As usual for the Halloween period, Pokémon GO prepares very nice and interesting themed events, and for this reason we offer you the guide for the event of the season of Birba Part 2: Companions Macabre.
During this event, within the Niantic title, we will have to find new Pokémon adorned with a Halloween hat, as well as capture Slowking of Galar e Mega Absol.
In this guide we will give you the indications to understand how the spawn of the nice Pokémon will increase, the targets to aim for during the raids and the complementary research activities.
Also in this second part of the event (officially started on October 22nd and ending on October 31st), all the candies obtained from catching, hatching eggs or transferring Pokémon will be doubled, so try to maximize your efforts during the course these days!
Let's find out the various activities that you will find in-game.
Pokémon GO Halloween Cup timed quest
- Fight in the GO Battle League (You will meet Sableye)
- Fight in the GO Battle League 5 times (You will meet Yamask)
- Win a coach battle in the GO Battle League (You will meet Frillish)
- Win 4 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League (You will meet Umbreon)
- Win 7 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League (You will meet Galarian Yamask)
Reward : 15 caramelle Yamask, 15 caramelle Sableye, 15 caramelle Scraggy
Traveling Search - Rewards
- Catch 25 Ghost-type Pokémon: You will meet Yamask of Galar
- Catch 5 Ghost-type Pokémon: Halloween Pikachu Hat or You Will Meet Halloween Piplup
- Spin 3 Poké Stops or Gyms: You will encounter Spinarak
- Make 3 rounds: You will encounter Spinarak
- Spin 7 Poké Stops or Gyms: 1 rare candy
- Transfer 5 Pokémon: You will encounter Shuppet or Duskull
- Win a Raid: You will meet Yamask of Galar
Spawns increased over the course of the event
- Pikachu Halloween Hat
- Gastly
- Haunter
- MUrkrow
- misdreavus
- Shuppet
- Halloween Piplup hat
- I purred
- Yamask
- litwick
- Ghost (new)
- Pumpkaboo (new)
Hatching of the eggs after 7KM
- Spinarak
- misdreavus
- Shuppet
- Chingling
- Yamask Gal in Galar
- Golette
- Ghost (new)
Pokémon Raid
- Murkrow
- Yamask
- Yamask Gal in Galar
- Ghost (new)
- Pumpkaboo (new)
- Marowak in Alola
- Banette
- Halloween Drifblim Hat
- Flashing
- Darkrai
These are all the fantastic surprises you will find in Pokémon GO, during this "terrible" Halloween Part 2: Macabre Companions event detailed in this guide. If you have already completed all the missions and want to get ready for the beginning of next month, we recommend reading our in-depth study dedicated to the November 2021 Raids.