Swim forward, then enter an old ship. Move to the door, smashing the crate, then head left to climb the ladder nearby. Continue along the path to get to a spot where you can crouch, then overcome the obstacle. You will find a corridor that will take you to the outside. Dive into the water and swim, arriving at a path. Climb up the hill, then pass the enemy silently, giving him a stab. Continue down the same path, staying on the right in the path, approaching the tree, and setting a trap to kill the dude. Once he's dead, grab his gun, keep going, staying covered in the bushes, eventually coming to an enemy who is turning his back on you. After killing him and taking his gun, follow the path. Enter the tent silently, killing the enemy there. Again, continue along the path, you will find a hill, this time with a downward slope. Kill the enemy in the tent on the right, then head to the blue target to get a radio. After the cutscene, move through the water, arriving at the beach. To the west, take the path. After passing a small opening, head to the bushes on the left, then taking the two guards by surprise. After confronting them, keep running from bush to bush, reaching the blue point, where it will be essential for you to cover yourself to avoid attracting attention. Turn northwest, take the path, moving right to enter the bush, then wait for the sentries to split, letting the first one come off the path, arriving at Jack's location. If you need medicine, head to the tent on the right, then left, talking about the path. In this area you will have to face numerous enemies. Past the curtains, past the helicopter. When you get close to the blue spot, crouch down to use cover, getting as close as possible to the commander's tent, then kill the enemies to get inside. Once the conversation is over, head out of the same tent, follow the path, cross the water, then you'll come to an enemy building. Try to enter the base, trying not to get noticed, but it would still be better to stand behind a rock and shoot the enemies individually. Before entering the base, look into the building near the gate for some armor, then head to the northeast part of the camp, arriving at a hanga. Exit the hangar, arriving at the west gate to finally be able to exit the camp. You will now have to try to overcome the road ahead, trying not to get noticed by enemies, vehicles and ships. Be careful, as you will not be able to survive if you are hit by an enemy ship. Get out of the vehicle and jump over the barricade, killing the enemies.
Head down the hill, staying in the bushes on the left of the path, but keep moving forward to kill the two guards before they can see Jack. You will then have to deal with other sentries, so continue along the path, being careful and placing traps. Now turn left, climbing the trees, heading towards the base that you can see ahead. Place yourself in a prone position as you approach the enclosure, looking for the hole in the enclosure to be able to enter. Look for cover in the bushes, letting the enemy get close to Jack. Once you've taken care of all the ground troops, aim and hit the watchtower, where a sentry is using a sniper rifle. After clearing out the enemies in the area, move northwest to get to another set of buildings, where you can use the sniper rifle again. Enter the larger building, throw the crates out the window, and go down, heading east. Use the sniper rifle to take care of the enemies without being heard in the nearby buildings, remembering to take all the ammo possible. Leave the area, heading towards the rather large building to be able to get through the fence, exiting the window. Head to the bushes near the complex of buildings you just exited from, take out the sniper rifle and kill the enemies immediately as they get close, remembering to use short range weapons in case the enemy in question gets too close. After killing the first attackers, move forward, sniping the watchtower sentry, then quickly climb the tower to check out the area, finishing off any enemies you haven't seen previously. Continue along the path, passing the bushes, killing two enemies, then entering the cabin for ammo and medkits. Head north, using the sniper rifle to quickly kill enemies. After that, try to get more ammo, then wait so that you can use the shotgun to shoot the usual sentry. Then move north to fight with other sentries who are guarding a hangar. To be able to enter, use the crates on the side of the building, climbing towards the roof, shooting at the walls, obtaining some life points. Place the C-4 where the blue dot indicates, but remember to blow up a window, as Jack will have to get out somehow anyway! Then move east, killing a couple of enemies guarding a vehicle. Climb up, and drive forward, passing the enemy. Now Jack will have to advance on foot, entering a lagoon base. Here, the enemies will have to be killed using the positions available from the windows, to minimize their effective power to damage you. Once Jack has entered the base, however, beware of the ship before fighting. Move along the path, kill the enemies, remembering that by retreating and using the traps you will be able to delay the movement of the enemies towards you. After opening the gate, you will find an ATV. Climb up, and run forward, as you try to move north towards the blue point. Before going through a small village, go up the hill, following the path, so that you can help Val while you kill the enemy troops.
