In Resident Evil 4 Remake you will often find yourself faced with more and less complex puzzles, which sometimes require certain objects scattered throughout the environments, such as that of the stone pedestal from Chapter 3, which you can only complete after finding it three Hexagonal Pieces. Below we will show you their location and how to complete this puzzle.
Where to find Hex Pieces
You will probably get your hands on one or more of the Hex Pieces needed to complete the puzzle even before the stone pedestal located in the bay just after the Quarry, an area you will reach in Chapter 3. However, you will only be able to get all three necessary items once you have defeated the boss of this section and started the Chapter 4. Below you will find details on their location.

Il Hexagonal Piece A it is found in a chest located on a table in front of the Merchant you will meet in Chapter 3 (in the same area there is also the shooting range), refer to the map to find it.

Il Hexagonal Piece B it is found inside a red chest in the "Fish Farm" area, which you must visit in Chapter 3 to advance in the story. It's not particularly difficult to spot, just refer to the image above. You'll want to clear the area of enemies thoroughly as quite a few will appear. In the same area, among other things, you will also find a good number of Vipers, useful for completing a merchant's assignment.

You can get your hands on it Hexagonal Piece C only after starting in Chapter 4. Progress through the game until you unlock the motor boat and then head to the "Small Cave Temple" area, located northeast of the lake. You will have to visit this area in any case to recover the "Blafemo's Head": the Hexagonal piece C is found in a chest located in the same building.
How to complete the Stone Pedestal puzzle

Once you have recovered all three hexagonal pieces, all you have to do is go to the Stone Pedestal located north of the Quarry, refer to the map above. Once inserted into the mechanism you will have to complete a puzzle which requires you to rotate three blocks made up of as many hexagonal pieces to give shape to a specific image (the one seen at the head of this article). Small tip: before tackling this puzzle we suggest you save.
In reality, this is not a particularly complicated puzzle. You could even get to the solution by moving the blocks randomly, but in this case it could take forever. The trick is to understand that the Hexagonal Piece in the center is the only one shared between all three blocks: it is therefore the "swap point" that you will have to use to move the misplaced pieces into the correct blocks.
But if you like to win easy, you can complete this puzzle in just 2 moves, Yes, you read that correctly. Starting from the initial ordering, in fact, you just need to rotate the block at the bottom left once and then rotate the block at the top and you're done. Refer to the image below. This only applies if you have not already changed the order of the pieces, in which case you should reload the save.

By completing the Earth Pedestal puzzle you will get the treasure Immoral Idol, which you can sell to the merchant for 15.000 pesetas, a nice nest egg to invest in purchasing new weapons or upgrading those already in your possession.