In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor you can customize Cal Kestis' powers to your liking by unlocking up to 75 skills and upgrades, divided into three main categories and nine branches. Clearly there are skills that are more useful than others, some require a large number of points but more than repay their cost, while others may be cheap but not essential. In this article we will give an overview of what are, in our opinion, the better skills of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for each branch of upgrades and the more useful to unlock at the beginning of the game.
Respawn Entertainment has made the game development system very lax. In fact, once you reach the final stages you will have plenty of points to acquire every skill you are interested in, if not all of them. Furthermore, it is possible at any time reset all skills (by pressing Triangle / Y / F from the appropriate menu), but be careful: the first time the respec is offered by the house, while from the next one onwards it will cost in skill points. For this reason it is best to use this function as little as possible and perhaps plan from the initial stages which upgrades to purchase and in which order.
On our pages you will also find the guide to the best Benefits of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and how you can obtain them.
The best skills to unlock in the early stages

Below we have listed what in our opinion are the most useful skills in any situation and therefore to be unlocked as soon as possible in the initial stages of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Defense - Resilience: Improved and perfected Stim formula
These two abilities, which can be unlocked in succession, increase the amount of health Cal recovers using stimpacks. This means that you will have to use less to get back to top form, consequently also reducing downtime in combat and focusing more on the enemies or the boss in question.
Defense - Resilience: Teamwork
Once the previous ability has been unlocked, just one point is enough to also obtain Teamwork, which speeds up the use of stimpacks. The same thing as the previous point applies: the less time you spend treating yourself, the more you can concentrate on the action. Furthermore, on higher difficulties the enemies certainly won't stand still waiting for you to heal yourself.
Strength - Jedi Concentration: Harmony
It allows Cal to use more Jedi skills by increasing his maximum Strength, it costs only one point and you can unlock it immediately since it is the first skill of the Jedi concentration branch. Need anything else? Buy it as soon as possible.
Strength - Confusion: Greater Confusion
Many tend to underestimate the Confusion skill wrongly. A confused enemy represents one less threat for Cal and one more for the opponents, which is an advantage that if exploited properly can turn the tide of the most complicated battles, especially when facing multiple threats at the same time. Greater Confusion applies the effect to two enemies at a time, so it is a very useful ability in our opinion right from the initial stages of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The only downside is that to unlock it you will first have to obtain "Compromised Mind", a useful but not essential bonus.
Strength - Telekinesis: Powerful push
Of all those listed so far, this is the upgrade that requires the greatest investment of skill points, but it's worth it. Screaming Push allows you to throw away a greater number of enemies at the same time and also has an effect on opponents who are normally resistant to this power.
Sword: The first skill of each style
In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor you can use five different fighting styles with the lightsaber (Single, Double Blade, Two Swords, Blaster and Cross Guard). There isn't one objectively better than the other or at least the differences are not that marked, so the advice is to try them all a bit and then choose which ones to specialize in. That said, to understand whether a style is right for you or not, you will still have to use it for a while and get the hang of it. In this sense we suggest you purchase at least the first skill of the respective branches, given that they only cost one point and unlock very useful basic techniques.
The best skills for each branch

Below we have listed what in our opinion are the you improve the skills for each branch in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Unlike the previous section, here we will not spare any expense in terms of skill points, as they are useful upgrades throughout the adventure.
Defense - Resilience: Improved and advanced survival skills
These are two upgrades that are as simple as they are effective, as they increase Cal's maximum Health. In addition to the upgrades in this branch that we mentioned previously, it is absolutely worth unlocking these upgrades gradually as you progress through the game and the enemies get stronger.
Defense - Resilience: Superior Reflexes
Increases the speed at which the block bar recharges, which is especially useful against particularly aggressive bosses or when you find yourself facing multiple enemies at the same time.
Strength - Jedi Concentration: Lucid and Enlightened Attunement
Two other essential upgrades as it increases Cal's maximum Strength and therefore allows him to use stronger attacks more frequently.
Force - Jedi Concentration: Channeled Energy
A relatively cheap upgrade that inflates your Strength bar faster by defeating enemies and attacking parrying ones.
Strength - Jedi Concentration: Longer and Higher Duration
These two skills cost only one point each and guarantee a longer duration of the slow effect on enemies, which allows the player to have greater control of the battlefield, catch his breath or hit hard depending on the situation.
Strength - Telekinesis: Relentless Pull
Thanks to Relentless Attraction you will attract even the biggest enemies in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to you, unbalancing them and thus guaranteeing you the opportunity to land your attacks without risk. This works especially well with the slow but powerful strikes of the Cross Guard style.
Strength - Telekinesis: Block with Push
This ability allows you to push away an enemy that is about to attack you, also hitting targets in its immediate vicinity. Its usefulness in any case depends on your reflexes and timing: master it, you won't regret it.
Strength - Confusion: Amplification
If you often use confusion in battle, this upgrade could be for you, as it increases the damage inflicted by targets under your control on their former allies.

