Second part
Dreadzone Station: Buy more upgrades from Al, especially Mini-Turret Launcher and Shock Mod, then head to the Battledome.
Static Deathtrap: Use walls to protect yourself from explosions. The last round is quite difficult. You get V8 Mine.
Marathon: Destroy the enemies within the time limit and move on to the next room, which contains a King Leviathan among other things. Eliminate him while the robots are dealing with the nodes. Immediately after that, take down other enemies and a second King, repeat until the platforms descend to make you reach the next room.
Reactor Battle: watch out for the bull attack he executes immediately after kicking, avoid it with a jump. The Holo, rockets and Fusion are of great help. Unlock the blue suit, two new levels. Choose the upgrade for the wrench. At an extreme level you are forced to block attacks with Holo as they follow you much more effectively.
Zombie Attack: Obtaining SP Dead Again and The Bomb. Your goal is to take out the zombies as explosive barrels, weapons and health sprout from the ground. This is an excellent level for increasing weapon power.
Heavy Metal: a pretty tough fight, beware of the red enemies that create small rings of fire, block them with an EMP. Bring Holo, Vulcan and Harbringer with you.
Endzone: Stop enemies from reaching your goal. Use weapons with explosive damage. Viper and Magma work just as well as any with a Shock Mod.
Valix Lighthouse Network: a campaign set on meteors moving in space.
Lost and Found: there are many SPs to be obtained easily, check the list in Menu / Challenges / Skill points. Get the Brainwash mod, assign it to Fusion and use it against the Executioners. Start by moving forward and taking out the flying enemies coming from the edge of the asteroid. Medieval Power is an easy to obtain SP, use Flail. Once finished, go left on the railing, take out the spaceship and move on to the next asteroid. Try to get Touchy-Feely. It is not necessary to specifically eliminate the Strikers, only the medium sized green enemies. Kill them and destroy the enemy ship with rockets. Try to use the mini-turrets.
Space Ace: Get Schooled and Healthy. Pilot the Hovership, eliminate all the enemies and watch out for the Executioners: they aim well and their shots are very fast. Kill all the other enemies with the rockets and then clash with the Executioners while standing still and firing and avoiding their shots by pressing L2. Try not to get too close.
Power Up: Get The Disease easily by equipping Brainwash on Viper and using one hit for each swarmer inside the building. Go through the door, take out the Strikers and use the turrets to take out the ship and snipers further up in the next building. Eliminate the snipers then dedicate yourself to the hack: beware of the two Executioners that appear where you came from! Go back to the door you just hacked and take out the Executioners and ships before going through the blue light to complete the level. Get V9 Vipers.
Let the Light Shine Through: is the title of a song from the musical "Hair". Start by taking out the ship and the Strikers outside then blast the Cycloids with the rockets. Make sure to take out the Cycloids on the next asteroid to get SP Baker's Dozen. Move on to the next meteor and bring good firepower with you to take out the Executioners and the three ships. Glide to the third meteor and get ready for some swarmers and 2 Executioners. Take the elevator up to the lighthouse then descend to the next island where other swarmers and an Executioner await. Move on to the next meteor and take out the enemies. Go to the back of the shed and use the rockets to take out the Cycloids and get an SP. Enter the shed, destroy everything and take care of the node to complete the level.
Time Extension! : a race between Hovership on a ring circuit. Enemies are not important, focus on getting Ring my Bell SP. Don't forget to use L2 and R2 to make tight turns.
Your Land is my Land: Move from node to node, eliminate enemies and capture it. Simple.
Planet Torval: Time to show some action in this disused factory.
Hoverbike or Bust: Try to get SP Dead on Here and Quick Fix. Rather difficult level, in front of you is a dropship, strikers and a turret. Fusion or Rocket on the spaceship, use a Holo and EMP on the turret then destroy the rest while hacking the node. If you need energy you will find it behind the rock next to the shop. Go left past the monument but watch out for the zombies and a second turret. Hack the knots and move on, there is more energy near the base of the monument. Beware of the lasers, proceed to the blue room. There are strikers behind the columns, fire an EMP on the turret and then hack the node to complete the level.
Seek and Destroy: hoverbike again! You have to chase the little drones and make them jump: stay in their wake and press R1. Get 3 SP, be careful not to get hit by explosive barrels, try to get Hard to Hit too.
