Tutorial area
Run left, enter the cave and hit the cage twice to free the spirits and proceed; pass the next area simply by jumping from side to side on the water, talk to the little Globoxes and then continue. Stand between the two walls in the area ahead and, by pressing X twice, reach the top to free some other sprites and get into the game.
Minisaurus Land
Walk sideways around the doll hitting the back eight times and doing this the gate will open; in the next area cross the bridge, jump into the water to reach the underwater passage containing three chimneys. Follow the water in the opposite direction to find another passage containing two more chimneys; after the cutscene follow the road to the stone circle, then go back the way you came and take the path to the right near the tutorial area to access the third level.
The Fairy Glade
Proceed straight, reach the mushroom and then turn right to find a cage and chimneys inside the underwater passage; go back, jump on the mushroom to reach the end of this area. Here jump on the platforms until you reach the opposite side, then hit the cage in the distance and go down to reach a tunnel; get past the pirate and you'll reach a large switch on the wall. Press it, follow the road you are on (to reach the third cage) and then cross the bridge to reach the oil plant; climb to the top of it and you will find yourself in a new area. Kill the guards nearby and then climb up the roots, reach the next area and get past it using the roots on the wall to your right; now position yourself in the area marked with an X, avoid the bombs that will be thrown at you and then follow the passage you just opened. Jump on the junk in the water, climb the wall in front of you and, at the top, turn left and press the button to deactivate the lasers; now turn left again, go up the stairs, kill the guards and you will reach a room full of explosives. Grab one and throw it at the door marked with the X just behind it to discover an area with some chimneys and the fourth cage; pull another barrel on the pipe in this room, go up the grate and, in the next room, avoid the lasers to reach the button to deactivate them. Continue, kill the guards defending the next switch and, after pressing it, continue to the next area; here go through the three rows of lasers, find the fifth cage in the prisons and then follow the corridor until you find more barrels of explosives. Use them to destroy the machinery in this room and, after the following cutscene, go back to the purple ring and use it to reach the area above; reach the bottom of this area, open the seventh cage and then sell the tunnel at the bottom to reach another vertical area. Climb to the top then use the purple rings, open another cage and, before leaving the level, go back using other purple rings until you reach the hole in the wall; after finding the eighth cage, go back and exit the level.
The Bayou
Go back to Minisaurus Land, take the road that leads to the Bayou area and use the purple ring to pass the area with the lethal water; after the cutscene, proceed using the floating spheres until you reach the ladder that leads to the next area. Here, press the switch on the right, cross the bridge you just lowered and use the ladder at the end to reach the second cage; open it, kill the guard and follow the newly freed creature to reach another floating sphere. Use it to reach the opposite bank, open the third cage and go down the excessive bridge and from there to the platform below; grab the purple ring to reach the fourth cage then go back to the cave to open the fifth, which is at the end of the bridge. In the next area, kill all the enemies, follow the cutscene and then continue down the road, jumping over the barrels on the next bridge until you reach an area with a broken metal bridge. cling to Mandello on the left and then press the switch on the right to continue. Now avoid the invincible enemy and, in the next area, press the button on the left and run through the door at the end to reach a corridor full of rolling barrels; follow the barrels and at the end grab the yellow ring on the right to reach the last cage. Once this is done, go up the pipe and free the Teensie to complete the level.
The Lost Island
Open the cage in front of you, kill the pirates that will attack you and then reach the upper area and repeat the action with the enemies you will find here; Once this is done jump to the trees and using the rings reach the next area. At the bottom of the cave you will find the second cage, then climb the rope ladder until you return to the surface; continue until you reach the room with the cannon pointed at the door. Go ahead, kill the enemies and go up the stairs to retrieve some barrels of explosives; use them on the doors marked with Xs, collect the magic spheres and place them on their respective pedestals to open the doors of the temple. Once in the next area, proceed until you reach the guardian, your new opponent; kill him using the rings to avoid his attacks and then go back and cross the waterfall until you reach the first mask. After the cutscene, go back to the stone circle to reach the next level.
