your hand at during your adventure in Hogwarts legacy there is the search for the Daedalus Keys, or flying keys that recall those seen in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. In total there are 16 scattered around Hogwarts and they are used to open as many lockers scattered around the magical academy. Inside each of them you will find a token with the symbol of your House depicted and once you have collected all of them you can open a special chest located in the common room.
Below we will explain where to find all the Daedalus Keys of Hogwarts Legacy and the location of each lock they open.
How to start collecting the Daedalus Keys

Before starting the search for the Daedalus Keys you will have to activate the side quest "The Keys of Daedalus". You can start this task in the initial stages of Hogwarts Legacy, after completing the main quest "The Secret of the Locket". Once you have met this requirement, use fast travel to reach the "Transfiguration Courtyard" in the Astronomy Wing (for example, the one with the fountain with the sculpture of a Wyvern) and talk to Nellie Oggspire. The girl will talk to you at the Daedalus keys, indicating the location of the first one. Once found, you can start looking for the other fifteen to open the special chest located inside the common room of your house (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff).
In the next section you will find directions to find all the Daedalus Keys, which fortunately are found in the same places regardless of which House you belong to. Keep in mind that some keys can only be obtained after learning magic alohomora during the main mission "The Keeper of the Crooked Moon".
The Daedalus Keys are rather unusual collectibles. You will be able to locate them thanks to a sort of cryptic laugh that they emit when you are near them: at this point you can use your hearing and help yourself with Revelio magic to find them. Once done, the key will flee towards a cabinet with a lock to open, leaving behind a golden trail indicating its path. Once reached a small will begin minigame, nice or unnerving depending on your reflexes and patience: you will have to press the action button to "slap" the key as it hovers in front of the lock, in order to insert it inside. To do this it is necessary to observe and memorize its movements or have good reflexes. In any case, nothing particularly complicated.
Once you have collected all sixteen tokens, go to your common room and unlock the special chest: you receive the"Historical Uniform" of your House, a cosmetic element that you can apply to your equipment by pressing Square or This outfit features motifs themed to your house, which also light up when you cast spells.
Where to find all Daedalus Keys

#1: you will find the first Key of Daedalus simply by following the directions of the secondary mission "The Keys of Daedalus". In any case, the key is located in the Astronomy Wing. Start from the fast travel point "Astronomy Tower". From here, go up the stairs to the left of the Floo's green flame and get to the top of the tower to come across this fluttering object. Approach Daedalus' key to make it escape and chase it: go down the stairs, returning to the starting point, then continuing to the astrology classroom, where you will find it in front of the first cabinet with a lock to unlock.

#2: After finding the first Daedalus Key and talking to Nellie, reach the fast travel point "Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom" in the Astronomy Wing. From here go down to the lower floor and look for the exposed rhino skeleton. The key flutters nearby, get closer and chase it: just go up the stairs and move forward a few meters to find the locker to unlock.

#3: Reach the fast travel point "Central Hall" in the Library area. From here, go up the stairs and advance until you reach the door that leads outside. Instead of exiting, turn right to find a Maze Key under a staircase. Follow it: go back, go down the first flight of stairs and immediately turn right to find the locker.

#4: Head to the fast travel point "Potions Classroom" in the Library area. Once the loading is complete, advance along the corridor for a few meters, open the door and the fourth Daedalus key will be on your left. Once you have escaped, go down the stairs in front of you to find the locker to unlock.

#5: Return to the fast travel point "Potions Classroom" in the Library area. This time, however, instead of proceeding towards the classroom, turn around and then go up the stairs on the right. Go past the fountain with the statue with the unicorn at the top and the mermaids at the base and go down the stairs in front of the green door that leads to the greenhouses. Daedalus' key is on the left, under a stone arch. Approach it and follow it: you will have to retrace your steps, then go up the stairs, pass the fountain and go down again. The locker is located on the opposite side of the fast travel point in the "Potions Classroom".

#6: Head to Library of Hogwarts. You will find a Daedalus Key on the first floor, between two shelves full of books to the left of the fireplace. Approach it and then chase it: the locker to unlock is always on the first floor, a few meters to the left of the green flame of the Floo.

#7: Use fast travel to reach the Sala Grande of Hogwarts. From here, walk a few meters to the left towards the fireplace to find another Daedalus key. Now all you have to do is follow it: the locker is located after a flight of stairs located in the opposite corner of the room from where you found the key.

#8: Go back to the fast travel point again Sala Grande of Hogwarts. From here, exit the hall through the main door and continue straight and pass the next two doors. This way you will be in the "entrance hall", with the Daedalus key in plain sight near the stairs. Follow it down the stairs and turn left before the large door: the cabinet is located immediately after the statue of a wild boar.

#9: Reach the fast travel point "Main Staircase" or "Ravenclaw Tower" from the Main Staircase wing. From here, go up the long staircase up several floors until you come across the Daedalus Key, which will be in plain sight. Once she escapes, follow her down the stairs a couple of floors and you will find the locker shortly after a door with an Arithmancy puzzle.

#10: From the fast travel point "Paved Courtyard" of the wing of the main staircase, go up the staircase on the right and continue along the wall until you come across a Daedalus key. It's not difficult to chase but if you lose sight of it, just return to the fast travel point indicated previously, go past the first flight of stairs and go down to the left instead of going up further to find the locker to unlock.

#11: Reach the fast travel point "Courtyard of the Bell Towers". Once loading is complete, turn left and after a few steps go through the door in front of you. Go up another flight of stairs and you will find the Daedalus Key waiting for you. All you have to do is follow it: go up the stairs until you reach the top floor, where the locker is located.

#12: Fast travel to again "Courtyard of the Bell Towers" and this time too, turn and after a few steps go through the door in front of you. Now go down the stairs on the left and open the next door. Continue in this direction until you find the Daedalus Key fluttering in front of a dragon sculpture. Follow it by going backwards until you find the locker.

#13: Starting from the previous key cabinet, go down the stairs and past the dragon sculpture. Continue along the path to find another Daedalus Key. Once you escape, turn left before the stairs, near the wine barrels, to find the locker to unlock.

#14: This Daedalus Key requires you to have learned the Alohomora spell. Reach the fast travel point "Teaching Staff Tower" at Hogwarts South Wing. Continue for a few meters and enter the door on the right. Go up the stairs and you will find Daedalus' key in plain sight. All you have to do is turn around and go down the stairs to find the locker.

#15: This Daedalus Key requires you to have learned the Alohomora spell. Reach the fast travel point "Clock Tower Courtyard" in the South Wing. Here you will find on the left a blocked door to open with the Alohomora spell. Once opened, go up the first set of stairs and turn left to find the key, which will escape upwards. All you have to do is go up a few more ramps to find the locker to unlock on the left.

#16: This Daedalus Key requires you to have learned the Alohomora spell. Use fast travel to reach theNursery in the South Wing of Hogwarts. Now head towards the clock tower gears and go down the stairs. Daedalus' key will be in plain sight in a corridor full of paintings. Follow it and a few meters ahead you will find the locker to unlock.
On our pages you will also find the guide on how to obtain Avada Kedavra and the other Unforgivable Curses, how to complete the Arithmancy puzzles of the doors with numbers and animal symbols and how to capture all the fantastic animals.