Jack has just been injected with a strange substance, but he will still have to continue the mission. Use your fist to break the door, then do the same with the fence gates, reaching a camp, where enemies can easily be killed using Jack's new abilities. Move along the path, entering a second outpost, killing the mercenaries, and making sure you turn off the alarm as soon as possible. Then go through the gate. Hide in the bushes to get close to the guards, shooting the ones closest to you, then try to kill the furthest ones, eventually entering the building complex to turn off the alarm. The second outpost consists of a long sequence of boring firefights, leading to a garage where an ATV waits to be taken by Jack. Now Jack will have to continue along each outpost, remembering to maneuver carefully, in order not to lose control of the ATV. But if it gets hit, kill the enemy that is in the base, and take possession of the first vehicle that comes your way. Continue along the path, reaching a roadblock, kill the enemies and grab the ammo. Have Jack enter the ship, then continue along the river, slowing down slightly as the enemies start throwing barrels into the water. Then head to the next port on the left, which will serve as an exit point. Fight with the enemy, paying attention to the rocket launcher, cross the suspension bridge once you have managed to make room for it. Now jump into the water, continuing to swim against run. Go underwater to get to the last outpost. Kill the two guards, reaching the blue spot. Open the river gate in the control room, then take the jet ski, going for the river, passing the patrols and sentries. Also watch out for rocks, and anything else that could damage the jet. Once the second bridge appears in the distance, go slower to allow Jack to shoot the mines floating in the water. Advance towards the harbor, leaving the water. After killing the two guys with your vehicle, follow the path, entering the outskirts of an enemy base. Kill the sniper, then try to kill as many enemies as you can from a distance. Grab the automatic guns to kill the remaining enemies. Swim in the river, but when the music starts to change, a ship will arrive. Run fast, until you reach a dry pool, and go up to the old port. After passing the base just past the harbor, swim underwater until the ship leaves, allowing Jack to continue downstream, arriving at the blue dot. Now Jack will have to find himself with Val, so continue forward, towards the water. Find the path that leads to the new medium. Drive slowly, as there are no enemies nearby. Once you reach the roadblock, open the gate and go through. Continue along the path, while observing the remains of enemies everywhere. You will soon find an enemy camp anyway. Kill the enemy to open the gate. Jump onto the humvee, continuing along the path, to reach a row of boxes.
