Our series of guides on New Pokémon Snap continues: this time our protagonist is Swampert, discover with us how to get 4 stars by photographing him in the game
New Pokémon Snap has recently arrived, to the delight of all fans of the franchise, also on Nintendo Switch, with a remastered version of the original released many years ago on Nintendo 64. In this nice spin-off of the main series by Nintendo, there is no you will have to think about capturing and training your pets, to gradually defeat increasingly powerful opponents. No battles, no fights, no gyms: just lots of photos. In the game, in fact, you will have to arm yourself with patience and wander around the game world to photograph the Pokémon in their natural environment, in order to assimilate information for the professor.
To help you complete the title better, we have decided to bring you a long list of themed guides. After introducing you to the game map, the list of available levels and how to get Cristalfiore and Stelle Lumina, we have created a playlist of guides dedicated to obtaining four stars for each of the Pokémon present. We went from Dodrio to Ducklett, from Hoothoot to Magikarp, from Sylveon to Meganium, and today we explain how to get 4 stars by photographing Swampert in New Pokémon Snap!
New Pokémon Snap: 4 sets per Swampert!
Let's find out step by step how to get 4 stars for Swampert:
- Stella 1: the simplest to obtain, take any photo of Swampert under any circumstances. Photographing the orecchiette sticking out of the water also counts;
- Stella 2: hit Swampert with a Soft Apple, whether he is underwater or not, and take the picture while he is scared;
- Stella 3: head in the alternative direction with the Leafeon, the one you see right in front of you. At the fork, throw a Soft Apple at the Leafeon to make it take the other way. Then use Melody to make him sing along with Bounsweet and Ariados, then he will make his way to the water. At this moment Swampert will appear, take a photo while it lands or is still in midair;
- Stella 4: follow the same procedure as the previous star and when Swampert jumps out of the water throw a Lumina Star at him. He will start throwing water at Leafeon and the two will start playing together. Take a picture of Swampert throwing the water, this way you will get the fourth star.
So ends here our short guide on how to get 4 stars by photographing Ducklett in New Pokémon Snap. Stay tuned with us at Holygamerz for tons of other themed guides! What do you think of the Nintendo title? Write it to us below in the comments, we will continue to keep you updated with all the news on videogame and tech! And if you are interested in game keys at affordable prices, we recommend that you take a look at the InstantGaming catalog!