The Menhir Hills
As soon as you can act, head to the lonely column, reach the first cage and then go down and run until you recover the shell; Climb on it, pass the thorns and then turn to the right of the stairs and jump before hitting the wall. The shell will open the door with the X marked, allowing you to reach the second cage and continue into the building; now kill the pirates by being attached to the right wall and then sold the left passage to reach the third cage. Go back and, taking the other passage, you will reach the next area where you will have to jump two mushrooms to reach the tree next to them; then grab the purple ring to open the fourth cage and, subsequently, use the shell again until you reach another door marked with an X. As before, jump just before the impact for the shell to break the aforementioned door to free your way; Now go up the stairs, reach the door with the pirate logo and press the button next to it to reach Clark and finish the level.
The Marshes of Awakening
Open the cage containing Ssssssam and use it to reach the other side of the level, pressing L2 to accelerate and opening the cages on the road; once on the other side, follow the road to reach some rings up the small platforms, and then go back to the cave and open the last cage to free the Teensies. Do not follow it but take the other direction on the road to reach the entrance to the Cave of Bad Dreams.
The Cave of Bad Dreams
Go down, jump on the column with the bones around and from this one quickly to the next one; now go down on the platform below, kill the enemies and recover the golden sphere to be placed on the pedestal. Go down through the hole and, in the next area, go up to the door on the left to find yourself in front of a purple lake; use the floating skulls to reach the rotating platform and from there the ledge will lead you to another rotating platform. Collect the silver sphere, go back and place it on the platform, jumping as soon as it touches the ground; Once this is done, take the road to the right, attach yourself to the purple ring to reach the skull and use it to reach the next platform. Do the same thing with the subsequent rings and skulls until you get to where the golden sphere is; pull it to the nearby platform, then to the ledge you came from until it lands in the correct position. Now break the crystal, advance to the next area and you will have to face the cave master; Throw the crystals close to you at him and, in the second part of the battle, do the same thing with the skulls, chasing him and being careful to avoid his blows. Once beaten you will see a cutscene and the level will be complete.
The Menhir Hills, revisited
Go through the level until you meet Clark, give him the elixir and follow him into the next area; Go through it and, in the room with the door closed, go up to the chest and reach the upper opening using the purple rings (if you go a little higher you will find a ledge where the fifth chest is). Go down to the next room, open the door with the switch and Clark will break through the next one for you; here jump on the nearby stump and use the purple ring to reach the sixth cage, then go back and climb the roots in the opening to reach cage number 7. Once this is done, climb onto the shell and after a short ride you will complete the level.
The Canopy
Escape from the spider using the cobweb to exit, open the cage between the two platforms and do the same with the second one as soon as you leave the room; now cross the abyss, go down through the hole in front of you and hurry to reach the next section before the spider reaches you. After that go left, kill the guard and allow the button near the moat to free your friend; then go down to the next area and guide it to the bright plant to make you create a floating flower to use. Climb on it, cut down the dead tree and lead Globox to the wall of fire, which will be extinguished by your follower; after the two cutscenes, kill the pirates who will get off the ship and then go get the scared Globox. It will take care of the lasers, but will still escape when more pirates arrive; take them out, proceed and jump on the crates next to you to reach the third cage. Now lead Globox to the plant, use his rain dance to make it grow and then climb on it to reach the cage with the Teensies and finish the level.
Whale Bay
Head to Globox's house and talk to little Globox near the elevator, who will ask you to go to the cave. take him up, go up the elevator and, after arriving at Whale Bay, try not to be discovered by the guards so that you can make him reach the hole in the wall on the right. By doing this, your friend will open the door that will allow you to proceed through the level; Once inside, enter the aquarium on the right, flip the switch at the bottom of it and then go through the door and reach the next set of platforms. Reach the last fence and from here another pirate ship; kill the guards, climb to the top of the right side of the ship and jump to the lonely ledge to reach the switch on the side, thus deactivating the lasers at the entrance. Go back, go through the previously blocked passage and then pass the long corridor full of rolling barrels, finding yourself in a watery area with an island in the distance; reach it, kill it on guard and pick up a barrel of explosives in the small corridor to the right and then use it on the door marked with the X on the island. Open the newly discovered cage and use the purple ring inside it to reach the upper level of the structure; After a short cutscene, dive and go down the ramp until you reach the area above where Camen is being held, then hit the switch on the far wall to free her. Now grab the shell in the previous room and use it to go back up the ramp to the room you entered the ship from. when you are ready, go back into the water, follow Carmen to the submerged ship and, after taking a lot of oxygen, enter it and climb up to the surface. Keep climbing the wreck, recover the third cage and then use a trickle to go down and reach a sandy area; here enter the hole on the side of the rock to reach the cage with the Teensie and thus be able to complete the level.
