With the official launch of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, we are finally ready to embark on a hilarious and exuberant adventure in the world of Marvel characters. The game's release, set for October 26, 2021, will bring Guardians of the Galaxy to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and Nintendo Switch. Obviously, there will be a long list of Trophies, reported in this guide, to be obtained in order to aspire to the Platinum in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. By following this guide, however, completing all the objectives necessary to achieve this goal will not be difficult at all, and will allow you to serenely add this shiny Platinum Trophy to your collection.
A new title is born from the Eidos-Montrèal team story-driven completely single player and it is precisely for this reason that most of the trophies obtainable will be related to the main story of the game. Getting all the Trophies and Platinum in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy will still require some attention, since, as reported in the guide, they will be present well 6 missable trophies. 5 of these trophies are linked to collectibles, which cannot be recovered via Select Chapter - which, be careful, resets the collectibles counter -, but are still transferred within the New Game + and finding them all will therefore not be a big problem.
The total number of trophies you will be able to get is 59 (54 3
), and they can all be obtained in a single run. Fortunately, the difficulty level will not affect the achievement of trophies in any way, and you can then select the one that suits you best. Our advice is therefore to play the story mode quietly, with particular attention to the missing trophy
Pay the fine and shut up.
ATTENTION: Before continuing with the reading of this Platinum guide we would like to inform you that, although we will try to avoid as many details as possible, the article may contain SPOILERS regarding Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy, its plot and some of its mechanics. We therefore advise you to continue reading with particular attention.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Platinum Guide
Bronze trophies
A risky bet - Complete Chapter 1. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Get caught - Complete Chapter 2. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
The price of freedom - Complete Chapter 3. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
The queen of monsters - Complete Chapter 4. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Pay or die - Complete Chapter 5 | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Between the Rock and the hammer - Complete Chapter 6. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Canine confusion - Complete Chapter 7. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Matriarch - Complete Chapter 8. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Extreme evils - Complete Chapter 9. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Test of faith - Complete Chapter 10. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
The domain of the mind - Complete Chapter 11. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
If not Knowhere, where? - Complete Chapter 12. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Against all odds - Complete Chapter 13. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Among the flames - Complete Chapter 14. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Broken promises - Complete Chapter 15. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
He Magus - Complete Chapter 16. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
The man who whispered to the lamas - Capture the monster from the quarantine area. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Octopus In Wet - Defeat the Dweller of the Dark. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Family therapy - Defeat the Blood Brothers. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Mama's boy - Defeat Meredith Quill's vision. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Titanic clash - Survive the encounter with Thanos' manifestations. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Fing Fang BOOM - Defeat Fing Fang Foom. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unfaithful - Defeat the Grand Unifier Raker. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Literary criticism - Defeat the Magus. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Self-improvement - Purchase the first Star-Lord ability. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
Dynamic team - Purchase at least one special ability for Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot. | Each of the team members has 3 unlockable skills. Purchase at least one skill for each member. This trophy is related to
Absolute power, which requires you to acquire all skills for all team members.
Absolute power - Purchase all special skills for your companions. | Obtaining this trophy will not be complicated at all and you just need to proceed through the story and spend the Skill Points you will earn through the experience to the fullest. Each character's first ability is unlocked right from the start. The second costs 2 skill points, the third 3 skill points and each character's fourth skill will be unlocked automatically throughout the story. In total, therefore, you will need 25 skill points (5 for each character).
We shiver - Get the ice element for Star-Lord's weapons. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Let's give ourselves a shake - Obtain the electricity element for Star-Lord's weapons. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Wind of passions - Get the wind element for Star-Lord's weapons. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
My magma - Get the plasma element for Star-Lord's weapons. | Story related trophy, cannot be missed.
A little help? - Revive a neutralized teammate. | When a team member is neutralized a red icon will appear on their head. Approach and press the screen button to revive him.
Go and stun - Stun 25 enemies. | To stun an enemy you will need to use Drax's ability called "Destroy". Use it on 25 enemies and that's it.
Hands down, Nova Corps - Interrupt a Centurion Nova with Gamora's attack of opportunity. | The Nova Centurions are enemies equipped with jetpacks found in Chapter 7. During the course of the fight you will have to use the team's attack of opportunity - by pressing the command on the screen - until it is Gamora to help you. In case Gamora doesn't help you, reload the last checkpoint and keep trying again until you get the trophy.
Tin beast - Break a slakebeast with Drax's attack of opportunity. | The slakebeasts are enemies with the face similar to an octopus present in Chapter 3. During the course of the fight you will have to use the team's attack of opportunity - by pressing the command on the screen - until it is Drax to help you. In case Drax doesn't help you, reload the last checkpoint and keep trying again until you get the trophy.
