1. Ras el-Hadid
Drop down and kill the Nazi with the knife, stabbing him in the back. Go up the street, enter to the right, still crouch, stab another, grab the luger and ammo. Continue on the road, kill an enemy, go up the stairs; A motorbike comes, go to the stone building, stab a mechanic and go to the back. Where the mechanic works, go out and find a luger and a helmet on the back. Go to the wooden door with the flag on the right. Jump and go over, left on the stairs, kill the enemy, enter the room to find a bottle and healing. In another room there are heals and ammunition, and in the last one a pair of binoculars. Exit, use the binoculars to aim, shoot the sniper on the right. Guards arrive from the stairs, shoot, go down to the left, then left again into the room. Grab the grenades and listen to the radio. Throw a grenade at three quarters of the way to complete the first objective, then go to the sniper seat and take the weapon. Instead of going through the door below this area, go to the next room, kill the enemy and go up for ammo; near the stairs outside there is a door, you will see a decoration on the wall, there is gold behind it. You can go into the room under the sniper balcony, shoot the enemy and clear the level.
2. Ras el-Hadid (Second Part)
Go down the stairs and go right. Kill the enemy, go to the wooden door on the right. Shoot the three enemies, eat, take the helmet. Behind the counter, the red switch opens a secret passage. Go back, go to the white building with the stairs. Kill the enemy, activate the radio, then go up the stairs after the cutscene, kill the enemy, jump off the balcony and kill the other one. Go through the gate, get ready to shoot, once you're done go up the stairs, kill the enemy, enter the rooms. From the courtyard stairs go up, kill whoever you meet, go down the ladder, you will hear about Helga, kill the enemies, hide in a room (in the one with the library, you can open a secret passage using the books). There will be some movement outside, when they finish shooting exits, take out the survivors. Exit, eliminate the snipers, go back to the building, eat, go through the window near the table and through the wooden door, continue ready to shoot.
3. Ras el-Hadid (Terza Parte)
Go ahead, to the door on the right. In the barrel you will find something. Hide in the corner behind the door on the left, after the speech eliminate the enemies, go to the door, left, forward, right, eliminate the enemy and eat. Go through the window or go around, go to the door on the left eliminating the enemies you meet and the one near the radio, activate it. After the cutscene exits, go right to eliminate enemies, before entering the headquarters get ready to shoot, eliminate everyone. Go up the stairs, once inside watch out for the enemies above. Then go to the left door, kill the enemy, get the diary and grenades, then go left to the next door (behind the poster is a switch for a secret passage). Exit, jump the balcony, kill the enemy, continue to complete the second objective and the level.
4. The Ancient Ruins
Fire a few warning shots, kill the enemies that come, enter the cabin, keep killing the enemies, at the end exit and enter the other cabin, kill the enemy, take everything, go to the rocks ready to shoot. Enter the tombs, go up the various stairs eliminating all resistance.
5. Burial Chamber
Shoot in the air to send the enemies, take them out. Watch out for the sniper outside. Grab what you find on the shelves, keep going until you get shot, wait, then go out and kill the enemy while he reloads. There is another one also near the entrance to the tombs. Go ahead until you hear talk in a room, kill the enemies inside, go ahead and reload, in the big room take out everyone. Go through one of the two doors, go down and behind the wall you will find a niche. Under the lit torch you will see a door, continue until you hear a grenade being thrown, retreat, after the explosion be ready to shoot the enemy higher up. From the sniper post above the ladder, find some gold. Go back outside and kill the one next to the elevator, go inside.
6. Buried Alive
Get off the elevator, stock up, then flip the switch in the room and get ready to face some zombies. Try not to waste too much ammo. Shoot the enemy when he's done shooting the zombies, then flip the switch. Save, jump over the stairs, continue. In a room with two strange columns, two zombies and a Nazi, there are drawings on the wall: open it by pressing the protruding bricks. Go up the stairs, kill everyone, go left, go up, to your left there is a crack in the wall, you will find gold behind it. Go to the room with three coffins and some enemies. The third coffin is next to a protruding brick, press it, watch out for the zombie. Stand on one of the strange tiles, when the spikes come out jump over, kill the enemies, flip the switch, go to the gate. Killing the zombies where you are locked up will open a kind of tomb, kill the enemies, go down, continue.
