The game will present various choices to make although many of these will be irrelevant to the sequel. So choose the most favorable, we will try to help you for the most important. In the game you will also have to enroll characters in the Stars of Destiny (SdD). We will explain how to find the main ones. For the rest go around and talk to the various characters, you shouldn't find it difficult to group them all.
The Sun Palace 1
After the scene there will be one choice when you meet Ferid and another when you meet Arshtat. After you will see a scene about Lordlake. Here you will start at the entrance with a save point near you. Save and go south, then right to enter the hospital. Head south. Go down and up the stairs in the southern part of the city. Grab the item in the lower right corner and go to the house west to the Oak Mansion. Another choice, then go inside. There is another item inside, go left to get another one. Choose to help Toma Kid. Then exit south to Dead Forest. Save your game along the way, cross and go left, then right. From the sign go south, then left to get the item then go back and now go right. First take one path then the other to get other items. As you proceed you will encounter some Uls, another choice and then you will have to help Toma Kid. You will have to fight without too much difficulty. Return to the Sun Palace where you will have to make another choice with Arshtat and another after Lyon. After George and Sialeeds abandon you, you will go to Limslair. Save and go south. There are two paths and two graDynnate. Go left. In one of the rooms on the left talk to the soldier and there should be a choice to find out about the new kingdom of Ames. When you get to the room with Sialeeds, go left and you will come to Limslair. Talk to the waitress. Go back to the first floor, go right and you will meet Kyle who will join you. From here go right to the graDynni. On the second floor, grab the items and save. Go south on the second floor to go up to the third. Go to the seal room to uncover the runes and head east to the knight station of King Jeanea where Kyle will abandon your party. Alania and Kyle will ask you to make a choice and Limslair will arrive as soon as you exit the station. You will also meet Miakis, after some choices they will join you. Once out, Sialeeds will also join you and you can exit the building. Continue south and cross the street to get to the senate. Enter the central room and you will meet Salum and Euram. Go up to the second floor for the graDynni on the left. Explore this area and talk to the man on the second floor until he lets you through. Then go back to the Sun Palace and the three will abandon your group. Then go up the road and then south to Sol Falena. Explore as much as possible. To the east there are various shops, to the west you can find items, the hotel and other shops including that of the runes. Buy the salt in the Trade Shop which you will need later. In the runes shop there will be a choice. If you choose the first you will have to fight against 6 Roogues, if you take the second you will not have to fight anyone. Choose the former to earn some experience points. Go back to the Sun Palace and Lyon will ask you for a choice. Lyon, George and Sialeeds will join you and then return to Sol Falena. Go up to the ship and get on it. Here you will have to make other choices and face a battle against the lizards in which George will be very useful.
Stormfist 1
As soon as you arrive Gizel will join you, go to the arena. Go right and then south to the arena to meet Euram and Zegai. Talk to Euram and proceed downstairs. Go to the prison area. Explore the prisons and continue south. At the exit take the steps to the left and there will be a save room if you want to save. Go down and exit south. Sialeeds and Gizel will abandon you. There is a save point to the right and then some shops. On the road to the west will be the hotel and various shops where you can talk to Gavaya. On the left other shops, items and Shoon who will join you. Then go south. To the southwest there will be a rune shop and other shops. Then go back to the hotel and Shoon will abandon you. Head to the square before the arena to meet up with Sialeeds. Head back to the hotel to meet Shoon and say yes as soon as you are ready. You will now find yourself in the sewers under the well. Go a little further to meet Egbert. Keep going and you will find a button for the door. On the left you can save. Then go to the left of the button to go to the arena. In the cell, go left and you will hear a voice. Choose the first option and continue along the path. Once outside you will fight 5 Strange Men. Shoon will drop you out of the cell. After a few scenes the Battle God Festival will begin. To duel choose yes and go right. Remember to read your enemy's attacks and make sure you can counterattack him by choosing the right command. Then Limslair will arrive and Lyon, Miakis and Limslair will join you. Exit the cynic and just before exiting the arena go left and take the stairs. Go up to the Vip Seats. Miakis and Limslair will leave you. Sit down and after a few choices Lyon, George and Sialeeds will join you. Exit south and save. You will meet some dwarves. Go west and choose the first option to help and you'll face 5 Roogues. After that Belcoot will join you, then go to the hotel and talk to Marino. Go back to the arena, save your game and go to Limslair's room and talk to her. Leave the arena and head back to the hotel where Belcoot will join you. Go south and exit the gate on the right. On the main map, go southwest of Stormfist to the Western Forest. Save and go up. You will come to a house to fight 5 Roogues. Belcoot and George will attack while the others help. Go south of the house and then west to get the Silence Rune. To the east you will find other items. Back in Stormfist at night go back to the hotel. You will talk to Marino. Go down the stairs and talk to George. Then go back to the bed in the room. The next day Lyon will join you. Go down the stairs and Sialeed, George and Belcoot will join. Head back to the arena to the VIP Seats and Belcoot will leave. At the next choice choose the second option. Then go to the clinic and towards the cell area enter the next room. After a few choices Sialeeds will join you. Enter the room of the kingJeanea and Sialeeds will leave you. Then talk to Ferid and don't choose the second option. If you talk to Limslair in his room and Miakis you will have to make other choices. Go back down to the cell area and talk to Shoon. Exit the arena. On the street, talk to Norma. Then go to the second floor to talk to Marino Belcoot.
