Missions 1-3
Mission 1
You will start the game in the jungle, where you will have to escape from the enemies who will shoot you, until an explosion brings you deposit; Here, climb on the crates, take the shotgun and eliminate the enemies in the adjacent room by shooting the explosive barrels. Once this is done, open the garage door and head towards the airplane, helping your companions by killing the enemy soldiers; being careful not to get hit by the trucks in the landing area, quickly get rid of the guy with the machine gun behind a truck and, once you get on the plane, it will take off and you will find that some of your corrupt companions are leading to your death.
Mission 2
After two years, Tommy, Ernesto's son, is trying to find out what really happened to his father. Once the mission has started, get on the truck and head towards the tanker marked on your radar; accelerate and then dash out of the aforementioned truck to detonate your target. With that done, kill the other eight soldiers in the area and then head to the garage and dispatch the explosive barrels to take out another truck; get rid of the five enemies that attack you and, after a cutscene, take control of Tom's twin brother, Ram.
Mission 3
Diregetevi, after a few scenes, towards the bar of El Macho, where you will have to kill the four bandits who are threatening Marco; once out of the way, follow Marco, picking up weapons and ammunition on the road, and killing all the enemies that come your way before they hurt your friend. After reaching a tunnel, eliminate the enemy with a shield, proceed and continue following Marco around the building until you enter the parking lot; here too, defend your friend from enemy attacks until you reach the parked truck, which you have to drive out of the parking lot. Run over the enemies that will attack you and, once outside, go down the road heading towards the golden icon to complete this mission.
From now on you will receive rewards based on how you have completed your missions, so try to score as many points as possible to get the best rewards.
Mission 4
Mission 4-A
You will start the mission in the same place where your brother was injured and, to begin with, you will have to eliminate 12 enemies that are in the area; blow up the tanker and then head to the Virgil farm. Here you will have to destroy the four fertilizer tanks that supply the central tower; start spinning through the marijuana fields, killing the enemies and collecting their ammo, until you get to the first tank on the left. Blow it up using explosive charges, kill the soldiers that will arrive later and then head to the large barn, where you will find more enemies and a save point; kill the soldiers, collect the dynamite on top of the crates, then go out and clean the area around the tower. Then destroy the second tank near the trailers, go back to the barn, cross the fields on the opposite side and open the gate you will find; kill the enemies that will get off the truck, and then use the same to destroy the tank. Now go back to the barn again, save your game, climb the water tower in the middle of the fields and, from here, reach the other closed gate by going down the rope, eliminating the soldiers who will be waiting for you once you touch the ground. ; open the aforementioned gate, get into a vehicle and use it to blow up the last tank. Once this is done, eliminate the two enemies that will attack you, save your game and, after getting back on the truck, reach the central tower and climb to the top killing all the soldiers on your way; once you arrive in the control room, press the button to disable it.
Mission 4-B
At the beginning of this mission you will find yourself in the middle of a gunfight; dodge the shots and head quickly behind the house, killing any enemies you encounter that you will see through the windows in front of you. Eliminate the guard in front of the entrance and, once inside the building, use the save point upstairs and then enter the door to meet Joe Virgilio, the first boss of the game.
First, get rid of the three soldiers following him, then take care of him and, after you kill him, collect the garage key, go out using the balcony and clean the surrounding area; Now head to the farm entrance, take out the enemies behind the barricade by shooting the explosive barrels and then exit the gates and head back on the road to Los Toros. Destroy the second barricade, kill the soldiers who will arrive later in some vehicles and then go back to the garage and save the game; Now get in the car and drive it out of the farm to complete the mission and watch a cutscene.
Mission 5
In this mission you will have to steal five large trucks that will be used to transport 100 tons of cocaine; as soon as you take Ram's command, head into the courtyard and kill all the enemies you can see. Clean up the area by first eliminating the soldiers from the large depot, then get on the truck in the area in front of the garage, near some containers; head to the gate and one of Angel's mates will take your place and drive the truck out of here. Now go back to the depot, eliminate any hostile presence in the area then rescue and operate the winch; move the crates to clear the way for the second truck and, once done, reach it and drive it until you reach Angel.
The third van is on board a docked ship, with many enemies guarding it; head towards the port by killing the four soldiers you will find on your way, then continue towards the bridge. Here, eliminate the enemies and flip the switch to lift the truck and place it on the dock below; After that go out, clean the area around the container with the truck and drive it to Angel to complete this part of the mission.