Jack will find himself in a dark and rather humid forest. He will continue to notice how the enemy mercenaries appear to have been attacked by something else ... an animal. Head south, seeing some strange creatures nearby, near the quartered soldiers. Keep your weapons ready, as the strange creatures will start to come out, trying to kill you. Climb the mound to reach a new area, walking to find another group of creatures. Then continue forward to the blue point. Now Jack will necessarily have to keep going, trying to find Val's computer. Head east, then north, testing your ability to find armor. Be prepared to face soldiers near a waterfall. This will be followed by another set of soldiers, but they have the availability of a sniper rifle. After hitting the main soldier, continue forward, silently, arriving at a point where you can easily use your sniper rifle. Move towards the river, paying attention to the grenades that will probably come from your right. Then, head east to find a massive group of enemy soldiers, followed by a second group of equally similar soldiers, not too far ahead. Climb the rocks to move towards the hilly terrain, next to a broken helicopter. It is the perfect spot to be a sniper. Then head to the path, which will lead you to a suspension bridge. Take it, to get to other mercenaries that you will have to fight with. Now Jack will have to infiltrate the bunker, so move inside to enter the underground tunnels, fighting with the soldiers, to get to an exit. Move in the mist ahead of you, but be ready to shoot as soon as the red creatures return. Use the automatic pistol in quick charges to kill them at speed, still using your fist in case they get too close. Keep going straight, killing each of the creatures. Climb the hill, so as to be able to escape from the usual annoying monsters. Then head west, climbing the wall, then finishing off any enemies you find as you run along the tunnel, thus managing to prevent the ship from concentrating its fire towards you. Head to the last, large, room, fighting the enemies, then climb the ladder to enter the passage, killing many more mercenaries in the process. Head left, taking the stairs and ladder to go down. Fight with the two guards. Shoot the grate where you previously saw the two guards, go down to the ground, then enter the corridor next to it, to get to a room where a hacker will be working. Kill him. Go back to where you started the level, reaching a conduit to head to a different corridor, from which you can continue. Run along the different corridors, to get to a rather large room, where you can see a big airplane. Continue forward to reveal an attack from the mercenaries. Jack will still be able to return to the jungle. Run along the path, ignoring the enemies. Concentrate on the guards in the building in front of you, kill them and enter, to reach a blue point. Activate the elevator, turn around and fight the enemy, then follow Jack as you wait for the elevator to arrive.
Enter the mine, crossing the bridge, to get to some rotten woods. Go up the walkway, after which you will have to break other rotten wood. You will come to an area full of enemies. After killing them, continue down the tunnel, killing the enemies, then reaching a rather large area, next to an elevator. Continue along the path, entering the next tunnel, you will find other enemies and a ladder. Pass the lumber passage on the left. More guards on the way. Start by passing the first room and turning on both fuel valves. Throw some gas in the generator. Now Jack can increase the power of the generator in the middle of the room so that he can run the elevator. Open the gate, turn left, going down the passage. When you get to another room where some guards are waiting for you, jump to the ledge above the car to continue forward. Crawl to the next area, shooting at the enemies before they can locate you, then continue down the tunnel, killing the enemy targets. After getting through quite a few enemy attacks, break some driftwood to reach a large chamber. Clean up the enemies here too, continuing to kill two or three more in the next corridor. Once the enemies have gone to the other world, go back to the point exactly above the intact bridge, after the big hole, reaching the farthest part of the path itself, so that you can continue ignoring the guards. Once you reach the objective, shoot the creatures below, then enter the tunnel to fight other guards. Jump a few times to reach a room where some red colored creatures will attack you at full power. After finishing off the attackers, grab the C4 from the ground, place it on the red light, and wait for it to blow up the wall of rocks so that Jack can use the path to find a tunnel. In the next area there are some soldiers and a couple of creatures to kill. Then go through the wooden planks, quite narrow to be honest, past the hole. Go up the ramp and turn around, killing the enemy. Move through the tunnels, to a rather large room where some enemies are about to be hit - by you of course.
Exit the quarry, and shoot the enemies near their tents. Then head north to continue along the path. Once you get to the ATV, run along the path, down the hill, until you get to a helicopter. Now on the path again, overcome the obstacles, kill the guards, then take the Hang Glider to get to the other side of the canyon. You will reach a port, where enemies await you. Start walking down the path, and when you start to see a tower in the distance, kill the enemy guard, then climb to the roof to kill more guards. Break the transmission computer with a punch. Go through the building, arriving at the exit on the other side. Follow the path, passing the mercenaries, to reach a hilly path, which will lead you to a bridge. As soon as they start shooting at you, the Animal Speed skill will be added, which will allow you to use a jump skill to wipe out anything on the next two decks. Jack can now continue down the path, killing enemies in the process. You will come to a bridge. Continue northeast, over the next bridge, and run to the beach, then swim to a quarry in the next area. Before landing on the beach, advance towards the building slowly, taking care of most enemies with silent attacks. Climb up a hill near an enemy fort. Enter the fort, taking control of the mortars, directing it towards the enemies before climbing the ladder on the south wall. Take care of the rocket launcher, then take control of it; then take the Hand Glider, taking it to the next part of the water route. At the river, swim to the beach while remaining underwater. Kill the enemies that are on the beach, then reach a building. Then take the road that takes you to the southwest, using the ATV. Carefully move up the path, exiting the ATV, to enter a nearby building. Enter the building, dealing with the enemies, then exit the door, finding some suspension bridges to cross. When you get to the elevator, go down to reach the blue point. Enter through the newly opened door, arriving at the area where the creature just entered. Pass the building to jump to the area below. Now Jack will have to take care of the creature once and for all. Once finished, go through the gate.
