Beverly Hills
Learn natas spin Press R1 + triangle while jumping onto one of the poles to perform natas spin. Do the same on the other pole to complete the goal. Learn the parkour trick Jump on the wall and perform a wall run (R1). Wall run on the wall, press x + down and then release x to perform wall flips. Jump and hit R1 to grab the top of the wall. Shimmy right to the first marker and then shimmy left to the second marker. Jump and press x in the air to bakc tuck. Jump as you run forward and press x in the air to do a front tuck. Learn spines, flips, rolls, acid drops, banks Run up the quarter pipe and perform a spine transfer (R2) to the quarter pipe on top of the roof. Make two more spines on the roof. Run to the quarter pipe, press circle in the air and do a back flip (down, down) or front flip (up, up). Run to the quarter pipe, press circle in the air and roll (left, left or right, right). Run to the edge of the roof and do an acid drop (R2) to the quarter pipe below. Run to the edge and do a bank transfer (R2) to the other side. Learn boneless and boned ollie Press up on the d-pad twice and release x to perform boneless three times. Do an ollie and press x in the air to do a boned ollie three times. Learn wall trick Jump to the wall and do a sticker slap (x), run to the other side of the street and do the sticker slap on the next wall. Make another one. Do as with the sticker, but this time press x for a footplant. Do this three times. Jump to the wall from an angled position and hit triangle for a wallride. You can jump off the wallride to reach higher locations. Impress Murphy Run to the wall, press x and down and then release x to do a wall flip. Before landing, press R1 + triangle to do a natas spin on the pole. Impress Boone Do a spine transfer (R2) and then a nosegrab (up + circle) and then a front flip (circle + up, up) to complete the goal. Impress Dave Run across the street and do a slap sticker (x) on the wall, land in manual (up, down) and then do a wall plant (down + x) on the wall on the other side of the street. Run on the quarter pipe and grind left on the ledge, jump right over the hole and wallride (triangle) on the wall on the hole.
Skate ranch
Skitch Sanchez Press forward on the d-pad to do a skitch sanchez and balance by pressing left and right. In Beverly Hills, get off the skate and hit the sign (circle). Go to Hollywood and hit the second sign. Return to the skate ranch to complete the objective. Learn bert slide from Iggy Press x + R1 and press left or right to make bert slide. Press R1 from the start of the half pipe and bert slide to the other side. Drop into the half pipe and bert slide over the hole. Climb as high as possible with the bert slide.
Hollywood 2
Take the 69 gas station sign. Take a spine transfer to the roof of the gas station and then jump off the small ramp and do a sticker slap on the sign. Get the nude statue Get off the skate and climb the ladder on the platform of the quarter pipe. Break the glass at the top and drop into the courtyard. Launch from the base of the fountain on the other side of the courtyard to collect the key. Go back to the gate, grind around the base of the statue to complete the objective. Grab the green top Press x quickly to raise the bar and complete the objective. Get Metal Awning Use the star map to launch into awning and do all the grinds Murphy suggests to complete the objective.
Hollywood 3
Grab the red velvet cords. Jump left from the truck and grind on the red cord, continue to the end and jump to the back of the truck to complete the objective. Get the giant needle. Climb the ladder and yell up to the building. Help Mr. D. to enter Downtown Grind on the ledge, jump to the corner and bank drop near the car below. Reach the radio tower Run through the theater doors to get to the roof, grind up, around and down on the tower's support cables. Jump off the top of the ramp and footplant towards the radio tower. Jump off the ramp onto the tower, drop off the board, run to the radio tower and do natas spin for five seconds to complete the objective.
