Air Defense Bunker
Talk to the other soldiers next to you, click on the doctor to get healed. Start going through the bunker, shoot the Strogg guards from a distance as your blaster is more accurate than their weapons. Avoid the explosive barrels, as soon as the first marine dies you can pick up the machine gun and kill Strogg. Later you will meet the first Brute, a large Strogg warrior who will try to hit you in close combat instead of shooting you: step back as you unload everything you have on him. When you reach the Badger team you will be asked to go back to get the doctor, along the way you will meet the first Berserker, a humanoid Strogg with a spike on one arm and a hammer on the other, pay attention to their electric area attack. Immediately after reaching the doctor, watch out for a Brute that comes out of the ground, eliminate it and drop into the hole from which it popped up to find some armor then pull the lever next to the ladder and resume the path towards Badger. Reach Cortez and exit the level together.
Air Defense Trenches
You will have to move on the bunker walkways but you will soon reach an open area near the trenches. Jump over the railing to collect some fragments of armor, once you reach Bidwell you will be assigned a new objective: destroy the nearby hangars as the aircraft prevent the team from advancing and destroy the anti-aircraft.
Hangar Perimeter
The first enemy is a Gunner, a large humanoid Strogg armed with a nail gun and a grenade launcher. Soon after, you will meet Corporal Mahler and his little team. You will be assigned a shotgun but it won't be useful right away as the next fights take place outdoors - only use it at extremely close range. Click on the technician to have the armor repaired just like with the medics. After the short elevator ride you will arrive in a factory, there is a Gunner on the walkway so watch out for the grenades and take him out with the machine gun. Kill all the Stroggs and Mahler will tell you to find a way around the reinforced glass, watch out for the Berserk that pops out of the door as he talks. Go through the hangar, go up the stairs and flip the switch to extend the walkway onto the hangar, lower the cannon and fire the switch behind it to melt the glass. When you reach the next walkway you will be attacked by several guards on the far platform, use the Blaster to save ammo until a Berserk comes towards you. There is a ladder, go down and get ammo and armor.
Interior Hangar
Stay with Mahler, when you reach the area without electricity prepare for an ambush, turrets will pop up from the ceiling and Stroggs will come out of the walls, eliminate the turrets first as they require a few hits. Soon after you will meet Rhodes, the demolition expert, go back to the room with the big blue energy conduits, there are two hangars beyond the large room that you will have to enter and clean up before Rhodes places the charges. Be careful because after installing the first charge a group of Stroggs will be waiting for you in the blue room when you cross it for the second time. Finally, follow Rhodes to detonate the charges and move on to the next level.
MCC Landing Site
Regenerate health and armor then go out and meet Voss who will assign you a grenade launcher, use it whenever you can because it is very powerful, learn to use the bounces to your advantage to hit around corners and large groups of Strogg. As soon as you reach the door, collect the ammo in the side trenches then climb the crates and drop into the hole in the roof then open the door from the inside. From here on you just have to advance and eliminate all the enemies, once in the cannon control room eliminate the Berserk and take control of the weapon. Shoot the hatch of the hangar then go back to the trenches and to the hatch you just blew up. Jump into the jeep and go to the next level.
Operation : Advantage
All you have to do is take a look around on the Hannibal, when you are ready look for the Briefing Room then head to the armory to get a larger magazine for the machine gun. Go back to the starting point to finish the level.
Get a lift from the truck, you'll have to shoot a bunch of Stroggs but apparently you can't take damage in this sequence. Get on the vehicle and take control of the machine gun, the vehicle has a shield that recharges over time. When you get to the mines you have to protect Rhodes while he defuses them, he can take a lot of damage but he is not immortal so try to protect him by eliminating the Berserkers before the Brutes. The next sequence is pretty difficult, take out the turrets firing missiles first and if you can't shoot them before they reach you, they are really slow. Try to learn the location of the turrets and take them out as fast as possible.
