There are different ways to access the NWN 2 Cheats mode, it depends on the version of the game you have, we will show you all of them. This should be for the Spanish version:
Access the game chat window by pressing the ENTER key and type ##DebugMode 1 to activate the Cheat Mode. At this point you have to select the character on which you want to make the trick work, by clicking on the image of the character himself. Press the ENTER key again and, respecting lowercase and uppercase, write one of the following codes:
(NOTE: as you can see, ## must be entered before each code, ie you must press the "hash" key twice)
##dm_givegold 10000
Adds 10000 coins to the selected character (you can change the amount as you like)
Invincibility of the selected character
Adds 20 points to all stats
##givespell *
Obtain the spell identified by the character's id number (replace the * sign with the desired digit)
##givexp *
Adds the desired amount of experience to your character (replace the * sign with the desired amount)
##givefeat *
Adds Talent to your character (replace the * sign with the desired number)
It allows you to set the camera with the best possible scrolling
##giveitem [item tag] *
Adds a certain object (replace the * sign with the desired digit)
##dm_allspells 1
Adds all the spells in the game
## SetCHA *
Set the Charisma to the desired digit (replace the * sign with the desired digit)
##SetCON *
Set the Constitution to the desired digit (replace the * sign with the desired digit)
##SetDEX *
Set Dexterity to desired digit (replace * sign with desired digit)
##SetSTR *
Set the Strength to the desired digit (replace the * sign with the desired digit)
##SetWIS *
Set Wisdom to desired digit (replace * sign with desired digit)
Alternative mode: how to open the console with the international keyboard
To open the console on a non-English keyboard (like the Spanish one for example), press the accent key (not the apostrophe!) And the question mark in quick succession while holding down the Shift key.
While playing you have to access the console by pressing the usual key. Now you have to write the command DebugMode 1 and press ENTER. At this point the debug mode is enabled and, again in the console, you can insert the following tricks:
(ATTENTION: you must respect lowercase and uppercase letters)
Adds 20 points to all stats
givespell #
Obtain the spell identified by the character's id number (replace the # sign with the desired digit)
givexp #
Adds the desired amount of experience to your character (replace the # sign with the desired amount)
Invulnerability. I hope it works!
givefeat #
Adds Talent to your character
It allows you to set the camera with the best possible scrolling
giveitem [item tag] #
Adds a certain object
dm_givegold #
Adds the desired amount of gold coins
dm_allspells 1
Adds all the spells in the game
SetCHA #
Set the Charisma to the desired digit (replace the # sign with the desired digit)
SetCON #
Set the Constitution to the desired digit (replace the # sign with the desired digit)
SetDEX #
Set Dexterity to desired digit (replace # sign with desired digit)
SetSTR #
Set the Strength to the desired digit (replace the # sign with the desired digit)
SetWIS #
Set Wisdom to desired digit (replace # sign with desired digit)

- pc
Exit date: November 3, 2006