7. The Eye of Anubis
Let the first zombie kill itself, go over the spikes, go up the stairs and go right. In the room with the crates there is a passage, follow a switch on the left wall, look behind you. Go back and take the door to the right of the gate. In the room with two jackal statues go up the stairs, activate the switch and the sarcophagus will move, you will find a code, remember that. In the tunnel with the coffins you will find a switch, then go to the other tunnel, another switch, the gate at the top opens, go up until you find the enemy talking. Head left instead of following it and you will find a wall to break through. Go in the direction of the enemy now, ready to kill. There is a small passage to a walkway, with wooden boards and a red sign. You have to break the boards and enter the code quickly. Continue around the walkway to the switch, go through the gate, kill the enemies on the stairs, cross the bridge, ready for a new encounter. Save, eliminate the enemy, use the forend at the top of the stairs, go down the other staircase, shoot the last guard, move on.
8. Escape
Go through the stairs and the gate, stab the doctor. Open the gate and go up the spiral staircase. Go back down and go through the gate on the left, and the door. Kick the boards, get off. Go on, go up the stairs, go through the door, open the gate and go up the stairs. When you are almost at the top stab the guy, go left and kill the other guy. Continue with caution, eliminating the enemies; open the door and go to the wooden ones, the switch is on the right, open it and in the right corner you will complete the objective. Reach the end of the level.
9. Escape (Second Part)
Go up, go through the door, go to the next one, reach the stairs, go down. At the bottom of the spiral staircase behind a wall you will find ammo. Go up, open and kill the enemy, along the roof there are three boards, break them down and go down, turn off the alarm with a kick, smash the radio, take what you need. To the right of the alarm button behind a poster is gold. Exit the window, shoot the sniper, enter the door on the right, go to a corner with the flags, when they stop shooting eliminate everyone, then go down. You should be able to break through a wall and reach a secret room, then go back. get ready for other enemies, go through the door to the outside, go through the lower door in the corner with a generator, inside you will find a part of the floor that you can break through to get gold. Go back to the secret room, go through the door that is there, go right. In the area with the uniforms there is a passage with a door on the left and one on the right, go to the one on the right, put the candlestick in place to discover some gold. Now go through the other door, kill everyone, reach the map. In the room on the left, look behind the portrait of Hitler. Go through the door and the corridor, in the next one behind the left panel is a switch. Continue to the door on the left and the next one.
10. The Fortress
Go to the door on the right, behind the soldier's poster is a switch, put a chair on the table, jump over the fireplace, look behind the flag. Exit, go down a few steps, go up the spiral staircase, eliminate the enemy and the sniper on the wall to the right. Go down the snowy stairs, go through the front door, go forward and left, go to the alarm and turn it off, go through the nearby door. Break the radio, activate the yellow switch, enter the door that opens into the courtyard, above the icy stairs. Go right, past another door, break through the cabinet, go through the next door and go down, go right near the "Weinkeller" sign. Among the wines you will find a switch to open a panel and find the Chateau Latour. Exit and go forward, kill the enemy at the table, go down and watch out to the left, go down again. When you hear a grenade drop, run, close the gate so that it bounces off the enemy. Kill everyone. In a room near an alarm button and a table there are panels, break through the wall behind. Also find a room with two generators and a gas bottle, blow it up to find a secret passage. Then go up the stairs and open the gate, enter the door from which the enemy comes, take the machine gun, kill everyone, go back to the room with the table, then to the courtyard. Kill everyone and enter the new door underneath the sniper post.
11. Tram
Go ahead, then right, clear the alarm on the left, go right. Behind the machine next to the mechanic you will find gold in a compartment. Go in the direction from which the last enemy came, go down the stairs, pull the lever. The tram will get off. At the end of the run, go up the ladder, then go down the next one, get to the switch, open, use the yellow switch to switch on, get on the tram, leave again. Finally go through the door, go up the ladder, grab what you need, go back down, open the gate of the ventilation system. After the last stop of the tram you will find a room with a cage, in the right corner there is a compartment with gold. Break through the grate and move on, then there will be a cutscene. Proceed, refuel, reach Kessler by opening the double doors (don't kill him).
