sonic frontiers it can be quite a challenge if you don't know how to solve all 29 Ares Island challenges: here is a complete guide for each mission, at the end of which you will be awarded the trophy Explorer of Ares Island. No challenge can be evaded if you want to achieve 100% completion.
The mission count starts from the number 26 as the previous 25 are related to the Isle of Kronos: find that specific guide at this address.
- M-026: Spam Square/X on the pillar to deal damage.
- M-027: Use the Cyloop ability around the three small sand hills that surround you.
- M-028: Climb the pedestal and parry an energy projectile.
- M-029: Activate the hourglass, reach the top of the mountain within 30 seconds and activate the plate.
- M-030: Stay on both plates on the ground for a second. Then climb onto the third slab, jump into the air and dash onto the slab. Repeat this operation twice.
- M-031: Run through the blue objectives within 20 seconds.
- M-032: Activate the hourglass, go up to the first platform and deactivate the blue light with the Cyloop ability, repeat this operation for the other two platforms.
- M-033: Step on the orange slab and then walk on the blue slabs that are now highlighted without touching any other slabs.
- M-034: Activate the hourglass, and reach the pot within 90 seconds.
- M-035: Simply spam Square/X on the pillar to deal damage.
- M-036: Use the Cyloop skill around the pedestal, now kick the blue ball into both rings within the time limit.
- M-037: Step on the orange plate and then walk on the blue plates which are now highlighted without touching any other plates.
- M-038: Take the blue orb.
- M-039: Climb the pedestal and parry three energy projectiles.
- M-040: Activate the hourglass and follow the path of the blue objectives to complete this challenge.
- M-041: Climb up each pillar, then jump and run three times. Do this for all three pillars.
- M-042: Use the Cyloop ability to put out the flames. Look at the three pillars next to the flames to understand in which order you have to put them out.
- M-043: Use the Cyloop ability to put out the flames. Look at the pillars behind the flames to see in which order you have to put them out.
- M-044: Use the Cyloop ability to destroy the blue flames; after destroying the first two, more will appear nearby. Be careful.
- M-045: Jump on the flower and slide through the blue targets.
- M-046: Step on the orange slab and then walk on the blue slabs that are now highlighted without touching any other slabs.
- M-047: Use the Cyloop skill around the pedestal, now kick the blue ball into both rings.
- M-048: Climb the highlighted plates within the time limit.
- M-049: Go through both blue targets in front of you, then use the Cyloop ability around the pillar, then go up the tower and activate the plate on top of it.
- M-050: Activate the hourglass with :sq: / :x1: , jump on the flower and slide through the blue targets.
- M-051: Jump on the orange plate and then walk on the blue plates that are now highlighted without touching any other plates.
- M-052: Use to climb the highlighted plates within the time limit.
- M-053: Activate the hourglass and go up to the first platform and deactivate the blue light with the Cyloop ability, repeat the operation for the other two platforms.
- M-054: Activate the hourglass and follow the path of the blue objectives, you have 30 seconds to complete this parkour.
For all the other guides, we refer you to the general page that you find here.