1. Training
Basic and Advanced Training: These are two introductory sections, basically you will become familiar with the controls and weapons, following the tutorial and related instructions, practicing target shooting, inventory and the like. In the advanced section, you learn how to issue orders to teammates. Once finished, get ready to start the first mission.
2. Treason
As soon as you arrive, you are captured by the enemy. You must free yours and continue the mission, taking a vehicle. At first you are in a cell, but Connors has a knife. Open and go up in the dark, stop, take out the guard when it is turned, moving crouch to stay stealth. Take the gun. Behind the front door is the team's equipment. Grab the backpack to retrieve the weapons and items. When you hear them coming, kill the guards. Go to the area they came from, find Foley on the right, heal him. Bradley and Jones are nearby. To open the cells go to the office to find the switch. Take what you have to. Go back to the room with the equipment to equip everyone. Go back to the cells and take out the guard, go to the door to his right. Shoot the guard using the silencer. In the area to the left follow the passage, enter the bathroom through the window and exit the door in the corner using Bradley to open it and check. Shoot the enemies. There are also several guards in the rooms to the right of the kitchen, clear the area. Do your best to prevent the alarm from sounding, if it does, you must turn it off. Finally proceed. When the game allows you to save, you will be well on your way. Get outside, scatter the squad at the top of the stairs and shoot from cover. Eliminate everyone, especially on the turret. On the right side there is a door with some steps, enter and clear the area. You get to a room with computers and enemies, as well as a map. Exit the window, kill the enemies, proceed. From a trap door you enter a kind of warehouse, save. To the right is a door leading out. You will face an APC and some enemies. Send Connors near the building on the left, take control of it and retrieve an RPG, great for taking out the enemy vehicle, then think about the remaining soldiers, slowly advancing and staying in cover. To finish the level, assemble the team in the machinery area, to the left of this area you entered from, near the building where you found the RPG.
3. Evasion
Using the jeep you will have to go to the enemy refinery, there will be some militia to face. With Foley kill the guard using the silencer, send the others to the door, ready to shoot, while Foley from where he is provides cover. If there is a chariot outside, you will find an RPG in one of the buildings near the gate. If the chariot is not here, you will face it later. There is a radio next to the RPG, destroy it. Stock up before activating the gate. Put a C4 charge near the fuel, go out the gate and use Foley to take out the guy at the turret, go under there. You can use many different ways and paths to continue, both here and later: from the quietest and most stealthy to the most open and risky. For example, in this case we are not using the jeep (it attracts enemy fire), but you can also use it to your advantage if you prefer. At the tower go right into the tall grass, right again, and you will be in a dark area on the mountain, use the night vision. Eventually find a guard, then re-assemble the team and continue. Go down the slope and back into the jungle, go left, kill the guard, be ready for a gun fight: there is a machine gun at the bottom, with many enemies. There will also come from the central area, you may want to split your team. Use Foley or a grenade to take out the other machine gun. Have one of your guys take control of the second turret, if you haven't destroyed the wagon yet it will be around here, or around the curve: take it out. When the area is safe, follow the road to the block, blow it up, take cover - another wagon arrives. To destroy it, instead of using the RPG, you can use a smoke grenade for cover, and run to place some C4, then return to cover as it explodes: or use an anti-tank mine. Go ahead, beware of any enemies. At the bottom the road is dead-end, go left. Go up the slope and shoot, there are a lot of enemies. If you can get Bradley to control the building and Connors or Jones to go left, you're pretty much okay. Foley will offer support. When you are ready go left towards the waterfall and kill the survivors, watch out for the snipers. Follow the path up the slope towards the mountain. Follow the passage to the edge, drop Connors and Jones, there are several machine guns and enemies, take out the turrets first. Keep the team close and proceed eliminating everyone. Use the C4 to open the passage. When you come to a "Y" fork, send two men to the right and two more forward but order them to lie down behind the rocks. Save. Crawl to the bridge, at the bottom there is a machine gun. Once you reach that location, there won't be too many enemies to kill, but it can be challenging. To take out the machine gun shooter, send some men while the others stay in cover, then think about the doors and survivors. If you need weapons, there are a few in the nearby building or down the slope. Get ready to fire on the main target as soon as it appears.