Pyramid Climb the ladder and do a natas spin on the middle pyramid. Carry out the commands shown on the screen. Climb the ladder and hit the pyramid twice to complete the objective. Kick the Bell Launch yourself from the edge of the fountain and do natas spin on the top of the bell. Execute the commands shown on the screen. Perform a wallplant on the bell to complete the goal. Learn the Board Stall Turn slightly to the right to see a quarter pipe on the right side of the road. Jump and hit R2 + triangle to rail stall on the edge of the quarter pipe. Launch to the left of the quarter pipe and stall at the top of the highway sign. Help Joey B. Get the Mole Perform a melon (left + circle), mercihana (down + left + circle) and sacktap (down + left + circle, circle) from the ramp and bank drop on the road ramp. Take down the tower Grind the edge of the quarter pipe through the green tower. Grind twice around the quarter pipe and jump under the green tower. Learn special and focus Grind to the freight yard. Grind the cargo frame and press left stick (L3) to switch to focus mode. Jump off the edge of the structure and do a manual. Make a tailblock slide (down + left + triangle) on the structure. Grind the structure and switch to focus mode, 360 hardflp (up + left + triangle, triangle) on the drain bay at the end of the structure. Skitch emergency exit on the car and tap down near the end of the road to free the car. Launch from the quarter pipe and do lip tricks on the three parts of the emergency exit.
vans park
Enter the Tony Hwak amjam Beat the two combos shown by the other skater. Pay the fee and find a sponsor Pay the amount required for entry to complete the goal. Win the Tony Hawk amjam Stay in the race in the first three rounds and win the final round. Go back to the skate ranch after completing the objective and talk to Mindy, go back through the tunnel in Beverly Hills.
Beverly Hills 2
Demonstrate at the Skateclub Perform a trick on each illuminated object in the area. Learn Flatland at the Skateclub Perform all flatlands shown to complete the objective. Distract the cops Follow the skaters up the path and then across the street. Make thorns transfer from the street to the roof of the hotel. Lip trick on the bottom and middle red rays and then perform the tricks shown on the bottom red ray. Demonstrate at the Skateclub Beat Ralph, Josh and Song's flatland combo.
Santa Monica
Join Alva's brother Grind the planter around the corner, jump and grind the next planter. Grind on the corner, jump and grind the third planter. Grind the red wall around the corner and jump the gap between the two quarter pipes to land on the cables, grind the next two corners and then jump off the end of the cables to land on the roof. Grind the left wall and jump at the end to grind the red wall. From here follow the previous steps to reach the roof. Climb off the board, walk slowly to the edge of the roof then move sideways and jump forward to the platforms. Ride the wheel and scare the seagulls. Do a lip trick on one of the ferry's wheels for the entire rotation. Grind the railing the full length of the dock and jump off the rope at its end to grind to the next railing. Jump over the railing and grind the rope to scare the six seagulls. Jump on the next rope and scare the eight seagulls. The man Perform the combo grinds shown on the Pacific Park sign, after falling at the end of the sign take a half turn and jump back to the sign. Water Balloons Shoot the balloons (square) at all five surfers to complete the objective. Impossible Jump off the top of the steps and perform an impossible (up + square). Do a boneless to gain height. If you still can't make it, take a half turn from the starting point and air the quarter pipe first. Do three impossible down the steps. Do an impossible as you rotate 360 degrees down the steps. Shark Attack Jump off the ramp and bank drop (R2) on the shark. Jump off the ramp and stall (R2 + triangle) on the shark three times. Knock down the roof Get off the skate and caveman on the roof to land on the cross. Do the same trick from the other side of the roof and once more from the corner. Bomb the hill with Tony Alva. Pogo (up + down + triangle, triangle) from one set of cones to another. Do handstand (up + down + circle, circle) from one set of cones to another. Make bert slide from the first set of cones to the last. Terrify him Go back to Hollywood and enter the clothes shop, buy the alien costume and go back to the Santa Monica ferry wheel to talk to Alva. Prepare a new trick in the editor and then exit. Talk to Alva and do the new roller coaster grinds to scare him. Do natas spin on the lever on the left side of the wheel and perform the three combinations shown. Pay the Ship Captain Grind the railing near the ferry wheel, stay above the water all the time and then jump left at the end to land on the ship. Talk to the driver and pay him.
