One of the novelties of Resident Evil 4 Remake is that now the Merchant proposes a series of short films to Leon side missions, rewarding him with Spinels (a type of gem) once completed.
Most of the merchant's requests are rather simple and concern, for example, destroying blue medallions scattered in specific areas, eliminating rats or facing special and particularly tough variants of common enemies, which become mini-bosses in effect. These side missions are notified to you via blue sheets scattered throughout the game, but in many cases you can start or even complete them before you even find them.
- Spinelli that you will receive in exchange for your efforts are a truly precious resource. They can be used to obtain various items from the Merchant, in the "Exchange" section, including the Matilda pistol, various weapon accessories, jewels, treasures, briefcases, gunpowder and herbs, as well as special tickets to immediately unlock the special modification of weapons, without spending money and upgrading them to the maximum.
Below we will explain when, where and how to complete all nineteen of the Merchant's requests of Resident Evil 4 Remake and get all the rewards up for grabs.
Merchant Request 1 – Destroy all Medallions

- When: Chapter 1 (you can complete it by Chapter 5, before the battle in the Villa)
- Area: Farm
- Objective: Destroy the five blue medallions scattered around the Farm
- Reward: Spinel x3
You can undertake the first request, "Destroy all medallions" in Chapter 1, even before meeting the merchant. You will find the blue sheet with the instructions on this secondary mission on a wall immediately before the iron gate of the Farm which you will have to open to continue the mission. We suggest you collect it as once done the position of the five blue medallions to be destroyed will be indicated on the map, making this task extremely simple. In any case, below you will find directions on where to find them all:

The first medallion is found on an exterior wall of the small building with the typewriter at the entrance to the area.

The second medallion hangs on a vertical beam in the stable near the center of the area.

The third medallion dangles from the window of the barn, where inside there is also the knob necessary to raise the iron gate and proceed through the story.

The fourth medallion hangs under the wooden walkway surrounding the mill.

The fifth and final medallion can be found hanging from the ceiling of the small shack to the west of the area
Merchant Request 2 – Disinfestation

- When: Chapter 2 (you can complete it by Chapter 5, before the battle in the Villa)
- Area: Abandoned Factory
- Objective: Eliminate three rats
- Reward: Spinel x3
The second Merchant request is available starting from Chapter 2, immediately after recovering Leon's equipment in the Abandoned Factory. The blue mission sheet is located to the right of the Merchant, but if you want you can complete it before even reading it. In fact, the three rats to be eliminated are inside the factory you just escaped from. The first is located in the elbow corridor at the entrance, while the other two are in the central area. If you want, you can eliminate them with the knife, with a little patience and the right timing, but using the gun is decidedly less nerve-wracking.
Merchant Request 3 – Viper Hunter

- When: Chapter 3 (we suggest completing it before entering the Church in Chapter 4, as vipers become very rare after that)
- Area: Village Square, various areas
- Objective: Sell three vipers to the Merchant
- Reward: Spinel x4
To complete request #3, "Viper Hunter", you will have to sell three to the Merchant vipers. These cute animals are hiding inside some destructible crates, ready to give Leon and the player a blow. Other than that, they are practically harmless and you can use your knife to quickly eliminate them. Once done, you can add them to your inventory and use them as healing items, although obviously we suggest you keep them to complete this task.
In any case, if you missed them or consumed them before starting the mission, you will be happy to know that you will find several vipers in the area Fish breeding, which you will necessarily have to visit in the same chapter to recover a petrol can. Once all the enemies have been eliminated, check the surroundings, especially in the water, to find a large number of these animals, much higher than that needed to complete this request. In short, for the occasion you can also stock up on healing items.
Merchant's Request 4 – Tomb Defiler

- When: Chapter 3 (you can complete it by Chapter 5, before the battle in the Villa)
- Area: Church
- Objective: Destroy the emblems on the twins' gravestones
- Reward: Spinel x2
A very simple request. The blue sheet is found in an open-air warehouse on the side of the Church, but it is not necessary to complete this side quest. All you have to do is go to the cemetery in front of the church and shoot them symbols of the two headstones in the image below.

Merchant Request 5 – Destroy the Blue Medallions 2

- When: Chapter 3 (you can complete it by Chapter 4, before entering the Church)
- Area: Quarry and Fish Farm
- Objective: Destroy 5 blue medallions
- Reward: Spinel x4
Like the previous request, this time too you will have to destroy 5 blue medallions, however in this case they are scattered in two different areas, but still close to each other. You will find the blue mission sheet on a wooden fence just before entering the Quarry. We suggest you read it, so as to automatically highlight the objects to be destroyed on the map and make your life much easier. Below is the location of all the blue medallions:

The first medallion can be destroyed by aiming from the Quarry, it is hanging on a wooden scaffolding towards the north.