4. Rematch
You are at the refinery in the mountain, you need to capture Karl Mandel. Get one man forward to slit the throat of the guard on the right. Divide the squad in two and let them attack, there are two machine guns on the sides and two towers. Once finished, advance to the refinery. Kill the enemies in the room on the left. Follow the corridor. On the left you will find some vehicles and enemies on the catwalks. Go to the walkway to the right, follow the corridor and you will be on a large room, kill the two guards and go down. Divide to surround the enemy. You then need to find a door at the back of the room, grab supplies from the nearby depot. Follow the new road, heading for the door in the middle of the section, which leads out. go up the slope to the right, when you turn left you find some enemies near a jeep. Go through the door on the right. In the new area there are many doors and passages, but they all come together. When you are in a long corridor, not far from the mixer, go to the door that leads to the laboratory room, and use the C4. Once the last mixer is destroyed, the locked door opens. Come out, hear a helicopter, it's Mandel. Keep Bradley and Foley here, in the room with the broken elevator, advance Connors and Jones to the walkway above the lab. Kill the guard, open the double doors, you are almost at the helicopter pad, with Foley and Bradley on the other side. The silver door leads to the platform but don't open it, save first. Get Foley and Bradley up the ladder and stand low behind the barrels. When you're ready, get Connors and Jones out while Foley shoots the towers, Bradley will provide support to whoever exits the building. After a while two helicopters will arrive, use Connors' machine gun to destroy them, then think of Mandel - he is in the building to the right of where Foley and Bradley arrived in this area. Use a flashbang or smoke grenade, run inside and kill the guards, Mandel surrenders. Hear the sound of an APC outside; there is an RPG near the door, then turn right at the helicopter pad and shoot. Use the laser pointer on the table to the right of Mandel to point out the ethanol kegs, then when you are told go to the gates to the left.
5. Stock up
The senator's convoy is attacked. At first you are under enemy fire. Send Connors up the stairs to cover Sherman while he shoots the ones on the roof and the one at the bottom of the street. Bradley and Jones are supposed to provide cover by staying in cover behind the cars; once you are done with the road, assemble the team and go down. Go right to the bottom of the stairs, beyond the double doors is the senator, with a couple of enemies. Free the senator and talk to him, let him follow you. There are other enemies outside, get the senator to stop, eliminate the enemies. Then you have to go through the cinema, eliminate the enemies you meet. Send Jones up to shoot, then clear the hall, re-assemble the squad over the corridor, reach the exit. Place your squad and senator here for now. Use Sherman to take out who is in sight, and go to the lower platform, watch out for the windows to the left and the building to the right of the street. Send some men down the road, under the cover of the cars, while someone will guard the senator (there will be an attack from behind). Once finished, regroup the team at the bottom of the street. Go left, there is a building. Two men with the senator should enter from the alley, the others from the main entrance. Clean up, go up the stairs to reach the destination, it's full of enemies. Keep the senator here, but leave someone on guard. Go with the others to the roof, watch out for the two snipers, then think of the nearby enemies. Keep someone like Connors at the door to keep them from entering. Once finished, the helicopter for the senator will arrive. Go down and talk to the cop in the alley, follow him, you have to help the police. You can stock up in the building on the right. From the police cars go left and continue to the metro entrance. Once you have eliminated the first enemies you can continue and take cover behind the pillars. Make your way, go down the stairs and go right, you are on top of the tracks. Divide the team in two, one on each side of the tracks. Go down, there will be numerous enemies. On the right you will find a door, enter and continue in the corridor. In the center you can refuel in a room. When you reach the control area you will find one last terrorist who is placing a bomb. The artifices are coming to defuse it, you will have to kill many incoming enemies, use the control panels as cover. You must then protect the expert, when he arrives, until he has finished his work.
