It is a training mission where you will become familiar with the movements and weapons. You will be guided by the instructor throughout the level; be careful to aim the targets well. Try to learn the commands well before continuing on to the next mission.
Get a Stun Jack. Exit towards the street, then right. Watch out for the enemies that come out, and assist the officer. As soon as the CHA officer has been rescued, leave him alone and don't get too close to him. Go to the phone and use the flashlight. Ignore the valve, turn around and you will see a garbage can, go up and up the ladder. Turn around, then towards the building, crouch and then forward, you will see the CHA officer. Use your Stun Jack to make it harmless and take the keycard. Go back to the door, use the key card, take the biogear and take the water sample. Turn and run to the right, break the glass to enter the subway, kill the terrorist, then kill the others as well, continue down the corridor, you will see a man with C4, kill him, then continue down the corridor on the right. Get the second water sample, kill the man, the other enemies, then break the windows to get back on the road. Try to cover the CHA officer by killing the terrorists. Then go to the fountain to get the sample. Enter the right tent, and put on one of their suits. Exit, then in the one on the left. Take the body to get the last sample you need. Then go back to the first tent, enter the tube, and you will come to a road, kill the man with the C4 to save the officer, continue down the road and enter the tube, arriving at a tent. Inside you will see an opening that leads to a generator. Approach and flip the switch. Place what you found in the scanner, and return to the generators. Then go back to the scanners, and enter the shaft. Rescue the officer, then locate the fire hydrant and continue down the stairs and enter the subway. From here you can go up, and when you reach a corridor, run along until you reach a conduit. Exit, turn right and kill the enemies. Get the fifth sample from the fountain. From here, go down the stairs to another floor with more stairs. Kill the terrorist, then continue forward. As soon as a white photo appears, turn right and there should be an entrance to the left, go down the stairs, killing, then again go up and left, turn off the power line, then go down the stairs, and go to the tracks, then go towards East. At the end of the corridor, go back to the waiting platform and go up the stairs, then aim for Proust's head and kill him to complete the mission.
Bring a Stun Jack here too. You will have a timer here. Turn right, kill the enemies, then continue on the left side of the train continuing into the subway. Enter on the left, and continue forward. Then turn right, and when you reach the second final part, go left. Continuing in the water, kill the terrorist, then other enemies that you will have to kill by paying attention to your radar. As soon as you reach the pipe on the left, go up. Head to the edge and aim for the second terrorist. Head to the main gate, then left, coming to a corner. The next section will be full of enemies. Kill the third terrorist by taking the virus box. Turn around and go back along the pipe, exiting the opening on the left, then kill the enemy and go up the stairs and flip the switch. Now take the ladder and exit the room coming back to the main pipe, then exit the opening. Kill the enemies and climb the ladder. Look up and follow the pipe, then climb up the platforms and head to the virus container. So on the other side, drop down and look for the ladder, enter the tube, then left, coming to the street. Continue down the alley, look to the right, kill the killers, then follow the terrorist who has gone down the hall. Imani will ask for help. Continue along the corridor for a while, then kill everyone, go up to the second floor, assist the officer, then head to the edge killing the enemies. The officer will open a door for you, enter, and approach the curtain. Exit the theater and go back inside the building. Go up the stairs, then exit to the exit on the other side. Kill the terrorists. Use the map to locate Imani. Go east and kill everyone. Then go right again at the end of the street, looking for an alley on the left, and continuing into that. As you enter the next area, you will see more enemies. Kill them and finish the mission.
Go right until you see doors. Kill the enemies, then block the first set of doors, then climb up and turn right again. Run down until you see a walkway on the right. You will need to deactivate the bomb, then turn around and continue along the path on the other side. Run to the right and look for the second set of doors. Now back to the path and right. Close the third set of doors, then turn around and walk through the mall until you see elevators. You will need to deactivate the bombs now. Turn around, go straight, then right. Deactivate the second bomb. For the third, run back to your starting point. Use the map. After that, you have to kill Masson, who is on the third floor. Use the pillars as a cover. Aim for the head.