The Sun Palace 2
After a few choices Miakis, Limslair and Lyon will join you. Exit the room and go north to Sialeeds. Go down the stairs and go south to meet George. Go to the Audience Room and then exit the building to meet Kyle. In Sol Falena, go to the rune shop to the west to meet Jeane. Feel free to talk to the Blacksmith to upgrade your weapon. Once ready, exit east and head southeast until you get to the Eastern Villa. Go north to the room where the rune of dawn was and you will meet Zerase. To the northeast there will be a person who will give you an item, take it and continue along the path to the right behind him which takes you to where the sleep rune is. Exit and on the general map go north to Sanctuary Lunas. Here Isato will join you. Save and continue to the right. Enter the Master Mansion and meet Haswar. Go down to the right and desplore the rooms. On the lower level there will be other rooms. At the Master Mansion you can make other choices. Go back and go into Nortern Forest to find Lun and Logg. You can then speak to Haswar for other choices. Then go upstairs to the left room and fall asleep. You will then have other choices to make with Limslair the next day. Lyon, George, Sialeed, Logg and Lun will join. On the main map, head south to proceed to Raftfleet. Your goal will be to get to the Dahaka ship in the north where you will find Raja. Explore the area and you will encounter Meroon and on the ship to the right Sairoh and a shop. Make sure you take some salt. Go left and save. You can then reach the hotel. Continue north to get to Dahaka. Explore this area and the various shops. Talk to all the people and when you are ready get on the ship. Take the steps, save and proceed north. Climb again to meet Raja and Kisara. Logg and Lun will leave the group and you will have to get out of this city. Head back to Sol Moth and you'll have to face a boss. To win you will need to prepare your group. Prince Lion and Sialeeds will be the best for battle and the characters should all be around level 20, a level 5 for weapons and a C rank for skills. Try to get skills, vitality and defense for each character. Give everyone medicine and spells too. Preferably use the Cley Guardian, Dancing Flames and Berserk Blow.
The Sun Palace 3
Sialeeds and George will leave you. Go to the reJeanea room which is north of the Odience Room. After a few choices, go back to the Prince's Room and choose the second option to rest. After sialeeds joins, talk to Ferid choosing the second option and at night you will fight an assassin but you will have no problems with your party, using the United Attack of the Prince and Lyon. After that go down the stairs and you will have to face the boss Childerch & Dolph. If you have prepared yourself, this battle will be simple. Start with the Cley guardian and then attack with Dancing Flames and Berserk Blow and continue until it finishes. Sialeeds can heal while the other two use United Attack. Pull one down and you win. Continue with the same strategy for the second and once you win you will have a Prosperity Shard. Then Zegais and George will join. Exit and go right and towards the secret path that has been revealed. You will then find yourself at the Eastern Villa. Go to the Moon. Isato will join you and go to the Master Mansion where everyone except Lion will abandon you. Go to the second floor and to the room on the left where you will rest. Go down the stairs and everyone will join then go left and north to Nortern Forest. Isato will reveal a secret passage. Once on the main map, head southeast to Haud Village. Go around a bit to collect the items. Arrive at the hotel and head south to explore the shops. Go south then to talk to other people and collect items. Collect the salt. Go east to meet Boz. Talk to him and choose the second option. Then go to Rainwall. Go ahead and collect the items. Then go north. Around there are several houses with objects and a hotel. Continuing along this street you can find various shops. Go to the house to the north and you will meet Euram, Salum and Luserina. Luserina will follow you. Try to go up and Chuck will appear. Go to the second floor and into the room on the right. Then return to the first floor and save before facing the first war battle and choose the first option. Once ready, choose the first option to continue. You will have 500 people against 300 and 5 units against 3. Know that the archers beat the knights, the knights beat the jockeys, the jockeys beat the archers and that the battles are in real time. Send 2 jockeys to battle the archer and the rest with Heavy Speare against their jockeys. Then use the assault command for the Prince and Lyon. By winning you will have a strategy book. You will later meet Dynn. You can ask Salum about the Sun Rune and the Nether Gate. Go down and you can find Zerase and then Murado at the entrance to Rainwall. Choose the second option. Now you have to collect the stars of destiny. In Reinwall go to the dock where you will meet Sagiri, Fuyou and Shigure, make your choices. Go to Haud, enter the house to the south and you will have to fight Remifa, Mifasol, Fasola, Solasi and Lasido. Cornelius will join you. And to defeat Remifa use the Doremi rune by Cornelius. Remifa will join you but Cornelius is the star of destiny. Cross the bridge near Reinwall and go into the forest southwest of the map. You will meet Fasola. Capture it with Cornelius' rune even if it is not a LotR. Go northwest of Rainwall to the great ravine to meet Levi and Bergen. Then go east of Reinwall to Estriise. You can then meet Pavege, Lu and Sorensen.