The Sanctuary of Stone and Fire
Go down to the right until you reach the rock above the lava, follow the ledge, killing the 3 pirates in your way, and then reach the cage above the area; reach the passage around the circular structure and press the X at the end of it to drop the purple ring that you will use to pass the lava lake. Hit the other X once on the other side and then proceed forward, passing another lava pool and facing 3 other pirates; continue into the next cave until Murfy explains a few things to you. Now use the fruit to get through the water area and the wash area and, once on the other side, jump to the platform and then use the rings to reach the next area, where you will have to ride another fruit to reach the base of the level. and the next area. Here, cross the platforms, open the cage on the raised platform and then hit the wall in front of you to open a passage; Once this is done, hit the stalactites in the next room, use them to overcome the lava pool and then do the same thing with the columns marked with an X just ahead to create a bridge. Use it to reach another platform, and from here, jumping on the various stalactites and being careful to avoid the flames, continue forward until you retrieve another cage and exit the area; now follow the passage, use the purple ring and you will arrive in the next area. Go down the ledge using a pipe until you find yourself on a floating platform, and, in the next room, enter the central door to open a cage; then take the door on the right to find some objects and then the one on the left, where you will have to face a giant spider. Once dead, follow the path, jump on the shell and use it to continue, not jumping at the first possibility, but do it at the second and subsequent ones, accelerating a little before the third. After passing the broken bridge, turn right to cross a small bridge, keep staying on the right and then accelerate and jump to reach the door that will be destroyed by the shell; from here go down, hit the tree to retrieve a fruit and use it to reach the river. Kill the pirate, go into the tunnel on the right and follow the road to open another cage, then go back and reach the next area by jumping on the platform; here kill the floating head, retrieve a fruit and use it to reach the gallery at the top of this area. In the next area pass the lava lake on your fruit, go down to the section below and make a U-turn to reach the hole in the wall on the right and, from there, the nets on the wall; Now go up, reach another hole in the wall containing the sixth cage and then jump off this ledge to end up at the end of the lava river. In this room, drop the golden sphere from platform to platform, then pull it up, hit the fruit at the other end of the area so that it moves towards you, then climb onto it and throw the sphere back into the air to release the ball. road ahead of you with a punch; throw the sphere into the next corridor, dismount from the fruit and place the aforementioned sphere on the corresponding pedestal on the left, thus rotating a disk in the right part of the room. Jump on it and continue up the stairs, passing another area full of lava until you reach the final area of the level; Here, jump to the upper left to retrieve the silver orb on the higher platform.
Rainbow Creek
Once I have finished the cutscene, head to the entrance of Whale Bay to meet Clark, defeat the pirates who will soon appear and then continue on the wooden bridge that you will find in front of you to reach the third stone circle; here the Teensies will tell you your next goal and then you will have to go back and turn right to reach the balloon. You will find some pirates on your way: just eliminate them and continue on your way to reach the next level.