12. Dark Secrets
Go down, join the drunk and kill him. Climb up and wait for them to finish talking before moving on. There is a door on the left, kill whoever comes out of it. Go a little further, to the wooden door, enter, go up and enter the first door of the corridor, take the grenades. Behind the last door is an enemy. Get hold of the machine gun, use it. Go in the direction of the enemies, take them all out, go left, go up, kill the sniper, hear a door open and a voice, go there and follow the dude inside to get a silenced weapon. Go back outside and go right, then left, go down the tunnel with the water, enter the door. Don't shoot the woman, there is a switch behind the counter, click on it. Go back outside and go left through the gate. In the restaurant there is a library, move a book to discover a staircase. Reach the end of the level.
13. Dark Secrets (Part Two)
Go down the stairs and go left. Enter, go up the stairs, jump on the crates to find some gold in a small room. Go back outside and open the door near where you were, fire a few shots, more enemies arrive. Enter the first door on the right to take out the sniper, go back and the next door. You will see an opening in the platform, jump over and continue to the window, take out the enemy silently, go down the other window, go up the stairs and go right, then forward, go down and refuel. Go up and through the door, go down and down, check the room to the left, go up the ladder, stop, ready to kill. Go down and kill the two complaining, exit, shoot using the sniper target at the one coming out of the graveyard, shoot others, enter the graveyard, grab the dynamite, kick the door until it opens.
14. Catacombs
Go down but avoid the hole, use it to eliminate the survivors. Go down and get the sniper rifle ready. When the zombie starts walking, shoot him in the head. More enemies will come, switch to the sten. Kick the enemy and shoot. Go down the stairs, watch out for the zombies and the hole with the spikes. Save. Jump over the hole and open the stone door, there is a switch to the left, go back and pull the new lever, drop down and go to the right corner. Go through the door, flip the switch, go up the spiral staircase, the gate is open, cross the bridge, which breaks. Kill the enemies and go through the door. Go ahead, take the diary on the table, go left and climb the debris, go down the stairs from the burial site, then go up the stairs in front of which the zombie was. In a room with four coffins, inside a coffin you will find something, and behind a brick you flip a switch. Exit and go right to the bridge, then left to the bridge, the door should be open, find a helmet. Cross the bridge and go up to the left. Save. The gate will close, ready to fire. Finally pull the lever in a zombie's hiding place, go through the door.
15. Crypt
Go left, to a room with a gate and a ladder, go up, pass the coffins, kill the survivors of the fight. In the room with the cross there is a white switch, then kick the cross, move. In the hole you will find supplies. Exit, go right, go down the stairs, enter the fog, save after the two zombies. Be prepared for several switches and traps. Go to the door with the eye symbol, watch out for the spikes from above, flip the switch, go to the swan door, jump the ditch, flip the switch, jump back, go to the door with the other symbol, avoid weird tiles, flip the switch, there should be a platform outside. Go up, cross the bridge, flip the switch. The holes the zombies come out of reveal a secret area. make sure you have activated the switch that opens the door, reach an altar, take the chalice and stand back, turn around to face the danger. After the earthquake go through the cavity and the door.
16. The Church
There is a room with enemies, then a corridor, and another door. In the first room there is a ladder, one of the crates at the bottom is broken, examine it. Continue until you hear Helga, open the door, shoot in the air, eliminate whoever arrives. Go to the altar, eliminate the guards, climb the ladder, open the door, watch out for the enemies. Continue to the balcony. Jump on the handrail, then on the other, continue to the door to refuel. From the balcony open the door on the left, go down the spiral staircase, then go through the tunnel and the gate, save. There are guards in the room, check all the boxes. Break the lock on the door and move on.
17. The Church (The Beast)
Go ahead and fall, refuel. Save, go up the hill and kill the zombies. When the ground moves back to your hole, repeat until you see Olaric from the bottom of the hill, use the sniper rifle and watch out for the zombies. When Olaric dies go to the other side to find Helga's body, move on.
18. The Forest
Go up and kill the sniper, in the chest you will find some gold. Shoot the enemy, move forward until you see one along a wall, stab him, enter and kill the one at the table. Exit the back and over the water, go back and up the vines, shoot the three enemies before they give the alarm. Go to the main road, take out the various enemies near the truck and the house, then enter the house. There is gold on the floor near the fireplace. Exit the house and go right, in the gap between the walls go to the hill, you can go up, from the top you see a building with a machine gun and a gap between the hill and the house, go through there. When you stop get ready to use the sniper rifle, then once everyone is killed use the machine gun against the guards on the bridge to the right. Go inside and to the right, go around the river, climb the turret and kill the sniper, then go into the tunnel.