The turn on: take out the EXEs from afar, take out the zombies and enter the building in front of you. Try to get Mined Out. Turn left and Morph the lasers to get SP Frenzied. Use Acid on enemies to get I'm Melting. Once you have eliminated them take care of the node but watch out for the laser turrets that will pop up. Use B6 on the strikers that will appear behind you then continue up the walkway to the end to find a Jackpot Container, with 3 of these you get SP Muniez. Continue on the path to the right until you meet the Strikers, go left into the next room, take out the robots and take care of the node to complete the level.
Blast of Fresh Air: Go ahead, EMP on the turret, take out the Executioners, follow the path and take out the enemies. Have your robots place the TNT and in the meantime defend them from the enemies. A new tournament unlocked.
Turret trouble: use the turret and take out the enemies, make sure you look everywhere because you don't see them all on the radar. This is a good time to go back and retrieve the SPs you missed. Get Anti-Matter Rifle after upgrading Fusion to v10.
Dreadzone Vindicator Tournament : che importa?
Dreadzone Station: Harbringer for 2 million O_o buy Time bomb mod and equip it to mines, assigned mini-bombs to Arbiter and Morph on Scorpion Flail. Buy the two bot weapon upgrades.
Murphy's Law: Your weapon will change randomly, other than that it's all pretty easy.
Air Drop: Fight for three minutes while avoiding the bombs from above, watch out for when Bugs and Exe arrive. Get V10 Magma Vulcan Cannon.
Eviscerator Battle: Eliminate Insectosor with Flail to get the SP, assigned Acid. Move sideways and the enemy will jump towards you, try to hit him before he jumps away and tries to hit you with a beam. At this point he will provoke you and repeat his gestures. After a quarter of the energy is gone, a shield will appear around the boss, fly into a corner and call out some bugs. Quickly eliminated. The enemy now has an attack just after his quick lunge with which he will shoot explosive arrows at you. Hit him with Flail whenever you are sure you can, jump when one of the arrows lands near you. It will soon get faster and call out other bugs. Obtained Orange Suit and access to two other planets.
Outside: buy the upgrade for the wrench.
Higher Ground: Jump on the shiny railing and take out the bugs with B6 or mines, then move on to the platforms that change color. The green ones are safe. On the other side there are other insects along with a spacecraft and some Cycloids on the right. Other platforms, once finished there are more Cycloids and Strikers that will appear on the big tower. Use the railing to get to the next tower. More platforms and then a pretty tough sequence on a railing. At the top you have to beat some porcupines, leviathans and more.
The Corkscrew: Eliminate the enemies and the orbs until they turn green, then jump on the railing. Proceed to the next room and repeat the process until you can reach the next room and kill the enemies to end the mission.
Stygia: boring level.
Junking the Jammers: level aboard the Landstalker. Fend off the swarmers and destroy those shiny ones. Try to get Skilled Warrior, Don't come back and Drop Dead.
Energy Collector: on foot again. Jump to the suspended platform, take out the enemies, take care of the node and move on to the next platform. Use Flail and rockets on the enemies and repeat, jump to the next one and B6 on the Executioners. Take care of the knot and then jump onto the railing and continue on. Other Executioners and ships, use the wall as a cover, not forgetting the Holo. Take care of the node to complete the level. Use Vipers with Brainwash on the swarmers on the second platform to get All Mixed Up.
Shields Up! : Eliminate enemies with the Hovership while your robots take care of the node.
Shield Survivor: Protect the generator, the ability to reset weapons at any time makes this level particularly easy. Get Super Hero.
Maraxus: cute prison elements.
Jail Break: Get Dead Last by eliminating the Ravagers just ahead from the distance then go left without hitting the little green dudes. Try to get AA Assault. Once finished here use the platform to jump and reach the circular cell where they are holding Merc. There is a group of swarmers, get Fatal Frenzy. EMP on the force field, go ahead and take the exit to the right, there are more Executioners and Strikers.
Total Control: Speed Bumps is hard to get, try to shoot enemies before reaching them, try to get Modified too. Reach the nodes one by one and watch out for the enemies.
Leave no man behind: Go straight and hack the nodes while defending Merc from enemies. Once out, watch out for the Ravagers, the ship and the turret. Once you have taken out EMPs on the force field and move on. Use the catwalk, there are other strikers in the room and a laser will appear behind you.