Climb the wall and continue forward, then grab your weapon, kill the enemies and then head west. Follow the rails. Turn left and open the door. Kill the enemies, then go outside and approach the train, kill the soldier, grab and place the C4 at the train exchange. Take the stairs to the control room, turn off the machines, then go down the stairs again, follow the worker, then you will find a flak jacket. Take the elevator and go to the main floor, look for the stairs near the control room to get to a small room. Go down the stairs, enter the door, kill the enemies, then run forward and then to the right, deactivate the cars, go up the stairs to the second floor, kill, go to the entrance, continue in the corridor, use the radar to kill the enemies , deactivate the explosives and go up the ladder, go back to the part where you deactivated the second switch, look for a door on the left, and continue inside it until you reach a switch that opens a large door. Kill the enemies, then the worker will follow you into the building. Kill the enemies, then enter the room, turn right and go up the stairs to a closed door. Kill the enemies then continue escorting your worker through the small room in the large building. Go down the stairs to the ground floor and go up the next ramp. Then go back up, leave the building through the entrance next to the parked train, head left, then kill the enemies, locate a worker behind a pipe with the radar and escort him to the elevator. Take the stairs to the top, run to the corner, open the door, then head to the other side of the room, looking for a red light. Enter the door below it, follow the stairs, kill the enemies, head down, then left, open the door, shoot the enemies, then onto the elevator on the corner, and look for Dobranski. Follow the terno, there will be enemies. Look for a small alcove on the other side of the wall. He will lead you to Dobranski's office. Kill the enemy. Escort Dobranski. The mission will end.
Run forward, using the map to locate a soldier. Grab his uniform, then continue down the street, and now to the right. Kill the soldier, then follow the path until you get some explosives. Take some, and kill the guard. Look at the location of the plant on your map, enter the gate, put the C4, then run away, go back and get some more explosives, kill the soldiers, exit the area and follow the road, look for the communications truck. Kill the soldier. On the other side of the C4 is a chest, open it. Continue along the road. Kill the group of enemies. Follow the road again until you see a tunnel. Enter, kill, then right as you come out, turn off the gas, go back to the tunnel, then pass the truck, and take the smaller road. You will come to a shorter tunnel leading to an AA tower. There is a soldier on this tower, kill him. Now head east, and then right as soon as you see the river. Follow it until you see a light on the left. Head towards it, then take everything, and go back to the river, turn left, go up the path, arriving at a mountain pass that leads to the west. Watch out for the enemies before continuing. Kill the soldiers before reaching the landing site, then back towards the river, going towards the plant. You will come to a path, follow it, then take the water, and return to the landing site. Continue upstream from this point until you see a bridge. Ignore the tank. Go up the two platforms, then kill the enemies on the left, follow the road, and use the grenades, then go down the river and then back up against the current. Kill the enemy, climb the ladder, enter the building, and look for a door on the right. Once in the courtyard, run forward until you see a ventilation shaft. Enter, then right at the fork. Climb into the new ventilation shaft, then in the next room you will see some grates, take the one in front of you, then use your radar and kill the enemy troops. Enter the castle, continue forward, follow the corridor, then kill the enemy, go through the room with the floor, go up on the crates, kill again, go up the stairs, then again go up to the left set, and continue to the passage. Enter the conduit. Kill the enemies, aim for Pulikovsky's head, grab some grenades, then follow Stone to the courtyard. Head to the area with the tank, you will see a water fountain. Cover up and throw grenades at the wagon. Once enough damage is done, the tank will explode.