19. The Forest (Second Part)
In this level you will have to stay hidden and move as quietly as possible. Climb the ladder, go right, stop near the top, kill the enemies from above, watch out for the turret. Deactivate the alarm and take the helmet. Go to the left of the tree near the machine gun, kill the enemies at the tunnel entrance, go to the base of the turret, kill the guy below and the guy at the window, save. Go to the hut with the alarm to deactivate it, beware of the sniper. When he is turned open the gate and go to the back door of the house. Save, open and shoot. Exit and head right, there is an enemy in the cargo area. Go back to the door of the house and save. On the left you see the tower, wait for the sniper to turn around and go through the gate, stay close and shoot the sniper, save. Turn around, there is a house with a cable, go in and take the precision optics on the table, go out the window, jump on the crates and look towards the gate, if the enemies are walking quietly everything is fine. Near the house furthest from the truck is a building with an electrical cable, go from the roof of the cabin to the cable and the roof of the house, go down the skylight to find ammo for the colt. In the warehouse you will find a helmet in a chest (shooting at the tank). Go back to the door of the house where you saved before, on the right there are some machinery, if the truck is not facing you go behind the machinery, up to the loading area. Next to the refueling truck is a platform with crates, in one there is a helmet and jacket. Get to the truck and enter.
20. Missile Base
Use the sniper rifle to knock out the guy on the stairs and the mechanic who arrives. Then switch to the sten. Go to the alarm and turn it off. There are two crates near the warehouse. Go back to the alarm, go down the tunnel, go through the infirmary, go to the elevator, go down. Follow the rails, when you hear the elevator go down eliminate the enemies (wait for the elevator to stop), then go up, prepare the sniper rifle, shoot the generator, start a countdown. Climb the ladder, open the door, continue, after the massacre, press the button for self-destruction, save. Go back to the ladder, go through the door, kill the ones on the walkway, go through the tunnel to the gate, take what you need, go back outside and go right, go to the bridge that is bombed, pass it before the collapse, go to the room of check. The walls hide a niche with wooden boards, to open them use the switch to the left of the nearest table. Exit the automatic door, go up the stairs, go to the walkway and into the ventilation shaft.
21 Radar
After the explosion take out the enemies, if you can also the one near the machine gun, go down. To the left of the bridge if you swim in an opening you will find gold. Climb the ladder and return to the bridge. Enter the house with the machine gun, go up, use it aiming at the tunnel on the left, there are eight enemies. Go into the tunnel, kill the two on the bridge, stay to the left, use the sniper rifle to clean out the machine gun emplacement, kill everyone, go up, enter the automatic door on the right. You will see a grate on the floor, break it down and follow the conduit. Stab the guy in the back, in the other room grab the dynamite, go up, kill the enemies on the stairs. Go to the corridor, to the room on the left, then to the door on the other side, take the gold and break the radio, go back to the room with the doors, go to the one you haven't entered yet, cross the bridge and go left , open the door under the radar, throw the dynamite and escape. Kill a couple of enemies and go to the door they came from, go down the ladder. Near the last room there is a grate on the floor, open it and activate the switch. Go through the door on the left and continue.
22. Airplanes
Go to the tower, open the grate and fall. Open the door, shoot, then use the sniper rifle on the ones near the truck. Stock up in the warehouses, go to the far tower near the gate. Go up, lower the gate, use the sniper rifle. Grab the ammo behind the truck, go to the launch silo, go up, open the door, enter the one with the airplane symbols, take out the guy and pull the lever. Exit the room and go through the door on the right. Pull the lever, exit, save after killing some enemies. Go to the end of the corridor, open, go to the end, look at the sky, here comes new enemies. You can use the sniper rifle or wait for them to land and use dynamite. Go up to the complex where the snipers are shooting, find a door, turn the wheel, go back out. Stop on the second floor, where you see a door leading inside. Shoot to lure the enemy, take him out. If that doesn't work, go down to the first floor and go find them. Use a para rifle. Go to the door that opened in the corridor, go up the stairs, take out the mechanics, flip the switch, cross the platform.