Oil station
Feed the Shark Grind the first cleat and then bank drop and grind the second wedge. Grind the cable, jump to the end and grind to the buoy line. Jump from the knot on the railing and grind the next section of railing. Blow up the Usgas sign. Enter the elevator to get to the top of the oil station. Grind the pipe to hit the first valve, jump to the corner and grind the next pipe for the second valve then grind the same pipe to hit the third. Grind the yellow railing, jump over the hole and grind the spiral railing. Jump to the end of the railing and do sticker slap on the sign. Tear off the corner piece Grind the railing and jump to the corner to grind on the edge. Grind around the corner and then jump left to grind the next railing. Drop the grate. Climb to the top of the ladder and talk to the welder. Launch the ramp at the end of the slope and acid drop the skeet cups. Jump from the second and do wallplant on the grate. Destroy the Grindate antennas at the end of the scaffolding and transfer thorns to the ship below. Transfer plugs to the ship and launch from the last one to destroy the antenna. Repeat on the next two ships. Dismantle the pipes Grind the right pipe for the first valve, jump left to the middle pipe for the second valve and then jump left to the right pipe for the third valve. Leave the Oil Rig Jump and grind to the left on the yellow railing, jump at the end to land on the bridge and then grind onto the pipe. Do transfer spines to the heliport and then transfer spines to the other side.
Skate ranch 2
Oil the Crane Run up the slope and climb the crane ladder. Go to the left side of the blue support and grab the ledge. Jump and grab the crane then run along it and use the oil (down + triangle) on the three locations.
Downtown 2
Get the Black Widowz Tattoo Head back to Downtown and talk to the graffiti artists in the lower left corner of the level. Go to Santa Monica and get the Black Widowz chest tattoo from the tattoo shop then head back to Downtown and talk to Hector. Take a half turn from the starting point and air the quarter pipe. Manual right after landing and then start running between the cones. When you lose your balance, enter focus mode (L3) and press x to maintain speed. Follow the cones to the end. Create a City Tag Find all Mutan graffiti locations in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Downtown and Santa Monica. Help him to finish in all the locations to receive the graphic set from each level. Talk to Mutan again and create a tag using all four styles. Go back to Downtown and talk to Hector, place your tag in all four locations to complete the objective. Show your BMX Tabletop skills on the ramp (square). Crankflip (forward on the right lever) on the ramp. Tabletop (left or right on the right stick) on the ramp. Manual between all the flags and wallplant on the wall at the end.
East LA
Talk to Black Widow Talk to Chole on the right side of the level, hit the three waterers on the lawn and then grind the green railing. Jump at the end and grind onto the cable. Save Boone in East LA Talk to Boone in the tunnel. Hit the wood twice then stand back and hit square to throw the board at Boone. Grab the bum's bed Grind the railing, jump left onto the next one then dash to the end and acid drop onto the mattress. Grind on the edge to collect all seventeen parts of the car. Helicopter Launch Grab onto the helicopter and wait until it flies over the cabin. Drop down and bank drop on the hut. Manual and perform all the combos shown. Continue to the end of the platform and bank drop on the sofa. Grab the Coyote Runners Signs Jump off the ramp, press L1 + R1 then press R1 to grab the sign. Jump off the ramp and grind to the top of the sign. Jump off the ramp and wallplant the sign. Go back to the skate ranch.
Skate ranch 3
Keep him away from Mega Hit the worker with the required number of balloons to make him fall. Go back to Hollywood and give the money to Joey. B.
Beverly Hills 3
Get Tony Hawk to participate in the video Make spine transfer and airwalk (down + right + triangle) over the spine. Do hurricane (left + triangle, triangle) along the edge. Launch yourself with a lip trick on the platform above the quarter pipe and press circle twice to do a gymnast plant. Place transfer pins and 900 (left, right + circle) on top of the spine. Impress Daewon Do double blunt slide (down + left + triangle, triangle) along the edge and then heelflip (right + square) and then a manual (down, up).
Hollywood 4
Get Rodney Mullen on the video Perform ten different tricks down the steps including grinds on the railing or on the edge and double or triple variations of flip tricks. Create a trick and talk to Ian. Do it three times in thirty seconds. Get Andrew Reynolds to join the video Grind the red rope, drop down at the end and grind the yellow railing on the left side of the road. Continue forward and grind the two edges on the right. Reach the necessary score before entering the cave.