Cross the street to a construction area. Follow the VIPs. Follow him when he leaves the entrance, and then kill him in a place where you cannot be seen. Get his papers. Look for the two pipes that come out of a column. Head to the spot where the guard took the VIP. From here you can access the sewers. Kill the guard when he has his back to you, then put on your night vision goggles, and continue through the sewers. Follow the corridor until it turns right, then use the map to kill the guards. Once you have killed all the guards, follow the rest to the end and kill it. Break the gate, then kill the guard, photograph the files on the right, and go back to the street where you killed the VIP. Now you can use weapons. The guards will neither see nor hear you. Follow the corridor until you get to the weapons market. From here go ahead, then left, until you see some crates. Kill the guy here. Use the map to see where the guards are, so you can be sure you don't get noticed. Take out the sniper rifle, then kill, then look for the stairs leading from the left side to the other side of the bazaar. Go through the corridor, then wait for the guard on the corner. Thae-bok Jon is approaching the road ahead of you. Wait for him and follow him into the tunnel. Kill him as soon as he stops. Exit where it entered, then right, and enter a passage on the right again. Go up the stairs. You will be in a shop with some Chinese dishes. Go up the stairs, shoot the radio, take the silenced weapon. So jump into the corner. Kill the guard, climb out the window to the roof. Crouch and head to the corner. Use your map to look at the positioning of the guards. Aim for the head. Crouch and continue until you reach a wall with a hole in it. Kill the guards, then enter the nearby building. Go up the stairs, kill the last guard, then grab the box, and destroy the communication contraption. Now you can take out your weapons. Khorsh will appear with his friends. They can only be damaged by blows to the head. Go back to the bazaar by going up to the roof. Korsh will leave through the cemetery. Shoot him in the head as soon as you can. So you'll have to kill the rest of his friends. Zohar will contact you asking you to bring him some explosives, which are found in a chest at the foot of the stairs. Use the map to find the explosives. As soon as you take them, he will put them on a gate. You will now have to kill Yuschenko and his guards. The mission will then end.
You will have to kill anyone who tries to stop Zohar. Turn left, go up the stairs, run forward to the second floor, stop at the second passage, kill the guard, then hide his body, go back to the first exit and follow him. Watch the guard. Kill her when she is looking out the window. Go back to the first floor, the third guard will approach you, kill him near the stairs. Go back to the second floor. At the first door turn right, then straight. On the other side, then step onto the railing. So look for the fourth. He'll be around every corner for a few seconds, and this is just the right time to kill her. Grab your weapons and unlock the door. Go back to the third floor, open the door, run to the corner, Zohar will contact you. The best weapon is the DSC 1. There will be crates everywhere. You won't need to interact with the playlists. Shoot the enemies that climb up. Use the radar to kill the enemy. Protect Zohar at any cost. First he will go back to the building you started from, but he is stuck. Follow him with the gun ready, then help him. Try to kill the enemies. Always remember to use your map to take a look at Zohar's location in relation to enemy locations. Zohar, after a short communication, will continue towards the lower tower. Go back to the balcony, where you will meet with him. Terrorists have shotguns, be careful. Kill them quickly by locating their restore point. After a while, you will hear an explosion. The helicopter has arrived. Go back to the part of the balcony from which you first emerged. Jump into the helicopter, then watch out for Zohar's life, as the terrorists are still shooting at you. Continue ahead and turn left. You will pass a guard, then turn around and run along the path until you see an alley on the right. Run and place the second item here. Turn around again, run forward. Crouch, then pass the guard, try to pick up the code, then once the door opens, kill him, now destroy the camera with your PPK, enter the computer room, where you can download the data. Once unloaded, you will need to exit this building. Take the corridor that leads to a door on the right. Open the door and crouch silently behind the guard. Kill the sniper with a headshot, then head forward to place the third item. Turn around and head to the garage. Enter and you will arrive at the upper part of the streets. You will emerge behind a bench. Crouch and wait until you see a guard emerge from an alley to the west. Wait for him to pass as he continues down the street before standing up and aiming for the sniper near the alley. Once this is done, drop your DSC 1. Throw away all weapons before continuing down the alley. Once there, there will be a ladder on your right. Wait for a guard to pass, then kill him with your Stun. Climb the ladder, then shoot the sniper. Go down the ladder, exit the alley, turn left, heading towards a door behind the railings. Go up the stairs to a room to get the mission gear. Go down the stairs and go back to the street. As you exit the house, run straight and follow the guard. Kill the guards, then hide the bodies, and kill the running guards. Place the last item near the entrance. Now you will have to go back to the streets. Then use the map to locate the guards. Kill her and Jones will appear and sound the alarm. Position yourself so you can promptly aim for his head as soon as he opens the door. To gain access to the fenced area, aim for the padlock between the gates and shoot. Grab the key from Jones's body, then crouch to continue to the end of the alley. You will see two enemies inside a warehouse, wait for them to pass, then use the crates as cover in the shootout. You will need to place markers on the containers. Now you need to locate a laboratory, which is on the opposite side. Look for an underground tunnel, then turn right, look up to see an exit that leads to another passage. The first left leads to a dark area, head to the right one, walk up the grate then up the ramp and into the next room. Walk under the glass window and continue down the corridor. Enter and turn left. Shoot the steam container, and a door will open. Continue down the corridor. There are three tanks in this corridor, walk to the other side so turn off the gas when they are not looking at you, then go out through the passage, go up the stairs, then kill the guard, then once outside look for an open window, enter , go through the corridor, locate the control panel and turn off the alarm, paying attention to the camera. Take the elevator and go down to the labs. Exit outside and follow the corridor, go up the stairs, enter the door, then place the surveillance device on the left, continue forward, go down the stairs, turn left, go back up and then right, place the surveillance device in the new location , look for an open door, enter and place the fourth and last piece. Proceed to the laboratory and take the Omega Strain serum.
