The September event dedicated to mega-evolutions continues this week. Having released the functionality, Niantic has in fact scheduled a series of events lasting the entire month. At the end of the path, by completing the proposed challenges we will have unlocked Mega Pidgeot, Mega Houndoom and a special Halloween quest for Mega Gengar. With their timing, in short, all the Mega Pokémon we know make their way even in Pokémon GO.
From today to September 18 the challenge is renewed. New special research, more and more megaraids, new active bonuses for players. The second week of the bonus is focused on battles - in the Gym, against friends, against the GO Rocket team. Not only that: the absolute protagonists will be the Bug-type Pokémon, and in particular Mega Beedrill.
The bonuses of the week
Prepare your best teams for a long series of battles. Challenge friends, fight in Gyms or against the recruits of the GO Rocket team - who for the occasion are adding new Shadow Pokémon to their ranks. By completing a total of 275 million of these battles using mega-evolved Pokémon, at an unspecified time in the near future we will be able to face Mega Houndoom in raids.
For this purpose Mega Beedrill will be very useful to you. It will in fact be enhanced in the aforementioned battles, enjoying the statistics of a level 44 Pokémon regardless of its original level. To help you always have enough Beedrill Mega Energy, field research is being renewed ad hoc. From those exclusive to the event, you will also get Mega Energy for Kanto starter Pokémon.
The Bonus Missions they are obtained automatically one a day, at midnight.
The map is also populated of Bug Pokémon for the event. At the center of attention is Ledyba, whose chromatic version has just been released. More Caterpie, Weedle, Paras, Venonat, Scyther, Pinsir, Spinarak, Wurmple, Kricketot and Burmy will appear alongside him. The Bug-type will be useful against Cresselia, the current legendary raid - but only in case the boss doesn't use the quick move Confusion, which could put them in a lot of trouble.
The exclusive Megalotta research
You've already used up all of the Beedrill Mega Energy from last year exclusive field research? Don't worry, you can get more from the currently active Mega Battle Challenge. You can find it in the "Today" tab of the Surroundings menu, and the missions you will have to face are these:
Keep aside Upgrade and the Sinnoh Stone obtained from the rewards of this mission. You can use them to evolve Porygon on next week's dedicated Community Day.
Thanks to this week's missions you will be able to set aside a significant amount of Mega Energy for Beedrill, which can be Mega Evolved the first time at the cost of 100 units and 20 for the following. Choose your (or your) combat Beedrill, Mega Evolve them and keep them ready for use in battle.
Guide to Mega Evolutions Raid Guide Guide to Giovanni How to catch Ditto Team Rocket Leaders Guide GO Battle League Guide September 2020 event guide