6. Support
Hold the squad steady, send Bradley ahead to take care of the guard, then put Connors and Jones up the front stairs, they'll be here for the first part of the mission. See a path up the hill, send up Bradley to kill a guard, have Sherman come to your position. There is a guard, take him out when he turns his back on you. Sherman can shoot at a distant machine gun emplacement. There is also an enemy in the left structure, and some guards on the ground. Once at the bottom there will be several machine guns, take control of them or eliminate them, prevent the enemies from using them to destroy you. Once at the bottom, on the left there is a passage to the area near the communications tower, come to the corner, there are enemies behind it. The tower is on the left, hidden by the building. Use Bradley and the thermal view to find and take out the enemies while Sherman covers him up. Aim the laser at the tower when you see it. When the helicopter destroys it, go up the ramp in front and kill whoever is left. The door leads to the area with Connors and Jones. Put Sherman in the door to the remains of the tower to eliminate whoever arrives, use Bradley to clear the building and go down the stairs. Exit and order Sherman to join you. Switch to Connors control, throw a grenade at the turret, destroy the one on the left as well. If all went well most of the enemies were killed by Bradley and Sherman, so you can proceed. If the area is safe, put some C4 near the fuel, back off the road followed by Bradley and Sherman. You get a message from headquarters. There will be enemies near the communications tower. Kill them and go to the entrance of the building. Go inside and kill whoever remains. Go back to where you started the level. Starting to go down the slope you will be under attack, enter through a window. Now you have to go up floor by floor, eliminating any resistance. There is sarin on the third floor, identify its location. On the fourth floor the blue team is in danger, you have to save them. From the door at the top reach the jungle again, go up to the bridge, ready to shoot. Follow the path to go down, being careful not to fall. Eliminate any enemies that get in your way. Don't shoot the men on the right in the building, they're from the blue team. Send Connors in the direction the enemies were coming from and Sherman in cover, Bradley and Jones can go meet the blue team and talk to them, they will be safe aboard the helicopter. You must now free Alicia. Go in the direction where Connors and Jones are standing guard, reach a tunnel. Continue to the ladder, save. Above is a turret, take it out, along with the incoming enemies. Eliminate the distant turret using Connors while the others think about the sniper and other enemies. When the area is safe send Bradley and Sherman forward, take cover in the cave complex, ready to take out incoming enemies, while Connors and Jones can go and free Alicia. There is a ladder outside, go up and through the complex, go up another ladder, go to the window, enter, follow the various rooms cleaning them, go down the stairs, at the bottom go left and hear Alicia, she should be on the left. Kill the enemy, free her, check the area, then talk to her. Once free, you can go back, retrieve Badley and Sherman, and get to the exit of the tunnel. Stop here with Alicia, take out the turrets and enemies in sight, scatter to clean up the area, watch out for the enemies in the windows. Once the snipers have been eliminated, you must clear the landing area, just enter the building and kill the survivors.
7. Slowdown
As soon as you land, disperse on the roof, ready to shoot. Keep Bradley or Jones up the stairs to take out whoever arrives. Once finished, go down the walkway. Send two to the door and two to the entrance of the small building. Go down the stairs and you will be in a courtyard. Keep two at the door and send two to attack the front room. The enemies will be on the catwalk. Once finished, go to the room on the left, with the computers and supplies. Leave Bradley and Connors to stand guard in the corridor. Use Jones, tell Sherman to follow you, go back to the room, to the right is a door, kill the enemy and go left, up the stairs, past the automatic doors. Use C4 to blow out the door and kill the terrorist behind the armored window. You'll have to clear out a room before you do, but Bradley and Connors are right on the other side, they can help. Once finished, jump the commands with C4 as well. Where the terrorist was behind the armored glass there is a laptop, recover the first part of the documents. Use the switch on the wall. Exit the automatic door, go down the stairs and go left, send the team to the end of the corridor and down the steps, eliminating whoever they meet. Once you have the medicines, go back to the door used to enter and go through it, go through another door and reach a dark room full of enemies. There is a walkway that surrounds the room, and a control panel in the center. Eliminate everyone, use the C4 on the controls, escort near the stairs. Near the area where you found supplies there is a door on the right, follow the corridor, go through another door, you will be outside. stay in cover, ready to shoot, hold your position. Use Connors to take out the tank on the left, then place some C4 near the pump valve. Go to the destroyed wagon, from there to the left, there is a way out of the building. Go out and there is a small building to the left where you can stock up, keeping someone on guard. Then go forward, to the left, killing whoever you meet. Find some sarin, report it. Go through the door, and the next one inside, spread out. This area is similar to the previous one, but without a wagon. There are two cylinders and the last control panel to blow up, do it. Once you have eliminated all the enemies, go to the other side, beyond the door, proceed to eliminate whoever you meet, blow up a generator with the C4. The steps near the computer lead out, to the landing area and to the exploding valve, which is to the right. From the door on the left you will find more sarin, to be traced. Stand on the catwalk, ready to shoot the door, numerous enemies will arrive. Bradley or Connors can stand at the door below for now. Once everyone is killed go to the building and enter. The second laptop is in the room on the right, get the documents. The door in the room leads out, there are enemies and another chariot. The last valve is here, between the two cylinders. Use C4, save, go back to the generator room and go to where the sarin was.