Perimeter Defense Station
As soon as you reach the two marines get ready for a fight, you will have to pass some groups of Strogg and open a couple of doors before reaching the engineer who represents your target, escort him back where his presence is required. Once the lights have gone out look for the defense grid controls and turn it off to allow the convoy to get past it. Before leaving the structure you will meet a Gladiator, they are armed with Railgun so be careful when loading the shot and always stay on the move to avoid it, they are armed with a shield that reflects the bullets, the easiest way to eliminate it is with grenades, but be careful not to bounce them off the shield.
You will be given a modification that increases the rate of fire of the Nailgun making it a fairly effective weapon against groups of weak enemies, immediately after you have to jump aboard a Hovertank, practice the controls briefly before continuing. By switching weapons you can use the missiles or the machine gun of the tank, the shields recharge so if you get damaged wait before continuing, this section should not present any problems for you.
Acqueducts Annex
The first enemy is a Harvester, armed with a machine gun and milli (and surprisingly similar to the robot spiders seen in The Matrix): if you get too close he will hit you with one of his legs, you have to shoot with the missile launcher at his body and use the machine gun to take down the his shots. The rest of the level is pretty easy but before the end you will encounter two Harvesters, use the blue structure to shelter from the missiles and shoot from a distance, don't forget that you can use the zoom to be more precise. Take down the missiles that pass the structure with the machine gun and you shouldn't have any problems.
Nexus Hub Tunnels
Shortly after the level begins, you must separate from the main group and escort Strauss to the temperature control room. You will meet another Gladiator, use the Nailgun which cannot be deflected by the shield, have your armor repaired by Strauss whenever you need it. Protect him while he fiddles with the temperature controls, some Icarus will attack you in a rather annoying way, unload everything you have on him, machine gun and shotgun work pretty well. On the way back you have to take out a large number of Stroggs, let your colleagues do the work and you shouldn't have any problems, throw some grenades to soften the Gladiator. Immediately after you will be sent to a side door to deactivate the force field, in the room with the large pipes you can jump on it and enter a small opening under the upper walkway to get armor and health. Once you get back to the convoy, stay close to the truck and let the Harvester overtake you. Proceed by eliminating the Stroggs and pay particular attention to the Icarus, protect yourself behind the doors and take the right time with their machine gun, be careful because they continue to shoot even if they do not see you. Collect the Hyperblaster along the way and keep going.
Strogg Medical Facilities
Enjoy the memorable cutscene, luckily the Rhino team will free you before the neural implant is activated. You will have more energy, you will move faster and you will be able to read and understand the Strogg language, you will also be able to heal yourself by clicking on the Stroyant bags hanging on the walls. The first enemies you will encounter are the Medbots, they will try to attack you hand to hand and throw poisonous grenades at you, the shotgun is the ideal weapon to get rid of them. Click on the panel next to Anderson's corpse to open the doors and continue on. Collect the rocket launcher at the top of the elevator, use it to take out the Gladiators by aiming for the feet. You will reach Voss stuck behind a door, go back and pass the two soldiers in the tanks, go through the door and then go down with the platform. Don't forget the half-hidden staircase next to the flight of stairs just ahead, there are fragments of armor and ammo for the rocket launcher. Further on you will have to crawl inside the ducts and you will find the Hyperblaster, immediately after you will reach the Parasite that you saw running just before inside a room: when it spots you it will launch teleportation modules from which two Strogg soldiers and two Berserkers will emerge , stay close to the walls and try to eliminate them first, preferably with the rocket launcher.
Construction Zone
The infamous robot. It is slower and less resistant than the tank, be careful. Kill the flying enemies with the machine gun, use the cannon on footed enemies and turrets. You must collide with a Harvester before getting out of the vehicle and continuing on foot passing under the walkway.
Dispersal Facility
Pick up the Railgun even though it won't prove to be a very effective weapon. The most difficult sequence is represented by a group of Strogg soldiers in a flight of stairs full of explosive barrels, try to eliminate them from above with the grenade launcher by shooting a little at random. Ignore the Harvester and move on. At the giant heart, flip the two switches to open a trap door. The flying mechanical robots will not attack you, drop down the hatch and move on.