Raftfleet 1
Go back to Raftfleet and go to the hotel where Retso and Shoon Min are. Inside the shop you can talk to Shinro. Go to Dahaka to meet Raja. When you get off Dahaka go right and north to meet Logg and Lun and always choose the second option. Then exit on the main map and go to Lord Lake. Here, talk to Targeiyu. And choose the second option. Go back to the south bridge in Raftfleet. Then proceed to Rainwall. Here, talk to Salum at Barrows Mansion. Go up the stairs and the next day Lyon will follow you. If you want to change your group talk to Luserina then go to Raftfleet. Talk to Logg and Lun choosing the second option and after arriving at the Agate Prison, after a few choices, you will arrive at the Baska Mine. Go right and you will see a Beaver walking around but it will not be able to follow you. Go right and break the fence. Save and collect the items in the various wagons and exit at the end to find yourself in Dworf Camp. As soon as you are ready, go up the ladder on the left and Gunde will join you. Continue through this large area and take the path to the left. Then go right to the north exit which will lead you to Agate Prison. Gunde will leave you if you choose the second option. Save and in the end you will fight 4 guards. Use the half moon formation. Remember that the Prince and Lyon can use the Unite attack and try to kill the guard with the bow first. So that characters further back can support those further ahead without being hit. After Sius and Lelei they will follow you and, having met Lucretia, Sios, Lelei and Lucretia will join the stars of destiny. Go back but don't go out. Go to the cell to the west. And after a few scenes you exit the bridge to return to Raftfleet. Talk to Raja and choose the second option when you are ready for battle. You have 7 vs 6 units and the jockey ship beats the stormtrooper ship beats the archers ship beats the jockeys ship. Three of their ships will not move so go to the other three. You don't have to destroy all the ships, you just have to lower the life of the Bafram fleet. After the battle Raja and Kisara will join the LotR and you will need to return to Rainwall. To get more TOTS in Raftfleet talk to Shinro in the Item Shop and he will join the TOTS. In Haud Village, talk to Josphine while Sialeed is in your party and choose the second option to join her in the LotR.
Back here, go to Barrow Mansion, go up the stairs and enter the room on the right and meet Oboro in the detective's office. Then go back to Barrow Mansion. To get more SDDs after you meet Oboro, go to the hotel and talk to Norden twice. Once out, you will talk to Shigure and Satiriche will follow you choosing the second option. Go to the detective's office and choose the second option to take Oboro with you. Go north from the fountain to talk to Zerase and chase the rat before Barrow Mansion. Then go back to the office. Choose the second option and go back to the hotel and talk to Norden again. Back at the detective's office, choose the first option and you will find yourself on the southern jetty. From the main map then go to North Lake. You will find yourself at the south pier. Choose the first option and you will have to fight 6 guards. Afterwards you will find yourself in Raftfleet and you will have to stop for now. From Raftfleet go north and you will see Murado. Talk to him and ask him to join even if he won't. Return to Rainwall. Rescue and return to Barrow Mansion. Kyle will join the LotR. Talk to him again and save before getting on as there will be an important decision. Go up to the second floor, go right and rest. Salum will arrive at night. Make sure you choose the first option 3 times in a row. Leave the room the next day, go down to talk to Salum and Luretia. Go up the graDynni, enter the room on the right and then go down the stairs. After meeting Willhelm and Mueller. Choose the first option when you are ready for battle. Create 2 teams of archers. There will be 500 people for the Barrows and 500 for the Godwins. By now you know how strengths and weaknesses work so use them to have the best. Try to avoid the Heavy Spere and move towards the southern part of the battlefield to fight the second horde of enemies made up of all knights, then use the archers. Aim for ajidan. If you reduce his life enough, you will win. Then go to the warehouse and you will face a duel with chuck. After beating him, head down and the Prince will get the Rune of Dawn. Head back up and Chuck will join the TOTS. Then go to the village entrance to meet Willhelm and Mueller. Ask them to join even if they don't, save and then go to Raftfleet.
