Game Boy Advance
Press and hold L + R + A (in the Pause screen)
Exit the current level
Hold L + R + B, press Down (in Pause screen)
Press and hold L + R + B + Right
Play with Mina or Drew
Hold L + R + A, press Up (while playing)
Go to the next level
Arene in Multiplayer
To unlock arenas to play in Multiplayer, you must defeat the boss of the corresponding area in single player mode.
Atlantis arena
Defeat the Atlantis Shadow creature
Castle arena
Complete the game
Cemetry arena
Defeat the Cemetry Shadow creature
Clouds arena
Defeat the Clouds Shadow creature
Desert arena
Defeat the Desert Shadow creature
Factory arena
Defeat the Factory Shadow creature
Garden arena
Defeat the Boss Garden Pumpkin
Temple arena
Defeat the Boss Temple Dragon
Village arena
Defeat the Village Shadow creature
Unlockable characters
Beat the game with the rank of Crystal in each level
Finish the game once

- gba
Exit date: October 4, 2002