23. Factory
Use the sniper rifle, then take the path to the right, at the intersection go straight, then left. Go back to the intersection, go right, move left and use the sniper rifle to take out the one on the balcony. Go up the stairs, halfway behind you you see an enemy at the window. Go back to the main road to meet a tank that eliminates a sniper on the tower, shoot the other enemy and go in his direction, go through the gate to the right, stop at the door and use the sniper rifle (also eliminate the sniper at the window at right), enter the destroyed building and go up, go to the first floor, save. Use a noisy shotgun, wait, take out whoever comes, then kill the others before they knock out the scientist. Go back to the main road, the wagon will open a passage, run, eliminate the enemy, go back and go right, reach the enemies near the tanks, enter and climb, jump to the other building. There is a building near the entrance to the complex where the tank stops, from there you can jump to another one via the windows. Notice the cylinders, blow them up for gold. Go ahead and leave the main road, enter the bombed factory, kill the enemies, at the back of the room with the broken supports go up for the one on the right, then jump on the edge, you should have found a secret area. To the left are supplies, then go to the shaft at the bottom of the level.
24. Factory (Second Part)
Climb the ladder, eliminate the enemies then go right and stay along the wall, eliminate the enemy on the second floor, go forward, then left, continue until you hear a grenade falling, go back and shoot the enemy. From the cracks in the floor you should be able to clear another one. Look for a grate, go down, in the middle of the main tunnel retreat and hide, eliminate whoever arrives. If you need to heal, go to the right, otherwise to the left, go up the ladder, then that of the truck. Eliminate the guy, then use the sniper rifle for the far one, enter the door, go up the stairs, in the next room open the door but do not enter, eliminate the para that stops nearby, go under the balcony standing on the left side , use the flamethrower above the balcony. If you hear screaming it went well, go up the stairs and go over the balcony. Go down and watch the enemies blow themselves up, go down the hole, kill whoever remains, then make a hole in the wall using the cylinders. Examine the chest with a star on one side. Go back up to the explosion room, jump to the other side of the second floor, grab what you need and go to the door, use the sniper rifle then go left, do some more target practice, jump to the door. 'building where the two were at the windows, kill the shooter, go around the building and get the manual. Near the parà in the truck area there is a ladder, go up and go near the window with the black net, jump to the other side to the left, go through the door.
25. Trains
Open the door on the right, take out whoever you see, go out and take out the enemy on the roof, jump on the ladder support grid, look in the garage, go down and stock up, go left. A door opens to the left of the train, ready to fire. Stab the lone enemy and climb the ladder. Climb up the building and jump on the train, in the opening you will find supplies. Enter the warehouse and fire, at the end go through the double doors, shoot here and in another room with a glass. Open the door in the middle, shoot, press two buttons, if you have few protections go up the other door. Go back down the hall, there should be a door with a green light, open and shoot, set fire to the enemy on the balcony, go behind the crates and shoot the ones on the stairs, then go to the door on the left and go up. Kill the guy at the window, go ahead, after the door go right, up to the balcony. You see a door, go that way, go out, go right. At the last room, you see an enemy in an area that seems inaccessible. To the right of this area is a cargo area, jump there from a railing, then into the enemy area, and go through the door to stock up. Flip the switch to move the bridge, pass, go to the elevator.
26. Secret Weapons
As you exit the elevator you will see some cylinders, destroy them to get supplies, then carefully enter the door on the right. Go through the double doors and up the stairs, take out the soldier and the mechanic, enter the next tunnel, take out the guy behind bars, go to the crack in the pillar, see an enemy - shoot both him and another shortly after to the left of the crates, higher. Jump to the crates in the center, then to the hanging one, and onto the platform. Kill whoever arrives, go through the double doors and use the knife. Shoot the enemies on the left. Press the button next to the window, and discover a new enemy, armed with Tesla units. Open the double doors, grab the para shotgun, it will kill an enemy and chase you, retreat quickly, then fire when in range. You could take out another creature from the stairs near the double door. Go down through there, under the stairs there is a weapon with ammunition. Go to the creature's lair and you will hear it, find it and take it out with your new weapon. Look for a barrier, inside you will find a crack in the wall, open and you will see the silhouette of a creature, kill it with the sniper rifle, turn and open the cell, go through the gap. Behind a crack in the wall you will find supplies. Go back outside, enter the door and activate the two switches, go back to the staircase of the crates, go to the walkway and over the platform. Go through the double door, shoot, go back out and shoot whoever goes up, go down and shoot, open the door and shoot the technician, then the parà that arrives. In the area with the water, break through the grate and climb the ladder, activate the lever. Go up the next ladder and enter the pipes, go left, to another ladder, enter and flip the switch. Go back outside, go down to one of the areas with the water, find a tunnel on the ceiling of which there is a square opening to exit. Swim until you find a ladder and supplies. Go back to the technician room, go through the double door and complete the objective, go through the next door, from the corner use the sniper rifle on the ones on the walkway, following it you will find some supplies, then look for a door, go up the stairs and go to the left. After killing the enemy go back and go right, open the door and cross the bridge, on the right you will see a seemingly inaccessible part of the walkway. Throw grenades at the cylinders to open the door, jump down, enter and shoot the enemies at the top of the stairs, go right, up.
