In this guide dedicated to Resident evil village we will help you find all ingredients for dishes. Inside the game Capcom, here you will find our dedicated review, you can ingest some tasty piati che have permanent effects on the protagonist. There are six different ingredients and six cooking recipes in the title, but this game component is only unlocked after obtaining the second part of the Winged Key and having met the Duke. In fact, at the latter, you can get these upgrades if you have the right ingredients. The buffs you get during the story will automatically carry over to the New Game +.
You can have an increase in health, run faster and much more, these improvements will be appreciated above all by users who want to tackle the game at the maximum difficulty. All recipes will be automatically unlocked when you get the chance to cook, but the ingredients you will find are limited so don't sell them at all.
ATTENTION: we remind you that we should tell you the places to find the ingredients, and consequently this guide may contain SPOILERS on the Resident Evil Village plot, so we invite you to continue reading the guide only if you have already finished the game or if you already know what to do.
What ingredients do you need for the Duke's Kitchen in Resident Evil Village? Here is the guide
Fish with herbs
Effect: Health increases a bit permanently
Ingredients: Fish x3, Chicken x2
Pilaf with Meat
Effect: Damage received on guard is permanently reduced.
Ingredients: Chicken x4, Meat x1
Mititei to the three flavors
Effect: Health permanently increases
Ingredients: Fish x4, Chicken x2, Meat x3
Tochitura de Pui
Effect: Health greatly increases permanently
Ingredients: Chicken x4, Meat x3, Succulent Meat x1
Pork soup
Effect: Damage received on guard is greatly reduced permanently
Ingredients: Fish x1, Meat x5, Quality Meat x1
Plague Sarmale
Effect: Movement speed increases permanently
Ingredients: Fish x6, Delicious Fish x1
If you want to find out where to find the various ingredients, you can see it in our guide, while we refer you to our complete guide of the game if you need help with anything else!