Now you have to blow up the ship which is at the bottom of the harbor and, to do this, Angel has provided you with a van full of explosives; before launching yourself at the ship, go back and clean the area of the enemy soldiers, then take the van back and drive it inside the container the truck was in. Go back to the bridge killing the soldiers who will parry in front of you and then flip the switch to lift the container and place it on the ship; after that you will have 35 seconds to abandon the ship before it explodes. Eliminate the enemy who will try to stop your escape and, after jumping off, the ship will explode and you will complete the mission.
Mission 6
Mission 6-A
You will start this mission outside the Barrio delToreo stadium, and you will be asked to escort the trucks through the Virgil territory; enter the van and drive it to the block on the road, where you have to eliminate all the enemies and destroy the barricade to advance. Once this is done, clear the area of the remaining enemies and then talk to the driver of the trucks to begin escorting them; once you arrive at your destination, your first objective will be to head to the main gate and open it to allow the assault team to enter. Kill all the enemies in the area, including the sniper on the tower, and then head to the golden spot on your radar. take out the guards, open the gates and watch the following cutscene, in which the special forces will be ambushed. Save immediately and then advance to the other golden spot on the radar, flipping the switch and entering the next room; Eliminate all the enemies and, after collecting weapons and ammo, go up the ramp and use the walkway to reach another industrial area. Clean the area of any enemies, press the red switch and then quickly run through the newly opened gates before they close again; after that, save the game using the save point in this area and then kill the enemies that will attack you. Press the switch next to the turret to open the next gate, then use the aforementioned turret to take out the soldiers that will arrive; pull up all the weapons and, after hitting the next switch, you will find yourself in the cold room. Use the carcasses as cover, kill the enemies you will see at the bottom and then go up the stairs and save your game; now you have to flip the switch to turn off the lasers, then run through them and pass them within 10 seconds. In the next area you will see some agents fighting enemies, including many snipers on the catwalk; kill them all, collect their weapons and, once on the catwalk, jump on the last conveyor belt to get to the top of a pile of meat. Here, board the vehicle with Angel to complete the mission.
Mission 6-B
In this mission your task will be to take down the enemies with your turret, while Angel will drive through the countryside to return to Los Toros; focus on vehicles to get more points. The first threat will come from behind, and will consist of two trucks; destroy them and then turn quickly to kill the enemies near the barricade just ahead. Once this is done, try to take out the grenade launcher as fast as possible and then hit the explosive barrels to speed up the action; when Angel tells you to clean the street, shoot the bins you see in front of you before you run into them. Then continue to destroy the alleys and turrets that you will encounter on your way, until you see a cutscene and thus end the mission.
Mission 7
Mission 7-A
To begin this mission, head back to Angel's apartment, who will tell you that the remaining heads of the Virgilio family are meeting at the El Macho bar to discuss Morales' future; head to the aforementioned bar, where you will be attacked by three enemies as soon as you get out of the car. Avoid the shots, enter the marked door and kill the enemies you will find inside; Climb upstairs until you reach the ladder, then climb it and go down the rope to reach the next roof. Here you fight other soldiers and use the second rope to get to the roof of the bar, where you will break through destroying the window and landing in the middle of the assembly.
Mission 7-B
After calling Angel and informing her of your progress, take the taxi to reach the Barrio del Toro stadium; Once in the parking lot, shoot the explosive barrels and take out the enemies in the area and, after clearing the area, flip the switch inside the gatehouse and enter the stadium through the newly opened door. You will notice that Morales and some of his henchmen are waiting for you; Kill the enemies on either side, repeat the operation in the next area and then hit the switch near the entrance to open the way to a flight of stairs. After taking out the enemies that will burst through the door, collect the energy and the grenade launcher and then head up the stairs; kill the three henchmen that are here, then go through the gray door and reach the next floor, where you will have to climb up a ladder until you reach the roof. Eliminate the sniper, go down the rope and, after landing, kill all the spectators and continue and down the stairs; Eliminate the enemies that you will find at the bottom of them, enter the next room (the stables) and quickly get rid of the guy with the missile launcher who will start shooting at you. Do the same with his helpers and then head into the arena, where you will have to face the so-called "Bulls", the special corps of Morales' forces; dodge their shots and use all your artillery to defeat them and, once they are dead, get rid of the next two enemies and go through the newly opened door to find Morales. Be very careful, as he will shoot you with the missile launcher; avoid his hit and, after clearing the second stable of his reinforcements, save your game and enter the office. Here you will have to face Morales for the last time and, when you have eliminated him, collect the key to the safe from his corpse and then return to the back of the stables: the safe is in the point indicated by the yellow arrow. Collect the letter inside it and then escape the stadium before the time bomb in the safe explodes.
