Mega Evolutions landed on Pokémon GO a few days ago, splitting the community into those who appreciate and those who despise. Luckily Niantic had hole cards, and he plays a major one by announcing the events for the month of September.
These are all events mega-evolution theme, an opportunity not to be missed to put aside the precious Mega Energy needed to evolve Pokémon. In fact, remember that for each Mega Evolving Pokémon in your box, a different amount of energy is required for Mega Evolution, which is reduced after the first use only for the exact same Pokémon in the box. Beedrill and the three starter Pokémon of the Kanto region remain undisputed protagonists, since in each of the phases we will be able to gather energy for them. But that's not all: between global challenges and mega unlocks, let's see together what awaits us.
Week 1 - Raid Challenge
From September 1st to 7th a global challenge takes place, which will see us engaged in an attempt to win 2 million megaraids. Upon completion, the reward will be the unlocking of Mega Pidgeot in the megaraids.
For this purpose some bonuses will be active, the most important of which is probably the one that increases the appearance of megaraids wherever you are. During these raids, the attack bonus obtained from Mega Evolutions will be added an additional 10%, obtained from the Friendship bonus with your partner. Do not underestimate this bonus: using it to your advantage you can maximize the mega-energy obtained from megaraids, completing them in even less time.
This challenge will be accompanied by themed field research, and by completing them we will be able to obtain mega-energy for Beedril, Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise. An opportunity definitely not to be missed, if you want to save Pokémonete. Pokémon spawns renew, and you can meet more Abra, Magnemite, Exeggcute, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Electabuzz, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Murkrow, Treecko, Torchic, Roselia and Lotad - the latter just released in a chromatic version.
Keep in mind that several of the Pokémon just listed (or evolutions) enjoy a mega-evolution, which will surely be released later. Specifically it is Alakazam, Sceptile, Blaziken and Aerodactyl. If you don't have any, set aside candy to evolve some with good IVs maybe as soon as you can teach them a legacy move.
Week 2 - Megalotta Challenge
From 11 to 17 September we return to work with a new global challenge. By participating in 275 million battles we will be able to unlock the raids of Mega Houndoom. The battles mentioned are specifically fights in the gym, against the GO Rocket and the fights of the trainer (excluding the GO Battle League).
Mega Beedrill will be at the center of new Field Research Missions - complete them to receive additional Mega Energy. If you use a Mega Beedrill in raids, it will also receive an additional LP boost - but only during the event. Take advantage of it, especially for the fights against the new Shadow Pokémon of the GO Rocket team arriving during the event. The mega-energy received from the missions will be centered on the beetle Pokémon, but you can still get specific ones for Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise. And as far as research is concerned, a new Time Search appears to be coming during the event.
The week is therefore focused on Bug Pokémon, and consequently in nature it will be possible to meet more of them. In particular you will meet Caterpie, Weedle, Paras, Venonat, Scyther, Pinsir, Ledyba, Spinarak, Wurmple, Kricketot and Burmy. Ledyba makes its debut in a chromatic version just this week.
Then remember that Pinsir and Scizor (evolution of Scyther) can Mega Evolve - set aside some with good IVs for the future release of their Mega Evolutions.
Week 3 - Great Pokémon
Closer and closer to Halloween (?), From 22 to 28 September the research will focus on Large Pokémon - although we have doubts about it. A Timed Research will also be released, and it is highly recommended to complete it - only then will you get one for Halloween, in which you can get megaenergy for Gengar.
Mega Evolve a Pokémon and take it as a companion around the map. The Poffin, for this week, they will make him happy for twice the normal duration. Not only that, by taking pictures with him you can meet a Pokémon of the same species as a photobomber. The spawns of the week will feature Doduo, Exeggutor form Alola, Pinsir, Lapras, Snorlax, Furret, Wobbuffet, Mantine and Skarmory. The chromatic debut this time is up to Doduo, the two-headed Flying Pokémon. Large Pokémon will also appear more frequently in raids.
Le field research they do not stop, and they will release more megaenergy for this week as well. The mega-energy for Beedrill will be in more substantial quantities yet, but we will not remain dry-mouthed even for the three starter Pokémon. And by the way, Mega Evolutions will last 12 hours for this part of the event.
Field research
Le field research missions have been renewed with the start of the new month and the activation of the mega event. There are the usual suspects, such as Spinda and Larvitar (rewards of “Throw 5 curved balls in a row” and “Throw 3 excellent balls in a row” respectively), but alongside them 6 new ad-hoc missions for the event appear. From one of these you can get mega-energy for only one of the three starters: here's how.
As a last note, remember that for the month of September collect 7 daily stamps will reward you with Raichu form Alola, a Pokémon otherwise only obtainable from raids and which can be found Shiny. The Hawaiian-like form of the iconic Electric Mouse Pokémon carries the Psychic-type in addition to the Electric-type, making it slightly more versatile.
The events of September, all marked by mega-evolutions, are very promising. They will allow us to get our hands on even more Mega Energy, and new Mega Evolutions will land in the game. The feature is debatable, but it sure has a big impact on the meta of the game - use it to your advantage.
Updates to megaraids
As of September 4, Niantic, after listening to community feedback, made important updates to the feature while also sharing draft plans for the future.
La mega energy obtainable from megaraids it increases significantly, and would currently seem to hover between a minimum limit of 50 units and a maximum of 90 - again based on the "speed" of completion. In raids, mega and otherwise, the normals also increase rewards - from objects to the Premier Balls themselves, which increase in number based on damage and speed.
In the future of Mega Evolutions of Pokémon GO the Mega energy will be obtainable, according to Niantic, more easily. Field missions will yield more, and even walking with your partner would seem on the verge of becoming a way to get it. Not only that: if already the evolutionary cost is significantly reduced after the first Mega Evolution for the same Pokémon, Niantic has implemented a further reduction. Starters now go from 50 to 40 Mega Energy needed to evolve again, Beedril instead from 25 to 20. This, remember, only applies to Pokémon you've already Mega Evolved at least once.
Guide to Giovanni Team Rocket Leaders Guide Guide to Mega Evolutions Raid Guide Guide to Eggs How to catch Ditto GO Battle League Guide Guide to the Mega Fight Challenge