Raftfleet 2
Go to Dahaka to meet Rajae and choose the second option. At this point Raftfleet will be your headquarters. Go around the shops a bit and fix the group if you need it. When you come down from Dahaca, in the part of the village, you will find Gavaya. Then go to the detective's office and you will meet Dolph. Enter the office and ask Oboro to join. Fuyou, Shigure and Oboro will join. Go to the hotel and choose the second option by talking to Norma. In the other room is Norden. Choose the first option and it will join the SdDs. On the north side are Logg and Lun. You can use the ship to go to various places, then go to the city entrance to meet Roog, Lance, Rahal and Flail and choose the second option even if they won't join. Now proceed to gather some LotRs. Put Sius and Lelei into your party and talk to Logg in Raftfleet. Go to Baska Mine and go to Dwarf Camp. Once here, take the path to the left and you will find Egbert nearby. Prlateci without rushing him. If you are careful it will join you if you make a mistake you can restart from the last save. After while you are near the Agate Prison in the cell to the west go to the cell where there is a person inside. Talk and choose the second option and Tamuku will join you. Then go back to the save area and look in the right corner. You will take the map and Tamaku will join the SdD. Talk to Logg in Raftfleet and then go to Haud Village. Then head northeast to enter the forest north of Lunas with Tamaku in the group. Go left and then up where you first met Logg and Lun to meet Urda. Choose the first option to get her to join the group. Go east and exit onto the main map. Come back and don't worry if Urda leaves you. Go west and then north. Go back to the place you were before and you will meet Zegai. Talk to him several times and always choose the second option but he won't join the SdD yet. Come back here when you have more. Go back to Raftfleet and enter the trade shop. Talk to Sairoh to find out that the price of salt has gone up so sell everything you have. Talk to Sairoh again and he will join the LotR. This does not necessarily happen at this time so try to understand when the price of salt increases to understand when the time is right. Exit Raftfleet and head south to Lordlake. Talk to Targeiyu who will join you. Then go to the hospital to talk to Silvia and on leaving you will meet Toma. Choose the second option and return to Raftfleet. Talk to Raja on the ship and on exiting you will have to make other choices. Sius and Lelei will not be available at the moment so go back to talk to Raja with a free hospital. Then talk to Logg and go to YaShoona Village.
Yashoona Village
Go right and then north to the hotel. If you go east you will find a house where you can meet the Beaver Miroon. Continue south to find more items and when you are ready, exit south. Once in the main world, go southeast on Mountain Road. Put Cornelius in your party as you may encounter Solasi and you can use Cornelius' rune to capture him. Continue on this path which is linear and exit into the main world again. Go west until you get to Beaver Lodge. Take the ladder to go up to the elder's house where you will meet Fuwalafuwalu, Maroon and Muroon. Choose the second option and Maroon will join you. Go out to meet Lucretia, Lelei and Sius. After a few choices, head to Lake Seras Ruins which is southwest of YaShoona Village. Meet Zweig at the entrance and join her. You will then meet Lorelai and choose the second option for a duel. Then join it with you. Going north you will come to a button that will open the way to the west. Then hit the other button to the north as well and head west. Collect the items and return to the first area to proceed east. At the crossroads to the south. Keep going straight and at the top you will find a button. Go back to the intersection and go east and then back and north again and for the other buttons. Go to the first intersection, then south, then east, and finally north for more buttons. Then go back to the main area. You can now proceed north. Save your game and get ready for the boss. We recommend that you use the tiger formation for this battle, use the magic defense and the Clay Guardian Scroll. Then proceed. You will then have to fight Diamond Sun A / Agyou and Diamond Sun Un / Ungyou, use the Clay Guardian and focus on the second. After 6 turns Ungyou will be killed so move on to the other one. Then go to the last room and Viki with the second will take you to Raftfleet.