Kill the enemy, then head down the hill, taking care of a complex where machine guns and grenade launchers abound. Use the ability to move fast and all possible weapons to deal with the annoying enemies of this area. Enter the building. As soon as you get to a dark spot, turn left, shooting the three enemies, then move forward, fighting with two other enemies, near a conduit. Run, passing the corridor. Shoot the conduit, crawling into another control room. Kill the enemy, turn off the alarm, then take care of the enemy in the corridor. Continue forward, then turn left, then right, to finally pass through the moving doors. Fight with other enemies, then continue forward, killing the enemy in the vicinity of the alarm as well. Also fight along the corridor, entering the bathroom, where an open shaft awaits you to enter. After passing the shaft, an enemy ambush will strike you by surprise. Once in a rather dark room with lockers, use the special vision to quickly find the best path. Head under the door at the end of the lockers, then head back outside to kill the lone guard. Go over the fence, then swim upstream. Go underwater, trying to avoid the sniper rifle. Once the building on the other side of the area has been reached, take some time to kill the enemy on the beach. Once ready, dive underwater and enter the building, trying to find the ventilation shaft. Now, when you get to the Science Wing, head to the blue point, find an amber pass, then go back through the corridors, then move west through the locked door. At the blue point, you will be out of ammo, so you will need to use your special punches to make your way. After managing to get through the building through the underwater tunnel, go to the beach, continuing to walk forward until you come to a fire. Let the mutants and mercenaries kill each other, then take care of the survivors. Jack should now continue to advance with the plan of obtaining as many weapons as possible, as he will be attacked by a large number of enemies. Ahead, past the gate, you will come to another fight between mercenaries and mutants. Jack will have to take care of everything else. Continue forward, passing a fence, to get to another fight. You will cross a river and climb a ladder before starting the battle. Immediately head to the opposite side of the wall, shooting the mutants as they arrive, and taking possession of their ammo once they are dead. After another gunfight, enter the complex ahead of you to find Crowe. Try to resolve the somewhat complicated situation as best you can. After destroying all the mutants, Crowe will leave. Use the tower to get to the roof, then head down the path, killing all the mercenaries in the process, and stocking up on medicine and ammo. Enter the courtyard to protect Val. Fight with the mercenaries as they enter the courtyard. Run down the path, heading towards the water. Jump on the jet, let yourself be carried away by the current, and then slalom along the mines. Keep moving forward, trying to go fast, so the rocket launchers can't aim at you.
