After helping you explore Seattle and suggesting where to find all the collectible cards for The Last of Us 2, the next step towards platinum focuses on the trophy "Prepare for the worst": to get it you just need to find everyone the twenty-five workbenches (you do not need to use them necessarily). While most are hard to miss, there are a few that require more careful exploration and sometimes clearing an area entirely of enemies before you can use them. As always, if you have beaten the game and are moving chapter by chapter, we remind you to keep a manual save of the epilogue, without overwriting it: every time you find the workbenches you need within a section, load the manual save, from there go back to the main menu and continue. Repeat the process each time to keep your progress safe and move from chapter to chapter.
In Chapter 4, Patrol, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
Once you enter the library and activate the generator, Dina herself will tell you to use it. You cannot miss it.
Seattle - Day 1
In Chapter 9, Center, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
Second block on the left, between Marion ST and Madison ST, inside a military tent.
In Chapter 11, Capitol Hill, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
After passing the motel area, keep left and check the gas station garage. Watch out for the patrolmen.
Workbench # 2
After the cutscene where you find Tommy's horse devoured by the infected, you'll find yourself in an area full of traps: enter the first building on the right and explore it to find the workbench.
In Chapter 13, The Tunnels, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After leaving behind the clash between Clickers and humans, crawl under the train, enter the area illuminated by red lights, go up the ladder and instead of interacting with the yellow cable to continue open the nearby door, on the right.
Seattle - Day 2
In Chapter 16, Hillcrest, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
Once the chapter has started, enter the second building on the right, the "Rosernont" clothing store: go through the hole in the wall behind the counter to go down to the cellar, you will find the workbench there.
Workbench # 2
In favor of plot, you'll have to use a dumpster to jump into a building - once inside, the workbench is straight in front of you in plain sight. Impossible to miss it.
In chapter 18, The Seraphites, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
After passing the overpass on the main road (immediately after the taxi), turn left to reach a long apartment building. Use the truck parked in front of the locked main entrance to access the roof of the building, jump to the balcony on the right and break the windows to enter the locked room. Exit the corridor and enter the other apartment, the workbench is in the kitchen but be careful because, interacting with it, you will be attacked by some survivors.
Workbench # 2
About three-quarters of the way through the chapter, after meeting the Hyena armed with a pickaxe, you will climb to a roof from which Ellie will once again be able to see the hospital in the distance. Go down the ladder until you drop into the water, exit on the left to reach "Weston's Pharmacy". The workbench is located in the room behind the counter, accessible through a hole in the wall.
Seattle - Day 3
In chapter 20, Towards the Aquarium, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
Inside the "WDL" Shipping & Packaging, open the door in front of you and then go to the second door on the right, blocked by a pile of debris that you can crawl under.
Workbench # 2
After the fight with the enemies in the area of "Rachel's Fabrics" you will have another short swimming section, which will take you to the ruins of a warehouse: the workbench is upstairs.
In Chapter 21, The Underwater City, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
After passing the first gate aboard the boat, continue on until the engine stops and Ellie exclaims "Are you kidding me?". Start it up again and the next building you see is "Seattle Sleep Warehouse". Before heading there, take the alternative route to the left and park the boat in front of the dark garage with some blue bins outside. Inside you'll find your XNUMXth Workbench, which will also unlock the Silver "Field Work" trophy.
Workbench # 2
Upstairs in the "W&B Arcade".

Seattle - Day 1 (Abby)
In chapter 25, On Foot, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After rappelling into a tool shop, move on to the next area, the shed, and pull straight until you bump into the workbench.
In Chapter 26, The Outpost, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
Inside the white tent immediately to your left, after passing the outpost "checkpoint".
In Chapter 28, Hostile Territory, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
At the end of the chapter you will find a small camp of Seraphites at the top of the building from which a sniper has eliminated a couple of Clickers: the workbench is located there.
In chapter 30, The Woods, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After the clash with the woman with the pickaxe, enter "La Rosa's Auto Shop" and check to the left to find the workbench.
In chapter 31, The Coast, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
Right at the start, after separating from Yara and Lev and entering the first building. Impossible to miss.
Seattle - Day 2 (Abby)
In Chapter 33, The Shortcut, there are two workbenches.
Workbench # 1
Inside the "Interbay" phone shop, in the left corner.
Workbench # 2
At some point in the story you will come to a sanctuary dedicated to the Oracle, in the room on the right you will find the workbench.
In chapter 35, Epicenter, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
While you are looking for the surgical tools for Mel, you will have to access the generator area for plot reasons in order to reactivate the power: the workbench is located here.
Seattle - Day 3 (Abby)
In Chapter 38, The Island, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After seeing the WLF boats in the distance and passing the watchtower with the two Seraphites you will come to an area with two huts - check the left one.
In chapter 39, The Escape, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
Towards the end of the chapter, Lev will knock down a ladder allowing you to climb into a room, where the workbench awaits you directly in front of you.
Santa Barbara
In Chapter 43, Inland, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After climbing into the building with a Clicker on the roof, go downstairs to find the workbench in the kitchen. Watch out for the Stalkers and the two Shamblers nearby.
In Chapter 44, The Resort, there is only one workbench.
Workbench # 1
After the cutscene where you see the prisoners being escorted by a group of gunmen, enter the complex and then into the wooden shack right in the middle of the whole area. Here is your XNUMXth and last workbench.

- ps4
Exit date: June 19 2020