As soon as the crate locks you, crouch and roll forward next to the elevator, then hit the controls and drop down to level 6. The guard won't hear you, don't worry. Put up your stun jack, then head for the doors and stay to the left of the elevator, and kill the guards. Go up the stairs, then go into the tunnel under the ramp. Follow the tunnel to its end and go up the ladder. Use the map to locate the guards. Continue down the corridor, then kill the other guards then pass the crates, and go up a set of ladders that lead you to the fifth floor. Go up the stairs, then use the map to look for the enemy, go towards him, then play with the computer, then grab the equipment. After you get the code, head to the computer and then to the right, go inside the door with the red light, go down without being seen, then once outside head left, and go behind a chest, then head towards the guard, Go up the first set of stairs to the left wall, and when you go up use the map to see the guards, then kill the guard next to the computer, then grab the code, turn around and climb the ladder to the fourth level. Cover behind the crates, then kill the guard, then go left, and enter the shaft, kill the guard out of it, and use the ladders in the cafeteria to get to the third level, crouch down and enter the glass tunnel, there will be two workers, head behind the counter and kill the guard, then follow the other one, and before going back and activating the elevator continue down the corridor until you reach a ladder, hear the conversation immediately after, head against the wall to your left , wait here, then when the guards finish talking kill them, put on the uniform, look for the door with the switch on the other side, which will open a circular door in the corner of the room, then go up the ladder and continue to get the virus. Once you get it, head back to the elevator, and head to level 12. You will hear an explosion, take the elevator immediately to return to the third floor, run to the left as you exit, then head down the ladder after going through the glass tunnel, get off it and run down the hall, seeing a switch at its end; turn on the emergency pumping system, now you need to rescue four people, go outside and turn left, enter the alcove with the red lights, then take the elevator to the sixth floor, then take the underground tunnel under the stairs, go up the ladder, go through the corridors and go down the ladder. In front of the computer, run to the left, then as soon as you see the water turn right, you will see a safety door switch. Save the two workers by bringing their bodies to the computer area. Now you will have to go to the other side of the fifth floor to rescue the remaining workers. From the water go the opposite direction to save the two workers, then follow the corridor until you see a computer, and run forward until you see another switch. Open the door, then take the workers to the safe area. Climb the ladder to the fourth floor, go left at the top and continue into the shaft on the other side of the cafeteria. Use the map, then once on the other side head to the elevator, and go to the second level, then turn around and run through the corridor, use the map to find Mujari, then take out the guns and follow him to the elevator, going down to floor 12. As soon as the doors open, turn right and use the security code on the keypad to go down to floor 13. Follow mujari down the ladder, and he will hack the pc as soon as he reaches the front door; give it cover, then shoot the enemies. As soon as the door opens, follow Mujari into the harbor. As you enter, continue up the stairs on the left and run straight ahead. The computer to be disabled is on the left side of the room, so kill the enemies. After that go up the stairs on the side, and from here continue down the corridor, killing everything that moves, but not the dr. jandran. Give the meds, then head back to the mini sub. Pass Mujari, and head to the other side to go down the ladder. There will be a switch you have to interact with to open the door. Enter the door and continue down the corridor, killing the enemies, then run along the clearing and plant a nuclear bomb; as soon as you activate it, turn around to protect it. Kill the guards, go forward to the right side of the room, and place the second bomb, shoot the enemies, then go back to the square room and go up to floor 14. From the ladder go right down the hall and put the third bomb and kill the enemies. Place the last bomb and take out the last piece of enemies trying to stop you. Go back to the main room and turn left. Kill the enemies then continue towards the ladder, the last objective is to clean up the room where Mujari is.