27. On the Ice
Use the sniper rifle for a distant enemy, then drop down near the crates and stab another one, along with the one near the generator. You can swim in the water for gold, be careful not to drown. There is an enemy on a platform, use the sniper rifle, go through the gate, hide behind the crates, kill the enemies. Behind the cabin there is a wall that you can break through, then go up the ladder. From the back of the cabin keep walking, near the slope there are some stairs, go up, climb the ladder, stab the para, open the automatic door. Go to the other automatic door, don't go out yet. Listen to the speech, then eliminate the two and two coming from below. Go out and shoot the sniper and para. Climb the tower and destroy the alarm. Go back down and continue. After a lonely tree there will be a window, shoot whoever you see from there, then go to the roof of the small building, shoot the sniper in the tower before he goes down. Eliminate the various enemies, then go back up, go down the hill, hide behind the cabin on the left, eliminate every enemy in the area, enter and press the button, the door opens. Eliminate the sniper, enter the automatic door, continue, find a truck and enemies, then a room with a generator and tanks: use a grenade and go through the opening.
28. X-Lab
On the first right is a room with two scientists to kill. Then flip the switch. Go back into the hallway and get the sniper rifle ready. Open the door and use it. Go to corridor 1, there is a door in front, open and exterminate the creature, then go up the ladder, go through the door. Keep going until you see the creatures and the scientists, don't go on the walkway until the crazed creatures come out, keep going. Kill some creatures, go up the walkway to a room with doors on both sides. Go right first, stock up, exit and save. From the door, kill a new enemy, then the one under the catwalk, jump down. Go into the water, left, then down. Go through the door after a pause to breathe. Go up the ladder, on the right there is an enemy, let him pass and after he kills a creature, tear him to pieces. Go back to the room with the water and the ladder, open the door, take out the creature and deactivate the force field on door 2. If you activate all the switches around, and go to the door with the symbol of death, it should open: you will find Of their. Go back to the water and go left, go through the doors, take a breath and go to the ladder, go up, observe the scene, then take out the enemy. Go back out to corridor 1 and you will find a hole in a door, go through, go left, there is a room with the book of the Operation Resurrection project. Go back to the area where you killed the last enemy, go through the front door and kill the creature, go down the stairs and activate the switch, before doing so save. Fight, and get out.
29. Prototypes
Open the door, kill the first enemy, proceed. Find a room with supplies. There are two enemies near the stairs. Go up and you will find a room with another soldier. Go back to the supply room, and back to where you killed the scientist. Make your way through the tunnel and you will find a boss and a super soldier. After the cutscene jump to the right of the walkway, there is a room, enter, go to the end, from the corner you should be able to use the sniper rifle to take out a super soldier. Every now and then a scientist will appear, to shoot you with a luger. When you take down the super soldier, get supplies, then grab the tesla weapon, enter the lab and stab the left scientists, go right up the stairs, use the tesla. At the top is a door, proceed, then go left, flip the switch, continue.
30. The Bramburg Dam
Go over the barrier, go down the ladder on the edge, turn the corner, use the sniper rifle, go down the next ladder, reach the automatic door, go to the first door on the left, clear the alarm. Before taking the elevator, press the button, making it go up without you. There is a grate on the ground, and supplies behind it. Then go up, in the next room stock up, get to the machine gun and use it on what moves, at the end go to the tower near the beginning, with the truck. There is a door on the opposite side, enter. In the door closest to the gate on the dam side you will find gold behind some panels. Go through the dam and the double doors, get out and make a noise, kill whoever comes. Go up the stairs, enter an empty room, behind the door on the left there is an enemy. Climb the ladder and enter the shaft, up to a vertical grate. Shoot whoever you see from here, continue in the vent on the left, break a vertical grid and exit. Go left to the platform. The first door on the left opens onto a room with two technicians, then on the right there is a room with a para. Open the door in front of you, go down the stairs, exit, eliminate the enemies, enter to open the gate, go through it.