Raftfleet 3
Viki will join the SdD. Go to Dahaka to talk to Raya and choose the second option twice and get ready for the war battle. Put Kyle, Zweig and Shinro in one ship, Logg, Lun and Lelei in another. Put Sairoh with the Prince. Another with Sialeed, Josephine and Viki; the rest in the other ships. Try to take down the ships one by one and you will get the Thounder Helm. Then go to Chuck and you will be transported to YaShoona Village. From here proceed to Lake Seras Ruins. Go meet Lorelai and choose the second option. Go to the last room and go down the stairs and you will come to Sindar Ruins and this will be your new headquarters. Take the steps in the upper left corner and enter the seal room. Choose the first option with Zerase to merge it with the SdDs. Go down to the first floor and talk to Viki to get the Blinking mirror. Go up to the second floor and go south. From here go west and talk to Logg. Now you can go to another place called Dam of Beaver. Then exit to the main map and go to Lord Lake. Here Targeiyu, Toma, Goesch and Silva will join the SdD. Explore south for various items. Exit and return to Dam of Beaver and take the ship back to the headquarters. Talk to Muroon who will join the SdD. Now you have to go back to Beaver Lodge and ask Viki to teleport you. Explore your headquarters and go around, as you have done previously, to enlist as many SdDs as possible. Once you arrive at Beaver Lodge talk to Fuwalafuwalu and choose the second option. After talking to the Beaver near the elder's house, talk to Fuwalafuwalu for information on the SdD Genoh located where you found Richard in the Waterfall Basin. Then go back to the rocks in that area and you will see Genoh. Ask him to join but he won't. You will probably need an elder in your group to get information from Fuwalafuwalu. Now proceed to enlist more SDDs and then return to headquarters. Go to the third floor in the War Council room, then go to the second floor and exit south. Choose the second option with Taylor and exit the room and then proceed south. Talk to Logg to be able to proceed to Leluca.
Meet with Wachill and then proceed south while collecting the items. Go to Wachill's house, go out and grab the item near the Trade Shop on the left side of the neighboring house. There are two parts of Leluca to explore now, east and west. Going west you can meet Monsen in the Armor Shop and collect various items. Going east you will encounter Voliga near the fountain and various objects inside the hotel. Go back to the west and then go south where you have to fight 3 Bodyguards and 3 Roogue. Then choose the first option. Go down the graDynni and you will meet Orok. Nikea will also appear. And you will have to fight using magic. Then go out and choose the second option twice when you are ready. You will now face another war battle. The Prince's infantry is already set up. You can match Kyle to two, Voliga to one, and you can modify 3 on the land and 4 on the water. In the water put 2 assault ships, 1 foot ship and 1 Runebow ship with Sialeeds, Josephine and Sairoh. On the ground put Zerase, Viki and Shinro. Kiasara, Logg and Lun and finally Silva. After the battle, you will get Guardian Chain Armor for victory. Voliga and Wachill will unite and you will have to fight 6 Godwin soldiers. Lelei will come with you and Wachill, Voliga and Orok will join the LotR. Now enter the Rune Shop and exit, near the Armor Shop there will be Monsen, choose the first, then the second option to join the SdD. Go back to the headquarters. Sialeeds will join and to get to Sable you will need to go east of Lordlake to a control station and then proceed east. Before doing this try to enlist other SdDs by talking around. After the station you will face 4 Sable guards. Dynn and Boz will go with you. Exit and go east. In Sable, go south, look for items in houses, shops and hotels. Now, before exiting the main map, if you got the Silver Hammer in the house near the armor shop, go to Dwarf Camp and talk to Dongo who will join the SDD with the first option. Then proceed to Mountain Ranryou to the northeast.
Mountain Ranryou
Go left and go up the vine. At the intersection go right, take the other vine up and then go left saving at the end. Now you will have to face 6 bandits. Then go inside and go left. Choose the first option and you will face the fake Roy in a duel but remember to save first because if you lose you will see a 'false ending'. After the duel, choose the second option to recruit 3 more characters and return to Sable. Enter the Solis Mansion on the second floor and you will fight Euram and 5 Bodyguards. Then go back to the Solis Mansion and choose the second option to join Dynn to the TOTS. Then choose the second option to join Roy, Faylen and Faylon to the SdD. Go back to the headquarters on the third floor in the council room and after a few choices go back to rest in the Prince's Room. At night talk to Luserina and then to Viki choosing the second option and once in the main world go to Biver Lodge. Here, kill the killer and Maroon will join you. Go to the elder's house to fight Dolph. Use the best spells of your wizards. Then Fuwalafuwalu and Maroon will join the SdD. If you enter and leave the elder's home, shops should appear. Go back to the council room at HQ and after the cutscenes look for more SDDs in Sable, Estrise, Biver Lodge and Raftfleet. Then go back to the council room, choose the first option and George will join. Go to Estrise and choose the first option when you are ready to go to Nirva Island. Talk to the various people, go left of the hotel and then right to meet Cisato. Take it twice and choose the second option. Also look for the various hidden objects around here then take the graDynni at the top left and meet Skald. Choose the second option and Bernadette. Go up and then left, then enter the lighthouse. Go up and choose the first option and exit. Go left and you can take the ladder that leads up. You will face 2 pirates and 5 boss that you will have to defeat using as much magic as possible. Then exit the lighthouse and choose the first option to take Bernadette in the SdD. Talk to the person near the ship and choose the second option. Boz will follow you and Estrise, then go back to the headquarters.