8. Insurrection
Meet Orlov, after the scene move. Keep Orlov where he is, send Jones and Connors through the door. Bradley and Sherman must go and stop at the knocked down wall. There are enemies around the corner, use Bradley to take them out and Sherman to shoot the guards in the building. Jones and Connors have to stay crouched and enter the next room, put Jones at the door and have Connors equip the LAW to shoot the wagon from the window. Jones can get out now. Orlov has an AK47, so he can help clear the area. Be careful not to lose it in action. Watch out for the buildings, and use Sherman to the fullest with the thermal view. When the area is safe Orlov will enter the truck, wait in the square. An air strike will come to destroy the barricade. If the truck is damaged, repair it with Jones. Once the past barricade is destroyed, Orlov will stay behind until the area is safe. At the turn you will have several new targets, towards the end of the road. Maintain the position and eliminate whoever arrives. Don't go to the bottom, there is a machine gun in a building, use Sherman first to take out the shooter. You can then get to the corner to take out a nearby wagon. Have Sherman enter the nearby door while keeping the squad facing the machine gun. Leave Sherman lying on the ground to shoot near the turret, he will cover the team. The wagon is around the corner to the right, from Sherman's position, there are also some guards. When you are done, group near the wagon and take out any incoming targets, then move forward and think of the turret on the left, then continue down the road. There will also be enemies on the barricade, once they are eliminated the truck will arrive, wait here, there will be an air attack. When the barricade explodes, run towards it. in the street around the corner there are several enemies and a machine gun at the bottom, when you have cleared the road proceed. On the right you will find other enemies, as well as at the bottom, at the barricade. Eliminate them, wait for the truck for the air attack. Proceed, on the corner after you find the Russians in difficulty. Enter the building on the left with the whole squad, kill the guard and the one at the turret, stay away from the windows, there is a wagon in the area. Leave Sherman here and go back to the street with the others, leave Jones at the door to cover Sherman. Get Connors and Bradley to the opposite building and go inside, past the window, to the rubble one. Activate the thermal view and go up the stairs. Go left into a small room with a window, you see the square and you can take out the wagon. Jones can leave the position and take out the enemies in the square now, while Sherman shoots from the window or from the stairs. Gather in the center of this area, the truck should arrive when the area is safe. Then new enemies come, once you're done dealing with them, get together and go to the truck.