Downtown 3
Help Mike V Triple impossible (up + square, square, square) down the steps. Triple kickflip (left + square, square, square) down the steps. Triple heelflip (right + square, square, square) down the steps. Help Paul Rodriguez retrieve his equipment Grind the railing, jump to the end and grind the next one around the corner. Jump and grind the ledge and quarter pipe then turn left and cross the street. Grind the cargo structure and jump left at the end to grind the yellow railing. Grind the next one then jump left and grind the wall. Jump to the railing above. Jump and grind the railing ahead, jump down to find two shoe boxes. Grind the blue edge on the left then launch from the quarter pipe and grind left on the cable. Jump right on the ledge for the last few boxes. Photo with Tony Trujillio Grind the edge, launch from the end and make melon (left + circle). Grind the edge, launch from the end and nosegrab (up + circle). Grind the edge, launch from the end and tailgrab (down + circle). Make transfer spines one after the other, manual before landing to join them together.
Vans park 2
Help Ryan Sheckler Jump through the window onto the sign then grind the pipe. Jump the hole and grind the second pipe then jump left to the third pipe. Grind down the third pipe then jump off the cable and natas spin on the bolt above the jeep. Show Mat Hoffman that you have the numbers Perform three flairs in the ball, hit L2 and diagonally down on the left stick. Perform a tire tap (R1) and a decade (left or right on the right stick). Perform five different tricks on Mat.
Santa Monica 2
Double with Bob Burnquist Balance the lip trick on the edge of the Smart Wood quarter pipe. Follow the pink track to find Burnquist and then perform any tricks above him. Run to the dock to find Burnquist again, grind on the rail on the water and balance a lip trick on Smart Wood's quarter pipe to complete the objective. Show Tony Alva what you are capable of Perform the tricks and combos that are shown to you in the hollow. Perform the final combo by connecting the grabs together with the revert to manual.
East LA 2
Nollies with Stevie Williams Do a Nollie (L2) on the roof. Do a Nollie Hardflip (up + square) from roof to roof. Do a nollie hardflip to manual on the red roof then jump to the next one. Do a nollie triple heelflip (right + square, square, square) from the roof to the street. Perform a boned ollie (x, x) from the roof to the roof of the car. Bam Margera's Crazy Challenge Perform BS tailslide (right + triangle) on the edge. Backflip (circle + down, down) on Bam. Stall (R2 + triangle) on the wheelbarrow at the bottom of the slope. Break into the casino. Pay the taco girl the required amount to open the casino.
Target the old ladies Shoot the balloons filled with water (square) at all the old ladies to complete the objective. Gift the special to Boone You will receive a special, give it to Boone by pressing circle next to him. Do this for one minute to complete the goal. Knock down the lights Do a vert wall plant (up + x) and to-tail (down + triangle) on the light box. Get Triple 777 Stall on the chain and perform the seven tricks shown. Grind on the chain and top of the machine seven times. Break into the pool Climb the ladder and perform an acid drop from the springboard into the pool. Do a spine transfer to the next pool and a board stall on the side. Spine on Dave and Boone Perform a spine transfer kickflip on Dave and a triple kickflip on Boone. Grab all the chips Grind the yellow board and jump to grind the lights, jump to grind the green platform and jump over the holes. Jump to collect the last chip and land on the yellow platform. Grind to the left on the steps then grab the five tokens and go through the door. Grind around the pool on the right then grind down the green railing on the right. Grind around the pool at the bottom of the slope then grind left onto the quarter pipe in the back of the area. Jump off the quarter pipe and grind the green railing. Climb the springboard and collect the final token.
East LA 3
Go back to the ranch Go back to the road, go down the slope and grind the wall on the right. Follow the green arrow on the map to reach the checkpoint. In Downtown, head to the green arrow on the top left to reach Hollywood. Go up the escalator in the lower left corner to reach Beverly Hills then go straight to the skate ranch.