For about ninety seconds you have to defend the helicopter from the enemies shooting towards it, using the radar to locate them with ease. After that, continue along the road, trying to ignore the enemies. As soon as Lian informs you that Yakuza's first car is approaching, aim for the head. Continue down the street again, turning left, then a van will arrive and crash into a building. Kill the second Yakuza. Also kill the next one you meet as you continue along the road. Lian will inform you that Matsua is nearby. He will then head to the garage, follow him and ignore the enemies on the roof. Pull up the garage gate with the switch on the corner, then kill Matsua, then locate the path that leads to the meanders of the garage, kill the enemies, then you will see a burned car on the left and enemies fighting. Kill the enemies on your right. Head to the door, kill the guard, and enter the building. Go down the stairs until you see a P2, from here crouch and continue down the stairs until you hear voices. So keep going for the elevators to go up. Shoot the enemy's back, then shoot his head. Go up the stairs, until you see F2. Enter then go right. Lian will tell you that Ryusaki is in a large room. It has a machine gun, so be careful. He is also helped by his men of course. Try to take cover around the corners. After killing him, take control of the elevator from his corpse, then go to the first floor where there are two gates behind a fountain. Go past the left one, and enter the elevators on the right, then kill the enemies, then go to F2. Lian will tell you that there is a Yakuza officer, who is equipped with night vision goggles. Use the flashlights and aim at his head. Locate cabins. If the officer hadn't moved during the fight, he should be nearby. Then go back to the elevators, and then to F3. Kill the officer, then go up to F4. Be ready to shoot as soon as the elevator opens. Since the door is made of glass, you need to aim for a hit on the head. More enemies and the last Yakuza officer will appear. Then enter a room with copy machines outside it. Enter the space where you can crawl up to F5. Watch out for the enemy radar. As soon as they appear, kill them. Turn right, there are elevator controls on the left of the computer. If you warn the guard on the other side, be sure she's dead before you raise the alarm. After unlocking the elevator controls, head to F6. As soon as the door opens, crouch and look at the radar, an enemy is patrolling in front of you. Roll over and head to the wall on the right. Quickly kill the guard and download the computer data. Turn off the alarm in case it sounded, then head back to the elevators and go up to F8. As soon as the doors open here as well you will have to kill two guards, and at the reception table press the switch to open the doors and enter Murkawa's office. Murakawa killed himself, take the surveillance box. There is also a switch that opens a secret door. Kill the enemies, then enter the secret door. Immediately kill the boy who comes out from the left, then go down the stairs until you reach the roof, with the helicopter landing area. Kill the enemies, then head to the elevator on the corner. Go down to F2, kill the guards, then enter the airlock and put on a protective suit and wait to be decontaminated. As soon as the door opens head to the right, one of the workers is playing with the viruses. You'll have to move on before he sees you. After taking a sample of the virus, use the radar to place the C4 charge.
Use the map to locate where to place the sword. Follow the path, killing the enemies. Once killed, continue along the path and use the map to get to the second destination. Then go back to the starting point, take two swords, and go hunting for the third location. Cut through the jungle instead of following the path. Here, too, beware of enemies. Plant the sword in the fourth location. Lian will contact you, and order you to go blow up the bridge. Use the map to approach the end of the bridge, then place some C4 charges, and after the bridge is blown up, you will be told that anything that can be used as a bridge must also be blown up. Go back to the starting point to get some charges. After that, look at the map to get to the bridge to the west, and blow it up, then head to the camp where Thang Muang resides. Kill him, then approach the camp and get the letter from Yong-jun-Kim. Destroy the radar, get the C4. Go back to the camp and locate the remnants of Imani. Search his body and get a locator. Continue up the hill so that you can access the top of the area, then you will see a point from which to descend to find the corpse. Now blow up the other two points, then go find the viral container. Kill the enemies that appear in waves. Kill the enemy with the container and search his body before returning to the others. The ultimate goal will be to kill the MegaGlobal terrorists. It is in ruins that can be located by heading straight from the starting point. There will be many snipers and enemies. Focus on your goal. After his death, take the documents and return to Imani's body. Kill the enemies along the way, then at the end the victory is yours.