Mission 8
You will start this mission in the industrial area, behind the Morales depot where you blew up the tanks; the gates will be closed so you will have to find another way. Kill all the enemies that will try to stop you and, once the area is clear, enter the warehouse with the elevator in the middle; use it to get to the chest, eliminate the welcome committee that will be there waiting for you and then go down the rope to reach the next warehouse. Here go up the ladder, use the other rope you will find and, after arriving on the other side, explore the area and eliminate Elvez's employees; use the cars as cover during the fighting, but if you see one of them starting to smoke, run away quickly as it will explode shortly. Go down from the roof using the stairs until you reach a save point, where you will find a grenade launcher and a switch to open the rear doors of the saloon; advanced by killing all the enemies and exploring the garage in search of power ups, heading towards the save point in the upper left corner. Now go back to the hall and enter the back door, eliminating whoever will try to attack you and recovering a key from one of the corpses; Once this is done, head again to the locked garage, save your game and then use the key he just collected to continue.
Once inside you will have to fight several enemies, one of them on a turret that you will have to eliminate as quickly as possible; shoot the petrol barrels and oil cans to make your life easier and, after cleaning the area, enter the office and check the papers on the desk to complete the mission.
Mission 9
Mission 9-A
Head to Puerto to get on the boat provided by the Virgilio family and, after infiltrating the Elvez base with a jump in the pool, kill the enemies that will attack you, watch out for the snipers on the balconies and the two dudes by the pool who will start to throw at Molotov; Once everyone is killed, flip the switch on the bar to open the courtyard gates and get ready for yet another shooting. Eliminate the enemies in the area and the two throw grenades on the balcony, then do the same with the guards who will enter through the garden door; Once this is done, save the game in the nearby save point and then enter the aforementioned garden. Follow it by staying on the right, killing two gardeners and then heading in the direction of the golden dot on your radar; after exiting the labyrinth, advance towards the golden door on the left to return to the courtyard. Save your game and head back to the golden spot, using the newly opened doors to jump the maze; Eliminate the enemies protecting the save point, continue along the road until you reach a cave and enter it. Here, kill the guards in front of the moored boat, blow up barrels and, after collecting the missile launcher, get on the aforementioned boat and use the turret on it to get rid of the remaining enemies; Once this is done, head to the newly opened corridor, kill all the enemies in the next area and save your game at the save point here. After collecting ammo and weapons, use the elevator to reach Elvez's office, where you will find some weapons and energy; go out now to find Elvez in a tub with two busty girls.
Listen to his confession, and then, when you are attacked, return fire and eliminate all the enemies and then chase Elvez; do the same thing with the guards who will appear on the road to protect their leader, and finally kill him when he stops and starts shooting at you. When you've killed him, head to the balcony overlooking the garden through Elvez's office, shooting all the girls blocking your way and saving your game as soon as you reach the save point; Now go downstairs, use the cars as cover and head to the warehouse, killing the guard here and flipping the switch. Once this is done, get on the garage car and exit on it through the gates and just open to complete the vision.
Mission 9-B
You will start this mission in the middle of a battle with the enemy soldiers, which you will have to kill and then head towards the raised bridge, controlling the speed as you get closer; eliminate all the soldiers that you will find in your way, using the explosives that the rifle and collecting the weapons and ammunition from the corpses. Continue to massacre soldiers until you reach Mendez, who will start shooting at you from a turret; first eliminate the soldier with the grenade launcher, then seek cover behind the machines, but remember to move quickly as soon as they start smoking. After that, take out the two federal agents near the turret and then use a special move like El Mariachi to quickly kill Mendez and gain access to the bridge control tower; get rid of the three soldiers that will come out of it, save your game and, after reaching the top of the tower, eliminate the operator and flip the switch. Unfortunately a soldier will enter as soon as you press the button, destroying the controls with one shot and blocking the lowering of the bridge in the middle; kill the aforementioned soldier, go down, clean the area of the newly arrived enemies and, after saving the game, go up one of the still intact alleys to overcome the bridge with an acrobatic jump.