9. Merger
Run forward and turn right, using Bradley go up the ladder and at the top shoot the two guards on the right. Go to the door, don't go out, first take out the wagon on the left with Connors. Go out with the team, watch out for the enemies on the catwalk. Go left, towards the entrance; once inside there is a door behind the machine. Follow the corridor and there is an office to the right, eliminate whoever you find. Continue down the corridor to the double doors. Leave the squad behind, there's a machine gun to take out with Sherman's rifle or a grenade. Then also eliminate the guard behind the pillar on the right and proceed, go through the door near the machine gun. Go right, stop at the bottom of the wall, take out the enemies you see, then enter using the pillars for cover. Clean up the area, even the space on the right. Go to the door opposite the one used to enter, go right and through the door, the reactor leak begins. Go through the pipes and wait at the door at the back, a guard arrives, eliminate him along with the one at the control panel. Go there and check the system. Leave this room and take the other door, take out the guard. Go from the walkway to the stairs on the opposite side. Go down the stairs, ready to shoot. Go to the entrance on the left, kill anyone. Kill the people behind the doors at the end of the corridor. Get Bradley and Connors into the room on the right to block any enemies that come. Have Sherman and Jones check the area, all the rooms are more or less connected. You will find a door leading to the landing area, before exiting use Connors to destroy an oncoming tank. Use the thermal view to take out the distant enemies, and behind the smoke. When the area is safe Franklin will land (don't take too long to clear the area, or the reactor will explode). Talk to Franklin, order him to follow you and go to the bottom of the area, go up the stairs to return to the installation. Shoot the three beyond the door, cross the platform and the corridor, go to the office, kill the guard before going back to the corridor, enter the door on the right, you will be on a walkway in the dark. Kill the guard on the left and the one on the other side, near the stairs, near the stairs go down, ready to shoot. At the bottom go right, around the car, eliminate whoever remains. Beyond the door on the left are many enemies, and a turret in the next room on the left. When you are done dealing with it, go up the stairs in the turret room, go right and see the control area. Let Franklin do his job while the team protects him. You can put Sherman and Bradley in the control room, Connors on the walkway outside the door to the left of the panel, and Jones guarding the stairs. When Franklin finishes find yourself where Connors is and go down the stairs. You have to go to the door on the opposite side. In the corridor there is a small room with supplies, then continue, turn right. Go through the walkway and the door, you should recognize the area. Go down to the crates and finally to the ground. Exit, ready to fight the last remaining enemies, then return to the beginning of the level, it is on the left exiting the last room.
10. Desert
Arrive by jeep up to the first bend, get off behind the rock. Go up, towards the guard, ready to shoot whoever you see, and the wagon. Go back to get the jeep and bring it here, use its weapons to clean up the area. The first target is in the center of the area, a few shots will make it explode. Get in the jeep to the right of the target, destroy the flak. A secondary target can be found in the cave to the left of the emplacement. Use the C4 to eliminate the next obstacle and continue, also eliminate the machine gun on the mountain. Go down before reaching the bottom of the road, return with the team to the area where the trap was with the wagon, enter a nearby cave, stop before the bottom. You see a building and the second target. When it is destroyed send Connors and Sherman to the roof of the building, via the back ladder. Use them as cover, and to take out the wagon and other vehicle in the area. Have Bradley and Jones go to the right of the building, enter the door on the left. Kill whoever you find, wait near the exit and eliminate whoever you see. A wagon will arrive near the main gate, use Connors. When you are finished continue on the road, you can take the jeep but it is not necessary. At the bend you will see another trap, kill the guards and use the C4, continue on. When you hear a helicopter, you are at the entrance of a cave, you have to eliminate another enemy vehicle, use Connors, while Sherman thinks of the machine gun on the right. Eliminate the anti-aircraft post as well. Collect supplies in the back tents, watch out for enemies that will come out of the cave as you escort. Enter, go right, follow the path, most of the time you will have to use the night / thermal view. Go right and you will be on a ledge, kill whoever is below. To the left are the stairs, throw a grenade to kill those in the corner and go up, continue, you will be in a kind of courtyard, shoot whoever you see. When the area is safe go left into the corridor after the stairs, kill three enemies in a room, get the documents, go back to the courtyard. Go forward, to the left, into the gap on the other side, there is a room with enemies on both sides. Go left out of the room, kill whoever you meet, go down the stairs, to the right is an empty room, to the left the guard area, check. Exit, pass the machine gun, on the right is a secondary objective, use the C4. follow the tunnel, return to the entrance of the cave, follow the path, pass the turret and the stairs at the bottom. Go to the small room and you are in the desert, not far from the landing area. Go to the sandbags, kill whoever you find, the bunker is below. The last anti-aircraft post is here, once destroyed have Bradley call for an air strike on the bunker while the squad fires at the enemies below.