31. Paderborn
In this level you will have to move stealthily. Wait for the first enemy behind the car, then go up the stairs, enter door 5, up the stairs, to the room on the right. Stab whoever you find and go back to the corridor, go to another room. At the foot of the bed with the naked woman there is a chest, open it. Save, go back out. In the tunnel from the first courtyard towards the village road, enter a small door by breaking through the lock, go up, take what you need. Open the door, stab the enemy, save. Shoot the enemy at the window. Go to the corner, shoot whoever you see, go where it is and enter. There's a civilian, don't shoot her. Ignore the enemies in the dining room, stab the one at the top of the stairs. Save. Go back down and kill the two. Refuel and exit, go right, where the guy at the window was. You can go up from the pipe on the right, get ammo, go back down. Follow the road, at the turn after the house there is another house with a guard going in and out, take it out, enter and shoot with the sten. Exit the door you haven't opened yet. At the end of the street, at the double doors, on the left there is a small door, inside you will find supplies. Go through the arch, go left, through the door, go up the stairs and open, go ahead and wait, eliminate the enemy, go in his direction, find the fourth target. Go back outside, open the doors and go forward.
32. Paderborn (Second Part)
Kill the first enemy. In the wine cellar, checking them, you will open a wall in the corner. Go straight after the enemy, go up the stairs, you will hear someone talking, from the opening you will see him, shoot him. Go up the stairs, go to the wooden ones. Open, be ready to use the sten, then save. Open, use the sniper rifle on an enemy far to the right. There is a tunnel ahead, shoot the enemy in that area, go down the stairs, kill another one. The door on the left leads to the drunk room, then up the stairs, prepare the sten, behind the door is an enemy. Behind the poster you find a switch, turn around to refuel. Save, exit and go to the tunnel, reach the alarm, enter the corner, lock behind the door, spy through the hole, go out and shoot the guy at the top of the stairs and the one below. Continue into the tunnel, open the gate, careful to the right, then go down and go through the door.
33. Schufstaffel Castle
Go up the stairs, keep left, clear the para after it stops. Look around with the sniper rifle, use it. Continue, open the door, you will see a rope attached to the wall, shoot the metal part, run inside, refuel and continue. Enter the door, do not turn the corner, use the sniper rifle to eliminate with a single shot the two who are talking near the fireplace, save. Go on, stay behind the table near the fireplace, eliminate those arriving from the stairs and the guards, follow the path and kill those who remain in the ceremonial area, take the two glasses. There is an altar, behind it look towards the door, on the left there is a decorative border, under the red pillars. A section can be moved, revealing a staircase behind the altar. After, go back outside, to the staircase, eliminate who is on top. Entering the fireplace room in the castle, at the top you will see three decorations, shoot the central one, then press the button and the door on the left at the bottom of the staircase opens. Follow the stairs, then back up, go up the stairs and go right, past the double doors.
34. Schufstaffel Castle (Second Part)
Open the door, shoot the enemy in the center, then the one on the left, go through the door on the left, cross the room and open the double doors, stab the enemy, grab what you need in the dining room, go out and follow the ledge to the right of the balcony up to the ladder. Go to the skylights, drop from one of them onto a bookcase, shoot, go back to the library. In the area where you get off the roof, look for a chimney, there is a switch nearby. Go back to the fireplace, in the same area of the library, on the left (facing the exit) there is a bookcase with a book to move to find two glasses. On the side of the chimney in the upper room is a double door, on the right find some enemies, go to the single door, stab von Shurber. Go back outside, kill whoever you meet, go down the stairs and the door will be destroyed. Kill the enemies, then head in the direction they came from.