Lightsaber - Single: Cyclone Slash
This upgrade is essential if you want to specialize in the classic lightsaber fighting style, as it unlocks a powerful charged blow performed after a standard attack that easily breaks the opponent's guard and is fundamentally useful in any scenario.
Lightsaber - Single: Momentum Attack
With this move, Cal lunges forward and performs a running attack, quickly reaching an enemy out of his normal range. A very useful skill, but one that requires some practice to master, as the scope of the initial momentum is limited and therefore if you are not careful you risk missing the target and at the same time remaining helpless in the attack enemy. To obtain it you will first have to unlock Air Assault, which in any case we would have advised you to buy anyway.
Lightsaber - Double Blade: Multiple Reflexes
The double blade fighting style allows you to execute fairly fast slashes that hit in a wide range of action, particularly useful when facing multiple opponents at a time. In this sense, Endless Hurricane is a skill to unlock as soon as possible, as it extends the standard combo. Furthermore, once done you will be one step away from obtaining Multiple Reflections too. This defensive ability allows you to send a large number of shots back to the sender and nearby targets as long as the block bar allows it, making clashes with soldiers armed with heavy machine guns almost trivial.
Lightsaber - Twin Blade: Rising Storm
This technique groups all the enemies around the Cal and therefore goes very well with the range of the double blade's attacks. Among other things, you can combine it with the immediately previous technique of the same branch, Repulsive Gust, which instead performs an area attack that repels the enemies hit by a few meters.
Lightsaber - Two Swords: Dancing Blades
Twin Viper and Dancing Blades turn ranged lightsaber attacks into deadly blows. Using the first you can throw both blades at a single target doubling the damage, while the second ability makes them bounce several times even on nearby enemies.
Lightsaber - Two Swords: Precision release
Concentrated Parry is an interesting skill but we advise you to purchase it only if you also obtain Precision Release, which transforms this technique into a very powerful counterattack that inflicts high damage on the victim in question and makes nearby enemies hesitate. The investment in points to obtain both skills is high but it is definitely worth it.
Lightsaber - Blaster: Energy Burst
The Blaster fighting style combines close-quarters attacks with medium-long range laser projectiles. To unlock its maximum potential you need as many bullets as possible and therefore Energy Burst and all the previous upgrades on the same path are a must have, as they increase the capacity of the magazine and reload it by scoring hits with the sword.
Lightsaber - Blaster: Quick Draw
Once you have obtained Energy Burst, unlock Rapid Extraction as soon as possible. It is practically the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor version of Red Dead Redemption's Deadeye and Cassidy's Ultimate in Overwatch and allows you to eliminate entire groups of enemies at once or at least damage them heavily.
Lightsaber - Cross Guard: Overwhelming Sweep
A horizontal sweep that crushes all enemies in its radius. A simple but very effective attack when you are surrounded and to unlock it you won't even have to spend many skill points.
Lightsaber - Crossguard: Greater Impact or Thunderclap
Once you have obtained the Overwhelming Sweep we recommend you focus on Impact (and the Superior Impact upgrade) or Thunderclap. As you progress through the game you will sooner or later have enough points to obtain both abilities, but until then we suggest you focus only on one of the two since they both hit everything in their path in a straight line. Greater Impact has decent power and is relatively quick to execute, while Thunderclap deals much higher damage, but its execution is slow and requires a greater investment of skill points (but on the other hand you will also get Charged Reflex, which strengthens the shots of rejected blasters). The choice is yours, they are both valid in their own way.