Unlockable accessories
Angel Ring
Get level 18 in Story Mode or Clear Latin in Ballroom Mode
Beads Chocker
Use Kid as your partner for the Final Competition
Bunny Ear Hat
Get level 20 in Story Mode (no partner required) or Clear Standard in Ballroom Mode
Diamond ring
Win the Final Competition and accept and accept the proposal
Emerald Necklace
Use Klaus as your partner for the Final Competition
Fashionable Hairstick
Use Hayato as your partner for the Final Competition
Lily Hair Adornment
Befriend Randy and get it after practicing (you don't have to have a partner)
Rose Acessory
Use Cesar as your partner for the Final Competition
Star Pendant
Use Kiss as your partner for the Final Competition
1st ??? Picture
Take on the partnerless game and take Tony down after the ball
2nd ??? Picture
Take on the game without a partner and accept Tony's proposal after the ball
To unlock Kiss Maxgaia you have to complete the game once

- ds
Exit date: 30 September 2008