Press the key combination (depends on the version if European or American) ~ + Ctrl + Alt or + Ctrl + Alt to open the console during the game, enter the code you want to activate and finally press Enter
give item_health_mega
Increases health from 100 to 200
g_showplayershadow #
Adds (1) or removes (0) shadows
com_showfps #
Add (1) or remove (0) the framerate from the screen
pm_thirdperson #
Add (1) or remove (0) the third person view
give all
All weapons with full ammo, maximum health, maximum armor
com_allowconsole 1
Allows the console to be opened and closed by simply pressing the ~ (or) key
Closes the game and opens the map editor
Commit suicide
Create a new light source where you point the mouse
Game benchmark
give weapon_dmg
Dark matter gun with ammunition
give weapon_grenadelauncher
Throw ammo grenades
give weapon_hyperblaster
Hyperblaster with ammunition
give weapon_lightninggun
Lightning gun with ammunition
give weapon_machinegun
Machine gun with ammunition
give weapon_nailgun
Nail gun with ammunition
give weapon_railgun
Railgun with ammunition
give weapon_rocketlauncher
Rocket launcher with ammunition
give weapon_shotgun
Shotgun with ammunition
give weapons
All weapons without ammunition
give ammo
give all weapons
All weapons
Get information about the video card
pm_noclipspeed #
Setting how fast you can move in noclip mode
pm_crouchspeed #
Setting how fast you can move while crouching
pm_speed #
Setting how fast you can move when running
pm_jumpheight #
Setting how high you can jump
Exit the game immediately
give armor
Maximum armor
give health
Maximum health
Removes all monsters and non-player characters from the current level
Removes the "testlight"
screenshot XY
Put in place of X and Y with 4: 3 screen resolution, such as 800 600 or 1024 768
Save a demo of your game in an AVI format file (basically make a movie)
spawn char_marine
Spawn a marine who helps in combat
spawn char_marine_medic
Have a medical marine appear who can heal
spawn char_marine_tech_armed
Spawn a mechanical marine who can fight and restore armor
Enable / Disable the noclip mode which is used to fly and cross solid objects
Enable / Disable invincibility
Enable / Disable invisibility
Weapon Mod Codes
Activate the console by pressing the usual key combination (CTRL + ALT +) and enter the following codes:
spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_homing
Adds guided missile functionality to the rocket launcher by right clicking
spawn weaponmod_lightninggun_chain
Allows the lightning shooter to jump into nearby enemies
spawn weaponmod_hyperblaster_bounce1
Allows the hyperblaster to bounce off walls
spawn weaponmod_machinegun_ammo
The ammo clip of the machine gun becomes 80 rounds
spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_burst
The rocket launcher fires three rockets in quick succession
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_ammo
Increases the damage and hit range of the nail gun
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_rof
Increases damage and hit range
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_power
Increases damage and hit range
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_seek
Homing nails with scope
spawn weaponmod_railgun_penetrate
The railgun does more damage
spawn weaponmod_shotgun_ammo
The Shotgun reloads using the bullet magazine, rather than one shot at a time
Xbox 360
During the game, press the BACK button to access the game objectives window. Enter the codes very quickly otherwise they will not activate
B, A, X, Y, Left, Right, Left
All weapons have a full tank of ammunition
B, A, B, A, Up, Up, Down, X
Restore 100% health
Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Y, X, X, A
Health never drops below 1
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.
Get it all

- pc
- x360
Exit date: October 20, 2005