Recomposition Center
Shortly after the start of the level, free the technician by clicking on the control panel nearby on the second icon, he will modify your Nailgun by equipping it with homing bullets, virtually transforming it into the most useful weapon in the game: press the right mouse button, aim the target and then take cover, the bullets will hit almost always. Later you will arrive in a storage area, the technician will send you forward to activate the system of moving the barrels. Collect the Lighting Gun, the most powerful weapon in the game (use it with bosses). Activate the system and continue. Once activated the second control panel you will find a Nailgunner on the way back, use the Lighting Gun to take him out, he is a formidable opponent. Go back to the technician and use the control panel to create a platform, first press the button at the bottom right, then the button with the barrels and then press the down arrow. Jump on the control panel then on the barrels and go up, kill a Brute and pass the level.
Purification Center
Follow the conveyor belts and avoid the machinery, especially the Strogg soldiers armed with Hyperblaster. Sooner or later you will reach a gigantic creature that produces the stroyant, the liquid with which you can heal yourself, avoid its hits by taking cover behind the columns, turn them around to the left and click on the panel. Exit the window and take cover behind the column, go up the elevator and activate the second panel by killing the creature. Drop down into the opening being careful not to fall below and exit the level.
Waste Processing Facility
Zombie! I missed it. The Waste Processing Facility is where the Stroggs unload all the marines who have not brilliantly passed the transformation process into Strogg, in hindsight all in all you can say that you were lucky. The zombies are weak but stay away and avoid the acid, if you want you can use the Blaster to save ammo. Be careful when you reach the section with the moving machinery, soon after you will encounter a large ambush of Strogg coming from all directions, slip into one of the nearby rooms and try to eliminate them from the distance. After activating the bridge you will fall into a trap with other zombies, take them out with the shotgun and continue until you meet Lanier. Getting past a large group of Marines Strogg, the Nailgun is very useful here. Get past the safety grid with your Strogg rigs and get ready to take on Voss, a really tough boss. Unload your Lighting Gun on him and when the shields have fallen, keep hitting him with the missile launcher, eliminating the Stroggs that appear with the same weapon. When reloading the shields switch to the Lighting Gun or Hyperblaster and repeat again until it is spread out. Its guided missiles will give you several problems, avoid them as best you can by trying to use the corners as cover. Absolutely avoid his Black Hole Generator, those big black balls can take you out in one fell swoop. When you are done turn off the grid and move on.
Operation : Last Hope
Your teammates won't be very friendly on this level. Right after the briefing the Stroggs will attack the Hannibal, go through the armory and then head to the pods to be fired at the planet in a very unorthodox way.
Data Storage Terminal
Immediately after your "landing" you start fighting until you reach a closed door. Go back, look for a pipe with flames and drop under it, grab the armor and continue. Reach Lieutenant Hollenbeck and before taking the elevator go through the door and activate a repair droid to put out the fire, reach the room and take the Dark Matter Gun after destroying the three robots, very powerful and more useful against the bosses that large groups of enemies. Go back to the elevator and finish the level.
Data Storage Security
The technician who is with you will triple the damage dealt by your Railgun (not that much better, however), from here on, quickly proceed to the security panel without encountering any enemies. Immediately after you will have to face the Banshee, they are quite dangerous but the best weapon to eliminate them is the Nailgun, take cover to avoid the missiles and shoot with the automatic target search. There's a pretty tough fight with a Parasite and two Banshees, blocking the Stroggs teleporting to the door with the rocket launcher or grenade launcher.