The second medallion is found in the area with the pier, where the puzzle with the stone pedestal is also located. To destroy it, position yourself near the boat and aim under the dock.

The third medallion is found in the Fish Farm, inside a wooden shack towards the center of the map, you will recognize it because there is a red and white life jacket outside.

The fourth medallion is found in the same area, under the wooden walkway that leads to the western part of this area. To find it you will have to go around, passing under the structure after crossing it.

The fifth and final medallion can be found hanging on the wooden structure in the southern part of the area.
Merchant Request 6 – Hunting for eggs

- When: Chapter 4 (you can only complete it within this chapter, before entering the Church)
- Area: Cave with wall paintings, Lake
- Objective: Sell a golden chicken egg
- Reward: Spinel x3
You will find the blue sheet of this request when you exit the Cave with wall paintings, just before finding a working boat. All you have to do is sell to the Merchant a golden chicken egg. If you don't already have one in your inventory you can obtain it very easily by visiting the area east of the lake indicated in the map below, where among other things you can also stock up on normal and brown eggs.

Merchant Request 7 – Big Fishing

- When: Chapter 4 (you can only complete it within this chapter, before entering the Church)
- Area: Colonia sul lago, Lake
- Objective: Find a giant largemouth bass and sell it to the merchant
- Reward: Spinel x4
The request can be found hanging on a vertical beam inside a small cave north of the Lake Colony, immediately after the door with the emblem. What you will have to do is kill a giant largemouth bass using the harpoon and then sell it to the merchant. This specimen is located near the boathouse, in the southern part of the lake, as indicated on the map below. Even in the dark you will easily spot it given its size.

Merchant's Request 8 – A wild beast

- When: Chapter 5 (you can only complete it within this chapter, before passing the Farm)
- Area: Town Hall, Village Chief's Villa, Village
- Objective: Eliminate the special enemy "Wild Dog"
- Reward: Spinel x8
The blue sheet of this request is found near the merchant near the Town Hall. You will have to eliminate a special enemy, a variant of Colmillo particularly aggressive and tough. First of all, head to the village chief's villa (eliminating all the enemies in the square in the meantime). Once inside, since you're there, go to the bedroom on the second floor and get Ashley's help to reach the attic (flip the switch behind one of the paintings) and recover the treasures inside (there's also a Clockwork Castellan to destroy). Once done, exit the Villa from the main entrance and you will see the special Colmillos behind the iron gate. As soon as you get close, your target will flee towards the Village square. As soon as you return to this area the enemy will attack you, so be prepared.
Defeating this miniboss is not particularly difficult if you have ammo Shotgun, machine gun and maybe even some adhesive leads for the crossbow arrows. We suggest you aim especially at the tentacles on Colmillo's back and not underestimate the agility of this enemy, as he is able to quickly jump to the sides to avoid your attacks. We also advise you to give Ashley the order to stay away from you, so that she doesn't accidentally get hurt during the fight.
Merchant Request 9 – Destroy the blue medallions 3

- When: Chapter 7 (you can complete it by Chapter 12, before using the elevator in the Clock Tower)
- Area: Castle gate
- Objective: Destroy the six blue medallions in the area
- Reward: Spinel x5
Another side mission where you have to destroy some blue medallions. Get used to it, there will be others too. You can start it in Chapter 7: the blue mission sheet is found immediately after destroying the door with the cannon and we suggest you collect it to make all the medallions appear on the map. Below are the directions to find them all.

A medallion hangs inside a rectangular window, above the door of a destroyed stone building, located to the north of the area.

Now head to the northwest corner of the area, next to the circular tower, you will find a blue medallion near a chest that contains a precious bracelet.

At the same spot where you destroyed the previous medallion, aim up towards the northern castle wall and you'll see another one dangling from a wooden walkway.

Reach the top of the tower with the cannon on the south side and you will find another medallion hanging on the side of the pavilion.

Another medallion is found inside the same tower, near the counterweight that you destroyed to raise the cannon to the top.

To find the last one, go back to the beginning of the circular staircase after the chapel and look towards the outside of the castle: the medallion is hanging on the branch of a tree.
Merchant Request 10 – Destroy the blue medallions 4

- When: Chapter 9
- Area: Central Corridor
- Objective: Destroy all blue medallions
- Reward: Spinel x5
Once again you will have to destroy some blue medallions. You can collect the blue request sheet from the merchant to the right of Central Corridor, an area you will reach in Chapter 9 after passing the labyrinth courtyard. As usual we suggest you collect it to highlight the position of the objects to be destroyed on the map. Below, you will find directions on where the medallions to destroy are located.