11. Infiltration
The beginning is similar to the Normandy landings, stay low, heal, get up to shoot, take cover behind the boulders, take out the machine gun. When you have cleared the area, move to the beach, staying in cover. Most of the enemies come from the bunker. When you're done, go inside, use the switch to open the gate. Kill whoever you meet, at the fork, send Bradley and Connors on the new path and have Sherman and Jones continue on the main road. Slowly advance killing whoever you see, gather in the center. Keep going, continuing to take out enemies. At the hay you will find many trees, and other enemies. Use the trees for shelter. Go down the slope to the left. At the small building go right, keep two of the squad here to take out whoever tries to go down. Once the area is cleared enter the building, stock up on supplies, go back outside. go left of where you entered, towards Alan Connors. At the bottom find a jeep, eliminate the enemies in the area, take it, keep someone on guard, concentrate the others on the building on the left, where Alan is. Go inside and secure the area. When the ground floor is safe, go back to the door and shoot the enemies outside. Eliminate another jeep. Go back to the building, go up the ladder and enter the small room, talk to him and take the key, you have to destroy the communication tower on the roof, only those who have the key will be able to open the doors and use the database. Use Bradley's marker to have the communications tower destroyed, go to the jeep you captured earlier. There is a nearby path, you will find a large complex with the database. Send Bradley and Connors to the side of the building, check out Jones and go with Sherman to the other side, go around eliminating whoever you meet. After killing several enemies, eventually enter and go left. Open the door on the ground floor and you will be in the kitchen, go down the ladder towards the database. Open the door in the corridor to the right, take out the guards in the area, go to the laptop, use the key to upload, then you have to destroy the computer in the other room. Go up the other steps and have Jones use the C4, go back to the kitchen. Go back outside, kill whoever you find, go right and follow the path, you will see another building with new enemies, enter to stock up before continuing to the beach, eliminating any enemies you encounter, and secure the landing area before go to the red smoke to wait for the helicopter.
12. Escape
Stay where you are to take out some incoming enemies, move when one of your own invites you to do so. In the corridor enter the room on the left, eliminate the enemy, then go back out and go down the stairs, eliminate another guard. Go to the door to the street, leave Sherman on the ground here to take out the distant enemies. Check the side entrance and exit with the rest of the team. Go to the hotel entrance, beware of the helicopter. Go left to the reception, at the end of the corridor there are enemies, you will also see them outside, from the restaurant, and in the upper rooms. You can't shoot down the helicopter, just focus on the troops it deposits on the ground. The corridor on the left leads to the stairs. When you get to the top you will see Strachen. Clean every floor, beware of who is hiding in the elevator. Step onto the walkway above the courtyard where the helicopter was located. When you get to Strachen's suite take out his guard in the bathroom, then continue up the stairs. On the helicopter platform, eliminate other enemies, Strachen is fleeing, you must leave too. Get the key in the case in the middle of the platform, you need it to open the doors down the stairs to the left, go down. On the right you will be on an elevator, go down and you will be back in the hotel. On the right you will be close to the courtyard. On the lower level you find a door, enter, go down, open another one, you are in the parking lot, on the right there are enemies. Find a ramp, go up eliminating anyone who stands in your way, you are in the street, beyond the barricade. Go left, use Sherman for the enemies in the building ahead. Go right, continue, be careful, at a certain point, in addition to numerous enemies behind parked cars and others coming out of a building, you will have to eliminate a vehicle with a rocket launcher, to the left. After killing other enemies enter the nearby building, go left into the small room, kill the enemy in the building opposite from the window. Go back outside and go right, when you can see the other side of the building you were in kill the guy on the vehicle, lots of enemies will come, be ready. When you are done after the left turn there will be another vehicle with rocket launchers. Continue towards the extraction point, passing some road blocks that you can use as a shelter to eliminate whoever you meet, as usual you will have to make the area safe, and to do so you will also have to clean up a building near the landing area.