Mission 10
Mission 10-A
To begin this mission, go back to Angel's apartment in Los Angeles; it will tell you that you can find the general in the camp located in the Yucatan jungle. Marco will take you there by plane and, once you land, your first objective will be to reach the communications building at the top of the pyramid; clearly Montanez's soldiers will do anything to stop you.
Head to the golden spot, killing the soldiers on the road and then focusing on the ones near the tents, taking them out with a targeted shot at the explosive barrels; sooner or later the alarm will sound and you will have to face more enemy soldiers. After you have cleared up, collect the weapons and ammunition in the tent and then continue along the road to the next set of tents; as before, take out all the enemies, check the tents and then head to the pyramid. As you go up take out anyone who opposes you, focusing on the turrets and grenade launchers first of all; go around the pyramid until you find a ladder that you have to climb until you reach a save point. Save your game and, after getting rid of all the enemies, keep going up until you reach the communications room; here you clean up the few soldiers present and then, after Tommy informs you that the electricity is absent, take the elevator and go down the stairs to reach the catacombs.
You will find yourself in front of an underground base full of enemies: kill the first pair of soldiers and then go down the next flight of stairs, eliminating another threat halfway down the street and collecting the power ups in the next room. Once this is done, save your game and activate the red console to start the generator in the adjacent room; now you will have to go back to the first room of the catacombs, but obviously a copious squadron of enemy soldiers stands between you and the exit. Dodge the shots and use the columns as cover while you shoot with wide range weapons and, by doing so, after a while you will be able to eliminate all the enemies; after which you will only have to kill a few more soldiers on the way to reach General Montanez. After a short chat you will have to fight him: use the usual dodge tactic + special abilities and, once they are all dead, press the red button to align the dish to the top of the pyramid.
Now go back to the elevator, shoot down the six soldiers who will try to stop you, go up and operate the red switch on the console in the communications building, thus transferring all the data of the operation of General Montanez to Tommy; as this will take a few minutes, you will need to protect the console from any enemy attacks. Kill the two soldiers who enter instantly by shooting them before they manage to damage the computer; do the same thing with the two who will arrive later then, when Tommy tells you that the transfer has been completed, go up the ladder until you reach the upper room and use the rope to leave the base and complete the mission.
Mission 10-B
Now you will have to follow the road out of the camp, eliminating the soldiers who will parry in front of you and then continue and reach the bridge, where you will have to kill some enemies and take over one of the two trucks with the turret; continue along the road until you reach the block in front of the bridge, get rid of all the enemies and finally climb the tower on the side. Drop me on the opposite bank of the river using the rope, shooting at the soldiers who will attack you during your descent, then proceed on the road until you reach a train depot, where you will be attacked by an armed van; kill the gunner and then face the soldiers on the train platforms, staying mobile and avoiding their shots and then cooling them with speed. Then go to the office, press the red button to open the landing strip and save your game; once you exit, go to the aforementioned runway, eliminating the enemies in your way and then destroying the anti-aircraft turrets. To do this, equip your missile launcher and fire when Marco catches their attention, also focusing on the soldiers protecting them; repeat the operation for the other two turrets, marked with two red dots on your map, remembering to recover the power ups inside the tents nearby.
Once destroyed Marco will land on the runway and it will be up to you to go and recover him and defend him from enemy attacks, until all soldiers are all dead; Once this is done, take control of the plane and take off to complete the mission and watch a cinematic in which you will see Papa Muerte's troops ready to invade the DEA headquarters.
Mission 11
Mission 11-A
Return to Angel's apartment to begin this mission; you will find the aforementioned apartment upside down, and the four bastards who reduced the place to this condition are still there. Shortly thereafter, you will receive a communication from Tommy telling you that the Johnson people are a traitor, and that he has captured him and the Trust Commander; save your game at the save point in Angel's apartment, take a taxi and reach the border, where you'll have to face Papa Muerte's men in order to get through. Kill the soldiers who come towards you, go down the underpass and, after reaching the immigration station, clean it of the enemies present and then go upstairs; here eliminate the other soldiers and, once they are all dead, press the red button inside the border and go through the newly opened gates.