35. Desecrated Land
Kill the three below, jump to the back of the truck, then open the gate, go right, get the batteries for the tesla in the alarm post. Go back to the gate and go to the other side, go up the first hill, shoot two guards, then the one behind the house. Use the sniper rifle, through the crack in the stone wall, then enter the cottage, stock up, go down to the stone wall, go up the second hill, there will be four guards. You will encounter a destroyed house, inside under the floor you will find supplies. Kill the guards and go back to the destroyed house, go to the two distant lights, watch out for the machine gun, don't use it. Go to the bridge. To the left of the broken bridge near the machine gun is a ladder, go down and stock up. Go to the truck and kill the two guards, jump to the back and grab what you need, save. You have a few seconds, then the first super soldier arrives. If you need weapons, you can find them on the left, if you have poor health, go to the right. After the first super soldier you will have to eliminate another one, then a hole will open, go down.
36. The Excavation
Kill the two in the room and the ones near the bridge. If you go right near the bridge, going up to the flat part, you will find a cave on the right, jump on it to find some gold. Cross the bridge and shoot the super soldier, kill the two near the door and go down the well, into the water. Eliminate the one with the flamethrower, reach the shovel and the crate, stop. Above you will see some wooden boards, and an enemy's leg. Kill him, if he escapes you will find him later. Continue, refuel, climb up to the ladder. There is another prototype, eliminate it, go up, kill the two, go back down, go left, go up the other ladder and the one after, eliminate whoever you see, including the sniper, kill the few you find around and reach the exit. Shoot the tank to open a passage. Open, and hear a sound you know. Near the end is the body of a dead enemy, if you blow up the tank you will find a niche. Then go down to the room.
37. Return to Wolfenstein Castle
This level is full of zombies. After taking out some of them, reach a switch, go through the gate, fight. In the room with eight coffins, check the coffins, then move on. In the next room there is a skeleton under the stairs, you will find some gold. Go up the stairs and wait, kill whoever comes, refuel, go to the spiral staircase. Go up and shoot, grab what you need, go through the door, be careful. Go right, up to a kitchen garden where a guard comes out, enter, kill one below, go down the spiral staircase and exit. The front door leads to the supply room, the double door on the right leads to the end.
38. Return to Wolfenstein Castle (second part)
Destroy the door and kill whoever you find, then go up the stairs, ignore the closed door and go down the corridor. Open the door and shoot the enemy on the balcony, when another opens the door shoot him, go back out and go right, you will see a window, shoot the enemy inside, go ahead, jump the hole. When you are about to go down to the first floor, don't do it. Go up the inclined plane, break the wood, go through the hole in the wall, refuel. Go back to the hole and go down. Kill the enemies, go to the door they came from, go up, come to see a ladder, stop. Use the flamethrower, then go to the right and aim for the left side of the door, go down the ladder, pull the lever and exit, go through the gate and get ready for the final fight.
39. Heinrich
The beginning of the level is very simple, you will know what to do: just remember to check everywhere to find what you need. When you are done resupplying, save, it's time to beat the last enemy. Heinrich will always have three knights to act as his bodyguard, in addition to Marianna Blavatsky. Don't waste time with the knights, they regenerate: instead, keep slaughtering Heinrich, keeping yourself moving. When Heinrich hits the ground, jump back. He will try to get close to hit you with his sword, and he will hurl ghosts at you. You will find some supplies a little further on, but only use them if you are running low. Concentrate on Heinrich, and try to take him down quickly: the longer the fight lasts, the lower your chances of victory.
Solution summary
1. Ras el-Hadid
2. Ras el-Hadid (Second Part)
3. Ras el-Hadid (Terza Parte)
4. The Ancient Ruins
5. Burial Chamber
6. Buried Alive
7. The Eye of Anubis
8. Escape
9. Escape (Second Part)
10. The Fortress
11. Tram
12. Dark Secrets
13. Dark Secrets (Part Two)
14. Catacombs
15. Crypt
16. The Church
17. The Church (The Beast)
18. The Forest
19. The Forest (Second Part)
20. Missile Base
21 Radar
22. Airplanes
23. Factory
24. Factory (Second Part)
25. Trains
26. Secret Weapons
27. On the Ice
28. X-Lab
29. Prototypes
30. The Bramburg Dam
31. Paderborn
32. Paderborn (Second Part)
33. Schufstaffel Castle
34. Schufstaffel Castle (Second Part)
35. Desecrated Land
36. The Excavation
37. Return to Wolfenstein Castle
38. Return to Wolfenstein Castle (Second Part)
39. Heinrich

- ps2
Exit date: June 6 2003