Instagram gives its users complete control over the comments section. You can even disable comments on your old posts in seconds. That's how!
Do you have an Instagram post where you don't want people to comment? Are there any comments that are irrelevant to the topic of your post or are unnecessarily offensive? If so, it may be time to disable comments for the post.
Here, we will discuss how to disable comments on an Instagram post and why this might be useful for your account.
How to disable comments on your Instagram post
There are two ways Instagram lets you opt out of comments on your posts. The first is when creating the post and the second option is after sharing the post. This guide will show you the two ways to disable comments on Instagram.
How to disable comments on Instagram when creating a post
You can disable comments while creating a post if you don't want anyone to comment on it. That's how:
- Launch the Instagram app on your device, tap the button Crea (+) and select the photos or videos you want to share.
- Toccata Advanced Settings once you are in the post creation screen.
- Set the switch for disable comments on enabled.
- Go back to the post creation interface, fill in the desired fields (caption, tag, position) and tap Share .
This will share the post with comments disabled. If you change your mind and want to turn comments back on, you can do so by tapping Revision checks next to the notification showing you have disabled comments.
How to disable comments on an old post
If you feel the need to disable comments on an old post for any reason, you can too. That's how:
- Launch your Instagram app and navigate to the post you want to disable comments for.
- Tap the a icon three points above the post.
- Select Disable comments from the pop-up menu.
That's all. You have successfully disabled comments for the aforementioned post.
Why disable comments on Instagram
There are many reasons why you might want to disable comments on your Instagram posts. One of the main reasons is that if the content of your post or theme requires discretion, then it might be best not to have public comments.
Another reason for opting out could be harassment from other users in response to a certain topic. Finally, some people don't like receiving too much feedback and prefer their account as “private”. This feature allows them this option without having a real private account.