Problems with PosteMobile are not very frequent, also because it relies on the now stable Vodafone network. Even if it is not said that, just as it happened yesterday, the PosteMobile (Vodafone) network did not work.
When PosteMobile does not work, as for all other operators, it can be very annoying, but it is not always the operator's fault. Let's see what to do when the PosteMobile SIM doesn't work.
They call me, I don't answer because I don't get the calls and they accuse me of not answering. I'll give it a try. The network is not working. It is not possible to surf-call-send sms. #postemobile is down throughout Spain. Congratulations to @PosteMobile
PosteMobile: "We apologize, we are working to restore the service as soon as possible"
I will not waste much time, just to insert text in the article, so let's get straight to the point and see the first things to do when PosteMobile does not take or does not work.
PosteMobile does not work, what to do
The first and most important thing to do is to check the various websites, which will allow you to know the status of the PosteMobile network and let you know if the operator is having problems or is your phone, click one by one on the links below and check if PosteMobile has problems.
- PosteMobile downdetector
- PosteMobile assistance service
- Current situation of Postemobile
If one of these three services indicates that PosteMobile is having problems, stop here, you have to wait for the operator to solve the line problems, which often resulted from bad weather conditions. You can also contact the PosteMobile assistance service from here.
If everything turns out to be working, the next test to do is insert your SIM card in another phone, if it works, then insert the SIM card of your family member / friend in your phone. If once you insert the card it works, then there is a problem with your phone.
To get started, read this article: Android phone does not recognize the SIM
You haven't solved it yet, it may sound very silly, but there are times when the SIM card has not been inserted properly into its slot or tray, which is what prevents the phone from detecting or recognizing it.
Especially since in current phones this tray is where a microSD is also placed, which can cause us to place this card incorrectly and prevent it from working. Check the correct insertion of the SIM card in your phone.
A problem that can occur, for example when PosteMobile does not work, is that we have chosen the wrong network. If you are using the wrong network type, it could be that your phone does not recognize the SIM, which is exactly the cause of the problem.
Verifying it and, if necessary, change the network, would be a possible solution to put an end to this annoying situation. To change your network settings read this article: Reset Android Network Settings
If it still doesn't work, you can try to check the PosteMobile APN. The best we can do in this case is to delete them and add them again, so that they display nicely. This is achieved with these steps:
- Open settings.
- Access the Networks and wireless connection section.
- Enter mobile networks.
- Tap APN.
- Enter the PosteMobile APN details available here.
- Accept.
- Try to reconnect.
If PosteMobile still does not work, all you have to do is reset your Android phone, read this article to reset the device: How to reset an Android smartphone to factory settings? But first back up your device.
Further Reading:
- Fast charging does not work on android phone, how to fix
- How to fix camera problems on Huawei / Honor devices
- The Galaxy A20 screen is not working properly
- I can't install Discord, how to fix
- The Galaxy A40 screen is not working properly