Showdown in Delta Block: the goal is to get on the green button to lower the cell. Get into position and hit the enemies with Flail.
Speed Trap : ottenete Time will tell.
Spider on a Wire: almost reached the last tournament.
Deadzone Liberator Tournament: final showdown with Ace.
Swarmer Surprise: be careful not to jump to the side and end up in the lava ...
Accelerator: quick and easy.
Ace Hardlight Battle: Simple unless trying to get Ace in the Hole, in which case use Anti Matter Rifle with Ammo Mod. Use Holo against Ace's attacks, avoid bombs until he activates the shield to heal himself. At this point it will create copies of itself that can be destroyed with the Dual Raptors, keep hitting it until it heals again, at this point it will create a snake that will follow you for a while, move in circles to avoid it. When caring again to create new copies focus on Ace as soon as you find him.
The Grinding Chase: Use the Silencer.
Running the Gauntlet: You have to activate all nodes to enter the building. Enemies will pop up everywhere, especially while you are working on the nodes. Cross the force field and head towards the blue light, it is not necessary to eliminate all the enemies.
Prison Break: Enter the first room and activate the nodes. Use the Raptors in this mission without killing the Executioners, make your way to the computers and blast them.
Escape: Go straight and destroy the enemies, crates and everything in between. Watch out for the turrets, use L2 and R2 to avoid the bullets. Beware of the Cycloids that will appear soon after. Remember the location of the vehicle platforms in case you need extra energy.
Control Level: Get ready to face all the enemies you have defeated and use all the techniques you have learned. Use your Holo to the max.
Vox Battle: the boss has many attacks that he will use in random order, an electric beam that you have to jump, a group of mini-spiders that you can easily eliminate with explosives and ghosts of enemies. Hit him with Flail when he gets close. When he is left with only half the energy he will transform into a flying mech. Now the ghosts will be stronger and will throw a bomb at you, you have to skip the shock wave. The other new attack is to create a series of flying cameras that fire lasers to avoid. Reduce his energy to zero to end the game.
Part one
Dreadzone Station: It is the base of the Vox empire and the Dreadzone, you will spend a lot of time in the Battledrome and visiting your friends.
The Training: Check the Skins section under Extras in the menu, there is a second default skin along with many other unlocked features. Just destroy everything with Viper and Magma and go through the teleporters. Watch the cutscene in the next room and enter the teleporter in the center of the room.
Outside: Go from Al to the right of your starting location to get Merc and Green. Go to Clank to get the first mission.
Advance Qualifier: Eliminate the enemies in the first area and watch out for the Dropship in the next room. Go ahead and destroy the turret with the EMP to get a Green Medal, 3 skill points and unlock Catacrom.
Grist for the Mill: Destroy everything to get 2 skill points, Skillful and Fiver and the cheat to change the color of the HUD.
The Big Sleep: Eliminate enemies as fast as you can, the gas will knock you out very soon. You will get the upgrade for the Magma Cannon.
Outside: Get the B-6 Obliterator. Go back to the Battledome to get some skill points. Go to Al and enter the Combat Bot Customization cabin, get the Shield Link.
Catacrom Graveyard: A graveyard full of zombies.
Valley of Heroes: Eliminate the enemies and use the giant robot wreckage as cover.
On the Prowl: Buy the Acid Mod and attach it to all weapons, attach the Ammo Mod to the B6. Eliminate the cameras and watch out for the zombies that pop up from the ground. Go to the Landstalker to get a Vipers upgrade, get Skill Points, Nap Time, Holey Warriors, Unstoppable, Cha-Ching and Vandalism.
All aboard the Landstalker: here are your first vehicles. Head to Burial Dome.
Rise Up: walk again. Use B6 to take down the enemies and then upgrade it. Get a Green Medal and Sarathos.
Hoverbike Madness: Learn to turn faster with L2 or R2 and always hold R1. Get Chase the Goose.
Destruction Derby: A rather simple challenge, use evasive maneuvers and use the map to find the targets to destroy. Stay clear of the turrets and attack them with mortars from afar. Get Lights Out and Derby Death SP.