The Precipice
Open the cage on the edge of the starting platform, continue on the collapsing bridges, and destroy the crates in your way until you pass the two hanging nets; here press the button to open the door and, once you have recovered a cage, move on to the next section. Continue in the second section of the level as you did in the first, until you find yourself at the entrance to a deep and large cave; jump and glide to the bottom, where you will have to start running again to reach the bridge a little further and from there a more open area, go through a tunnel. Now kill the pirates, enter the nearby door and then continue into the ship; once inside you will find a door marked with an X that you will have to detonate, then set fire to a barrel of explosives with the nearby torch to create a rudimentary rocket that you will use to reach the highest parts of the area. Higher up, repeat the operation with another barrel, reach the opening at the top and get off the rocket by pressing X; here activate the switch on the opposite side from where you are to open the door below, then chase the pirate and have him thrown into the water. In the next area open the cage just above you using another rudimentary rocket, then repeat the operation to proceed and arrive in front of other pirates that you will have to eliminate; then jump on the trampoline to reach the cage a little higher, then go back and cross the wooden bridge until you reach a trap door and a switch. Operate it, enter the next room and, after lighting the explosive barrel as previously, use it to pass through the opening above before it closes; after completing another aerial path, jump off the barrel and launch yourself on the net at the end of the track, and from there climb up until you reach the umpteenth barrel that you will use to overcome an area of water. Go through the door at the top, hit the generator and then get rid of the pirates who will attack you; once the machinery is destroyed, free the Teensies and you will complete the level.
The Pirate Mines
The Teenies at the stone circle will tell you that the little Globoxes have been captured and locked up in the pirate mines; you will have to cross the wooden bridge and turn left to reach the aforementioned mines. Once inside, use the purple ring on the left to reach the roof of the building and, with it, the only cage on this level; Once this is done, head to the next area where you will find Uglette desperate for the loss of her children. After this scene you will see a cutscene and, once back at the character's controls, follow the wall to the right to reach the four mines where the Globoxes have come hostage; use the ship's cannon to clear obstructions in your way while trying to avoid doubts and the like. When you have freed all the little hostages, one of them will give you the rain mask, with which you will learn the rain dance; after that, free the Teensies to complete the level.
The Echoing Caves
Use for the rain dance to break through the laser and then follow the path until you find yourself on a bridge that will lead you to a strange tower; Climb up to the top following the road, opening the cage that you will find about halfway, and then eliminate the two priests who will appear in front of you. Now climb up the net, hit the switch and, after opening another cage, cross the bridge you just lowered to reach the next area. Here, around the corner, climb up to the top on the left, follow the walkway until you reach a room with a fireplace, and then exit and cross a corridor until you find yourself in a square area on several floors; kill the pirate on the top floor and then go down to find another cage to open, continuing to eliminate the enemies you will find in your way and then entering the door that you will find at the bottom (behind which is the first of the four switches that you will have to press). Once this is done, go up using the elevator until you reach an area where you will have to use the floating platforms to proceed in your adventure; kill the pirate on the other side of the area, hit the second switch behind him and then go back to the pirate ship and turn right to attack a set of stairs. Kill the pirate guard who will try to obstruct you, proceed to the next room and do the same thing with the two enemies present here; Now slip into the nearby cave and then dive into the pool of water at the bottom of it to reach the fifth cage and the short switch. Go back, kill the pirates on the way, and then hit the tree next to you to drop a fruit which you then have to ride and hurl at the invincible enemy at the top of the stairs; jump on his head to reach the upper area where the door you just opened with the switches is. Enter, continue to descend inside the ship, destroy the barrel that will throw electric shocks at you and then reach the corridor with the rolling barrels; follow the road and, in the next room, open the sixth cage and then proceed until you reach a flight of stairs. Kill the pirate on top of them, take the left passage and, in the next room, stay on the right to reach the eighth cage; Now go up to the main group of crates, jump down and glide as you go down and then go back to the corridor and follow the other path. You will reach the room of the second generator, which you will have to destroy as you did previously with the first; Once this is done, free the Teensie and follow him to the exit of the level.
The Factory
Go back to the cave where the Echoing Caves are located to enter the establishment and then head towards the closed doors (they will open if you hit them); follow the corridor, open the cage in the next room, kill the pirates who will attack you and then follow the signs to the lava sanctuary, eliminating two more guards at the end of the corridor. Use the elevator and go down to find one of your friends trapped in a cage; activate the 4 switches and then reach the control room, activate the weapon and shoot the aforementioned cage to free your friend. Once this is done you will have to face the boss Biditank and, to defeat him, you will have to reactivate all 4 gl switches again and shoot him with the cannon; after hitting it 3 times the tank will be defeated and the ladder that will lead you to the next level will be revealed next to the driver.