Data Storage Terminal Redux
Continue up the series of elevators until you reach the two Strogg armed with flamethrowers, try to run backwards to keep your distance while you hit them with the Lighting Gun, heal with the Stroyant nearby when you have eliminated them. Once you get to the shuttle landing point, go back to Rhodes, along the way you will meet the Guardian, luckily you won't have to face him for now. One of the technicians on the course will modify the Hyperblaster for you so that the shots bounce off the walls, not very useful if you want my opinion. Stay with Rhodes and climb to the top of the tower to reach the security station, your companion will take out most of the enemies on your behalf. Head back down and head to the previously disabled elevator, it will take you to the next level.
Tram Hub Station
Carry on alone until you reach the Scorpion team, immediately you will be attacked by a large number of Strogg marines. Once inside the station, eliminate the two Berserks, if you are damaged too severely, go back to your companions and have them put you in order. After extending the bridge you will have to make your way to the Processing Tower, you will come to what looks like a dead end but it will be enough to jump on the handrails to climb the infrastructure and crawl to the other side. Shortly after you get to know Cortez, he is also very effective against enemies so let him work for you. Once you reach the controls, rotate the vehicle to align it correctly, follow Cortez's instructions and take the ladders that lead under the vehicle you just rotated. Once inside you will have to face two Berserks and a Parasite in a small room, eliminate the first with the shotgun and the second with the grenade launcher. Activate the mechanical press, get on the conveyor belt and go past what appeared to be a dead end. After activating the repair droids, return to Cortez to finish the level.
Tram Rail
There isn't much to say. The aircraft are not very dangerous, concentrate on the monorails and if you have difficulty hit the Stroggs instead of the vehicle that contains them.
Data Processing Terminal
It seems that the Stroggs have turned off the energy to the building in question to prevent you from continuing, to reach the roof you will have to find a way to reactivate the electricity. Pay close attention to the teleporters that glow in the dark, several enemies will come out to take out. After some fighting you will reach the energy station, activate it to restore energy to the building. Soon after you will be attacked by two Banshees, a Parasite and an Enforcer armed with a flamethrower, use the Dark Matter Generator to get out of the way if you have difficulty. Once you reach Sledge, activate the switch in the next room, while you wait for the elevator the teleporters will begin to vomit Strogg and three Tanks which can be eliminated with two shots of Dark Matter each, as soon as eliminated run on the elevator and finish the level.
Data Processing Security
Arrived at the 2000 floor, follow the path indicated by the red light beam, arrived at the control panel, turn the emitter twice to the right to transmit the light beam and open the door. When you get to the room with the eight emitters, look for the nearby elevator, reach the raised room with the controls and rotate them to transmit the beam to the door. Press the bottom left then middle left, middle right, top right and top middle. Once you reach the roof get ready for a good fight, two Icarus missile launchers and a Gladiator will be waiting for you, the former can be eliminated with shotgun shots or you can use the missile launcher if you prefer, try to use the facilities in the area to shelter from the missiles though .
Data Processing Terminal
As you go down the Guardian will make his appearance again and that's it. Shouldn't he defend the towers from your attacks instead of continuing to destroy them by entering and exiting large holes in the walls? However this is one of the few levels where you won't be forced to fire a shot.
Data Networking Terminal
After the short elevator ride you will meet some members of the Raven team including a technician and a doctor. The elevator will have a Gunner aboard when you call him back to the ground, watch out for the transporter systems that will spew out more Stroggs. At the top of the elevator an Enforcer awaits you. The next two rooms are filled with Strogg, so leave it to your companions if you have the chance. Kill the last Gladiator then go through the door he entered to reach a teleporter that will take you close to the roof.
Data Networking Security
Jump to the left, crawl under the doors and at the dead end look for the orange pipe running under the floor and crouch to follow it until you reach the elevator. As soon as you get on the platform you will have to defeat the Guardian, it is not a challenging fight if you have enough ammunition for the Dark Matter Generator, try to stay as far away as possible and take cover behind the structures to avoid its hits. Be careful not to fly over your head because he will do a lot of damage with the flames of his jetpack. Activated the last panel, go down one floor and jump into the teleporter.