13. Meeting
Let the chariot and some enemies pass you, stand still. Then go to the end of the alley, from here eliminate whoever you see and the guy under the stairs, go down. From here, kill the guy in the window around the corner and blow up the wagon. Go where it was and kill the enemies in the windows. Go up the stairs to the left, go left at the top. You have to go to the bank, use Sherman at the window at the top of the stairs to take out the sniper at the bottom of the street, take out whoever you meet. There is an entrance to the right of the road, go there when you are done with the enemies coming from it. Go up the stairs, find other enemies, when you have cleared the area go down, at the exit stop to eliminate those coming from the building opposite and from the nearby alley. Exit and destroy the wagon on the left. Refuel near the wagon and enter the building in front of it, keep moving eliminating whoever you find, although the alarm has probably been raised. Go up, on the second floor you have to go through the balcony to continue on the roof of a building, find a door on the left, go down the stairs and you will be in the Strachen building. At the bottom of the stairs go left, then in the corridor, go through the door, kill in each area whoever stands in your way. From the large office go to a small room, from this to the stairs, go up to the third floor and open the door, clean the area carefully. Once you have thought about the ground floor as well, Klerber will attack the building from the outside. From the exit take out the distant sniper, then go to the cars, Klerber will be somewhere in this area, on the left, when he and the other enemies are dead you can go to the hostages in the building to the left of the parked cars. Strachen and the hostages will run as the garage doors open and the helicopter arrives, beware of the sniper on the right if you haven't taken him out first. Go to the pickup point.
14. Press
At first go left with Bradley and Connors, stop on the ground behind the snow, stay there. Place Sherman and Jones on cover in the building, stand low, keep them here until the team is reunited. Go back to Bradley and Connors, kill the enemy over the snow pile, then the machine gun one on the right, then the other two, then proceed. When the wagon arrives enter the building on the right, use Connors to eliminate it, also eliminate the enemies in the area, then enter the small armored vehicle. Bradley can drive while Connors is at the turret. Reach the area where the others are, use Connors to destroy an enemy tank, take out the enemies on the left and order Sherman and Jones to join you, assemble the team. You have to destroy the two cannons, to do this you must first eliminate the traps, use the C4: return with the armored vehicle to the starting point of Bradley and Connors, you will find it there. When you reach the area of the first cannon get off the vehicle, eliminate the enemies in sight and those at the positions, when the area is safe place the C4. near a machine gun you will find an entrance to an underground area where you can get supplies. Climb the nearby ladders, you come to a ledge from which you see the first cannon. Continue and cross the bridge, watch out for the enemy in the building on the left. Exit the tunnel, to the left is the other location to be destroyed, as well as several enemies and machine guns. When you are done enter the nearby building, refuel, go back out and follow the path opposite to the tunnel you came from. Get to the area where Sherman and Jones were at the beginning. Go down the slope to the left, avoid the trap by passing yours one by one from the near edge, you have to head towards the Connors and Bradley start area. When you get to the first trap you detonated (now on the right) follow the path. Beyond the entrance to the underground room, put some C4 in the trap. Eliminate some enemies, save if you can. When you get to the bend you hear the sound of a chariot, kill the guard at the bridge and use Connors to destroy the chariot. There will be enemies on the stairs of the building next to the destroyed tank, and supplies inside. Go to another building, kill whoever you find. There are two paths to the base, one to the left of the building, the other forward. Follow the one to the left, when you see the base use Connors to destroy the guard wagon. A helicopter will arrive to destroy another tank. Go to the entrance, taking out any enemies you see. You will have to eliminate numerous enemies. You will not be able to enter the main doors, retreat to the building on the road, go to the area where the two wagons were on the other side, eliminate some enemies and quickly go down the path to the right. Here is a secondary entrance with a machine gun in the upper right. Once inside, go up the steps, you are outside, above the entrance. Shoot the snipers and guards coming from the building opposite, cross the walkway, use the switch to open the door and enter the building. Use some C4 to detonate the mechanism and go down the ladder. Exit the window, stay close to the bunker and go to the doors, blow up the C4. enter the second bunker window and find another mechanism, place the C4. Place some C4 in front of the doors as well, then blow the first charge on the mechanism. A chariot will come out, which you will detonate with a second charge. Go through the doors. Proceed facing numerous enemies, you will find a control room to the right, hold your position when you get there. Once the area is safe, flip the switch, take out the survivors, some will be on the walkway outside the control room.