Beneath the Lava Sanctuary
Follow the bridge to the square platform where you will be attacked by a group of pirates then, after killing them, jump on the floating ball on the other side and use it to reach the wooden bridge; Climb to the top, grab the purple ring and enter the hole located on the wall in front of you. Once this is done, jump down on the roots, continue until you reach a half-broken suspension bridge and then climb on it to retrieve the first cage; continue now into the next room where you will have to perform the rain dance and destroy each crystal to open the door to continue. Here you will have to face the boss Chenile, being careful of the enemies he will generate, and, after killing her, enter the newly opened door and follow the corridor inside the building, finding the second in the cage in front of you; Now jump to the ledge in the next room, climb up using the cracks in the wall and then continue through the tunnel until you reach the area ahead. Open the cage on the right, follow the path until you find a purple platform which will slide you to the first room in this section and then jump avoiding the fire from platform to platform; Once this is done, glide down into the hole and then pass the lava area on the platforms to reach the next section. Here make your way up by jumping on the platforms, reach the next corridor and, using the platform that moves up and down, hit the switches to open the door in front of you; Now drop off the ledge on the left and from there jump to the platform below to open the sixth cage and then return to the aforementioned platform. Now continue on the way and, after clearing the three spiked walls, hit the switch behind the last one to bring up the platform that will lead you to the final room, where you will free the Teensies and complete the level.
The Lava Sanctuary
Once the level begins, climb up through the hole with your new skill to retrieve the first cage and then fly through the tunnel full of tentacles; in the new room fly up and, after entering the wall from the opposite side, keep flying while staying to the right to avoid the spikes. Kill the enemies that attack you, go to the right side of the section and, in the next area, stay on the right again to reach the next door; Now open the cage that is under the bridge near the exit door then continue to advance and, further on, position yourself in the center then right, left, and right again to avoid the lava to recover the objects. Once this is done, jump to the platform on the left and follow the road until you retrieve the cages 3 and 4, and then continue towards the door that will lead you to the fight with the guardian. To defeat him, hit the stalactites in the room when he passes under it, avoiding his fiery blows: after three blows the beast will fall to the ground dead. Then use the purple circle that will appear to reach the bridge that will take you to the place where the third mask is.
Tomb of the Ancients
Head to the Skull Cave, pass the lava, enter the left eye of the skull and then go down the spiral stairs until you reach the base; now turn left to open the first cage, hit the button to open the door to the water and then jump into the well on the island. Here ignoring the spider, press the switch in the chest and use the web to go back up again, passing the water and entering the next area. Turn left, cross the bridge, kill and the pirate and then hit the skeletal hand and jump the floating skeleton to reach a spider web; stay to the left, flip the switch in the upper right corner and go back the way you came. Enter the other corridor before the web, press the button at the bottom of the area then go back to the main area and climb up the web, until you pass the large pool of green stuff and climb another web; jump to the left in the secret area, go down them and stairs, kill the pirates and jump to the platform that appears. Repeat the action, jump to the next platform, take out the third pair of enemies, and in doing so, you'll reach the other side of the pond. Now use the trampoline to reach the hollow of the left eye and thus enter the next section, where you will have to move to the left side of the platform on which you will find yourself; Hit the gears to make the gate move, jump onto the floating sphere and proceed, jumping onto another ball shortly afterwards to reach the next area. Here press the button to deactivate the lasers, go forward and go down the stairs thus reaching another river, where you will have to overcome the jump a laser between two platforms; Once this is done, climb onto another floating sphere, reach the cobweb, climb onto it and land on the platform with the barrel of dynamite and the unlit torch. Turn on the torch, then use the barrel to reach the wooden bridge on the other side, then killing the pirates who will attack you and opening the second cage; use the purple ring to return to the bridge, grab another barrel, use it to go through the hole above the opposite bridge and then drop down until you reach another cobweb. Here take another barrel and use it to reach the next area and, once on the other side, head to the left side of the planks, open the third cage and then drop onto a floating sphere where the planks are furthest away; You will then come to a ring that you will have to use to reach another sphere that will lead you to the next area. Here, use the purple ring to reach the strap on the wall and the wooden platform above, where you can attach to another purple ring and get to the other side and from there to the end of the river. Climb, avoid the spiders, hit the gears and then go back, climbing on a floating sphere and retracing the river again; avoid the bombs of the pirates and after finishing the race get on the ship, kill the enemy that will attack you and use the barrel of dynamite that you will find to blow up the door at the top of the stairs. Open the fifth cage, climb over the cargo net and then go down to the final section of the level, then opening the door with the adjacent switch and finding Clark; now you have to destroy your friend's control box and to do this, you will first have to press three switches at the end of the room. By doing this, Clark will be hit by a laser and will fall to the ground, and this will be the moment when you have to hit the control box on his back; repeat the action three times and your friend will regain consciousness.