Sindar Bad 1
Come back here and, given the coronation, explore the levels where the water has dropped. Then enlist other SdDs in Estrise, at the headquarters and in other areas, following the signs. Back in the council room and choose the first option, then the second. Now you will face another war battle. You can modify 4 units on land and 3 on water. On land, place 3 knights and 1 infantryman, 1 assault ship and 2 Beaver in the water. In battle the opponents will be stationary so have the Beavers attack while the assault ship heals. Try to focus on the enemies in the water. On earth, all but one eliminated, send the Prince to Alania. As soon as the Prince arrives in town, you will have won and you will receive Guardian Scarf. You will then arrive in Dollart and you can organize the group by talking to Luserina. Then take the lower gate and continue to the right and save by taking the south gate. Then go back to the gate above. To the east is another gate, group items in the other direction before going through. In the fortress you will have to fight 5 soldiers Godwin and Alania. Use Formation Teck and the Unite attack on her. Take the graDynni on the right to continue to where you meet Miakis. Choose the second option to face a duel. After defeating him you will find yourself at the headquarters where Miakis will join the TOTS. Go up to the fourth floor, to the seal room towards Zerase and you will see various scenes going down to the third floor. Now proceed to group other SDDs. Then go back to the headquarters but don't go to the council room as you will have to modify 3 squads before continuing. In the first place Roy and Zerase, in the second Kyle and in the third the Prince, Lyon, Miakis and Sialeeds. The others in the remaining positions. The battle you will have to face will be similar to the one against Alania so you already know how to proceed. Then choose the first option twice. Edit the 3 teams and choose the first option to continue. At night, talk to the maid in the Prince's Room and choose the first option to rest. Now you will have to face a new war battle. You will have 9 units that you can modify. The battle will take place on earth. Create 2 infantry, 2 cavalry and 2 ballistic units. In one place Targeiyu, Josephine and Sairoh, in the other place Sorensen and Pavege. Try to give special commands like arrow rain and assault. Prepare various support units. In case you lose you will see another false ending so save before starting the battle. At the end of the battle Sialeeds will leave the group permanently and Lyon will not be available for a while. Return to the Prince's Room to meet Galleon. Go back to the clinic and choose the first one to enlist Miakis, then go to the fourth floor, in the room of the seal where, choosing the first option, Lorelay and Zweig will follow you. Go back to the council room and then to the first floor to exit south and meet up with Galleon who will follow the SDD with the first option. Now you will have time to group other SdDs around.
Sauronix Castle
Go south to get to the castle. Go to Lania's laboratory. Exit and re-enter and she will join the SdD. Then go west and go through the gate. After a few scenes, go out and go down the graDynni. Go northwest and then turn left to collect various items. Explore this area and collect as much as possible. Now group other SdDs in the Spinax Harbor area and, when finished, go west making sure you have Cornelio with you. Enter the forest to the west where you can meet Lasido who you will capture with Cornelius' rune. Go north and turn right on the second path, then north, right and south again. Keep going and then go north and turn left and then go straight northwest. Before the ruins save your game and take the path either left or right to go north. Take the golden hammer that you can give to Dongo when you return to the headquarters. Proceed and you will meet Killey who will come with you with the first option. Then face Ancient Kazler using magic. Then go to the last area to meet Leknaat and you will unlock the third level of the rune of dawn. Once out of here choose the second option to join Killey to the SdD. Return to Spinax Harbor to join Cathari with the SdD and the headquarters to join Lucretia. Go to the clinic to meet Lun. Go to the council room and when you exit Log will follow you. Go to Dwarf Camp and Gunde will follow you. Go right and talk to Wabon. Then look in the cart on the right, you will have to fight 2 assassins. Lun, Logg and Gunde will leave you. Keep going and you'll have to fight another killer, Furious Body. Then go up the graDynni and you will find yourself in the forest. Choose the first option and Wabon and Gunde will join the SdDs. Save and exit the forest. Go to Spinax Harbor. Exit east and go to Sauronix Castle where there will be some Godwin soldiers. Head back to Spinax Harbor and talk to Dragonhorse Knight near the save point. Go back to the forest until you get to Sauronix Castle. Roog and Rahal will come with you. Go up and then east to enter and go up to the first floor. In the room on the left Roog and Rahal will join the LotR. Drop down and exit west. Return to the headquarters in Sindar Ruins.