Nexus Core
Once you reach the first elevator, activate it and go down, but beware of the Stroggs that will break through the windows and attack you, use the machine gun and its flashlight to get out of it. Once at the end of the race you will be attacked by two Banshees and a Gladiator, jump out as soon as you arrive and use the Nailgun to take out the enemies. Beyond the door is a Parasite, welcome it with a shot of Dark Matter to destroy the teleportation devices it launches before they summon more Stroggs. To reach the elevator you have to deal with a lot of teleporters that seem to vomit Strogg non-stop, once on board expect a fight with a Gladiator and two Strogg marines, a Banshee will immediately attack as soon as you have eliminated them. Go down the pipes from which the Banshee came out and from there go to the security control panel, deactivate it and go back to the elevator room to get through the now open door. Get ready for the most challenging fight in the game (probably), in order you have to face three Enforcers (run backwards and hit them with the shotgun), three Icarus (use the Hyperblaster and take down the missiles before they hit you) and two Tanks (Dark Matter!). Jump on the pipes to pass the next room and reach the upper platform, a bad ambush awaits you, try to intercept the Stroggs when they come out of the door with missiles or Dark Matter.
The Nexus
You didn't think it was that easy, I hope. Very nice, however, to leave you a whole collection of ammunition and armor right in the corridor before the final fight ... never learn! At this point you will have to face the Makron again (for the third time, if you have played Quake 2), do not worry though, this time your armament will allow you an even match and you will not end up in the Strogg infirmaries again, at least hopefully. . Once inside, fire a shot of Dark Matter to eliminate the teleportation devices launched by the Makron then target him with the Railgun until he dies using the large columns to avoid his shots. Immediately after the Makron will separate the torso from its lower part and recharge itself with energy returning to the peak of its strength, at this point hit it again with the Dark Matter and start again with the Railgun until you see it recharging from the energy pylons, to that point target it with the Dark Matter until it is finally spread out: try to be quick and inflict the maximum damage possible or it will continue to regenerate making you waste precious ammunition. Stay as far away as possible for the duration of the fight, when he stands up on his hind legs and hits the ground, stand behind a column to avoid the shock wave. Always stay behind the columns both when it sweeps the room with the purple energy beams and when it launches the yellow arrows in a radial pattern, especially avoid the large purple orbs (you should recognize them) which will knock you out with a single blow. Run in the green teleporters and go upstairs, use the Lighting Gun on the pylon on top of the giant brain to lower the shields then fire a shot of Dark Matter on the brain itself, repeat until it yields while staying in motion to dodge the blows of the many enemies in the room. Ignore them and focus on the brain. Great job, you can relax until the inevitable expansion comes out ...
Solution summary
Air Defense Bunker
Air Defense Trenches
Hangar Perimeter
Interior Hangar
Western South Vale
MCC Landing Site
Operation : Advantage
Perimeter Defense Station
Acqueducts Annex
Nexus Hub Tunnels
Nexus Hub
Strogg Medical Facilities
Construction Zone
Dispersal Facility
Recomposition Center
Purification Center
Waste Processing Facility
Operation : Last Hope
Data Storage Terminal
Data Storage Security
Data Storage Terminal Redux
Tram Hub Station
Tram Rail
Data Processing Terminal
Data Processing Security
Data Processing Terminal
Data Networking Terminal
Data Networking Security
Nexus Core
The Nexus
Nexus Hub
Eliminate the enemies between you and the power station, protect Strauss while activating it. Go back to the tetranode and disable the emergency controls, hide behind the control panel and use the shotgun to take out the Gladiator. Follow Strauss' instructions until you get to a large room with a terminal in the center, as soon as you activate it two Tanks will pop out of the walls and fire on you. Hide behind the pipes and move to the side firing the grenade launcher. At this point the Makron will make its (triumphant) entrance, protect yourself behind the pipes and hit it enough times until it stuns you with an attack making you pass to the next level in a decidedly unorthodox way.

- pc
- x360
Exit date: October 20, 2005