Run forward and climb the ladder, then kill the guard, then grab his body and take him to one of the doors in this corridor. Turn around completely and then using the map look for the other guard and KO him. Enter the room where it came from, again use the map and look at the last position of the guard. Kill her. Place one of the receivers in the terminal, then grab the crate, go back to the corridor, then you'll see an elevator, but you'll need to turn the power back on to use it. Enter and go up the elevator, use the flashlight, you will come forward to a room with a switch, turn it on, then go back to the elevator through the shaft and go down to the computer labs. Kill the two guards, then plug the transmitters into the four computers there. Now look for a space where you can crouch on the east wall. Follow the gap until you reach a room where the second camera can be placed. Before returning there, locate a gun. Back in the lab, head down the corridor to the west, and take the elevator. Go to the desk in front of you and put the receiver inside. The two guards will not enter your room, don't worry. Go back to the elevator. Now you will need to go back to the Main Lobby. Run forward, now to the left. At the bottom right, continue into space. You will come to the other side; sticking to the wall, stay hidden. Use the map to kill the guards. Then go up the stairs. Use the map again to locate the security chief. Try to stay covered, knock him out and take his fingerprints. There is also a control unit that you should turn off to turn off lasers. Now go back to the workshops. Head north until you see a switch that unlocks the doors, then follow the path into the mainframe. A timer will appear. First look towards the central tube. Now try to reach the ladder, then access the computer using the terminal on the wall. Once you have uploaded the virus, the ports will be blocked. Look for a chest. Jump to the next level. Look for the terminals on the wall and enter them. You will have to open the doors at the bottom and at the top. Drop down, then climb the ladder again. Get out of the room as soon as possible, then you have to go back to the third floor by taking the elevator. Now you can go on as there are no more lasers. Kill the guards. As you approach the center, the green lasers will immediately kill you. Try to avoid them by running and diving. Once you have been in all the rooms, proceed to the east side. Locate the security chief and take the elevator to the security room. Before continuing out the doors, use the map to see if you can kill the guard. Now place the last transmitter on the desk in front of it before continuing south. Also here avoid the lasers and use the map to locate the room in which you will have to enter to get the documents. Look for an open conduit that will lead you to the Birchim Files. Then leave the room and head right along the corridor. Now you have to turn in this corridor towards the meeting point with Gabe.
Use the map to locate the first place you are holding. Kill him, be careful as he is very strong. Then run east. Enter the doors, then take one of the paths to get to the back. Kill the slipways, kill Lt. Petrenko and his men who are in the upper right building. Climb up after killing him, enter the door, go down the stairs, then, take the weapon, then exit the door, run to the left, continue to the doors, then enter the gray door. Kill the terrorists. Grab a zoom weapon, then use the map to locate Ushkov. Open the door and aim at him, once you have killed him run west, enter the open door, go right and run down the corridor, use the map to go to Stone, then approach the helicopter and sabotage him. Follow Stone, and give him cover. Follow him until he's out of the fence. There is another lieutenant to kill. Shoot the lock, enter the elevator, go down, then kill the enemy from a distance, use the map and locate Leonov, then enter the tunnel, crouch down killing the two guards, Leonov will be on the left, he will run away as soon as he sees you, try to kill him the as fast as possible. Then use the map to go to the nearest elevator. Gabe will contact you, then there will be an elevator that takes you up to the third level. As soon as you get close to the floor, exit the elevator, then kill the guards, enter the ventilation shaft, and in the room you can download the Omega Strain DNA. Go back to the elevator and go to the second level, go straight through the tunnel, then right at the first intersection, kill everyone, and meet up with Gabe. Follow him and assist him. Once he's finished rescheduling the launch sequence, the mission will be over.
Solution summary

- ps2
Exit date: May 28, 2004