You are not Groot - Break an unstoppable Wendigo with Groot's attack of opportunity. | The unstoppable Wendigos are golem-like enemies found in Chapters 10 and 13. During the course of the fight you will have to use the team's attack of opportunity - by pressing the command on the screen - until Groot is to help you. In case Groot doesn't help you, reload the last checkpoint and keep trying again until you get the trophy.
Drax the Ripper - Interrupt an Inquisitor with Drax's attack of opportunity. | The Inquisitors are robots that shoot lasers present in Chapter 7. During the course of the fight you will have to use the team's attack of opportunity - by pressing the command on the screen - until Drax is to help you. In case Drax doesn't help you, reload the last checkpoint and keep trying again until you get the trophy.
Unstoppable force - Reach maximum Impetus 10 times. | You will surely unlock it without realizing it by playing the story, you will have to get the maximum rating in 10 fights.
The crowd is in a frenzy - Perform a Style attack 10 times. | You will surely unlock it without realizing it by playing the story. Style attacks can be performed by pressing the buttons on the screen when approaching an enemy with low health; do it 10 times and you will get the trophy.
Line them up, lay them all out - Defeat 15 stunned enemies with one charged shot. | First of all you will need to purchase the "Charged Shot" perk. At this point, all you have to do is stun 15 enemies and eliminate them with the loaded shot.
Bullets are raining - Defeat 15 enemies with Star-Lord's High Noon ability. | First of all you will need to purchase the “High Noon” skill. At this point, all you have to do is eliminate 15 enemies using this ability.
Beyond the insult, the damage - Defeat 10 enemies hit by Drax's Wrath of Katath ability. | As per description, you will have to defeat 10 enemies afflicted by Drax's Wrath of Katath ability. This skill will be obtained automatically during Chapter 12.
Perfectly trained - Defeat 10 enemies with Gamora's Executioner ability. | As per the description, you will have to defeat 10 enemies using Gamora's Executioner skill, which you will automatically obtain during Chapter 12.
Too much bursts - Defeat 20 enemies with Rocket's Five Barrel Volley ability. | As per the description, you will have to defeat 20 enemies using Rocket's Five-barreled Volley ability, which you will automatically obtain during Chapter 11.
Herbalist's shop - Revive or heal companions 10 times with Groot's Gift of Flora skill. | As per the description, you will need to revive or heal your companions 10 times using Groot's Gift of Flora skill, which you will automatically obtain during Chapter 14.
A matter of altitude - Defeat 20 enemies with Star-Lord's Eye of the Storm ability. | As described, you will have to defeat 20 enemies using Star-Lord's Eye of the Storm ability, which you can purchase for 3 skill points.
Friends for death - Perform an auto-combo with Gamora. | Press the attack button repeatedly against an enemy near Gamora to initiate a combo together.
Katathian handshake - Perform an auto-combo with Drax. | Press the attack button repeatedly against an enemy near Drax to initiate a combo together.
Aim assisted - Perform an auto-combo with Rocket. | Press the attack button repeatedly against an enemy near Rocket to initiate a combo together.
It falls! - Perform an auto-combo with Groot. | Press the attack button repeatedly against an enemy near Groot to initiate combos together.
Caring captain - Find half of the Guardian items. | As per the description, it will be necessary to find half of the Guardian items in the game.
Fits perfectly! - Find and put on a costume. | As described, you will need to find one of the many costumes in the game and put it on.
Pay the fine and shut up - Pay the fine to the Nova Corps. | It is a trophy missable. To get it, we advise you not to buy anything during Chapter 6 and set aside at least 8000 galactic units to pay the fine in Chapter 9.
Are you gnawing, rodent? - Win the bet with Rocket. | As per the description, you just need to win the challenge with Rocket in Chapter 1. This is nothing too complex, and you can repeat the challenge as many times as you want through Select Chapters.
Trofei d'argento
Perfect management - Find all the Guardian items of one of the Guardians. | As per the description, you will need to find all the Guardian items in the game.
Passion for fashion - Find and put on all the costumes. | As per the description, it will be necessary to find all the costumes in the game and put them on.
Story to tell - Obtain 65% of the entries for each category of the Galactic Compendium. | As per the description, it will be necessary to obtain 65% of the entries for each category of the Galactic Compendium.
Trofei d'oro
Guardians of the Galaxy - Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Platinum trophy
Dwelling without secrets - Get all trophies. | As per the description, you will get it after having conquered all the other trophies in the game.
With this last trophy, our guide dedicated to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Platinum ends. We also refer you to our page dedicated to the Square Enix game, where you can find all the articles and guides of the title.