Sindar Bad 2
Save and go to the council room. You will have to face another war battle in which you will have to defend Leluca or Lordlake. We will explain how to defend Lordlake by choosing the second option. You can modify 3 teams freely while the other 3 will have a fixed ally. Modified with 4 archers, 2 knights and 1 jockey. You don't have to allow the enemies to get close to Lordlake, make them move a little and then attack them with your units paying close attention to the strengths or weaknesses and try to leave the Prince's unit near Lordlake to protect him. When you have defeated enough opposing units the battle will end and you will have 3 options. Choose the third to save. Go talk to Lucretia who in the three options will give you the option to either defend the castle to death or leave. If you want to continue collecting the 108 SDDs you will have to choose to leave. If you stay you will face another war battle and if you lose it you will see another false ending. If possible, leave the castle and proceed to Dwarf Camp which will become your new headquarters. Here you will find the various shops, Luserina and Chuck but not Viki. You will have to go to Gordias but you cannot bring any females into the group so put Levi, Killey and Mathias. Grab the trolley and go into the forest to get to Spinax Harbor and then exit east. Then go southeast to reach Gorias. Here, go south to meet Nick, Yolan and Ax who will come with you. Then enter the west tent. Go up and choose the second option and enter the cave. Go right twice, then left. In the end you will have to fight 4 assassins. After the battle Roog and Rahal will leave you and George will come with you. So get out and Ax, Nick and Yolan will leave. From the main map, go to Spinax Harbor and then exit west. Head back to the forest to get to Dwarf Camp. Go to the top right tent to talk to Lucretia and after some choices George will join the LotR. Save and talk to Lucretia again. Craig and Lance will join the SdD and after, with the first option, Zweig will follow you. Look in the trolley and you will arrive at Lake Seras Ruins where you will have to pick up the item along the way. Here go right and then go straight north to get to the last area. Then go back to Dwarf Camp.
Dwarf Camp
Go talk to Lucretia and Flaile, Nick, Yolan and Ax will join the SdD. Now you will have to face another battle to take back the headquarters. The battle will be both on land and on the water. This battle is very simple so you won't have any problems. Change the units. Put the Beavers and Dragonhorses in the water while the knights and archers on the ground. You will receive Mist Robe for the win. Now you will find yourself at home and the castle will have expanded by 3 levels. Go after Childerich or Ames. Choose the third option and explore the castle. Talk to Lucretia again and choose the first option for Childerich and the second for Ames. Choose the second option and you will have to face a battle. Modified 4 archers, 43 horsemen and 3 foot soldiers. Focus on special commands and healing abilities. Once the battle is over, Dynn will be in your party. Choose the first option and go northeast for other choices. You will have to fight 5 Ames guards. Go back to the headquarters. If you want another SDD go to Hirschville and talk to Haleth in the management office a few times and then follow the directions until you get it in the SDDs. In the headquarters, go to the council room where Lelei, Sius and Lucretia will come with you. Then go to YaShoona Village. Enter the hotel to the north and Sharmista will follow you. Go to the second floor, in the room on the right and Shula, Nifsala and Sharmista will join the SDDs. Go back to the headquarters and go back to the council room. You should now have about 106 SdDs. Then choose the first option to face a battle on land and on the water. Try to have characters with arrow rain, assault and heal attacks. On the water you already have the jockey ship and Dahaka so put 1 Beaver and 1 Dragonhorse. On land, place 2 cavalry in addition to the Prince and Zerase. In battle, wait for your opponents to advance to attack them. As soon as the Prince reaches Stormfist you will have won.