Solution summary
Beverly Hills
Skate ranch
Hollywood 2
Hollywood 3
vans park
Beverly Hills 2
Santa Monica
Oil station
Skate ranch 2
Downtown 2
East LA
Skate ranch 3
Beverly Hills 3
Hollywood 4
Downtown 3
Vans park 2
Santa Monica 2
East LA 2
East LA 3
Change your look Enter the barbershop and press the circle button next to the barber shop. Select a new cut and exit the shop. Changing Clothes Enter the clothing store and press the circle button next to the clerk, choose a new suit and exit the store. Learn Caveman Press L1 + R1 to leave the board and L1 + R1 again to caveman. Jump and grind on the red rope. Get off the board and jump to grind on the red rope. The Sponsor Challenge After talking to Mindy, read the notice board outside the skate shop and accept the list of sponsor challenges: complete one or more challenges to receive a message from Mindy telling you to follow the pink star on the compass to meet her at the shop. skate. Kickflip Whoefleck Run forward and kickflip Whoefleck (left + square). Execute a manual three times (up + down). Perform a manual from Tony Hawk's star to Tony Alva's, at the end of the manual perform an ollie (x) or lean forward. Lean to revert Run on the pipe and while you are going down press R2 immediately after landing to perform a revert. Do another revert and immediately press up + down to perform a manual. Land to complete the objective. Get Your Stuff Back Beat the skater's score on the halfpipe. Get off the board and run to the area with the steps, stand next to the right edge and press circle to hit the skater. Enter Beverly Hills Reach the necessary score three times on the half pipe to complete the objective. Remember to perform a manual to connect the tricks from one side of the half pipe to the other. Bike Challenges Use the bike in the upper left corner of the level and talk to Rick Thorne. Ride your bike for 30 seconds. Jump and press left or right on the right analog stick to tailwhip. Repeat three times to complete the goal. Jump and press up on the right stick to perform a crank flip three times. Jump and press down on the right stick to barspin three times. Jump and press circle to x-up three times. Jump and hit square to tabletop three times. Run forward and jump 180 degrees by pressing left or right on the left stick, while running backward press R2 to turn forward. Perform a 180 ° running backward four times. Press L2 and press left or right on the left stick to perform three 360 degrees. Press L2 and press up or down on the left stick to make three flips. Press L2 and press up or down on the left stick, while doing a flip press diagonally down on the left stick to flair twice. Jump and press up on the right stick to double crank flip three times. Jump and press down on the right stick to double barspin three times. Jump and press left or right on the right stick to double tailwhip. Press down on the left stick and manual for five seconds. Jump and make a tabletop then land in manual by pressing down. Manual and decade three times by pressing left or right on the right stick. Manual and crankflip three times by pressing up on the right stick. Manual and x-up three times by pressing circle. Perform a nose manual by pressing forward on the left stick and a tailwhip three times by pressing left or right on the right stick. Perform a nose manual and crankflip three times by pressing forward on the right stick. Run forward and perform an endo three times by pressing L1. Manual and then pivot three times by pressing R2. Jump and double peg grind the railing by pressing triangle. Do the same on the edge near the end of the railing. Icepick grind on two objects by pressing down on the left stick before pressing triangle. Toothpick grind on two objects by pressing forward on the left stick before pressing triangle. Feeble grind two objects by pressing down halfway on the left stick before pressing triangle. Smith grind two objects by pressing up halfway on the left stick before pressing triangle. Rail stall five objects by pressing R2 before pressing triangle. Run onto the quarter pipe with a platform above it and hit R1 in the air for two tire taps. Run onto the quarter pipe with a platform above it and hit L1 in the air for two tire taps. Do three bank drops (R2) on the rise in the middle of the road. Make three transfer pins from one quarter pipe to the other. Jump to a wall and press x to do a wall plant, repeat five times. Jump to 180 to fakie, jump to a wall and press x to tail tap. Repeat five times. Jump from an angled direction into a wall and hit triangle to wallride. Repeat five times. Jump to perform a 180 to fakie, jump from an angled direction into a wall and hit triangle to perform a backward wallride.

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Exit date: not available