Head to the swamps, killing three mercenaries near the guard house. Then move south along a path to get to Crowe's latest weapon, which is mutants that blow themselves up. Shoot him from a distance to avoid the effects of the explosion. Fight with the enemy, to take care of the explosive mutants. Continue forward, passing the group of enemies, to get to a swamp, which leads to an area full of the aforementioned mutants. Advance slowly, then let the mutant detonate near a wall, giving Jack a chance to pass. Inside the building, there will be a mix of various forms of mutants and enemies, so try to deal with them by staying covered in the meantime. Use the ladder to reach the generator, placing the C-4 before heading to the roof to avoid the damage. Exit the building, through the broken fence, near the electrical discharges. Move southeast, passing both mutants. Once you see a building appear, climb the ladder on its side to reach the roof, then use the path on the left to advance. Head west from here, killing both types of mutants. Then take care of one of the massive monsters that Jack fought near the ravine area. Continue north, killing the enemies near the gate. Jump into one of the usual building complexes using the crates nearby. Then head to the port, to start a slow walk in the waterways of the marshes. Watch out for the mutants, as they will always be there. Once the hike is over, head outside to deal with nearby enemies. Then move south, using the now broken vehicle to get to the metal container. Inside the container you will find two mutants. Focus your fire on one of the mutants, until it kills, then take care of the other. If you want, use the explosive barrels on the ground as well. Look in the booth to get some of the newly lost ammo back.
Walk forward, you will see mutants killed everywhere. Use the sniper rifle to kill the mercenaries. Carry on, to the second command post, and then look in the buildings for the connection you need to talk to Val. Then kill the mercenaries ahead, finishing them off before they can fire a shot at you. Run into the jungle to the east, smashing all the enemy positions you see ahead of you. The rocket launchers will also be finished. Heading southeast you can continue the level. You will find other mercenaries, you will have to go under a bridge, finish some mutants. Go through a fence - open this time - to find a mutant in a pipe. There, Jack will have to climb a ladder to enter a new area, where several mercenaries will be present. After that, go up the wooden ramp to enter the corridor. Continue your cleaning work, also taking care of the power switch located outside the building. Then go back to the elevator, go up to find some supplements, then move out to fight, being careful as they will come from both the front and the back. Inside the doors you will find other enemies with Assault Rifles. Head out to fight mercenaries and mutants together, only to find yourself in a compound where you can take care of the guards using your sniper skills. Head inside the building, finishing off all survivors, then use your usual power punch on the door. You'll find Doyle. You will have to fight it. As you fight with him, there will also be other enemies; therefore, as soon as he moves to a hideout, kill the enemies using the sniper.
Climb up the hill, arriving at a valley full of mutants. Kill them smoothly, then head east for another fight. Let them kill themselves, then send Jack to take care of the rest. Move forward to drop into a now dry river bed. You will come to a complex with mutants on guard. Move along the sewer pipe in the wall. Go out into the forest and shoot the mutants. Then enter the complex ahead, where you will find no obstacles. Grab a machine gun from a turret, taking out the enemies. Continue forward, descending to the ground below. Fight the enemies in the building. Climb to the roof, jumping on the various platforms, to reach the other side of the lava pools. Take care of the mercenaries nearby, then move north. Another valley, this time with some guys equipped with rocket launchers. Kill them by getting close and then using the Assault Rifle. Once the enemy truck is gone, take control of the mortar to be able to occupy the enemies, which are hidden nearby. From here on you will have to watch out for mines on the ground, trying to shoot to hit them before they explode. Climb up the hill, letting the battle flow. So take care of the survivors. As soon as you cling to the barbed wire, turn around, as an enemy will be coming from your back. Then enter the building, use the assault rifle to quickly destroy the enemies, continuing to move so as not to be reached, and simultaneously using the special vision so you can see them as they move, even in the darkest locations. Go down one floor. The mutants will attack you as soon as the door opens, so be prepared for a fight. Once the enemies have been completely killed, head outside to climb to the roof, continuing the battle with the mutants. From the roof, enter the top floor, then head to the elevator. You will arrive at Crowe's room. Start by killing the mutants living in the area while avoiding Crowe's attacks. Once the mutants stop coming, direct your attention to Crowe. Continue like this until he decides to enter the arena. As he enters, use the helicopter as a wall, running back in circles around the bird as you fight Crowe. Another good strategy is to use the punch followed by the retreat. Then follow the blue dot, fight Kriger, then follow the blue dots again to get to the helicopter and escape!
Solution summary

- xbox
Exit date: 30 September 2005