The Iron Mountains
You will start this level on a wooden bridge, where you will have to kill a pirate and then continue on the road; Drop down a pipe, jump to the platform with the lasers, and then press the two switches on the outer wall to turn off the electric field around the hole in the middle. Slide through it to get to a large grassy area, where you have to follow the road until you reach a large cave; go left, kill the pirate, climb the bigger stack of boxes at the end of the road and jump on the ledge to reach the nearby building. Crossing the tunnel you will find yourself on a river, where you will have to jump from stone to stone until you reach a hot air balloon that will take you back to the mainland; now head to the chest and wait for it to fly away due to the shaking ground and then enter the building. Eliminate the enemies that will attack you, open the third cage that you will find in your way and then jump on the crate at the end to reach the next area, where you will have to slide down a slope and jump over a shell; once you reach dry land, turn around and head to the right of the beam you rode, following the road along the depression in the floor until you reach the ramp that goes down. Press the two switches, exit the area where you started the level and then, avoiding the mechanical bird, quickly run to the left to leave this area and face the next guardian.
To defeat him you will have to avoid his blows and throw punches at the clouds that will approach you, sending them back against your enemy (after 10 have accumulated, the clouds will discharge a lightning bolt at the guardian taking away 1/3 of the energy); repeat the process with the other attack types twice and the giant will be out of action, and the third mask will be yours.
The Prison Ship
As soon as you start the level, proceed forward sliding downwards until you reach a series of switches that you will have to press and then reach inside a building; here he pressed the button to drop a ramp that will take you to the computer room. Exit and, in the next area, go down the stairs to reach the base to kill two guards present here; flip the switch at the end of the platform, go back up the ladder and then jump left to reach the only cage on this level. Go back upstairs, climb on the shell and pass the lava until you find yourself in front of the door at the end of the corridor; use the switch to open it and, in the next room, fly up on the shell and enter the opening in the wall on the left side, near the end of the corridor. Now follow the yellow rings, pass under a wall and then quickly climb to avoid the next one in front of you; follow the pipes in the center upwards and go through the next opening to find yourself in a setting vaguely reminiscent of the chases of star wars. Avoid all the pipes that you will find on your street and be careful not to miss the opening at the end of the passage; continue like this also in the next area, paying attention here also to avoid the laser shots that will try to slow me down. Proceed forward entering the various inlets that you will encounter to easily complete the level without too many problems.
The Fight with Razorbeard
Grolgoth will start firing at you three cannonballs that you can send back by simply hitting them, although you'll have to be accurate to hit him; once hit he will shoot the laser from his feet, so he crouches to avoid them and then start running around and around to dodge his jumps. After you hit him three times, Razorbeard will try to crush you, only managing to destroy the arena; here you will be rescued by Ly and land on a flying shell. Enter one of the two tunnels near you to retrieve a power up and then start hitting the robot's hands until it falls into the lava; repeat the process nine times, always paying attention to the lasers coming from his feet, and then rest and enjoy the final cutscene of the game.
Solution summary
Tutorial area
Minisaurus Land
The Fairy Glade
The Bayou
The Lost Island
The Menhir Hills
The Marshes of Awakening
The Cave of Bad Dreams
The Menhir Hills, revisited
The Canopy
Whale Bay
The Sanctuary of Stone and Fire
Rainbow Creek
The Precipice
The Pirate Mines
The Echoing Caves
The Factory
Beneath the Lava Sanctuary
Tomb of the Ancients
The Iron Mountains
The Prison Ship
The Iron Mountains
The Fight with Razorbeard

- ps2
Exit date: December 22 2000