Monument to Death: another easy level, run to each monument and destroy it with your robots. Repeat some missions if you want to gain more skill points, buy Napalm and assign it to B6. Buy Perfect Mod, Camera Shy and Crank it Up.
Sarathos Swamp Romp: record in Beast Makers Swamp di Spyro ...
Alien Soil: Buy the Tesla Mine Launcher and the Holoshield Luncher. Assign Napalm to Mines and Acid to Holo, run through the trenches to the small building killing all the enemies. Watch out for scorpions and their rayed tails.
Sarathos Sprint: Look for the Puma. Break down the first gate, upgrade the B6 and move on, shoot down the turrets with the EMP, upgrade the Vipers.
Where the Leviathans Roam: Turn with the Puma and unlock the boss arena, upgrade the Magma.
King of the Leviathans: Hack all the nodes and wake the King. Watch out for the rays from the tail, use the Holo to block it. Unlock Kronos and a Green Medal.
Check me Out: Hoverbike again. Destroy the barrels before going through the ring to buy time. Get No Peas Allowed and Denied.
Swamp Fever: A fun level with the landstaker, try to get Death from above. Repeat some old missions, buy the Shock mod and Fusion rifle. Select Holo's Ammo Mod for the Fusion and put Acid on the Fusion. Hot Shocking, Mystic Warrior and Long Shot in Alien Soil, upgraded Fusion. Get Fix Em in Sarathos Sprint. Repeat King Leviathan to get as many upgrades as possible.
Kronos: looks like Blackwater City. Eliminate the resistance.
Infiltrate the Cathedral: First try to get SP Cow Patties and Too Nimble in one go. Try to get Lucky Shot and Too Nimble to get Just Passing Through. Kill the two guards and incoming enemies from a distance with the Obiterator then focus the fire on the dropship. You can switch to turret control if you want but your weapons are a better option. Get Mines V3. Keep going and try to get Lucky Shot when you can, as soon as you reach the next turret use it on the insect shaped enemies. After destroying the skulls inside the stadium-shaped structure, move on, eliminate the floating enemies and move on to the next enemies and the two dropships. Hack the nodes while defending yourself from the drones to finish the level. Upgrade Fusion.
Introducing Shellshock: Get SP Raining Shells and Punishment. Go to the shopkeeper, buy Freeze and assign it to Magma and Holo. Assign Acid to the Mines. Follow up to the German shaped robot and fill it with holes. Be careful to avoid the targets on the ground! Eliminate the insects.
Enemies are such a grind: one of the best missions in the game. Try to complete it under three minutes to get Slip and Slide SP. Watch out for the spinning enemies at first, head left and use Holo. Jump to the railing and start the run, jump over the lifesaving items and jump to the right when you reach the second railing. More floating enemies and more snipers will arrive soon, take them down but try to collect the ammo balls. Jump to the rail on the left, move in a circle and continue, before the end you have to perform a Swingshot jump.
Infiltrate the Cathedral 2: Kill one of the enemies with the wrench with the same weapon to get Now it's personal. Kill the enemies to use the elevator, watch out for the floating enemies ahead and get ready for more dropships. Kill the Executioner and get the wrench. You get Mine V4 and Magma V5. Ahead is a turret that you can use, enter the arena and take out the enemies with the Freeze Magma Cannon. Let the robots do the hack work and defend them from the tide of enemies.
Shellshock returns! : try to get Can't hit me SP. Go inside, get your heaviest weapons ready and fight. Use the Holoshield even though Fusion can finish the fight in seconds.
Fight to the Cathedral: Enter and fight against the turrets, ships and other enemies then reach the railing behind the destroyed turret. Immediately jump to the right, take out the snipers from a distance, take out the enemies until you reach the next long railing, be careful not to fall.
Showdown with Shellshock: Take care of three nodes yourself to get SP Dizzy. Take out the sniper and the bugs, turn the crank and do the same in the next room and then a third time. Obtain a Green Medal and Charge Boots.
Night Flight: You now have the chance to take a ride with the new Hovership. Try to get SP Flying High. Shoot everything and look at the map for the location of the heavy turrets. You use missiles a lot.
Inverted Action: Keep the robots on the nodes and defend them with Vipers or Magma. Get V4 Fusion!
Dark City Arenas: Eliminate the enemies with what you have available. You get V5 Vipers and V2 Holos.