Leaving the merchant's room, go left a few meters and you will find a medallion hanging under a stone arch.

Another medallion is located above the chandelier in the center of the Central Corridor, you can shoot it by aiming from the second floor.

The third medallion is found behind a stone column which is behind the puzzle with the chimera statue in the Central Corridor.

The fourth medallion is found between two curtains on the second floor of the Armory.

Another medallion is found between two curtains in the Dining Room.

The last medallion is in the Gallery, on a column near the pedestal from where you recovered one of the statue's heads.
Merchant Request 11 – Another pest control

- When: Chapters 9 and 10 (you can complete it by Chapter 12, before using the elevator in the Clock Tower)
- Area: Central Corridor, Library
- Objective: Eliminate three rats
- Reward: Spinel x3
Another pest control mission where you have to kill three rats. You can start this quest in Chapter 9, with the blue sheet found on the door north of the chimera statue of the Central corridor. However, you can only complete it starting from the next chapter, as one of the rodents to be eliminated is located in an area that you can only access later.
The first two rats to eliminate are very easy to locate and are located in areas that you will inevitably have to visit to continue the game. The first is in the corridor leading to the Dining Room, the room north of the statue with the chimera. The second target, however, is located in the corridor that connects the Armory to the Central Corridor, which you will visit immediately after the battle with the armor (it is the same area in which you will also recover the cubic device necessary to obtain some of the Castle's treasures).
The third and final rat, however, as previously mentioned, can only be found starting from Chapter 10. It is found in the corridor to the west of the Library, at the point indicated on the map below. You will return to this area anyway to complete the Merchant's next side quest.

Merchant's Request 12 – A merciless knight

- When: Chapter 10 (you can complete it by Chapter 12, before using the elevator in the Clock Tower)
- Area: Central corridor, Mausoleum
- Objective: Kill the Knight in Golden Armor (Special Enemy)
- Reward: Spinel x8
After regaining control of Leon in Chapter 10 you can start a new Merchant request by collecting the blue sheet found in the room south of the chimera statue in the Central Corridor. This time you will have to face a knight in golden armor, a much more resistant and dangerous variant than the others you have faced so far. The enemy is located in the Mausoleum, the area with the bells to ring and the armor that you have already visited previously with Ashley (the exact location is indicated on the map as soon as you collect the mission sheet).
Your target will also be accompanied by two standard living armor, which complicates the fight. The advice is to eliminate these two minor enemies first since they are particularly annoying and dangerous. Furthermore, before starting the fight make sure that your knife is in good condition, since parries allow you not only to avoid damage but also to unbalance these enemies, which you can then hit with a nice spinning kick. Another suggestion is to take advantage of the stone columns in this arena to avoid the armor's blows or avoid them.

Like normal knights, the golden one will also release his plague after taking a certain amount of damage. Once done, all you have to do is target him with your firearms until you get the upper hand. If you eliminated the other two knights first, the battle becomes quite simple, as you just need to adopt a hit-and-run approach.
There is also a tactic to end this fight quickly and without wasting a lot of ammunition, but it is a bit risky. What you will have to do is make the plaga come out of all three armors without eliminating them. Once done, just throw one stun grenade to wipe out all enemies instantly.
Merchant's Request 13 - Beehive

- When: Chapter 11 (you can only complete it in this chapter, before taking the elevator)
- Area: Beehive
- Objective: Destroy the four entrances to the hive
- Reward: Spinel x4
Once you arrive in the Hive in Chapter 11 you will be able to try your hand at a very simple quest, which requires you to eliminate some sort of pulsating yellow bulbs (like the one in the image below) which are found at the four entrances to the hive from which the Novistadors emerge, located at the top center of the area. They are not difficult to spot at all, just look up from time to time as you progress through this rather linear area.

Merchant Request 14 – Jewel Thief

- When: Chapter 12 (you will need to complete it before taking the elevator in the Clock Tower)
- Area: Courtyard
- Objective: Recover the chipped emerald from the crow's nest and sell it to the Merchant
- Reward: Spinel x3
To complete this mission you will have to recover a special emerald from a crow's nest and then sell it to the Merchant. However, the description offered by the blue sheet could mislead you and make you waste hours fruitlessly sifting through a labyrinth. Indeed, your goal it is not found in the Courtyard, but rather in the corridor that connects this area, the Cellar and the Water Room, indicated in the map below.