Stormfist 2
After the battle you will find yourself in Western Forest and Shoon, which should be your 108th and last, will join the TOTS. Choose the first option and go right. Go south down the sewer and continue down the path. Exit the cell and go left. In the clinic on the right and then exit into the arena where you have to duel with Childerich. Then exit going right. After the gate you will face Dilba and her guards. Use your best magic. After the battle, enter the castle and collect the items in the various rooms. Then save in the main room. Go north and go up the stairs. Go to Gizel in the lower left room and you will have to fight Sialeeds who has the Twilight Rune. Heal yourself often and attack her using magic. Try not to let her use her rune. Then go down to the first floor and then go up to the second. In the upper right room which is now unlocked. Then go back to the first floor. Save and if you took the platinum hammer, give it to Dongo. If you haven't taken Eresh and Euram yet, you can now get them by going by ship to Eastern Dock. Then go to the council room and choose the first option. At night go to the clinic, enter and exit the Sialeeds room. Talk down with Craig. Exit south and meet George. Explore and talk to the SDDs. As soon as you are ready, go to the Prince's Room. Talk to the waitress by choosing the second option. The next day, go to the council room and you will face another battle on land and in the water. You can change 2 units. Put them Beaver. After the battle, you will find yourself on the Dahaka ship. Here you go down to the first floor where Luserina is. Save and get off the ship. You will fight Sialeeds and Lyon will get the Twilight Rune once you defeat it. Now you will have to face the last war battle. You can change 2 units. Put on Beaver and the rest focus on characters with healing abilities. On the ground, put shock troops. The objective of the battle will be to get the Prince to Sol Falena. Once you have won the victory you will find yourself there.
Sun Phalena
Lyon and Miakis will follow you. Talk to Luserina to change the group. Prepare your best set-up with various wizards like Jeane, Zerase and Levi. Combine the 2 runes. Then go to Sun Palace where you will have to fight Alania and Zahak. Beat these you will face the Furious Body version of Alania and Dahak. Then save and go to the Audience Room for a duel with Gizel. Once you've won, go out and save in the Prince's Room. In the Audience Room Lyon, Haswar, Isato and Zweig will come with you. Go to Western Villa if you want more items. Then proceed to Lunas. Go to the Master Mansion and then down to the purification source. The water will be sucked in to reveal the Founder's Ground entrance. Isato and Haswar will leave the group. Go north and cross the ice bridge. Group the items and continue north to Sindair Ruins. There will be 3 courses and you will split into 3 teams: that of the Prince with Zerase, Rahal, Dynn, Mathias and Isabel; that of Lyon with Jeane, Galleon, Bernadette, Shoon and Roog; that of Zweig and George with Levi, Kyle, Miakis and Killey. Remember that since you are almost at the end these will be the characters to bring to the boss with minimal changes. Choose the first option. Move the Prince to the area with the wall, press Triangle and do the same with Lyon. Move Zweig in front of the panel and go to the right of the wall. Press Triangle 2 times and have Lyon climb onto the platform to proceed. Climb on the panel and press Triangle 2 times and take the prince to the platform up and bring the other platform down. Keep pressing the panel. Go to Lyon and take the platform down. Go left to bring it back up and go up another panel which will bring down the wall for Zweig. With him go right and bring the platforms down and up. Go south and go up to the panel, go north and get the item. Go left and go up to the other panel and go back to the prince. Go right and bring the platform up. Keep going and you will find a wall. Use Lyon and continue to the intersection then proceed north. Climb on the panel and return to the Prince. Climb to another panel and continue to the intersection then go north. Use Lyon, you will have to fight Giltabluulu. After bringing Lyon to the end, use Zweig who will have to fight Gudalim. Then move it to the end. Use the Prince to fight Enmesarra. Then continue to the end to meet up with the other 2 teams. Now you need to create the last team out of 3. Exclude Zweig and George. Put Jeane, Zerase, Levi and Bernadette and choose the first option. Climb up and you will face a duel with Dolph. Choose the second option to have it done in Lyon. Then go through the door and get ready for the last battle where you will have to fight the incarnation of the sun rune and the guardian spirit of heat and light.
Final Battle
Use Jeane and Zerase with their runes and Levi with the Pale Gate. The Offensive Earth spell does not work. The prince and Lyon can attack or join, Bernadette heals. If you need you can use the combo of the runes of dawn and dusk. If you use good wizards with good magical defense, support runes and Levi's attacks you shouldn't have a problem. Focus on the sun rune because the others will come back even if you kill them. Eventually George will ask you two choices: each leads to a different ending.
Solution summary
The Sun Palace 1
Stormfist 1
The Sun Palace 2
The Sun Palace 3
Raftfleet 1
Raftfleet 2
Yashoona Village
Raftfleet 3
Mountain Ranryou
Sindar Bad 1
Sauronix Castle
Sindar Bad 2
Dwarf Camp
Stormfist 2
Sun Phalena
Final Battle

- ps2
Exit date: 22 September 2006