Continue to proceed killing anyone who stands in front of it until you reach the headquarters of the DEA; here you will have to fight against a dozen corrupt agents to make my way, making sure you don't leave anyone alive and collect their weapons once they are eliminated. Once this is done, head to the parking lot, save your game and enter the factory; clear the entrance of the enemy men by fighting using the columns with cover, then go up to the next floor once the threat on the ground floor has been eliminated. After meeting two DEA agents who will help you, keep going up to the fourth floor, kill enemies and then reach the fifth; get help from your companions to conquer this plane, exploring it all and killing every enemy you find.
Once you get to the sixth floor, eliminate the soldiers who will attack you and then continue along the corridor and enter the first room on the right; clean up the enemies, go back and, after saving the game, keep moving forward until you reach the conference room, where you will have to place another squadron of soldiers. Once this is done, head to the adjacent room, where you will find Tommy and Trust convulsing; head again to the room where you killed the first squadron and, from here, proceed until you reach the infirmary where you will have to recover the adrenaline. Quickly go back to Tommy and Trust, give them the medicine you just took and you will receive the lift card in exchange: Johnson is in fact in the basement and is trying to blow up the building.
Mission 11-B
First of all you will have to go back to the elevator, which is located halfway between the sixth and seventh floors protected by four soldiers; take them out, go up the aforementioned elevator and, when the doors open, you'll have to face two shield-wielding enemies. Stand close to the elevator and hit them while avoiding their blows. Once this is done, stay in position and wait for the horde of enemies that will come to try to kill you and, after defeating them all, take the corridor to the left of the elevator, from which you can access the area behind the gate in the foundations; Eliminate enemies you find and hit the switch to clear the maintenance ground on the rails (this will buy you some time later). Now go back to the main room, get on a forklift and park it near the "Secure Storage Area"; then head to the control room on the other side of the room, kill the three soldiers guarding it and save your game at the save point inside. After clearing up the soldiers inside the room as well, press the red switch and then go downstairs with the rope, where you will have to immediately head to the room behind the elevator, where the bomb is; Kill Johnson's four henchmen, then grab the bomb and hurry to transport it to the maintenance train, as you'll only have 167 seconds left. However, since the driver will not leave before you have killed the aforementioned four agents, buy time by clearing the lower floor of enemies, then go back upstairs and finish the job; as soon as you get on the bomb, jump off the balcony and hit the switch to call the elevator. Then kill the enemies that appear and, after getting on the forklift, head to the maintenance train and load the bomb on it; Once this is done, kill the remaining enemies nearby and press the red button on the aforementioned train to leave and complete the mission.
You will reach Johnson and, shortly after you jump on his train, your train will blow up with a big explosion.
Mission 11-C
First of all some useful tips for this mission. Be careful not to fall off the train, especially when you are on the roof as the train will pass under some points during its run and, if you are on the roof of a carriage at that moment, you will be jumped off the train; when you see one of the aforementioned bridges approaching, get off quickly to the lower level of the train.
Once the mission has started, enter the first car, kill the two soldiers who will be waiting for you and then continue to reach the next carriage, where you will meet Johnson and two other enemies; shoot the barrels near him to make him escape and kill the nearest guard, then hide behind the crates to avoid the sniper's shots on the roof of the car ahead. Keep going along the train, climbing onto a walkway and taking out three more enemies, until you receive a communication from Tommy; the DEA fighters will destroy the bridge over which the train will pass shortly, so from now on you only have 10 minutes to save Angel and be able to escape before it's too late.
Continue to advance from carriage to carriage, killing every enemy you encounter until you get to the carriage with the winch, where you will have to press the switch of the same to get rid of some guards; Once this is done, proceed as you have done so far, blowing up the cars on one of the following carriages and saving the game at each save point you find. Once you reach Johnson, the funny guy will unhook the carriage he is in from the rest of the convoy; from now on you will have 96 seconds to reach it, using the bike inside the crate on the car you are in.
Dodge the blows from Johnson's anti-aircraft turret and hit it with the fire of your uzi until you destroy it, then head to the top of the carriage to rescue Angel; if you manage to arrive in time you will save the damsel just before the train crashes and you will complete the game.
Missions 1-3
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
Mission 8
Mission 9
Mission 10
Mission 11

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Exit date: 28 September 2005