Dreadzone Avenger Tournament: finally back to Battledome.
Dreadzone Station: Visit Al for a robot upgrade (grab Bogo and Go-Comet) then head to Battledome, first buy Arbiter and equip him with Napalm.
Manic Speed Demon: Try to get SP Two in One and Speedy. Watch out for the insect-shaped enemies, clear the level quickly.
The Tower of Power: more arenas. In the second room, watch out for the porcupines, they shoot dangerous search quills. Then use the Holos to resist the turret fire. Upgradate Mine.
Climb the Tower of Power: finally some platform action ... beyond the lava a laser turret and rotating enemies await. The green platforms are safe, fortunately, the purples are best abandoned when they start to shake. Obtain Green suit, Shaar and Orxon.
Perfect Chrome Finish: in this challenge you will have to face lasers and rotating enemies in quantity, do not use Vipers, Freeze Magma and Holos.
Close and Personal: hit everything you see but try to stay at a distance, remember that you can throw the wrench. Get Morph and Freeze.
Return to the Deathbowl: Try not to take damage to get two SPs. Take care of the nodes, enter the arena, eliminate the enemies, hack the other nodes while eliminating the enemies and exit. Scorpion Flail available together with the Mini-bomb Mod. Buy the first and assign Morph Mod.
Landstalker Stalkin: In this mission you get a lot of SP, including Shaar SP 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15. Get the Mini-bomb Bouncer Mod, attach it to the Mines. Beware of mortars, they are really lethal. Run close to the LS, hit them with the EMP and then return to your LS. Follow the snowy path, watch out for the missile turret on the metal structure, climb up and shoot the spaceships. Take care of the node and head to the newly appeared BWGs. Eliminate them but do nothing with the nearest LS until you are ready. Climb up and take out the second turret until you reach the next node, use long range weapons to take out the enemies, then watch out for the dropships they attack while your robots are at work. The last part is easier, just try not to die for wanting to do things too quickly.
As the wrench turns: Try to get SP Hot Stuff. go right and up the steps to the small building, take out the lasers, take care of the node, go ahead and take out the enemies with B6. Drop on the next node, take out the turrets and watch out for the ship, another node, watch out for the Executioners, go back to the trench between the temple and the small building to eliminate other enemies. Go back behind the temple, shoot the berserks coming from around the corner, the node is nearby. Use the mat to jump, another knot, go back to the starting point. Go up the steps to the next node and you are done. More cannon fodder behind the building. Try to ALWAYS stay away from turrets.
Assault on the Frozen Tundra: Go around and take care of the knots with the weapons scattered around.
Shoot to Kill: Shoot everything and use the mortars.
Whack-a-swarmer: Kill 181 swarmers in the time limit. Get SP Look out Below and Locked and Loaded. Use Mega B11 and Mega Vulcan with XP and Jackpot Mod.
Robots in a Barrel: Ten rounds of arena combat. Try to get Shocking.
Orxon Mining Facility: back to the days of Ratchet & Clank ...
Labyrinth of Death: Try to get Hard to hit, Electrical Socket, Frying Pan and Special Delivery. Your goal is to get through the maze and deactivate the force fields. Buy Morph Mod and assign it to any weapon, preferably on the B6 or Vipers. Go left, take out the snipers and defend the robots at work. Beware of the Landstalker and the enemy forces on the other side, the best option is to hide behind a shield and take out everyone from afar. Proceed to the next room, beware of the dropship and other snipers. Go behind the blue shield, upgrade Arbiter then head right. Go straight and shoot everything.
Node Overload: Get Running in Circles, Counter Sniper, Half and Half. Go to the top and take care of the nodes yourself to get the first SP, beware of the Executioners. Reach the knot over the waves behind you, soon after beware of new enemies. Kill the Executioners, go to the next node clockwise and do the same with the last one.
Chains of Villainy: Free everyone quickly for an SP. Get promoted to the Crusader Tournament.
Swarming the Gauntlet: Collect weapons and take out the enemies, especially the B6 in the upper left corner of the map. Use XP Mod.
Scoring with the Blarg: a race to the target, this time with more opponents. At this point you can focus on the SPs that you have not obtained.
Dreadzone Crusader Tournament: Get ready to take on Reactor.

- ps2
Exit date: November 23, 2005