Once you reach the goal, look up and shoot the crow's nest, after a few gun shots the chipped emerald will fall to the ground. All you have to do is sell it to the Merchant to collect your reward.
Merchant's Request 15 – The Salazars' misfortune

- When: Chapter 12 (you will need to complete it before taking the elevator in the Clock Tower)
- Area: Throne Room
- Objective: Ruin Ramon Salazar's portrait in the Throne Room
- Reward: Spinel x4
To complete this side mission you will have to engage in vandalism. Specifically, you will have to deface the portrait of Ramon Salazar found in the Hall of the Throne (the area you previously visited after fighting two Garradors) by throwing any chicken egg at them. If you don't have one, you'll be happy to know that two chickens are wandering around right in the vicinity of the portrait and will most likely drop at least one egg on the ground.

Alternatively, you can get a golden egg by opening the display case in this area using the cubic device. However, we suggest you keep this precious object to throw it in the face of the real Salazar. Believe it or not, the golden egg reduces this boss's life points by more than half.
Merchant Request 16 – Destroy all blue medallions 5

- When: Chapter 14
- Area: Goods Warehouse
- Objective: Destroy the blue medallions
- Reward: Spinel x5
Another side mission where you have to destroy some blue medallions. First of all, as usual, we suggest you collect the request sheet to highlight their position on the map. It is found near the Merchant after the Warehouse of building 1. For the rest the process is always the same: aim and shoot.

Go through the door after the Merchant to reach the Goods Depot, take a few steps then turn and aim up: the first medallion is dangling from a ladder.

Before continuing up the stairs, look out to the east of the map to find another medallion beyond the barbed wire fence.

To find the third medallion, go up the stairs and then go down using the ladder on the left. Head south to find a medallion on a red container.

Starting from the previous point, advance a few meters north to find another medallion hanging from what appears to be some sort of boiler.

Finally, from the previous medallion, advance towards the stairs in a north-west direction and look up to the left to find the last one dangling from a metal structure.
Merchant's Request 17 – Yet another disinfestation

- When: Chapter 14
- Area: Waste elimination
- Objective: Eliminate four rats
- Reward: Spinel x4
The latest Resident Evil 4 Remake rat extermination. You will find the sheet for this mission near the Merchant after the Waste Elimination area. There are four in total and they are all located in the area you just passed. As usual they are not difficult to locate and also now you can use the thermal sight to find them more easily. In any case we have marked their position on the map above.
Merchant's Request 18 – Dawn of the Dead

- When: Chapter 14
- Area: Incubation laboratory
- Objective: Defeat the special enemy (an Iron Maiden variant)
- Reward: Spinel x8
This time too you will have to deal with a special enemy, namely a Regenerator with aculei more agile than normal and with many more places to destroy. Your target is located in the Incubation Laboratory you visited earlier. Before starting the fight we suggest you order Ashley to hide in the locker in the previous room, so that she doesn't get accidentally hit.

The tactic is basically the same as normal Regeneradors. Then mount the thermal sight on your carbine or LE 5 machine gun and take aim at the seven plagas found in the enemy's body. If you have not previously eliminated the other Regeneradors sleeping in the laboratory's tanks, you may inadvertently awaken them during the battle, so in this case we suggest luring your target out of this room. For the rest, pay attention to his attacks and his speed, which is higher than normal, trying to always keep a safe distance, even running away if necessary.
Merchant Request 19 – Destroy the blue medallions 6

- When: Chapter 15
- Area: Clifftop ruins
- Objective: Destroy all blue medallions
- Reward: Spinel x5
The last secondary mission of the Merchant of Resident Evil 4 Remake requires you to destroy some blue medallions for the umpteenth time. The request sheet is located at the end of the area Ruins on the cliff, next to the door of the building (do not advance further, otherwise you will no longer be able to complete it).

The first medallion is located on the bell tower of the building where you got the request sheet.

To locate the second one, turn and aim towards the iron scaffolding.

Now advance a few meters and then turn left to locate the third medallion dangling from a semi-destroyed stone arch (if you want, you can also shoot it from the lower floor at close range, as in our case).

Now go back to the clearing where you fought the Novistadors and enter the ruins of the building, you will find a ladder that goes downwards. Don't go down but rather look behind the stone arch to find another medallion. It is also possible to find it from outside the structure.

Go down the ladders mentioned previously and move forward a few meters. Then take aim at the cliff outside to find the last blue medallion.