15. Finale
Exit the elevator shaft, kill anyone who comes in front of it. When the area is safe, get supplies in the corner. Enter the corridor. Go left, kill the guy around the corner. To the right is an area with two machine guns, use Sherman. When you are done, continue on, being careful of the enemies on the walkway at the bottom. The left wall is damaged, put some C4 in it, then after the explosion go up the stairs, kill whoever you meet. Beyond the door and walkway you will find the control room, activate the door switch, go back to the walkway and jump to the other side, turn and activate the switch you find here. The door opens, eliminate whoever shows up. Go left into the corridor and stop before the door, take out anyone, send two to the opposite end of the corridor, get them into the other door. send both groups into the tunnel, watch out for the office on the left, clear the area. Continue in the tunnel and in a kind of warehouse, also here eliminate anyone. Eventually you find yourself in the tunnel, stop, eliminate the incoming enemies. Go up the stairs to the left, you can destroy a grenade launcher and the enemies below. Leave Connors down, when you move up with the squad he can take out the enemies below. When the area is safe, get the squad through to the passage to the lower level, stop before entering the next area, take out the two machine guns around the corner and the oncoming enemies, then go to the office ahead and to the right. From the office take the corridor leading to the missiles, check the map. Eliminate whoever you meet, ignore the machinery, go right, go up the stairs, you are in the control room. Leave two at the window, go with two others to the walkway, kill whoever you see, scatter in the upper outer area. You will have to eliminate several enemies, when you are done send Connors in the ventilation system, Bradley and Jones in the corridor in the center, on the walkway, and Sherman in the passage under the ladder, to return to the tunnel system. You have to attack the missile positions from four different directions. Connors will find a guard in the ventilation facility. Place Connors there, after killing her. Sherman will take the passage to the left of the room, to climb the ladder and find a good shooting position from the ventilation shaft. Get Bradley and Jones to go to either end of the catwalk, their job is to shoot back and forth and take out anyone who survives Connors and Sherman. After a large number of enemies, if you have survived, you can rest for a moment and save. Have Bradley deactivate the warheads while the rest of the team have him covered. When the first two warheads are disarmed, it's up to the other two. From the walkway where Bradley and Jones were there is a door on the right, take it and go up the stairs. You come to a green room, go up to the second floor. Go through the open door and follow the road to another green room. On the first right you will find some supplies. Go back into the hall, to the left is a rocket, start deactivating the warhead while the team provides cover. Then go on and see the sign of the other warhead. In the office on the right there are other supplies, continue and go to the right, to the left of the corridor is the last warhead to be deactivated. Go ahead and enter the room, open the door and go down the stairs, you see Mandel, kill some enemies. A missile is launched towards Pakistan, you have to find the control panel and enter the codes. From the top of this room kill the targets below, take the door on the left, go up the walkway and go through the door above the stairs, killing anyone who stands in your way. Follow the corridor, there is an RPG for Connors on the right. After the door you will be outside, you can use the RPG against the helicopter or the tank. It is recommended that you use it for Mandel's helicopter, and then destroy the tank by placing C4 after using the cover of a smoke grenade. Eliminate any enemies you see. Enter through the window in the building opposite, go around the barrier and go up the steps, go through the various rooms and you will find several passages towards the inner side of the barrier, the control room is at the top left.
1. Training
2. Treason
3. Evasion
4. Rematch
5. Stock up
6. Support
7. Slowdown
8. Insurrection
9. Merger
10. Desert
11. Infiltration
12. Escape
13. Meeting
14. Press
15. Finale

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Exit date: 30 September 2005